View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (2024)

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02:33, 3rd September 2024 (GMT+0)

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0

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Admiral Hack

GM, 8629 posts

Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:00

  • msg #1


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (5)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (6)


for events not covered elsewhere... this will be for football game on Everest after Elipsian battle


Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 02:59

  • msg #2


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (7)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (8)

Pulling in to the stadium, the busses doors opened as The hermes team got out of the bus. some folks jeered them, other folks waved Pics of a boxed action figure for them to sign.

Walker and Post headed into the locker rooms to get boards set up to review games plans and check to see how long it would take for trainers to get ready for taping.

entering the stadium

Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 14:03

  • msg #3


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (9)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (10)

there were 4 Kids, they were rather scrubby lookign, torn clothes, on hed a welt on her face.

the looked between the ages or 14 and 10.. 1 girl 3 boys , as the Hermes peopel Waves Jax and Nifty saw kids, and the Everest Guards pushing them away from the ropes that lead to the tunnel, into the stadium.

LC!... jack shouted and pointed to the 4 kids... they looked sad, and imploring at teh Everest SEC, as they tried to get to the Ropes... the troopers merely pushed them back with their weapons.

Shadow finished signing a program and sighed , walking to the Guards, With Shade next to him. Nifty and Jax made thier way over as well.

Alright trooper? What are you doing to thsoe Kids?

The Everest SEC SGT Looked at Shadow who had his flight jacket on, but just a Te shirt and jeans.

..these Stem Rats.. they have Been trying to get to see you folks since they heard this is where The Hermes team was coming.. seem to think you are Heroes or something...

The Kids Looked at Shadow... Shade was easy to tell who he was..

so?..not having Creds mean they can't watch us? can't ask for an Autograph?

..Look, Ace...

Jax Laughed and looked at the SGT...Funny you should use that Word... This is LC SHadow of the ESN 351 Hermes... he's sorta know as an Ace...

The SGT looked at Shadow, and seemed a bit nervous...

Shadow pointed to the 4 Kids.....You 4,,come with us.. you stay with these two troopers...They used to be 'Stem Rats"

the One Private didn't seem to get the message as ..Trooper.. I'm Game ready about now... do you want me to see how far down your throught I can Jam that rifle, before i pull the trigger?Shadow said...

The Private glowered at him,we have here of you .. treat these types as if they were worth

Jax as been on More Jump Offs then you have been in parades. He founded a Vampic Admiral face to face with only a Popper in his had.... Nifty has been droppign bad guys since we first met he does it in uniform....

..but we could do worse?.. we could have People like you in the Fleet,,now, let them through, its not an order? I'm not in uniform..but its a powerful suggestion if you don't want to be in Med tech when the game starts...

The private steps aside.. the littlest Boy.. steps on his foot as he walks by...

Walker is storming back ...WTF is going on , LC!

they wouldn't let these kids in... were pushing them around with thier weapons... so? I'm bringing them in...

The SGT says,you can't do that.... they don't have passes or tickets, and the tickets are sold out!

Walker looks at Shadow who sorta stared right through the SGT... he's right.... many sideline passes do we have...

..6... CE-VA has one...

then these kids get 4 or the lst 5...

The SGT looked Shocked, Walker Nodded and the group went towards the tunnel...

when we go out to warm up, I want teh trainers to get these gets showered and clean... Send out one of them to get clothes for them..jeans , socks , sneakers and dark colored shirts, and a hoodie for each.. when the food comes in.. they get to eat too.. and when the game starts i want them on the sidelines with those passes around thier necks for every damn body to see..

Jax looked at the Oldest, have a Gang? a Family? The oldest was a boy she shook his head,..we are grabbers?... other gangs pay us a couple creds to steal stuff..., but no one wants us.., we sorta got together to stay alive, digging through stuff on the beach for food, getting clothes people left behind...

Niftly shok his ehad and looked away, his eyes watered a bit.

..we'll get you on a ship, somewhere.. maybe even an Agro ship, or a med tech ship?, but for right now, you guys are getting cleaned up, fed and get to watch the game from teh sidleines


player, 2623 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 18:44

  • msg #4


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (11)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (12)

Zob gave a few waves into the crowd but for the most part this was Shadows whole deal and he was just along for the ride, after the exchange with Everest SEC he followed behind Nifty as they made there way down the tunnels to the locker room area, "Smile in knowing they will get a better life moving forward" he said reassuring Nifty.


Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 19:24

  • msg #5


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (13)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (14)

the Kids were brought into the front of the lockers Jax looked as Bummed out as Nifty.

Shadow crouched in Front o of the Four guys have to tell me the truth her..right..because its gonna make a big difference..Now? do any of you have family here?

all four kids shook thier head no, He looks at the way the are dressed and the Bruise on the girl's one to take care of you?

they shook thier ehads no.

..who hit you?

The Girl looked scared the older Boy said, SEC.. she was too close to a food stand we we walked up to the uppers.. they don't like kids like us there.. we were trying to get to the water to swim and wash up?.. and they chased us away

Shadow looked at the ground and shook his head, then looked up...well? things are gonna change for you... You are gonna go to a med tech ship.. they'll tsake care of you
until there is a ship that has Civies that can take you... I'll recommend they get you all on the same ship...

he looks at the worry on thier faces...Jax came from Etna, with a few of his gang kids?.. Nifty came from Olympus..but? before you leave for the Med tech ship.. you guys are goign to get real showers here, when we hit the field, the Med tech and trainers will help you'll get new clothes and some goodies, and you'll eat pregame meal with us.... After the Came, you'll come to our Hotel where you'll be safe until a shuttle comes for you... Right?

They all nodded , the Oldest one says ...why are you doing this?

Because I can..because it needs done.. i can kill a million bad guys, but what does it matter if i don't help human kids?

One of the med tech came over, a trainer had a box with 4 sports drinks in and some packets of crackers..

..these will give you something to nibble on until the team hits the field for warm ups, then we'll get you showered and fresh clothes.

ok.. we;re goign to be goign out on the field to warmup... Jax> Nifty? one takes them out of here unless it clears me..right? Bet , LC... Shadow left, another trainer wrote down sized that he scanned the kids for and took off for the closest store

the kids looked at the drinks and the packs of crackers the smallest boy asked,how much can we eat?

The trainer and medtech looked at the kids as if they were waitign permission.

yes.. drink it all eat them all, they are yours.. you will have real food in about 40 minutes...

the kids sat down on a benche near the door and tore open the crackers and began to gobble them, the little gril looked up at the Med tech and Smiled.

there was a Knock at the locker room door , Jax stepped over and opened it.. a Everest LT was have 4 orphans?..we want to take them into custody..

..No sir...

what!..Trooper..I am an Officer witht eh Everest SEC..

Jax Took out his COM.. COMed Roy...SM? this is Jax... Nifty and Me are guarding 4 Stem kids, the LC got passes to be on the sidlines..Kids are in rough shape..on has a black eye from Everest SEC.I have a LT here who wants to take them....LC says they are staying with us until a Med tech shuttle comes to take them for child relocation...I'll let you talk to the Nice LT...

he held out the COM with a hard stare...SM Spencer, waiting on your pleasure...sir...

The LT took the COM....look here? Spencer is it?...

SM, Spencer of the ESN 351 Hermes... nifty says..

he glares at the two , who more or less pushed him out into the passage..

..your troopers are out of line... I want those kids, and i want these troopers on report!

Melia Kristensen

player, 2473 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 20:41

  • msg #6


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (15)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (16)

In reply to stadium (msg # 2):

Melia enters waving to the assembled crowd as she walks, slipping through the gates and over to the betting booths. "Hey I wanna place a couple bets on the game. What are the odds on the Hermes team winning and what odds are you giving on the rookie halfback, Kristensen, from the Hermes grabbing the first rushing touch down of the game?" She says with an easy grin. She had to move quick to meet everyone down below in the locker rooms.

Billie Morrisson

player, 523 posts

Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 21:35

  • msg #7


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (17)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (18)

Billie looked around, a little intimidated by the crowds but she did her best to not let her nerves get to her. "You can do this Billie girl..." she whispered to herself as they headed into the locker rooms.


Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 22:21

  • msg #8


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (19)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (20)

The Booth guy didn't have a clue who she was...

odds are Everest by 10

Bets on Everest are even money

Hermes to cover? 2 to one

Hermes to win 5 to one

He shifted through the sheets...

Hermes coach didn't send a full roster in, they got a waiver since Hermes lost so many people.. looks like we aren't carrying anything like that?

There is even money on Pascal being MVP by Voting..even one on him..


Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 22:32

  • msg #9


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (21)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (22)

<<on the field

The teams each ha d Half the Field , the coaches were on the 50 talkign with Reps, they seemed more or less on Good Terams.

CE-Va was runnign around like a woman possessed, getting shots of the Hermes folks warming up and some shots of the Everest people Shadow snagged a ball and stopped near hear.. the fans were comign in early, the Everest side was 1/2 full a few Hermes and Detla folks were dribbling.

The Booth Guy called down to CE-VA for a sound and Vid check, and she pointed at Shadow.. he waved down with a Nod.

with the rest of the hermites behind him Shadow Taled to CE-VA and his image was on the screens.

..LC Shadow?... you have heard these last few days , how Everest should beat you handily this game.... I know you have your own thoughts?

Shadow smiled his half smile,Well. CE-VA?... I'm sure the Everet team could tell you who they beat us Last time?..oh? wait? they didn't!.. we crushed them....

the Everest fans who were there lookign at the screens Booed and swore...

..I would really, like to say we can be the same team we were last time?.. that would be Lie. We lost, Good ball players, who were great warriors, and they died fighting the Empire...

his hand Motioned to the Everest side of the field, half of the players stopped what they were doing and Watched.....meanwhile.. Their team lived up to its Name...

..The Mountains?

no..... EVER.... REST! CE-VA's Mouth opened as she saw how he lead her into that..right on the scorboard...

The pplayer s were shouting fans were screaming and Shadow Just laughed as he went in line to catch more footballs.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2474 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 22:36

  • msg #10


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (23)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (24)

Melia grinned, "well you'll know the name soon enough after the game. I hear tell they're gonna run rings around the defense. Tough as nails and elusive to boot. Put me down for 4500 on Hermes winning since you don't have roster bets. I'll be back to pick up my winnings after the post game. she holds out her wrist to be scanned.

Then it was down to the locker room and suited up for the warmup.

While Shadow interviewed she stuck with the backs running a few routes common for the HB as well as doing some hand off drills and the like keeping it easy but ensuring she was properly warmed up and ready to perform.


Mon 10 Aug 2020
at 23:06

  • msg #11


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (25)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (26)

Shade had a Pass go over his ehad and he cahsed the Ball Down near the 50..The frencman Coach Ollar Macaa pointed at Shade, is it your programmed that thing to Play?... You know.. you may only have live organisms play, qui? he and his asst laughed.

Walker did not looked Please at the jest Post looked to Shade as the Shade ripped off a string of sounds , his red eyes showing and then Stomped away....

they Laughed again,what did the popcorn machine say....

Post said,we don't hand i would say he called you a dumbass..but that's just a guess.. Shadow ha d run a route with Machins trying to defend against him, but he caught the Ball.. he looked at the two frenchies and said,I couldn't catch it all... but he either said yiou have the ... you know..lower parts of a woman... or you ARE..the lower parts of a woman.. that's my fault, I let him hang around the assault teams too much...

