#6 Fall for You - Mish8Cre8ivity (2024)

New Characters:

Stefano Moretti: Ashley's new love interest she meets during her trip in Italy.

Gianna De Luca: Zac's new love interest he meets in Italy.

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It's the month of June now. Zac & his friends are celebrating his graduation from college. They decide to go to the "HQ2 Nightclub" in Atlantic City...

At the club there's a DJ playing loud music, and the lights are dimmed with flashing lights of different colors. People are dancing, drinking, chatting and enjoying themselves. A couple girls dance with Zac while Ashley dances with a few guys. At one point Zac & Ashley start dancing with each other while lost in the moment but the lighting is also making it difficult for everyone to see each other. Demi notices them & dances over to Selena & David with Lucas following...

Dem: Oh my god, look at them

David: Whoa. It's getting hot over there

Dem: *nudges Selena's arm* Get a drink with me?

Sel: Kay *kisses David* Keep those lips warm. I'll be back

Dem: *kisses Lucas* Same to you

Dav: For real man. Zac & Ashley have been doing this "just friends" thing for the past couple years. I don't get it. And they're both dating equally boring people

Luke: Oh, it's a bunch of bull. They both know perfectly well it's impossible for them to be just friends

Emily: *comes over to them dancing* Heeey guys! There's some real cute guys here tonight. But also, some weirdos. Come protectβ€”I mean dance with me

Dav: *gives Emily a sarcastic look*

After a few minutes the song ends & Zac & Ashley awkwardly stare at each other with realization...

Zac: Uh sorry for getting a little too in the moment there

Ash: Hey, we're both having fun. No harm in that, right?

Zac: Right. No harm *scratches the back of his neck*

Ash: *notices his awkwardness* I think I need...a few drinks *walks away*

Zac: *sighs & wipes sweat from his face*

Dav: *walks over to Zac handing him a Corona bottle*

Zac: *gives him a funny look* Thanks

Dav: Yeah thought you might need it

Zac: *eyes David then takes a big swig of his drink*

Dav: So uh, what's up with you and Ash?

Zac: Nothin. We were just having some fun. As friends, ya know? *takes another sip of his drink not making eye contact*

Dav: Yeah, UH HUH.

Zac: *gives David an annoyed look*

Dav: What about Amanda?

Zac: I dunno. We've been long distance for a year now since she dropped out of college. I'm not sure it's working out

Dav: Agreed *takes a sip of his Corona*

Zac: But Ashley...she looks so gorgeous tonight

Dav: OH...well that's something new

Zac: I can't take my eyes off her. When we're together I just can't help but feel this spark...

Dav: I get that feeling, man

Ashley takes a couple shots of tequila & tries to avoid eye contact with Zac. Selena & Demi walk over to her cautiously...

Sel: So, what's up with you and Zac dirty dancing over there, huh?

Ash: Nothing

Dem: Because you both are dating other people now, right?

Ash: Yes...

Sel: Maybe you two should learn how to control yourselves

Ash: *takes another shot of tequila* I'm a big girl, Sel. Scuse me *walks past them while Emily & Luke coming over*

Dem: And a big mildly tipsy girl too

Em: Whoa, what's going on here?

Sel: Oh, you know... *takes a sip of her vodka & widens are eyes*

A new song starts & Ashley pulls over a random guy to start dancing with. Zac watches her dance with the guy for a few seconds then starts to feel instantly jealous and protective of her. Zac walks over confidently and slides his hands behind her on her hips while nudging the other guy to the side. Ashley turns around to see him. She puts her hands onto his chest while dancing along with him. Zac gently places his hands-on top of hers...

Ash: *let's out a deep sigh* Zac...

Zac: Shhh. Let's just dance

They dance for a few minutes. Zac moves closer to her face & Ashley starts to feel anxious about them getting so close...