Walker looked at the men's waists.. smiled and turned away to gather his team.. Post Just grinned...


Supe was showing the rookie DBs how to use a 'one arm shiver ' to redirect a reciver.....look?... they are coming after anyone in the secondary.. its our weak spot as far as experiance.. and thier recivers and QB are thier strong Points... However... pascal likes to move, he doesn't like to be hit.... so? what you dow, is hit the reciver on his Ouside shoulder,, it will either slow him down, or turn him away from the route that he had planned....

he showed Billie and the other DMs the quick trick with Dana and him walkign through.

Post reached them by then and added,.. they have a decent O-line...and a good D-line..but in the end?.. no one on that team likes to be hit...

Mackins Laughed,I'm not crazy about it Chief!

people Laughed , Post Glared and Shadow said.....nothign better then comeing acorss the Middle grabbing the ball and getting almmed like a Mantis hit you on take off.... you stand up, Grin at the guy that hit you and toss the ball to the ref.... Dana? there is One thing Better then that, right

Dana smiled,Sure is... when we have a running play to my side, and I catch the guy who hit me with a Blindside block...Changes the whole game for them..instead of having you worried about who is goign to hit you,,,they are wondering if you are goign to hit them...and?/ you hit them on every play..

Post had a dark grin,Pascal like to roll and throw, which means? he's out of the pocket... take very,,,,damn..hit.. you can at him.. I would like him finished by half time.. those coaches?.. theya re new.. they fired the last tow?.. WTF do frenchie snow about American football... so... hit to hurt... let themgrab thier sides or backs wonderign what hit them... and we can see what they are made of the 2nd half.


player, 2625 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 00:35

  • msg #12


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (27)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (28)

Zob gave a big toothy grin, "it will be my pleasure to end them coach" he watched several of the film's on Everest last night with Melia so hoping it will give him a decent understanding of what to look out for.

Then Zob went back to warming up he looked absolutely menacing people were gonna get hurt bad this game.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:47, Tue 11 Aug 2020.

Roy Spencer

player, 8445 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 02:55

  • msg #13


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (29)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (30)

Roy's voice was downright testy over the comm. "I'm gonna make this REALLY simple for you, Lieutenant. Unless someone's been pulling strings without telling me, you aren't assigned to the Hermes locker area...those troopers are, and you are not part of the Hermes crew. Those troopers are following orders, from so far above your pay grade that you'd get a nose bleed contemplating the difference in rank. Go ahead and try to take the kids, if you're feeling stupid...whatever those two leave intact is going to suffer through an ungodly sh*tstorm of an aftermath and if you're lucky, you'll be filling in old latrines on a Delta colony. Or, you can activate that vestigial growth that's bouncing around inside your cranium and walk away before anything official happens and winds up on your record. Is what I said in ANY WAY unclear, Lieutenant?"


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 03:26

  • msg #14


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (31)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (32)

Jax did not hide ( what he thought was) a Shadow-like smile. Nifty grinned.

I..i... I will take this Up the my Captaain ..Good day...

..Thanks SM.. those kids need a break... he signed off.

Nifty called Out, he had a toothpick in a tooth that he was chewing as he held his rifle...

Hey!..LT?... you ever been poor... I mean..not a gods be damned cred to your name? and you have rags that you have to wear into the surf to wash?... you hide in pipes so Gangers don't get you.. they like little kids... and kids fetch alot of creds on the slaver market..and who no one will miss right... he starts walking towards the LT..his voice getting louder...

..RIGHT...? As stem kid getting eaten by a demon ain't much differant then one being eaten by a stem rat.. the kids still scream,, they are still scared,, and they still cry... they cry for a Mom who is there, or a dad they never met.. and finally.. they cry for thier friends ... done.. if they are was fast..but we know demons don't like thier desserts dead..right... are pushing your luck? No?

Tell you what, LT?.. you take those bars off and we'll go a bit deeper into the a short few minutes, I'll be comign abck out... and people will be wondering how you died like that...

Jax called Nifty back.. the LT was a little concerned as he watched them.. and he went to his men and began his COM call to Everest SEC
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:52, Tue 11 Aug 2020.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 04:24

  • msg #15


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (33)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (34)

The Limo pulled up to the main r=entrance of the stadium.. The board, Wil and others Like Beth and Lyri got out, Shoey and Nagy were dressed in civies..Lyri gave them casual hand signals that sent them off through the gates

they we escorted to the ramp that lead up to the club level of the stadium , so they could reach the owners Box without too much hassle.

St Gual was in her Unifrom and she frowned at the way the hermes folks were dressed...Ok St Gaul?.. don';t start about the way we are dressed.. we came to enjoy a football game, not puff out our chests

Admiral St Gaul didn't know what to say , except to sweep her arms towards the food and drinks.

..your LC..he is starting with the mouth badding?.. and..his offspring is playing?.. you must have lost many people?.. we would have played the Athena and Let your team Play the Lowers team..

Hack smiled as he looked to the field, the arms up were done and they were going in..

Hennings nodded,..yes, poor Shade, he only has one game under his belt.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:27, Tue 11 Aug 2020.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 04:39

  • msg #16


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (35)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (36)

there were food lined up on the tables with paper plates and drinks..the Stem kids looked, Miller waved them forward to get food, even helpign the littlest one fill his plate.

The sat and eat on the bench by the door, but the caoches told them to come sit every one esle..

The Girl with the hurt eye said,..this is more food then we have seen =in our life!

The older Boy smiled, he ate a bit more slowly then the young ones who gobbled like they never saw food before..nice and clean.. a shot or two for some things the med tech found, new clothes and hot food.

Jax and Nifty were told to eat as well..but they sat on the bench by the door sine they were 'on guard'

The coaches set up the Kick cover teams.. Billie, machins and melia would be one them

they went over where Tucker was to kick the ball.. and how they had to stay in thier lanes to make sure there wasn't a big return

The stem kids watched and took everything in , eating drinking and listening, the younger ones had water eyes, as they couldn't believe these people were treating them so nice.

Roy Spencer

player, 8447 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 15:20

  • msg #17


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (37)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (38)

Roy's tone was a bit acerbic as he commented, "I hear you still have that wonderfully nuanced approach to dealing with stem kids trying to scavenge a living..." He had hoped, after their last visit, that the elitism that seemed to be part of Everest's foundation might have been shaken up a bit, but the experience so far was not impressing him...


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 16:47

  • msg #18


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (39)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (40)

St Gaul looked at Roy, as if she was shocked,Mon SM?... It is their lot in life, is it not? We cannot take charge of every waif that is left on out doorstep...

captain Si looked at Roy was she poured some french tea.. the aroma filling the Box.Tell me, Admiral St Gaul... people who lost thier parents, because SEC failed to stop thier deaths or capture... what are they to do?... children who did not ask to be in this world, left to die because of parents who did not care?.... what are they to do? We have Stem Kids on The Hermes, and we have a few kids we recused for being meals... how is it, that a Station that spends money like water, cannot have a system set up for the children...

St Gauk looked a bit embarrassed,..but what good will they be? Will they be of anyuse? They are Stem children? guttersnipes..

Will was eating what looked like beef and noodles with some cut potatoes,..I could rattle off a few names, of guttersnipes, that are worth more then Pampered Pansies...

Captain LaQua looked shocked at Will and was about to say something when he saw the EMH... he did not say anything.

Beth had a multicolored mixed drink, Lyri was nursing a beer. Lyri gave a side look to Harry as she saw the reaction of the French Captain to the Medal.

Hennings and BAle were watching, Vids of Player's faces and an action shot of the Everest time were showing on the screens.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 17:14

  • msg #19


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (41)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (42)

In the locker rooms the team and the 'sideline Guests ' had finished eating. they kids sat back away from the center of the locker room and the players finished putting on thier pads and jerseys.. D-Lineman taped down thier jersey's on thier pads using double sided carpet tape.

Shadow wrapped extra taape over his shoes to cover the laces , but not interfere with the cleats .

A knock at the door and the Ref poked his ehad in.. a ref from 'The Green Death' to be impartial.10 minutes , Hermes, they are showing team Vids and starting Line up... don't be late...

Walker motioned with his hand to Tucker, who gave him his helmet... ESN Blue with the Hermes foot decal on the sides 351 under the foot.

Walker holds the smooth , clean helmet up for everyone to see.....Football Helmet.. Right?... Like Millions of others..they only Vary by 3 things? The color.... The insignia and what esle?

Keefer ,One of the O-line says...Facemask!

Giveins , one of the other O-line Elbowed him..

Walker made a twisted lipped smile at him, some people chuckled..

The people who wear it.... and, that is the biggest difference ....It feeds on itself?... You put this ehad gear on... you are wearing the Colors of the Hermes... the insignia of the Hermes, and The Hermes is proud...but she is at a disadvantage?.. she cannot help you out there on the Field.. she, like everyone else, without this helmet? can only watch...hope...cheer...

There are lot of people out there, That would like to see us lose? Whether its because they bet against us... they are chasing us in the standings, or they flat out don't like us...We..can change that.... what advantage do they have?... fresh players..players who have not lose comrades.... and experiance....

we have... first time players?... we are all coming off almost 2 weeks of getting beat up, some down time, and getting beat up again... while those folks across the filed ate french bread, drank german beer and watch the Vids.... LC?.. anything to add.

he hands the Helmet back to Tucker who looked at it a bit differant.

If anyone in this room, things we're going to walk all over them? I like that?..but its unrealistic...we'll have to fight for every damn yard... fight to stop them fron getting thier yards... and every score could be the last one.....


..Do Your Jobs.... don't worry about any one else's job..and we Got this...

Knock at the door..Time , Hermes!

anything else?

..don['t treat this as a fooball game.... This is a street fight... hit anyone in a Lgith blue jersey that you can hit Legally... stretch them out..DON' them up..make they use thier energy...make them get mad.. make them thing about anything , but thier jobs.... But most of all..JACK...THEM..UP!

the Door Opened to the field.. Supe pulled on his helmet to lead the team out.. he ran through the doors yelling.....f*ck THEM ALL UP!!!!!

machins grinned and followed..what he said!!

Jax and Nifty walked witht he 4 kids who had the sideline passed aroudn thier necks.. clean, jeans and T-shirts, some wore thier hoodies.. some had the hoodie around thier waists..

> game time


player, 2628 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 17:20

  • msg #20


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (43)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (44)

Zob put on his helmet and pumped his fist into the air and let out a cheerful roar as he followed Supe out to the field he was ready to lay the smack down on these Everest pansies.

Roy Spencer

player, 8449 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 17:35

  • msg #21


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (45)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (46)

Roy gave St. Gaul a measured look. "I would have thought that any command officer would understand that you get out of your people what you put into them. Two of my most reliable Sec troopers were Stem kids. One of them saved Admiral Hack's life. They're people, like anyone else...the ones that survive have great reflexes and sharp waits, and after a few months in the Stem, they're better survivors than some stuffed shirt with two decades of life." His tone wasn't angry...if anything, it was disappointed, in an almost paternal fashion.

"Maybe you've had it too easy for too long, here...but out on the lines, we don't waste potential resources. Those Stem kids could potentially be the captains and admirals of the ESN in another fifty years...if someone's smart enough to not keep 'em stuffed away in the Stem."

His comm went off, and he listened to the explanation, then shook his head. "This is the second time today I've had to explain something to your people," he said archly to St. Gaul. He keyed his comm.

"You mean to tell me that there's a soon-to-be-Corporal standing there telling you that a Hermes crew member is not allowed to engage in a perfectly legal shoreleave activity?" he asked. "Larry IS in uniform, I hope? With his rank clearly visible? What regulation is this lieutenant calling on to stop a uniformed crew member from attending the game? Maybe he'd like to come up to Admiral St. Gaul's box and explain his rationale to me...and Admiral Hack...and the ESN Board. Or he can get out of the way and let Larry into the game."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:47, Tue 11 Aug 2020.

entering the stadium

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 18:19

  • msg #22


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (47)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (48)

Frans smiled as she looked at the LT, and Pointed at Larry's collar.. outrageous! ..Alright.. zee SM,, he is fuull of himself, No? So.. You take zee beastie to the Hermes Sidelines.. eh?..Qui...qui!.. let your people get eaten!

Roll looks and Sneak ... Sneak holds her hand out to Haley after looking at Niki.. and the three walk Of f with a smug lookign Larry.

once they were inside the tunneled headed to the locker room... Frans looked at the LT......Nice job EverSEC.... you just let the LC's Favorite animal friend.. and 3 of his youngest friends into the game, with a free sideline pass...

she walked passed to the gate chuckling.

Eckles smiled as she went past...

Mara looked at him and said... if you come to the Ball?

he smiled at her and leaned a bit closer...

Don't ask any of us to dance...most of us like men... and she walked past shacking her head, the LT clearing his thought trying no to look embarrassed as Flores and Kat laughed ay him.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2428 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 18:41

  • msg #23


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (49)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (50)

Stepping out of the limousine Harry would wait for Will to get out and join her, making it very clear by the way that she stood that she had no intention of posing for the cameras, leaving that to the prettier girls in the entourage. Instead she would take Will’s hand with a fond smile and after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek would follow him into StGaul’s private box.

They hadn’t been there long before the French admiral started to rub everyone up the wrong way with her opinions on stem kids and how they should be treated, with Harry quietly adding to Will’s comment ”Some of us still are guttersnipes” chuckling darkly as she settled herself down next to Will with a plate of food and a cup of tea.

coin toss

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 18:42

  • msg #24


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (51)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (52)

The teams were on the field, the ESN song , followed by the Everest song, and finally the APF song were played..

The captains went out.. Supe, Miller and Shadow...Pascal, Nivit and a Sanri # 77 Higgst

the hermes crowd becane to roar, while the Everest side gasped and screamed in shock...

CE-VA's Camera caught Sneak and Haley with Roll holding a thin leash for an almost 8 footlong Larg...

Hley waved to a Guy in the stands after seeing the other kids there, the hawker gave Sneak 6 basball 'Hermes football" hats that she scanned for.. and handed one to each of the 4 kids as well as Roll and Haley, then slipped on on herself.

The little gril smiled at her and Sneak said over the cheers for LArry.....I am one of you... you'll be fine now... the little girl hugged Sneak and stayed by herside.


the refs introduced the captains to each other..Miller made the was heads... she said..we want the Ball....

the Everest team took the north endzone, but it wouldn't matter isdie the station unless it rained.

They started to Shake hands, the Sanri said to Shadow, is a shame i won't be able to hit you....

Shadow Pointed to teh sidelines and asked Zob to take off his helmet, letting his 'nextgen' demon looks be seen...yeah? Damn shame, its been a few weeks since i knocked out a Sanri?..but that Nice man there?.. you guys have to Block him...

Pascal looked shocked..we did not see him on the films? we'ren't looking..he played the last game, we sent you the last game'surprize! "

Then he got a real serious look on his face,..Gentlemen ... mr Officals.... i will apologize now, for what may seem to be over violent Hits?.. we just came off two weeks or so , of killing the team might be a bit jacked up..

Pascal says with that your way of saying you might 'accidently ' hit people too hard?

Shadow laughed,oh no no no, Frenchie?.. when I hit.. it will be on purpose...

Supe snarled,gonna be a long and painful game for you, croissant boy!

Miller started to turn and she Looks at Pascal,..if they bring me down... its a sack..right?

everyone else nodded.

so?.. if you get sacked ... do we call it a Baguette ?

walking back tothier sidelines larry launched himself forward and bee-lined to Shadow.. the beastie stopped just sort standing on his back 4 legs and 'huuged Shadow Shadow warpped hsi arms ( mostly) around the larg and Lifted him off the ground a foot.. causing Fams first Gasp.. and then cheer .. Shadow waved to Zob... Larry thumping his tail like a Humming bird...

..Lift Larry up... psyche them out!


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 18:57

  • msg #25


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (53)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (54)

St Gaul looked to Harry as if she was trying to figure out what she was saying.. then the crowd reacted to Larry .. and in a few minutes larry heading to Shadow with the .Larg Hug thing.

Zat Animal! it is so Large!... and you, you have a Mere child hold the leash!

Hennings laughed,..Those three kids that just came in? Two of them are Stem was on her way to be a locality meal...

Hack, seemingly in his own world right now said,we get the Ball First... any bets?

Captain LaQue says,<DarkBlue>I have a ship, at the docks , in the Uppers...

at That Moment Captain Messe entered , giving quick salutes to her 'flag captain' and the Admirals around her.. she went straight to Roy Hugging his tightly as she said,its has been so long!.. I am glad to find you well!

she slipped a mini disc into his hand that was blco*ked by thier hug.

Beth was watching as she ate a sandwich on the upper tier by the bar, her leg bouncing as she smiled and Gave Roy the raising eyebgrows and sneaky grin.

Lyri faked fanning herself , at the display of affection./

Roy Spencer

player, 8450 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 19:46

  • msg #26


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (55)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (56)

Roy's look of discomfort didn't need to be feigned, but he used the awkward moment to tuck his hands in his pockets (and thus, further hide the disk) before shrugging with an apologetic grin. "Sorry, Captain...I'm not used to hugs...and definitely not from officers. Usually, when an officer wants to see me, it's because someone's ass needs kicking...occasionally, it's mine..." He chuckled, ignoring Lyri and Beth for the moment. The enthusiastic greeting may or may not have been sincere...but it gave Messe a great cover to pass along information.

He slipped his arm around Messe's waist as he turned to look at the Captain. "Are you putting your ship up as a wager, Captain?" he asked. "I mean, we have lost a few in battle, but if you're betting it, I'll take a piece of that I said, we utilize any resource..."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:47, Tue 11 Aug 2020.


player, 2629 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 19:54

  • msg #27


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (57)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (58)

Zob came over with purpose when Shadow called him over, "I'm sorry buddy..." he said quietly to Larry as he wrapped his hands around Larry and with a small grunt hoisted him up over his head just long enough to get the point across before putting him back down and giving him a pat on the head.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2475 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 20:23

  • msg #28


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (59)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (60)

In reply to COMS (msg # 14):

Orria had waited in the locker room near the other stem kids, and watched the practice from the sidelines hanging out. She mostly watched Shade, but also glanced at the stem kids from time to time. She'd been on the near side of being one of them, if she'd escaped from her captors years ago, but then Shadow, Dr. Christie, and Melia had rescued her and the other kids.

Melia lined up for kick cover team warm up, glad she'd watched some of the vids in the archive on covering kick returns.

Once done she grabbed a quick bite keeping it light, and healthy sticking to protein and carbs that would give her body fuel for the game.

She lined up with the team for the run out. Placing her helmet on. It was lighter and breathed easier than the combat helmets, plus gave her a better field of view. When the time came she ran out on the field hopping and bouncing a little pounding her fists on her chest pads. Waving her arms up in the air at the crowd.

Orria walked along the sideline with the guards and kids cheering for Melia, Zob, and Shade, and the rest of the Hermes team.

Melia got herself all taped up and ready, she opted against turf sleeves leaving the vicious bright yellow and black scars on her arms showing for the world to see, she grinned as she pulled off her helmet as the kickoff and other things were decided, her hair was tightly braided in a way that she used for her combat helmet as well. It kept the hair up and back with out interfering with the pads or straps. Her red eyes flashed across the field ready for action. She'd not been tapped for kick returns or informed of it so she waited until the offense took the field.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 20:48

  • msg #29


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (61)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (62)

Larry Looked around as he was lifted into the Air, he thumped his tail as he was put down.. the Hermes folks roared.. the Everest folks gasped...

And Shadow grinned across the filed to pascal...

Larry went Back to Roll and sat down his tail still thumping , the stadium causing him to get that 'battlefield excitement.

the team got together , Walker had the O line on the first row of Blockers... Zob and Shade in the Middle of the second line.

we're Going big, right away.. don'tm f*ck it up.... we're Going 'Fake Hotshot return"

Looking at some of the new folks,..Shadow;s going to to call for Dana to get out of the way of the ball, to look like he wants to return it..Dana is going to run to the other side of the formation as Shadow picks it up,,, when the defender close on him, he tosses it across the field to dana

Zob, Shade?.. you have to fake missing your Blocks to get to the other side,, if Shadow gets Dana the Ball.. she should go a long wahy, if you can cut down the Kicker and the contain man...Go!

Game time!

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 20:58

  • msg #30


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (63)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (64)

The whistle Blew .. Shadow was jumping up and down waving to the kicker... The Ball came a bit short.. Dana took steps to field it, as Shadow ran towards her telling her to get the 9 hells away...

Hermes fans looked Shocked... Everest fans nodded thier head as 'it figures"..

Shadow Barely caught the Ball that Dana could have had easily, and she ran away , to the other side if the Filed as Shadow tucked the Ball and turned up field,...

Everest.. eager to Hit Shadow came Pouring In as they got around the 'slow blockers' in the Middle...

trapped on the sidelines with Only Slate in front. Shadow was dead... Until he stopped Set Up like he was in the pocket and let the ball go across the field..

Shadow never saw Dana catch it As he was Buried By 3 Players who hit him and other one Jumped on Late.... but he heard the roar of the Hermes Crowd as Dana took off up the sidelines...

Just as Walker scouted the Kicker and contain man stayed Home.. the Contain man was the closest and Shade , just ran into him shoudler First, Both of them a Ball of white jersey and Light Blue jersey.. Dana didn't mess around, she was goign full speed up the sidelines, Ball tucked in the outside Arm... Zob would either make the Block..or Not.. but she would get every yard out of this she could....


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:05

  • msg #31


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (65)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (66)

St Gaul truned, with some interest to the filed, watching the antics with the Largs and shaking her head.

..your LC would have no place in My fleet..he is..soo....sooo...crass..

Hennings smiles,..looks damn good flaming Empire bastards

the Kick off came.. Shadow, all but demanding the kicker send the ball his way..whether on purpose, or a bad Kick, the Ball was short to Dana, on the opposite hashmark from Shadow.. even in the booth they could hear Shadow tell Dana to get away...

Si , Hack and Bale tilted thier heads.... St Gaul shook her team.....he is too ...full of himself, is he not He....

Shadow stopped and fired the Ball across the field.. The crowed on the Hermes side Gasped.. then cheered as Dana, who was about 4 uards deeper then Shadow , caught the ball and sprinted up the sidelines..

St Gaul and La Qua just stared....

Roy Spencer

player, 8451 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:11

  • msg #32


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (67)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (68)

Roy grinned maliciously. "Y'know...were it not for a few people taking an interest, Shadow could've been pretty much like those Stem kids. Lucky someone looked past where he lived and what he looked like to actually see some potential in there."