Ash: Zac...we can't. I need some air *walks away from him & leaves out the club*

Zac: Ash! Hey! *follows Ashley out onto the beach*

Ashley sits down on the beach. Zac slowly sits down next to her...

Ash: *gives him a weak smile* We're both still dating other people now

Zac: I'm also aware of that

Ash: I just can't repeat history

Zac: *nods his head* Understood

Ash: *sighs* Also you know that I'm going on a solo vacation in Rome, Italy. Maybe some time apart will do us some good

Zac: Space is good

Ash: It is *sighs* I'm sorry if I ruined your party

Zac: You didn't ruin anything. Trust me, okay?

Ash: Okay *weak smile*

Morning: At Zac's house...

Zac wakes up feeling a little more hungover related to his feelings for Ashley than his excessive drinking from last night. Juliet runs into his room & jumps onto his bed...

Juliet: Zacky! Zacky! We're going to the aquarium!

Zac: *feels groggy* Jules, Zacky just woke up

Jul: Come!

Zac: Maybeβ€”

Fred: *pops his head into Zac's room* Hey bud. You up?

Zac: I am now

Fred: You wanna join us at the aquarium today?

Zac: Yeah, sure why not

Jul: YAAAAY! *screams in Zach's ear*

Zac: Aaaah *sticks his finger in one of his ears*

Fred: Long night?

Zac: Little bit

Fred: *grins & picks up Juliet* Come on sweets, let's give Zack-y some more time to wake up *winks at Zac & they walk out his door*

At Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ...

Zac, Fred, his mom Jennie, & Juliet are walking around together. Fred is holding Juliet's hand...

Mom: *rubs Zac's back* Everything okay, sweetie?

Zac: Huh? Yeah, I'm good

Mom: You seem a little distracted

Zac: I'm okay, really

Mom: Alright, sweetie...

Zac: *claps his hands together* Hey, who wants some ice cream?!

Juliet: MEEEE!

Zac: I thought so! Come on kiddo *hold her hand & they walk over to the food court*

Mom: *whispers to Fred* You notice Zac has been a little off today?

Fred: You mean weirder than his usual weird?

Mom: Y-yes. That

Fred: A little bit *notices her concerned expression & puts his arm around Jennie* Give him some time. He'll be okay *gives her a sweet kiss on the lips*

A couple days later...

Amanda visits Zac's house to make up for missing his Grad-party. They're making out on his bed when she stops kissing him...

Am: Come on tiger, I can't do all the work

Zac: Sorry. I'm just...a little tired

Am: Is that all?

Zac: Yeahβ€”no, actually *sits up & puts his hands on top of hers*

Am: *gives him a concerned look* What's wrong?

Zac: I think we should...break up...

Am: Okay WHOA...what's going on?

Zac: *looks down at the floor* I'm just not feeling a connection anymore

Am: Uh huh. Did I do something wrong?

Zac: No, it's not you. It's all me

Am: Uh huh. So did you find another girl or something? Did you cheat?

Zac: I didn't cheat! I just feel differently about you than I did before

Am: *clenches her jaw* I see

Zac: Do you...understand?

Am: Yeah. Sure

Zac: Can we still be friends...?

Am: What do you think? *stands up & leaves his bedroom*

Zac: I think I got my answer...

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Next day...

Zac's paces around in his bedroom while thinking about how he & Ashley had left things...

Mom: *opens Zac's door* Sweetie? What's going on? I hear all the pacing

Zac: Sorry, I'm just a little...frustrated *sits down on his bed*

Mom: About what? *sits down next to him*

Zac: Ashley

Mom: Oh really? *slaps his leg* What's wrong now?

Zac: I still love her, Mom. And she's not here for me to tell her. A text can't even explain how I'm feeling

Mom: Well, go visit her!

Zac: She's in Italy now


Zac: Yes. Hey, maybe I should go to Italy?

Mom: Oh lord. You really think that's a good idea?

Zac: Well, it is kinda romantic, right?