Speaking up a little bit, he added, "We like 'em crass, Admiral. That's why Delta Fleet is out chasing Demons and leaving you to do wargames and fleet formation drills back here..."


player, 2631 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:22

  • msg #33


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (69)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (70)

Zob done slipped up as he missed the block and watched as Dana went down at the 25 yard marker, 'Son of a bitch...' he cursed to himself this was not off to a good start but still they got to the 25 yard marker so it wasn't all that bad just hoped his luck would turn next play.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:30, Tue 11 Aug 2020.

Hawkeye Price

player, 431 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:28

  • msg #34


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (71)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (72)

Hawkeye arrived at the stadium with her case in hand dressed for the game wearing Hermes team apparel and her cowboy hat. At the gate she talks to one of the attendants. "Hey, I'm with the Hermes. Dr. Price, call me Hawkeye. I gotta a little delivery for the VIP box. Trying to make this quick so I can get started on my leave. Ya know she says putting on the charm.

Samantha Robertson

player, 549 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:37

  • msg #35


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (73)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (74)

--->>> From Hanger Dec

Sam entered the stadium and watched the play end, she headed for North 40, she found it quickly and then found row 40 and looked for Howe.


player, 538 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:38

  • msg #36


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (75)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (76)

---->>>> From Hanger Dec

Meari headed for their seats she didnt know where they where she followed the others and listened to directions, she walked with Vaka and they finally got to their seats as the first play ended.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 21:42

  • msg #37


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (77)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (78)

The Gate Person looked at her , she COMed Up to the Box.....I have a DR
Price that has a delivery to the Box?

there is some talk and the gate person says,..follow the troper up to the Box...

Cat to Box>>>>>>>>>


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 22:16

  • msg #38


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (79)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (80)

Dana cut inside the kicker After Zob tried to hit the kicker... a desperate DB brought her down at the Everest 25.

The Hermes crowd screamed thier cheers.. the Everest team Booed the play.

Dana Patted Zob on the back as she , the O-line, Shadow and Shade waited for Watson to an Miller as well as thier TE to come on the field.

Shade Got off the Man he Blocked the Man held his hand up for Shade to help him , up Shade just walked passed him.

1-10 E25 14:36s 1 Q

..Next two Plays quick slants.. Watson Shade, give me time...

at the Snap, she didn't even bother to read the defesne, she fired the ball into Shadow as he cut his Slant, The MLB Blasted Him they both flew in tow differant directions.. As the MLB struggled to get up, he went to say something to Shadow, But the Wide out was already lining up the Ball was placed and Miller called the snap.

2-3 E18 14:01 r 1Q

the MLB just got off the ground when the Ball was snapped, This time Dana caught the Ball, , but the MLB wasn't in postion, and the safety had to bring her down at the 5

1-5 E5 13 :29 r 1Q

THis Time Shade went through the Hole Slate and Givens Opened.. he slammed into the MLB , Knee high the MLB flee over top of Shade and Watson took the BAll for a 5 yard Touch down Run..
The Hermes people screamed , Jumping up and Down Roll Jumped up and down with the Kids ( who really didn't have a clue) Larry stood on his Hind 4s and pawed at the air.

Score H-7 E-0 13:11 1st Quarter.

The Offesne came Off Shade gave Dana a Hug and High fived the rest of the offesne.

Walker talked to them Team..

..great start!... Melia!.. next series you'll be at half Back, we alternate you and Watson.. Shade we'll keep you at Fullback...

Tucker? High Kick down the Middle , make the have to return it.. EVERYONE hits..

Tucker got his cover team to go with.. Billie and melia among them..Machins was sent to go out down the Middle since he was a 'rookie-vet'

The Ball was Kicked high, the return man was a back up runnign abck , he fielded the ball on the 3, and tried to Run towards the (his) left

Melia Kristensen

player, 2476 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 22:51

  • msg #39


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (81)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (82)

Melia came in hot focusing on staying in her lane. She was in luck only one blocker lined up to contest her. He underestimating her smaller size and speed she blew past him a with clear line on the ball. As the return tried to move to the left she beat him on speed slamming into him at the waist from the right her head up arms out watching them wrap him up as their pads collided.

Hawkeye Price

player, 432 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 23:05

  • msg #40


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (83)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (84)

Hawkeye followed the trooper up to the box. Crate under her arm.

Once in the box she grinned, as she heard the crowd light up with the first TD. thanks trooper. I got it from here. stepping into the door. Admiral's Hack and St Gual I come bearing gifts. She gently sets the case down opening it up revealing the bottles.

"A bottle of Gin for each of you brand spanking new. Naval Strength made aboard the Hermes."


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 23:13

  • msg #41


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (85)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (86)

general Bale cleared his throat...Oh, Dr.. the crowd nosie was a bit loud?.. I did here you say.. the crate ..MADE IT TO..The hermes...

Hack loked at cat with a slight grin..St Gaul looked agast...well? let us Open mine and we'll see how it tastes... anyone?

Lyri shrugged and finished her glass and went over.

Beth just waved it off...I'm good, i want to be ready for the Victory party tonight.

Will held up a hand and shook his head.

Outisde the Box the stadium was shakign as Hermes folks danced in the stands.

Captain Si, Admiral Hennings and General bale had glasses as well as captain LaQua.

Hawkeye Price

player, 433 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 23:44

  • msg #42


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (87)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (88)

Hawkeye grinned, "Deciding to stay honest with thing Hawkeye grinned. Just a product of down time and want for a hobby, and yes it was made aboard the Hermes from grains and botanicals obtained on Uden, thus making it perhaps the first gin produced from Udenese grains and botanicals. If that's a problem I am more than willing to fill out whatever paperwork is required. It was mad in a shop in the civie section. She took a small serving herself. Bear in mind this is Naval Strength so it's a touch stronger than most shelf products."<royalred> she smiles trying to pour on the charisma raising her glass. <Royalred>To the APF ladies and gentlemen she says with a grin then sips the gin feeling the unique bite of the alcohol made by Udenese grain, and the rich flowery taste of the juniper and udenese flowers and other flavors.


Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 23:52

  • msg #43


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (89)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (90)

Hack Coughed a Bit as he took his sip.. Captain Si chuckled , Hennings looked a bit surprised , but Bale didn't seem to mind it. Lyri Knocked hers back and hunched her shoudlers...

..That's enough for me today... I want to be standing for the victory party.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 01:47

  • msg #44


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (91)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (92)

Billie came down forcing the return man , back inside, where Melia Hit Him, with a good wrap up tackle

1-10 E25 12:55s 1Q H-7 E-0

Billie was waved off the Filed for a moment she stood right next to Coach Post as the other players took the Field.

Everest opened with run up the Middle, it gained 3 yards the Defensive tackle brought the runner down

2-7 E28 12:26 r 1Q

the Evererst team was talking time in the Huddle , coming out with 12 seconds or left on the play clock

The next Play Pascal rolled to His right he passed abut the ball fluttered incomplete over Machins head as he tried to knock it away.

3-7 E28 12:01s 1Q

Post grabbed Billie by the Pads, ..go in for Simmons at Right Corner.. Tell Supe i want him and Zob Blitzing... and Blitz every play after that..

he sent her to the field with a push..

Shadow stood there watching , His Helmet pushed halfway up his head as he drank some power Ade..

Tucker was next to him...Ok? LC..i can see them takign thier time when the clock's runnign, burn some clock?... but why now? the clock is stopped...

He points to the sidlines as Billie was pushed onto the field.....Thier Coach is callign the plays. There is a good chance Pascal has the option to chance things up.. Walker sends plays in to Miller, but Miller is in charge, if she don't like walker's play, she is goign to run it..because of that? Walker can tell her where to attack and she comes up with a play.

Billie Morrisson

player, 527 posts

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 04:07

  • msg #45


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (93)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (94)

Billie entered the game doing as the coach told her with regard to instructions to the other players. She was a bit nervous since she had just gotten used to special teams but remembering what she had been told, on the snap she gave the receiver extra room, determined that she wouldn’t give up any deep passes.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2618 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 04:53

  • msg #46


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (95)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (96)

Nikki stayed near Sneak and the kids as well as Larry. She watched the kids and Sneak with attention, making sure noone bugged them as they had fun. She made sure even the littlest one had a good view. When they'd ask a question she would answer it if she could. She'd help them cheer for Hermes (or even Everest if they liked). She'd help them have fun.

Roy Spencer

player, 8454 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 04:59

  • msg #47


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (97)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (98)

Roy shook his head softly, declining the offer. "The only hard liquor I drink is vodka...and only for two occasions, at that," he explained. In his career field, he'd seen a lot of good men ruined by relying on liquor to help them wind down when they weren't in the field...which eventually led to them needing the liquor when they were in the field, which led to their careers ending in an ignominious display.

He looked over at Admiral Hack. "You suppose it's too late to get some money on the game?" he asked. He didn't generally gamble...but he could afford to venture some money. And betting on the Hermes had never failed him. Quite the opposite...

Karl Nilsson

player, 739 posts

Marine air-support pilot

Capt, call-sign 'Specter'

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 06:03

  • msg #48


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (99)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (100)

Karl got to the stadium late...but headed straight for the betting windows. "Too late to put some money down on the game? And is there a maximum bet size?" he asked. He didn't often pay much attention to his account slowly went up over time, but usually, he was pretty close to equilibrium in what he spent versus what he earned, even with paying the premium price to get the better food on the rec deck or at the O-club instead of the cheaper fare that was more readily available.

But he'd just been paid. And he remembered the last trip to Everest...and he was still kicking himself for not putting money down on that game. It was not a mistake he intended to repeat.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 07:36

  • msg #49


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (101)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (102)

St Gaul looked at Roy...Us the Box COMs , you cam place a Bet from here.. The odds are limited? we had some ....trouble.. the last time the hermes was here, so the Bookies put a Cap on the Bets.


Carl had the Betting pointed out to Him , witht he fellow answering , with a german accent,Ve haf der betting capped at 5000 creds... it is to insure der people do not ..over extend thier resources..Ja? so , vhat vill it be...


For Nikki she was Given the last sideline pass, they stood out of the players Box, and would run to the other end when the ball moved past the 50.

Roll was Having Fun..Larry was havign fun watchign the players, when a big hit happened he thumped his tail Sneak was excited.. Nifty and Jax stayed near them, Lookign at the stands, but also watching the Game.

The 4 Kids were in awe... and..because the hermes helped them..they were all about the hermes winning!


in the started.. offciers and well dressed business folks started to File in and chat with the board, and pose for pics with Will and his medal..

Will would smile, then go back to eating, the same questions rattled off, the newly minted SGT would start to answer,"... I tried to tackle the guy and he shot me..."..or.." I got in the way of a death Frisbee.." and one he would use on men in suits, "... there are alot of dead guys out there, form every race in the APF, that should have this medal.. i was just lucky enough to live.."

he would sit down to start eating ( his second dish of the beef and noodles) and another pair of elbow rubbers would pop in..and he'd have to do it again... To her 'credit' St Gaul only let folks stay for a quick drink and chat, then moved them off.

Lyri , watching the door would nod to Roy and Messe, as the door guard was scannign wrist , for those who were paying to see the EMH...


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 11:36

  • msg #50


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (103)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (104)

CE-VA was busy, getting film on the Fans and the Game.. He Media vessel pumping her feeds out to The Fleets and Colonies, Gleefully.