Mom: Yes...I just don't want you to do anything you may regret

Zac: Mom, it's okay. I can handle whatever's thrown at me

Mom: So, if you profess your love and she denies you, what will you do?

Zac: I'll move on with or without her. But this is just something I need to do

Mom: Well then. Go get girl. Fred and I will support whatever decision you make

Zac: Thanks Mom, I'll have to start looking for some flights. Ooo and maybe Fred can give me some advice

Mom: I'll get him caught up & see what he can do

Zac: Thanks *smiles at her & starts to look for flights on his laptop*

In Rome, Italy: Ashley is staying at the TREVI Beau Boutique Hotel. She decides to go out for a walk then she stops to admire the Trevi Fountain...

Man: È bello, is it not?

Ash: *a little startled then turns to look over at the attractive Italian man* Si...uh...sorry I can'tβ€”I'm not fluent

Man: Is alright, is alright. I forgive *smirks*

Ash: *gives him a humored look* Do you enjoy embarrassing Americans?

Man: *closes his eyes* Nooo *whispers* Only the pretty ones

Ash: Oh?

Man: *chuckles* Miss Americana, what is your name?

Ash: I'm Ashley. Yours? *raises her eyebrows*

Man: Mm bella *smiles* I am Stefano

Ash: Very nice

Stef: Si. I'm curioso why you come visit here in my city?

Ash: Oh, your city?

Stef: Si...

Ash: *chuckles at him overlooking her sarcasm* Well, I'm from New Jersey. It's not my first time visiting. I just thought it was time again for a little "me" vacation

Stef: Oh, well then, I say bentornato!

Ash: *gives him a blank look*

Stef: Welcome back

Ash: OH! Gotcha. Thank youβ€”er grazie

Stef: *grins at her charming smile*

Ash: *looks down at a binder he's holding* What's that there?

Stef: Oh? Well, I make arte

Ash: You're an artist?

Stef: Si. But I am not yet as you Americano's say famoso

Ash: And that is quite alright with me. Can I see them?

Stef: My drawings?

Ash: Si *smiles*

Stef: I was just finishing drawing the Fountainβ€”when you caught my eye *hands her his binder with his unfinished piece folded open*

Ash: *smiles at him & looks at his sketch* Wow. This is incredibile

Stef: Eh, I try not to be a "show-off" you would say?

Ash: Yes correct. Well, I think you should *hands him back his binder* Don't be afraid to stretch that ego of yours

Stef: *grins at her & follows her*

The Next Day in Italy: Zac settles into the Hotel Artemide in Rome, Italy. Zac feels restless and decides to leave his room. Across from his room he sees a beautiful woman unlocking her door to enter her hotel room. She hears him close his door & she turns around to look...

Woman: Ciao *waves at Zac*

Zac: Uh, hello *waves back*

Woman: Ah, you are Americano, no?

Zac: You caught me

Woman: *laughs* I am Gianna

Zac: Zac *shakes hands with her*

Gianna: Are you enjoying yourself?

Zac: Not quite yet. I'm just getting settled. I was going to do some exploring just now

Gianna: Ti dispiace se vengo con te?

Zac: Uhβ€”yes? Wait what?

Gianna: OH, scusami. Habit. I was asking if you would like some company. I could show you around?

Zac: You wouldn't mind?

Gianna: No problema. I just went for a walk myself

Zac: Well alright let's get to it!

Gianna: *giggles*

At the Colosseum: Ashley meets Stefano again & he gives her a tour...

Ash: This is amazing

Stef: I'm glad you like it *looks at her for a second in awe* Miss Ashley...I want to ask you...may I draw you?

Ash: Oh? Like I'm a model?

Stef: *nods his head* Si. Per favore, for me?

Ash: Of course!

Stef: Is here no problema?

Ash: Even better!

Stef: Brillante! Come this way

Ashley follows him to the exterior of the Colosseum & he asks her to lean on the railing...