3-7 E28 12:01s 1Q

It was third down Everest was taking thier time, for whatever reason, and this aided the Hermes team whose people had been fighting hard they last few weeks.

as the amble up to the Line ,Pascal watchign the clock.. Supe yelled at Pascal,..No Use lookign at the Clock, French Fry. We get to beat on you for a long time!

Then, Pascal noticed the new Number two his left..he called out a change to the play and Nivit went in motion to Billie's side.

Shadow Moved down the sidelines.....he sees you out there , Billie.. be ready,,hit hard!

the ball was Snapped Rascal rolled to his Left ( not his favoirte side), he saw a new number out there, and was goign to feed! The Blitz came rolign into the Everest O,Line.. The Sanri Lost Zob after Hitting Him Hard, But Zob used the skills learned in practice tto slip by.. supe used a 'swim Move' and his free run from MLB to shoot another Gap, Nivit shot off on Billie, lookign to blow past the rookie...

Sarah McKeon

player, 445 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 13:24

  • msg #51


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (105)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (106)

Sarah had joined the rest of the flag officers in the limo arriving at the game. It was good sense for her to make an appearance as the highest ranking Burian official, barring any ambassadors, on the station.

She passed on the gin being proffered up much preferring beer or wine herself and not really having a taste for harder liquors.


player, 2634 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 14:32

  • msg #52


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (107)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (108)

When the ball snapped Zob laughed at the pathetic attempt at the Sanri trying to trip him up as he slipped past him, perhaps it was bad luck but he was just a fraction of a second off from catching Pascal as he *bumped* into him even though it was light he made sure it was painful as possible.

Samantha Robertson

player, 550 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 15:05

  • msg #53


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (109)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (110)

Sam Found Howe and watched the Hermes team score the first Touchdown. Sam smiled and said to Howe," Hi there Lt. how are you doping and that is a great start to the game. She knew football, she was an ok fan, she was more here to see and spend time with Howe.

Henry Christie

player, 3888 posts

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 15:10

  • msg #54


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (111)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (112)

<slight flex as we want to arrive at the beginning>

Henry, Val and Mila came along and found a good vantage point to watch the game. It seemed to be the done thing to have snacks, so Henry got some for them all.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 16:22

  • msg #55


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (113)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (114)

Howe waved to Sam and motioned for her to take the seat next to him.. even though the game had started, Hermes folks were drifting in.

Hey Lady!, we're off to a decent start, but there's a long game to go..


Mila saw all the people , must be 30,000 so fare with alot of seats that were slowly filling.. sights of oddly dressed fans and horns sounding, and the smell of dozens of types of food.

Val nibbled on a Hot Dog, she was wigglign in her seat as the next snap came, with Zob and Supe goign after Pascal, who had eagerly decided to pick on Billie...


In the Box people chatted..Will was getting next to, No time, to eat..people gald handing him and Posing for pictures... some wanted to get a pic with Will and his 'squeeze'

Karl Nilsson

player, 740 posts

Marine air-support pilot

Capt, call-sign 'Specter'

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 16:25

  • msg #56


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (115)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (116)

"Five thousand? Perfect. That's what I was looking to put up, in the first place." He rubbed his hands together gleefully.

"Five Thousand, on the Hermes to win." Half the team, he was used to covering in action...the other half kept the skies clear for him to do it (he knew it wasn't that simple, but knowing their quality, he had no reservations about the civies on the squad with the military people he knew).

"I'd say I'm sorry I'll be taking your money...but I'm not." He gave a shark-like smile as his chip was scanned for the bet, and he went to find his seat.

Samantha Robertson

player, 551 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 16:31

  • msg #57


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (117)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (118)

Sam sat next to Howe and gave him a kiss and then said," Yes I saw the first touchdown, lets hope they can score more and kick Everest's butt." Sam was happy she found Howe, and happy they would be spending some time together.

Billie Morrisson

player, 528 posts

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 16:44

  • msg #58


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (119)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (120)

Billie knew she was told not to look for picks, but when she got out there she knew she had the read. Jumping the route she got to the ball before the receiver and took off, inly to be brought down within ten yards by Nivit.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 17:18

  • msg #59


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (121)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (122)

3-7 E28 12:01s 1Q

The Everest People stood , almost as one as Pascal rolled out . They have seen this , time and again...

'Le Lapin'..the Rabbit looking for a target as he ran from the foxes.. The Crown shouted angry, when Pascal was 'nudged down to Sprawl on the fiedl by Zob.

They shouted in disbelief , a The Ball wobbled towards Nivit and the Rookie DB step up to grab it,, she stumbled forward affter Nivit tried to Hit her, and fell down after a return of 6!

Hermes's Ball on the Everest 37!

1-10 E37 11:40s 1Q H-7 E-0

Pascal was screaming at the officials (who weren't home grown this time)... Nivit was crying that Billie pass interfered...

Shadow walked past the Both , after High fiving Billie... He said to Nivit,..shut the 9 hells up you wuss bastard, you're gonna make us ..REAL recivers look bad...

Pascal was storming to his Sidelines..Wow..Pascal... you're up the creek huh?

what do you playboy?

is that in insult? cause.. hey? there are worse things... But you don't have home grown refs ... you have peoploe that are going to hit you every time that ball is snapped.. and crying like a Baby, doesn't make it look good... instead of 'the Rabbit'... what About we change that to , Pascal the puss*?

he took the quick steps towards Shadow who enever moved, but tow refs stepped between them...

That's enough LC..Play the Game...

But.. machins had heard the Bit as he stayed near the field to make sure there wasn't any lobbying for a call..,, He came back and repeated what Shadow had said...

Pretty soon a slow chant started..., getting louder and louder .. PUSS IN BOOTS....PUSS IN BOOTS'


player, 540 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 17:23

  • msg #60


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (123)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (124)

Meari watched the game with Vaka, and when Billie intercepted the ball she jumped up and cheered. She then sat back sown and said to Vaka," She stole the ball from the other team, that is very good."


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 17:24

  • msg #61


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (125)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (126)

Billie was mobbed when she got to the sidelibnes, people slappign her back, pounding on her pads and Givign her High 5's

Post was did that good enough!....

machins came over and Handed her the football...You might want to hold onto this.. '1st interceptions' do happen every day.

Walker sent Melia out , this time with Watson standing next to him...Tell Miller , keep the tempo, try to score fast... he pushed her out to the field

as they waited for the sticks to be reset, there was a commercial on the screem for the new edtions of Action figures for the ESN and CAptain Lighting collections, as well as 'Shadow's Flight" Video game and " Hermes Rise " a tactical board game

Melia Kristensen

player, 2479 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 17:41

  • msg #62


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (127)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (128)

Melia cheered as Zob nearly landed a tackle for a loss the ball wobbling down field only to get pulled in by Billie who added 6 yards returning the pick. She pulled her helmet on moving out to the field with the offense ready for her first series of downs on offense.

Billie Morrisson

player, 529 posts

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:06

  • msg #63


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (129)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (130)

She was breathing heavily but smiled as she was mobbed, giving out high fives and everything before grabbing a quick drink and removing her helmet. A drop of sweat trickled down her temple. She grinned when Machins handed her the ball. "Thanks. Now Kyle has a friend," she chuckled, glancing up into the stands but knowing there was no way she'd see Arnie from where she was.

Roy Spencer

player, 8457 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:07

  • msg #64


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (131)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (132)

Roy snorted softly as the play unfolded. "Well, sh*t...I better make that call quick before they change the odds..." He stepped over, picking up the handset.

"Yes, this is Sergeant Major Spencer. I want to put five thousand on the Hermes...unless you'll take a larger bet..." With it being a VIP line, there likely wasn't need to chip scan...but Roy also figured, with this connection coming from a potential "high-rollers" box, that they might actually consider larger sums. And thanks to his winnings on then-Senator Frans, on Olympus, he could easily afford to risk more money on the game. He didn't consider it much of a risk, he had told several people since then, betting on the Hermes winning was as close to a sure thing as you could get in betting.

Hawkeye Price

player, 434 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:14

  • msg #65


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (133)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (134)

Hawkeye grinned at the reactions, "plus in a pinch we can just dump it in the reactors for an extra power boost. But enough of my rambling, what are your thoughts on it? Be pretty solid in a Gin and Tonic I think." This was perhaps the most excited she'd been about things in a while. Glancing out the box she watches the pick happen,

"Wow can I get in on that betting as well once the SGT Major gets finished? Gotta get in while the odds are good." She calls out, glancing about the room.


player, 2637 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:19

  • msg #66


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (135)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (136)

Zob performance this game was mediocre at best but there was still plenty of time for the luck to turn when the offense started coming back out to the field he called to Melia, "Give em hell!" he then took a seat and got a Gatorade and watched closely.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:19

  • msg #67


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (137)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (138)

The hermes Folks raised thier hands in the Booth..St Gaul looked like she just saw her Flag ship torpedoed!

..That Player?.. she's been on the team..what? 3 days?

beth was up and clapping her Muticolored hair bouncing around, along with other things.HA HA!!! they didn't have that in thier french dressing!

A shorter Balding Man came into the Box ,he had a package... Hack and hennigns waved to him as he went straight to the beleaguered Will.

ahhh!,, good... you are both here....

Will laid down his fork and was ready to pose again. sit down Son... I just wanted to deliver this in person... I'm Carlton Jenson.. I run delta Toys.. we try to time out new launched when the Fleet hits a station... All over the Black new figures and playsets, Vid games, comic and Vids are hitting the market.. But I wanted you to have these.. This one for you... and this one for your Girl here?...

Will looked confused and oepned the wrapping, It was the new SGT Will Call witht he EMH, complete with a Elipsian Balae that can be slipped into the figure. The Box said 'Limited Edition" and the serial number on his was 000,001... Harry had the same figure , marked 000,002..

I'm a toy maker? not a warrior?.. but i figure givign you two the first two off the line, was something least from my part...

Will was speechless as he stared at it...

The fellow said in a testy vill take bets until the end of der 1st quarter.. then der books are closed... I vill put you done for vill be linked to The hermes SEC, to make sure there is no...welching..Ja?

Samantha Robertson

player, 552 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:25

  • msg #68


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (139)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (140)

Sam smiled at the interception and then said," Lt. are we allowed to bet on this game and are they closed yet?" Sam thought no one was going to be the Hermes team today they where playing very tough right from the start, the Everest team seamed to not want to hit or play as hard.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:28

  • msg #69


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (141)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (142)

Howe motioned to the archway that lead to the concessions.....The Bookies are through there.. have BArs on the windows?... I can't leave..bad luck for me to leave my seat!.. and Bad Luck for me to bet.. so , i'm staying here..

Samantha Robertson

player, 553 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:37

  • msg #70


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (143)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (144)

Sam smiled and said," Thank you I will be right back do you want a drink or something ?" Sam waited for Howe's response and then headed for the bookies, she went to the betting booth and put her arm forward to be scanned, she then said," I would like to put a 1000 credits on the Hermes team please, what are the odds?"


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:46

  • msg #71


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (145)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (146)

1-10 E37 11:40s 1Q H-7 E-0

Melia reached the Huddle , Miller looked around,....ok... lets push these frenchies into the Endzone..Shadow?.. You and Dana wrok the slants or Post corners, well give them a dose of Shade and Melia, they sneak up, we burn them.. O-line. I want to see frenchie face masks looking straight up in the air.