Stef: *walks over to her & moves her a little bit to the right & fixes her hair* Right in the sunlight. Ah, perfetta

Ash: *tilts her head at him* Now I know you didn't just call me perfect

Stef: *gives her a flirty look & gently positions her hands on the railing & tilts her chin a little upward* Magnifica

Ashley blushes a little. Stefano leans against one of the walls & begins to draw her....

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The Trevi Fountain: Zac & Gianna are walking around the area...

Zac: So, what's the story with this fountain?

Gianna: Each statue on the fountain symbolizes the four major rivers of the world. It's one of the best structures remaining that showcases the skills in the ancient Roman's craftsmanship

Zac: That's really cool

Gianna: I was also paying my attention in my history classes

Zac: Show off

Gianna: *chuckles* I will never tire the history of my beautiful country

Zac: I bet. Everything here is HUGE. Like it never ends

Gianna: *chuckles* Si very grande. I am curiosa why you visit here?

Zac: Well uh, I'm kindaβ€”I'm looking for someone...

Gianna: Oh really? And who is that?

Zac: A girl I love. Her name's Ashley

Gianna: Awww. So romantica. Why are you searching for miss Ashley?

Zac: Well...she doesn't know I'm here. I want to surprise her

Gianna: She's fortunate. A lucky girl. Don't give up, Zac

Zac: Oh, trust me, I won't

Gianna: Bene. Are you hungry?

Zac: Girl, I'm always hungry

Gianna: *chuckles* Well then, you'll love my preferita restaurant called Tre Scalini. They have their famous Tartufo dessert

Zac: What is it?

Gianna: You'll have to wait and see

Zac: Well, let's go then! *starts walking*

Gianna: *chuckles watching him* Maybe I should be the leader?

Zac: You think I don't know my way around here afterβ€”one day? Well YOU are wrong miss Gianna

Gianna: *chuckles at him* COME ON follow me!

At the Colosseum: Ashley is still posing waiting for Stefano to finish drawing her...

Ash: Are you almost finished?

Stef: Quasi. Almost

Ash: You know I'm not a real model. I can't stand here foreverβ€”and burn in the sun

Stef: *chuckles & adds one more detail to his drawing* Calma Miss Ashley. Okay I am finito

Ash: *shakes out her arms & legs* Phew! *walks over to him* Let me see

Stef: *hands her his paper*

Ash: Wow. You made me look amazing *tries to hand the picture back to him but he declines*

Stef: Please keep

Ash: I can't...

Stef: *grabs the paper from her & signs his name on it then give it back to her* There

Ash: *gives him an amused look*

Stef: *stares at her with a little smile* I can be funny too

Ash: Yeah, well you do try *crinkles her nose at him with a smile then hugs him* Thank you

Stef: Anything for a fan

Ash: Now there's that ego I was talking about!

Stef: *chuckles*

Ashley looks around at the big city noticing the sunset is starting...

Stef: Come have dinner with me?

Ash: I can't turn down an Italiano meal. Or pasta

Stef: Well then, I know the perfetto place. Seguimi. Follow me

Ash: *smiles & follows him*

Next day: It's now July 4th weekend: Ashley is in her hotel room receiving consistent calls and texts from her boyfriend Jean. She finally answers him...

Jean: Ashley? Hey. How's Italy?

Ash: It's fine Jean *sits on her bed*

Jean: That's good. Are you okay?

Ash: I'm doing fine

Jean: I'm glad. Well...we are on a "break". I miss you. Have you been thinking about us?

Ash: Only a little

Jean: So where do we stand?

Ash: Oh...I'm not sure yet

Jean: And how long will you be "not sure"?

Ash: I'm not...sure

Stefano: *knocks on her door* I am here Miss Bella!

Jean: Who's that?

Ash: UH room service is here. Listen Jean, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon

Jean: But weβ€”

Ash: *hangs up*

Stefano: I am waiting out here forever, signora?