..everything is live up and Go on the first sound, no Huddles unless i call for one.

#18 Nasa said, are ze big mouthed one..are you not.. I am Nassa.. i am here to stop you?

..good luck buddy?, Just pray to your gods i don't have to block you..

The Ball was snapped Miller fakes lokign to Shade and Gave Shade a wrap around draw.. the Little Undense slipped through the Hole the O line opened, Just like Coach Walker pointed out in the films.. The MLB came Up to meet Shade, perhaps a little less eager after the Block..Shade didn't evcen pretend to fake he protected the ball and barreled into the much bigger Mad, the crashed into the truf after a gain of 4

2-8 E-33 11: 14r 1Q

Miller pointed to Shadow like she was frustrated with him.. Shadow held his hands up like WTF, then shrugged the DB Laughed at him Miller did the same thing to Dana,, dana looked disgusted and the defesne laughed.. But one ward slipped back to Melia..." Follow through"

the Ball was Snapped Shadow and Dana too off on slants, Shade had a fake Handoff while Melia took the ball right behind him, Once More Shade Blew up the MLB..hitting him as if the man was a verian!

Melia found the Hole Open, but the safeties were coming she had to cut towards Shadow..or Dana...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2481 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 18:53

  • msg #72


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (147)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (148)

Melia lined up in the formation taking the handoff after the fake to Shade who drove a hole in the defensive line as he cratered the MLB, the safeties were moving in on her. Deciding quickly she made a cut out towards Shadow, hopefully giving him an opportunity to land a punishing block on the Everest secondary turning it into a footrace.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 19:04

  • msg #73


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (149)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (150)

Melia's Cut took her towards Shadow, if Shadow saw her, he didn't let any one Knowm the The Clash of pads and helmets , onto his Back with a Shadow whose face look like he might be runnign a largran through with his trench Knife, sent the Safety on his back which shadow landing on him for icing on the cake, Melia had a crease.. behind the flying Shadp0w and in front the trailing Corner...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2482 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 19:10

  • msg #74


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (151)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (152)

Melia shifted into the crease hoping to avoid the corner pouring on more speed keeping the ball tucked from what she could see she just had to beat the corner and then it was open field all the way to the house.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 19:11

  • msg #75


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (153)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (154)

The German Bookie Looked at Sam...Der odds are posted above... pay out vill be scanned in vhen der game es over... do you still vant to bet?

an Everest fan put 500 down on his team to win


odds are Everest by 10

Bets on Everest are even money

Hermes to cover? 2 to one

Hermes to win 5 to one

He shifted through the sheets...

Hermes coach didn't send a full roster in, they got a waiver since Hermes lost so many people.. looks like we aren't carrying anything like that?

There is even money on Pascal being MVP by Voting..even one on him..
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:16, Wed 12 Aug 2020.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 19:40

  • msg #76


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (155)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (156)

The Corner trailing Shadow managed to hit Melia's ankles 11 yards down field , and stubbled to the ground for yards later for a gain of 15

1-10 E-17 10: 43 r 1Q H-7 E-0

Miller didn't gibe her team a chance to celebrate, nor the Everest to regroup.. she barked out orders like a drill SGT to get the team up to the Line and set, not caring if Everest as ready or Not, As Soon as the whistle blew to start the play clock, the ball was snapped,, She Faked to Both Shade and Melia as the two backs went into the line to hit D'line and Help the O-line as Miller fired a lazar into Dana's belly she was hit by the Safety, but every time the LBs came up to blitz, they left the slots open for Shadow and Dana..

2-2 E-9 10:09 r 1Q

Once more Miller snapped at her team, trhe responded like troopers , lining up , maybe grin here and there as they saw White of the everest endzone...

Shade took the Ball again, the Battered MLB back actually stopped before the Undenese slammed into him, they fell forward for a Gain of 4.

1-G E-5 9:38r 1Q

As they Lined up, Millers snapped back ... Melia!

Once more Shade went into the Line, seeking out the MLB like he was a homing missile. The clash of Pads and melia saw two safeties charging Up, while Shadow and the corner back went down in a Ball, and dana took the other Corner into the endzone.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2483 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 19:51

  • msg #77


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (157)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (158)

Melia powered up the middle, ball tucked tight but lost her footing as the two safeties hemmed her up as they came in hitting her high and low the ball popping out as she went down. She fought to scramble after the ball, but was unable to recover it before one of the Everest players fell on.

Samantha Robertson

player, 555 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 20:00

  • msg #78


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (159)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (160)

Sam smiled and said," I will put 1000 on the Hermes to win please, and thank you."
Sam then headed to get drinks for her and Howe and she headed back to her seat to see the fumble. She was upset but they will stop them again, she handed Howe a drink and then watched the game unfold.

Hawkeye Price

player, 435 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 20:21

  • msg #79


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (161)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (162)

Given a chance at the phone line Hawkeye jumps on it calling down to the betting booth. Heyo, Hawkeye here from the Hermes Med team. Go ahead and put me in for 2000 on the good guys and by that I mean the Hermes.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2429 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 20:32

  • msg #80


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (163)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (164)

Harry spent what felt like most of the morning either posing with or taking pictures of Will, or playing the part of the loving, attentive girlfriend as Will told the story of how he earned his EMH over and over again, though unlike Will she had managed to briefly sneak away so she could get something to eat.

It was just as she was contemplating ways of getting Will a break away from all of the bloody tourists that a balding man was introduced to them. Who after waving for Will to sit back down would present them both with a small wrapped package. Curious as to what it could be she would carefully remove the wrapping to find a Limited edition Will Call figure complete with EMH and removable frisbee of death if only the real thing had been so easy to remove! ”Oh that’s so kind of you, Will is such a fan of your work...see baby I told you that you would be an action figure one day” she said with the first genuine smile of the day, knowing how much the gesture meant to Will ”perhaps we could introduce my Will action figure to your Harry action figure?” she suggested to a gobsmacked Will with a cheeky grin as she affectionately teased him about his collection.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 21:34

  • msg #81


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (165)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (166)

Carlton smiled and Nodded,..well there is a will figure.. this is special addition... The Admiral and Lt Morrow makes sure i get information we need to make quality products..and its important to get the heroes right...

he smiled at Harry....even yellow armor.


game time

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 22:03

  • msg #82


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (167)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (168)

The Ball Bounced and rolled on the turf , one of the safeties reached out to grab it.

The Everest fans jumped and cheered as the Refs pointed in thier direction. Hermes folks groaned...

but.. it was only a matter of seconds before they started the chant...3.....5....1...Hermes...3...5....1..Hermes

Shadow Patted melia On the back, the German who recovered the Ball grinned at him.....keep grinning Otto.... look where you're at...

Miller Jogged past melia,..shake it off Kristensen.. who got a whole gods be damned game to play!

Shade walked with here and Shadow off the field as the teams waited for the sticks to be reset, The Scoreboards showing the Hit..the fumble and the recovery

Post Just Nodded to the Offense but was shouting to the Defesne... i want 2 deep!..Blitz every f*cking body!

1-10 E3 9:04s F Q H-7 E-0

As the defesne waited Supe looked at Zob...we got the edge here.. he can only drop back so far, and if he rolls out, he could step out for a safety.. if they get got holding in the endzone..its a safety.... Machins and the other Safety would be the 'back deep' Billie and the other corner would hit thier recivers , then charge up field in case Pascal escaped the Pocket..

the sticks were set, Supe says... submarine the O-line, we can Jam up the backs if its a run..if its a Pass The LBs can get to Pascal.

pascal came up to the Line.. he looked around, his eyes wide... the Ball was snapped he faked the hand off and the back Got crushed, he dropped back lookign for Nivit...
machins was already moving towards the reciever.

The QB Panicked and rolled to his right.. Billie charged Up filed , Zob broke through and Supe was closing in on him from behind.


Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 22:22

  • msg #83


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (169)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (170)

Miller was goign over the screens with Walker Shadow was waving his hangs to get the crowed fired up.. As the Everest team broke thier Huddle larry Let out a blood curdling howl

the Stem kids looked at Larry with Wide eyes.. Rolls just stood there petting him as howled.

Watson sat down by Miller,..Shake it off... long game to go keep the bag , high and tight, and cover up when you're getting hit?.. once you pooped a few dozens times, tis easier to 'feel the ball'


player, 2640 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 22:41

  • msg #84


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (171)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (172)

When Zob broke through the line his feet tore up the terrain as he moved to intercept Pascal, shifting to the right Supe got picked up by one of the back by fortunate luck this gave him a clear shot straight at Pascal, 'Here comes the pain human!' he thought to himself as he barreled towards Pascal to sack him with all of his strength making sure it was painful as all hell for him just like they told him in the locker room before the game make them walk away limping.

Roy Spencer

player, 8458 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 23:20

  • msg #85


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (173)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (174)

"Whatever you need to do," Roy snorted softly, before handing the phone off to Hawkeye. He rejoined the group watching the game as the fumble happened,, and gave an easy grin.

"Smart of them to turn the ball'll keep the bookies taking bets all the way through the first quarter, and discourage them changing the odds..." He knew it wasn't deliberate...but St. Gaul didn't, and he took a twisted glee in leaving her wondering just how much her team was actually succeeding at anything.

Billie Morrisson

player, 530 posts

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 00:22

  • msg #86


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (175)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (176)

Billie broke loose into the backfield and even though she didn't get the sack she had to smile that she helped make it happen.

game time...

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 01:00

  • msg #87


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (177)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (178)

When Zob Hit pascal , as the QB thought about turning the corner, only to see Billie and the Outside LB charging Up, Zobs hit sent the Ball Bouncing and it touched the end line..

The refs; hands came over their head in the symbol of 'Safety'

2 points were added to the Hermes Score

The free kicks would be from the 20, giving the Hermes team a chance at real chance at great field position. As the game paused for the teams to get set up.

Shadow walked out on the field with Walker and Dana The two players nodded thier head and The Safety #29 Klang shouted..It is But 2 points, herr Shadow!

Shadow put a hand over top his eyes like an Indian scout...I dunno, Otto?... looks like 9 points from here.. 2 drives? two turnovers... doesn't look Good...

Klang just waved him off and Shadow yelled, Hey Otto?..when you lose this game, With that make you a ...saur- Kraut?

The team Lined up,, the Everest time lined up, just behind the 20... thier punter signaled ready and started forward The hermes front line, on the Everest 30.. The BAll went back , Dana caught it , her and Shadow ran towards each other as Shade and Zob and the others tried to form a 'fence fo Shadow to run to the right.

the Everest team broke down and started to pincer in as Shadow passed Dana, , SHadow hunched over, his arms and ands Moving to Protect the Ball.. tow Everets Player Hit him at the Hermes 35..but? there was no whistle...because there was no ball...

Dana was slowly jogging up the left sidelines with the ball on her outside him, and No one But the Punter and the Hermes crowd knew it.. then.. she had to run! Several Everest players held hands on the helmets as the realized what had happen, slight of hand.. the saw what they wanted to see...

The Punter ran hard he dove head first at her legs and caught her trailing leg, bringing her down on the Everest 11...

Dana pouned the football on the turf ,,so damn close!


Walker came over to Watson and Melia...Any other time, i would stay with the rotation.. But Watson gets next series, no matter waht.. you go out there and get some redemption

and once again they waited for the sticks to be set , One of the trainers brought drinks out for the team as Miler said...11 yards...lets get in this time If I say 'hermes before the snap... look for quick slants.. other wise it s on one and we'll work Shahe and melia...