Ash: *laughs & opens her door*

Stef: Oh Ciao

Ash: Ciao *looks at a bag he's holding* What'cha got there?

Stef: Segreti

Ash: Secrets?

Stef: Ah you are improving your Italiano

Ash: Pratica makes perfect they say

Stef: And who says that?

Ash: *shakes her head at him laughing* So what's in the bag signore?

Stef: *laughs* You'll have to come with me to find out

Ash: Sorry, I have plans

Stef: *looks around her* Oh really?

Ash: Yeah. My schedule is crazy *smirks*

Stef: You're ridicola. Come, I want you toexperience Festa de' Noanti. And the fireworks of course

Ash: Well, I can't say no to that!

Stef: Come, we use the Metro!

Ash: Hold on *throws her phone on her bed* Okay, ready now

Stef: *smiles at her & holds out his hand*

Ash: *takes his hand & follows him*

Ashley & Stefano enjoy the night of different activities then gaze up at the fireworks above them...

Ash: This is so beautiful. Thank you for bringing me

Stef: Mi scusi?

Ash: *yells over the loud fireworks* GRAZIE for bringing me!

Stef: Prego!

Ash: You're welcome?

Stef: Si. Very good

Ash: *playfully crinkles her nose at him*

Later: Stefano walks Ashley back to her room at her hotel after they get dropped off from the Metro. They stand in front of her room door...

Ash: Grazie, for a beautiful night

Stef: Prego, bella

Ash: *leans in to kiss him*

Stef: *turns his head away slowly* Ah, miss...

Ash: OHβ€”I'm sorry

Stef: No, no *smiles weakly* May I ask you a favore?

Ash: Si...

Stef: Can you meet me tomorrow night at the Trevi Fountain, say 7:00?

Ash: Okay. That's fine

Stef: Alright. Buona notte Miss Ashley

Ash: Buona note

Stef: *smiles weakly & waves then walks off*

Ash: *opens and walks into her room then closes the door & covers her face embarrassed* Idiota! Stupida!

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Morning time: Ashley decides to call Jean & officially end their relationship...

Ash: Jean?

Jean: Hey Ashley. What's going on?

Ash: I need to tell you something...

Jean: Yes?

Ash: We need to break up

Jean: Can we talk about it more?

Ash: No Jean. I'm sorry. I need to be alone now. Bye *hangs up her phone*

Around 7pm: Ashley is sitting on the edge of the fountain in a white tank top and a floral high-low skirt. Stefano sees her and walks over to her & sits down next to her...

Stefano: I think there's some things we need to discuss...

Ash: I think so too

Stef: I'm sorry for last nightβ€”I turned my head. I was not trying to insulta you

Ash: No. It's alright. We're both obviously going through some emotions

Stef: I feel I need to express about my past relationship. And why my heart is not yet ready for new love

Ash: *folds her hands in her lap* You have my attenzione

Stef: *smiles at her & lets out a deep sigh* We were together for 5 years. She was cheating on me for over one year. It took me a long time to realize. I felt very foolish

Ash: Oh Stefano. I'm so sorry

Stef: I was so stupido

Ash: No, you were not stupido. Your girlfriend was the stupida one. Trust me. I would know *sighs* I cheated on my boyfriend Zac...twice

Stef: *looks at her with wide eyes* Oh no signora how come? Were you not satisfied?

Ash: I was in love. But I was SO naΓ―ve and stupida. I think I self-sabotaged that relationship

Stef: Oh cara, why?

Ash: *thinks for a second* I guess I didn't believe I deserved how much he loved me

Stef: *gives her a side hug*

Ash: This morning, I broke up with my recent boyfriend, Jean. And I keep thinking to myselfβ€”

None of these guys can measure up to Zac. I keep thinking about Zac and how I want to start over again with him. But how?