1-10 E11 8:46s 1 Q H-9 E-0

Shadow looked out after drink a big squirt of Power Ade.....Hey ?..Everest?.. how do you guys 'use' the spread?.... cause.. when you are giving away 10 points?'re not really supposed to give us those? know that...right?

Melia Kristensen

player, 2484 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 01:14

  • msg #88


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (179)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (180)

Melia had stalked off the field frustrated after dropping the ball, but it turned into a safety as Zob and the defense put in a strong effort. Starting back on the 11. With the coach putting her back in Melia nodded energetically. This was like battle, dwelling on your mistakes got you killed, she shoved the fumble out of her mind as she grouped up and listened to the directions, then lined up in formation.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2430 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 12:07

  • msg #89


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (181)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (182)

”You already know about my yellow armour? I only painted it the other day myself” she replied, impressed by the level of detail he had in order to produce his figures ”...well if you ever want any pictures of my tattoos so you can paint them on, all you have to do is ask” she added with a smile even though she suspected they were a little too explicit for him to use.


player, 447 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 12:15

  • msg #90


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (183)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (184)

Mila curled up and went to sleep on Her Human's feet.

Balls were no fun when you weren't allowed to chase them!


Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 12:49

  • msg #91


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (185)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (186)

Carlton nods at harry with a bit of a smile, well Ensign Lynch? the 3 D printers for the Molds are up dated , almost weekly.... Mayhe sometyhing on the Uniform.. or? Like the disc that hit Will?... Will's unifrom has changed from his first Figure to the special editon.., to make sure we caught the 1st ever 'live' EMH holder....

Handing her his Vidboard showing the updated 'Harry"...Once the Miolds are done, tis easy to put into production... the smalle r figures that have thier clothes or armor molded?.. all we have to do is paint, or inject the right color plastics?... These 6 inch and 8 inch figures, we just have to inject the right color plastics for the armor or weapons or what have you... then detail the aspects with machine arms and such....

..its all very fascinating if you like thigns like this...perhaps you two would like to see the Plant on fuji.. we are in the lower levels.. its quite a sight, if i do say so myself.

Captain Si interjects as she went to get a fresh drink from the bar, that wasn't quite as...strong.not to memtion, that 2 credis from any sale goes into the operations of The delta Fleet... you would be surprised as the boost that gives us.


Hack , Beth and Hennigns were cheering as the Safety happened and barely sat down before the ch3eered and Laughed at Dana's bootleg on the free kick return

Admiral St Gual was ...less-then-impressed.. at the way her team was playing....So? all we do is stop the fast woman, and your Team is

Hennings looked at Hack and Grinned,,,..I hope they do that!.. Duble up on Dana? See how Shadow performs one on one.. right now? he's blocking and drawing coverage..wait until they start using him.


Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 13:03

  • msg #92


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (187)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (188)

1-10 E11 8:46s 1 Q H-9 E-0

The ref Nodded to miller and gave a sweep of his hand for them to line up. Miller , called the Change, this time, taking Only one step back as she fired the Bll, Just over the Left DE's helmet into Shadow's hands, he tucked it in and Lowered his shoudler into Klang who had charged up to help the CB.

1-5 E4 8:19r 1Q

The very next place was a Handoff to Shade who blasted into the Line, but the Everest team filled it , the Little Udenese gaining 1 yard.

2-5 E3 7:47 r 1Q

Miller hand every one Line Up quickly, but called a differant audible at the Line, , this time she Fake to shade who barreled into the Like , like he had the ball, takign hits and having the DT and MLB land on him,

Miller Pivoted and tossed a pitch to Melia runnign towards Shadow's side of the field.. the Everest team was Pinched in...

Shadow made his Block and then some driving the CB off tot he field , givign one last shove that sent him into the wall,...Melia was now in a race... she was gettign ready to turn the corner and try to get those last 3 yards to paydirt.... Klang was sprinting full speed at her,,.. a race for her to reach the goal line..or Klang to knock her out of Bounds............

Melia Kristensen

player, 2485 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 13:39

  • msg #93


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (189)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (190)

On the first two downs Melia stepped up to block protecting Miller.

On the 3rd down she followed the audible. 5 steps out towards Shadow turning taking the short pass on her shoulder and locking the ball in.

It was a race to the turn as she also accelerates. Remembering the hours of drills she'd run the other morning she cuts the corner turning up field beating Klang by a step racing past the pylon for a touch down. Tossing the ball to the ref she fist pumped the air. "Gotta get up earlier if you're gonna catch me Klang." she snarked heading back towards the side.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Thu 13 Aug 2020.

game time

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 14:37

  • msg #94


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (191)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (192)

The refs hands went up in the air.. and the hermes side of the Building went crazy.... The roar echoed as fans stood or Jumped...

The Stem kids on the sidleines were, at first, frightened, then began to Giggling and Laugh a Sneak raised her arms and screamed witht eh rest.. so? they all cheered and Hollered too..

Shadow and Nassa were Havign words..Nassa was steamed , Shadow was laughing his irritating laugh.

Teh PAT team went out, which included Shade and Zob

Tucker kicked the ball through, H-16 E-0

when they got back to the sidlines , it was Shadow's turn as He flipped Melia the Ball...1st TD?.. Keep it, the equipment guys will write it up for you..

Walker shouted for the coverage team, so Billie , Melia, Zob and Shade were out there as well as other DBs and LBs.

H-16 E-0 7:06s 1Q

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 248 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 15:25

  • msg #95


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (193)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (194)

Up in the stands Jug and the Gava jumped and celebrated with the rest of the crowd, save for Bog who for some reason was more interesd in something called 'popcorn'.
This message was last updated by the player at 15:25, Thu 13 Aug 2020.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2486 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 15:26

  • msg #96


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (195)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (196)

Melia caught the ball with a grin, and set it next to the small bag she had with her containing her side arm and knife in case of emergency.

Then it was time to go out for the kick off.

She jogged out onto the field. Lining up to punish the Everest return team.


player, 2642 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 15:31

  • msg #97


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (197)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (198)

Zob grinned as he watched Melia score a touch down so far they were killing it but there was still 3 more quarters they had to keep the pressure up he lined up and got ready to put a end to the Everest return team.


Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 16:34

  • msg #98


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (199)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (200)

H-16 E-0 7:06s 1Q

Thr team Lined Up..Zob and Shade on either side of Tucker Bliie and Melia set as the 'interceptors '.. Walker Called for another High kick , hopefully short of the Goaline so they would have to return it.

The return mad settled under the Ball, charging forward , as the clash of pads and Bodiers grew louder.


player, 2644 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:33

  • msg #99


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (201)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (202)

Zob charged forward shifting to the left to dodge one of the Everest players from blocking him when he slipped past him he had a direct line of attack on the ball carrier, as he closed the distance he tackled him as hard as he possibly could bringing him down at the 25 yard line!

Melia Kristensen

player, 2489 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:38

  • msg #100


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (203)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (204)

Melia ran down her side picking up a double block to stop her. Still she managed to tie up both blockers hitting them hard helping to provide the rest of the team a better chance at stopping the return.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6304 posts

field engineer

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:41

  • msg #101


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (205)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (206)

Garrat and Teela arrive dropping off Zobs ride

Roy Spencer

player, 8459 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 17:50

  • msg #102


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (207)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (208)

As Melia ran in for the touchdown, Roy quipped, "Ummmm...which fast woman would that be, Admiral?" He grinned at Hennings, as the PAT was good.

"Well, that would be two touchdowns with the 2-point conversion, at this point. And the Hermes squad is just warming up. They might not have had much time to practice as a squad for the past few weeks...but the thing about actually being in combat is, it's amazing for your stamina..."

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6305 posts

field engineer

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 22:04

  • msg #103


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (209)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (210)

Garrat attempts to Lay thousand dollar wager

Harriet Lynch

player, 2431 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 22:06

  • msg #104


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (211)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (212)

Harry would watch with interest as she was shown the pictures of her updated figurine in it's various stages of manufacture as it went from a two colour plastic humanoid to something that held more than a passing resemblance to her "Yeah...I might just do that when we next hit Fuji, what do you reckon Will? Would you fancy taking a look around? No doubt they would have the moulds for some of the discontinued stuff kicking around too" she said to Will, though when they would next end up on Fuji was any ones guess.

It was as she was thanking Carlton once again for his gift that she would overhear Roy's comment to Admiral St Gaul prompting a roguish grin to appear on her face as she commented "Oh now that is for certain" in a way that made it clear she wasn't talking about running.


Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 23:01

  • msg #105


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (213)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (214)

Garrat Got the wager in, in time..they seemed to be turnign away Everst people who wanted to bet on the Hermes , as they saw the tides shift.



St Gaul, ze 'Ermes team.. they are merely using tricks... soon, it is time to play the real game, Qui?

Hack Looked annoyed and truned back to the field, Hennings patted his back, as he replied, I don'r know Admiral, you might have got distracted by all the glad handing and Rear polishing?... but i've seen some nice hits out there...

Hack chuckled,wait?... Shadow is being nice right now... He's not afraid to draw a Personal Foul if some one cheap shot him or another team mate..mostly though? he takes care of it himself..

She looked at the 16-0 score...we shall see.. we have not hade ze bounce of the ball...

Beth was deep into the Game now as she moved from the bar to the windows,..Both teams lost a fumble.....your team lost 2!.. and we had a pick..


Will smiled as Carlton made himself a plate and sat with them....this is somehtign Special, Mr Jennings? i mean.. I have the first 'Will"

You too can call me Carlton... and? its something.. to have a EMH winner i can talk to?... I don't like us making figures of dead people? i mean... if they die after we make them.. we'll release new figures , as if they are alive..but we sorta keep them in the backround, Stevens..The Galatic medal of Honor Winner..we don't make him any longer unless some one offers a big load of creds... doesn't seem right to make it...but..Creds are still creds.

He flicks through the Vids and truns it aroudn to show them a kid with a table full of tiny figures , and a ESN Hermes ship that is 4 feet long.

we came up with this? an over simplified Herems play set.. it comes with 12 Hermes 'crewman.. all ' HO sized'.. and you can but packs of more crew.. civies and ssuch.. even started to package Largs.... Kids can play witht eh Hermes and store their figures inside... it will hold 12 figthers..they thing it wil be a great seller, because folks will back the 'custom'mpacks were the figures are hand painted to look like crewman, of course? its more in wjat they are wearing and thier poses? works.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:12, Thu 13 Aug 2020.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 01:43

  • msg #106


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (215)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (216)

1-10 E25 H-16 E-0 7:06s 1Q

The Everest fans chanted EVEREST EVEREST..but the chant sounded more like a plea... Some of the Hermes folks were dancing in the stands, perhaps a few who might have indulged a bit during the early part of the game.

Post stressed the game plan, Just the Middle, take away inside run, make Pascal..HAVE to thrown on the run, which was much difference then throw on the run,

The Half back tried to go off Tackle and was met by the DT and DE, for a gain of 1

2-9 E26 6:39r 1Q

again, they took time in the Huddle, as the came , walkign to the Line Supe snapped in a humorous Rage . Hey!..Puss In Boots!.... you do know they team that's winning is suppose to run out the clock

Teh next pass when between Billie and the OLB.. fort a Gain of 10.