Stef: You will figure it out, cara. Just not with me

Ash: *nods her head in agreement with him*

Stef: I admire your honestly Ashley

Ash: Grazie. I'm glad we met

Stef: I am glad to have met you too. But I think it's time we both move on

Ash: Agreed

Stef: *kisses her cheek* Enjoy what's left of your vacanza

Ash: Grazi Stefano

Stef: *stands up* Buona note, Miss Ashley. Oh...and buon compleanno *waves at her & walks off*

Ash: Happy birthday to me *sighs*

Meanwhile, after visiting Starbucks Montecitorio & a little bit of sightseeing, Zac is on his way back to his hotel. The route back to his hotel happens to pass through the Trevi Fountain area. He admires the fountain then he hears around the corner someone speaking loudly...

Ashley: *pacing near the fountain* SURE! Why not spend your birthday all alone in Rome. Nothing wrong with that. I will not cry; I will not cryβ€”

Zac walks around the fountain to get a closer look at who is talking & he sees Ashley. She obviously looks distressed. He takes a deep breath. He decides to call her...

Ash: *looks at her caller ID & answers her phone* Zac? *sits down on one of the benches by the fountain*

Zac: Hey, wanted to call to say happy birthday!

Ash: *wipes a tear off her face* Thanks

Zac: What are you up to?

Ash: Oh, you know, beautiful Rome things *clears her throat*

Zac: Really?

Ash: Yeah really

Zac: You know, I'd hate to see you waste such a beautiful night feeling so sad on your special day

Ash: What do you mean?

Zac: Turn around

Ash: *stands up quickly & turns around to see him* Zac?! Oh my god! *rushes over to hug him tight*

Zac: *holds her just as tight*

Ash: *lets go of him & playfully slaps his arm* Seriously though what the hell are you doing here? What hotel are you staying at?

Zac: Hotel Artemide. I'll say it's about a 10-minute walk from here

Ash: Why didn't you just call me?

Zac: I just did

Ash: Shut up *playfully hits his arm* You know what I mean

Zac: Hey, I'm enjoying my vacation too *smirks at her* Really, I wanted to surprise you. But if I had to wait any longer, I would have called you. Or gone insane

Ash: I must already look insane by how you found me

Zac: *shakes his head* Let's sit *takes her hand & they sit down next to together on one of the benches by the fountain* What's going on?

Ash: I'll give you the short storyβ€”I'm an idiot

Zac: Oh, come on

Ash: No, really

Zac: *gives her a loving look* Well you're a pretty one

Ash: *looks at him unamused & rolls her eyes*

Zac: You look bellissima tonight

Ash: *blushes at him* Grazie

Zac: Ooo! I know what that means

Ash: Well, I'm glad you learned something here. I know I learned a few things too myself *shakes her head thinking about Stefano*

Zac: Ooo like what?

Ash: Nothing! Your turn

Zac: *chuckles at her* I feel nervous. I didn't prepare myself really

Ash: Prepare for what?

Zac: *gently takes her hand* I came here to find you...and to tell youβ€”that I'm so in love with you Ashley. I don't know if I'll ever stop loving you *caresses her face*

Ash: Oh Zac *takes a deep breath feeling her eyes well up with tears* And wait what happened to Amanda?

Zac: I ended things with her a while ago

Ash: I'm sorry...

Zac: Don't be. She just wasn't "the one"

Ash: *lets out a deep sigh* I broke up with Jean. Recently. Well...we were on a "break." Recently I realized no other guy compares to you

Zac: Took you long enough to believe it

Ash: *lets out a short laugh*

Zac: *lifts her chin with his fingers* What's wrong?

Ash: It's just...after all we've been through...I'm scared

Zac: I'm scared too

Ash: I just don't want to mess us up again *looks at her feet*

Zac: *cups her cheek with his hand* Ash. We're not perfect. And we've grown a lot since those past mistakes

Ash: We have grown. But I'm still scared

Zac: And that's okay. I still love you and want to be with you. The question is...do you want to be with me?

Ash: *a tear falls down from her eye*

Zac: *wipes her tear with his thumb* What's your heart telling you?

Ash: *smiles weakly at him* My heart is telling me both things I do and don't like

Zac: Just to clarify, I'm one of the things you do like, right?

Ashley tilts her head at him and laughs at how charming he's always been. She pushes his chest playfully. Zac holds her hand by his chest & they stare at each other for a second then Zac leans forward giving Ashley a small peck on her lips. Ashley leans more into the kiss becoming more intimate...

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Morning in Ashley's hotel room: Zac & Ashley snag a flight time for home then jump right back into bed...

Zac: *reaches over to Ashley's face & pulls her hair behind her ear* So why'd you come to Italy in the first place?

Ash: Oh, just for a little adventure

Zac: Oh really? And how' that going for ya? *wiggles his eyebrows at her*

Ash: Pretty great! *laughs*

Zac: *grins at her & pulls her on top of him* I missed this. Holding you

Ash: I missed it too *kisses his neck & cuddles closer to him*

They spend a little more time in bed then start to pack up their belongings for home. Ashley packs first then they go to Zac's hotel for his turn to pack...

At Zac's Hotel...

Ashley is standing by Zac's cracked open door, waiting for him to finish his packing. She hears Zac's neighbors open their door while laughing and making kissing sounds...

Man: Sei molto abile in camera de letto

Woman: Penso che sia molto sexy quando un uomo sa cosa sta facendo a letto

Ash: Sexy?

Ashley peeks from behind the door & sees Stefano with a beautiful girl. She gasps & shuts Zac's door...

Zac: *walks back into the room with his suitcase* Hey, you ready?

Ash: *startled* Ahβ€”I mean yes ready as ever. Let's get the hell outta here

Zac: *looks at her confused*

Ash: OR...we could get some lunch first? *looks at him innocently*

Zac: I like the sound of that. Hey, my neighbor she brought me to a really nice place called Tre Scalini

Ash: Oh, your neighbor? Yeah, I think I saw her recently

Zac: She showed me around a bit. It's so beautiful here. I think I may miss it a little bit

Ash: Me too

Zac: Well, let's go! I'm starving!

Ash: Me too!

Zac: *kisses her & opens the door for her* After you signora

Ash: Grazie, signore

Zac: Be careful when you speak that Italian. Makes me craaazy *closes his door*

Ash: Well same to you!

They both see Stefano & Gianna making out down the hall...

Zac: Ooo that's my neighbor Gianna. Looks like she's getting some in the hallway. Man, I love Italy

Ash: *gives him a funny look & chuckles*

Zac: Ciao, Gianna. Grazie for everything

Gianna: *stops kissing Stefano * OH! Ciao Zac and bella signora *waves at them*

Zac: This is Ashley

Gianna: Oh! You found signora Ashley? Congratulazioni! *turns to Stefano * Stefano, Zac stave cercando il suo amore eterno. Ha trovato Ashley

Stef: *gives Ashley a nervous look then looks at Gianna* Oh, Γ¨ molto carino. Felice per loro *turns to Zac & Ashley* I'm very happy for you both

Gianna: You both are so very adorabili

Ash: *chuckles* Grazie, Gianna

Zac: Well, we're going to grab a bite to eat then leave for home

Gianna: Oh, happy to meet you both. arrivederci *waves*

Zac: Ciao!

Ash: *looks at Stefano nervously* Ciao

Stef: Ciao, signora. Buona fortuna

Zac: Yeah see ya man *holds her when they walk out the hotel* You ready to start over again?

Ash: I feel so ready

Zac: *kisses her on the lips* I'm also so ready for some food

Ash: You take the lead *smiles at him*

Zac: To Tre Scalini! *takes her hand*


#6 Fall for You - Mish8Cre8ivity (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.