The Everest crowd cheered for thier 1st...1st down through the air.

1-10 E36 6:07 r 1Q

Pascal had a snide look as the next play was a fake handoff and he hit the TE for 4 yards... Supe left the frenchman to get up by himself.

The TE said,your team.. you are not the good sports

Supe pointed a finger at him,..we saved this station from being Empire scrap metal.. and what did we get?.. a Handful of ships to help us in a Battle that we almost lost The Hermers, then you go and brag about how your team is fine, but we lost some players in the battle!.... you're luck we don't start taking heads!

2-6 E40 5:47r 1Q

Post sent in 'all Blits 2 " which would leave Machins and the other Safety back while every one poured in ..either smothering the run, or...hopefully , getting to pascal.


player, 2647 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 02:55

  • msg #107


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (217)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (218)

When the ball was snapped Zob forced his way through the line, thanks to the efforts of Supe and the others he had a open shot straight at Pascal as he built up speed and momentium he tackled Pascal so hard the sheer force of the tackle caused him to lose 6 yards!

Billie Morrisson

player, 532 posts

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 03:42

  • msg #108


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (219)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (220)

Billie tried to get a read but couldnt. She hit the guard and was stopped in her tracks until the whistle blew.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2622 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 03:45

  • msg #109


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (221)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (222)

Nikki winked at Sneak, getting the kids to start chanting "Hermes! Hermes! Hermes!" She smiled at them and even gave them hugs, they sorely needed. Often clapping. Haley was teaching the other girls some simple steps to cheer with.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 04:27

  • msg #110


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (223)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (224)

m Pascal got up shouting at the O-Line as they Huddled up.. the Everest crowd was buzzing, but there were no cheers..meanwhile the Hermes side of the field rocked .

on the sidlines the Kids giggled and laughed..perhaps..some small pleasure in see Everest getting beaten, and the Hermes 'nice people" winning.

EverSEC Troopers came near Sneak and the kids, she looked at Nikki and waved to Jax and Nifty, who both started to step towards the troopers,

Larry Looked around his head flattened and put himself between the Kids and SEC..

Roll snapped,You stay away!.. they are our friends!

a two striper looked to Nikki...we..we.. have a Ship to take them to med tech ship...

jax Looked at Nifty.. Jax had his SMJ on the guards while Nifty COMed Roy...SM? This is Nifty?.. we got t wo EverSEC here who want to that these Stem kids?... Now.. I don't have the paygrade to know this, But The LC said they were comign to the Condos tonight for the party..and then he will see about getting them a trip to a med tech ship together?... SM... this don't sound right?

the Kids Moved up towards the player Larry lokign like he was goign to have an early halftime lunch


beth and Lyri where dancing , doing Hip Bumps after Zob's second sack...

St Gaul looked at Beth,are you not an officer, young woman!

Yes Ma'am..but I'm also a hermite!

Hack looked at St Gaul..Admiral? Stand down.. I have a whole ship full of people you shouldn't even try to make 'not like you'... beth is the 1st one on that list..


Messe took the lull in the sticks reset to say , aloud,Mon SM?.. would you like to be my escort for the Admiral's Ball...

St Gaul looked at Messe....was it not settled that Commander Von Dunker was to escort you? es not 'settled'... I did not wish for him, I was 'oping, to see the SM , and have him escort me, if he would chose to accept... otherwise, i will go without ze escort..qui?


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 04:51

  • msg #111


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (225)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (226)

3-11 E34 5:03r 1Q

the play came into pascal he he snapped at players in the Huddle. When they came up to the Line they moved a bit more sternly.

Post signal in to drop back , letting the DLine and Supe put the pressure on pascal to get 11 or more yards.

when the Ball was snapped the D-line hammered into the O-line, Supe and Zob and Callen , the DE broke into the Backfield . pascal tried to Run for his life, and ended up sending the ball to the Hermes sideline where One of the 2nd team O-line man caught it.

Supe managed to time his hit as pascal's arm was moving sending him to the turf, hard..

Supe bent down,all day , baby...all day.. we're gonna hit you this half, next half, 9 hell's we'll hit you when you get into you car to go home!

3-11 E34 4:39 R 1Q

The Punt team came On the Filed , Walker grinned and sent Shadow out to return it.

The Punter counted his people , they set up the Ball was snapped, the kick got off, a damn good punt driving Shadow back to the 5 yards Like, where he caught it, instead of letting it go into the endzone.. and he churned Up Filed, he was running fast, but not hard, Until the Gunner s closed in, and he shot forward leaving them with Air to grasp... but the punting team had a Big mess of Hermes and Everest in a pile, Rather then just give Up Shadow Leaped into the air.. and looked really great as he sailed over the first Lineman, but...not so good when the second line man hit him in Midarm, the lac spun end over end and Hit the ground, both hands around the Ball.. the ground groaned.. but He got up with a grin and tossed the ball to the ref.

Miller hit his pad,Look, show off?.. you get hurt i lose the 2nd best Wideout on the team!

Dana Giggled,told ya!

1-10 H 46 4:19s 1Q

Roy Spencer

player, 8463 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 05:01

  • msg #112


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (227)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (228)

Roy held up his hand a moment, as he fielded the comm call. "Those kids are under Hermes custody right now. If those officers would like to come up here to the box and explain what the hell they think they're doing trying to preempt our security people, I'll be happy to discuss it with them...but if they lay one finger on those kids without my say-so, you bend or break whatever parts of them you need to in order to dissuade them from doing something so incredibly stupid as to remove Shadow's guests from the sidelines...because if they think I might be unpleasant to talk to, they sure as sh*t don't want to get the lecture Shadow would give. Carry on, Private."

He looked up from his comm. "Captain, it would be my sincere honor to be your escort. We Marines have to stick together..." He gave a predatory grin to St. Gaul, and added, "I mean, those Navy types are nice enough, I guess...but most of 'em are just a little too...tame? Bland? Something, for Marine tastes..."

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2623 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 05:16

  • msg #113


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (229)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (230)

"They do not need medical assistance...You just need to move along" she stated plainly as the corporal said they were going to a med ship. "Now git going.....Make a scene and I will give you the whole damn musical" Her eyes narrowed on them both. She took two steps towards them not taking her eyes off them. She was close enough to read their names on their uniforms. She did not openly threaten them, but her implications was 'consider yourself threatened'.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:29, Fri 14 Aug 2020.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6308 posts

field engineer

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 05:54

  • msg #114


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (231)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (232)

After placing his wager, Garrat had spotted Sneak down on the sidelines. He had gone down to speak with her when he noticed the...problem.

Garrat overheard Spencer’s orders. Feeling a show of force might defuse the situation, he texted Spencer volunteering for sidelines security for Hermès “assets” and jumped the barrier to join Nicole. He glanced back to see if Teela was joining him before facing the Security.

Garrat looked sternly down at the Troopers as an adult would look at unruly children on the playground. Hearing Nikkis words he says with a perfectly straight face “and I’m the fat lady.” He checks his shot pistol, one really big barrel for each trooper. Delta fleet security has this well in hand, and no rules have been broken and if I have to sing I’m going to get cranky and things will be over fast.” Garrat glances up at the skybox. “I don’t think you want to go up the chain of command by misbehaving.”

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2624 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 06:06

  • msg #115


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (233)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (234)

"Garrat?! How the hell ya been? These ...shaved tails were just leaving" She smiled at Garrat, then immediately glowered at the two EverSEC. When they would leave she'd give him a big hug to welcome him back, as would Haley and probably Roll. Sneak definitely would.

Roy Spencer

player, 8464 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 06:12

  • msg #116


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (235)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (236)

Roy texted Garrat back, reminding him that, as of right now, everyone on the sidelines was authorized to be there by Everest Security, a point he didn't want to bend so as to not allow them any room to wiggle around their own protocols. I appreciate the offer...but if I didn't think Jax and Nifty could handle anything Everest is going to throw at them...ESPECIALLY with Larry there backing them up...I wouldn't have given them the assignment.

The last thing he needed was EverSEC escorting EVERYONE off the sidelines because people started gate-crashing...that would give him headaches galore to have to explain, even with Everest's own head of Security sitting in the booth with him.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 11:31

  • msg #117


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (237)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (238)

The EverSEC Troopers looked at Garrat...I'M sorry Sir?.... Do you have a field Pass... If Not we may have to take you along as well...

Sneak snapped,..he is my guardian, as I am to The Hermes children and.. we are entertaining these 4, who do...indeed, have sideline passes..

One of the Troopers reaches for His COM. Jax walks up to him, from the right hand side of a Blurbling Larry,

Look... I have no use for most Station SEC.. they used to hunt me and my pack like animals, while letting real criminals go free.... I don;t know what will happen if you call in more EverSEC...but i do know this, if you try to push this...there are going to be a whole lot less walk away...You heard the have any problems, the whole board, and the SM are up in that fancy if you don't want walk all that way up.. I can call that nice man with the 19 on his jersey here..i'm sure he would love to talk with troopers who are interrupting thier ass kicking..

Nifty Looks up at Garrat...SGT?... You don't have a field pass?... maybe get back over the railing there , so's they don't have no reason to lock you up? You know there lookin' for that a Lady with wings....

Sneak rolls her eyes.....NIFTY!... keep your focus


Captain Messe got on her COMs... she looked at Roy...smiling as she tapped out a message , Thank you, Mon SM, it will be a glorious thing for me to walk into the Ball, with my arm on a warrior...

She looks at the return, and says,..There is no med tech vessel being sent for ze children, no request has been made... a lie...
she COMed down to the troopers... looking out the Window as she did...

..who gave you ze order, to take ze children..I did not?..there is no inbound craft for zem...

Taking his COM out slowly as Jax watched him and Nifty did his best 'Shoemaker' except with his toothpick...

Madame Captain?... It was ze LT..he said we are to take them ... That a Van
woud waiting...

Larry's Burbled was getting louder.

Roll pointed at them defiantly...You better go!..or In name of The Hermes..i will have my larg Attack..!

The trooper without his COM on, looked at Niftly who Grinned, winked and gave him a nod.

Jax said softly into His COM,SM?.... we have some folks running around checking the lights?

In the Booth the Captain said,..i think..maybe, ze Van might be having electrical problems?

St GAul sipped more wine,Guests had finally stopped flowing in to bother Will, and she just waved a Hand,All this fuss for some...some Stem Children?

Beth was watching the game, though she looked like she was zoned into the Game , her vidboard was on, and Roy could see several Blue dots scattered around the stadium Map...... even LArgs protect thier puppies... why shouldn't Humans do the same... instead..humans sell thiers to gain creds..or gain favor with the EDT..or ..both..
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:12, Fri 14 Aug 2020.

Sarah McKeon

player, 446 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 14:46

  • msg #118


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (239)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (240)

In reply to stadium (msg # 110):

Sarah had been watching the game, and observing the actions of St. Gaul and her cronies. Cpt Messe seemed to be doing alright well accepted by SGT MAJ Spencer. The game was going well for the Hermes, and she found herself cheering for the team. She'd not done a lot of work with them, but at least she respected their work effort. Still St. Gual her elitist attitude grated on her.

"I'd always heard that Everest was the 'home' of the delta fleet, and I had been looking forward to this meeting. Instead the expeditionary forces are met with condescending disdain. Aren't we on the same side of this war? Also you can stow the snobbery, its an unbecoming conduct for a professional officer of the ESN and APF, and makes the officer corp look not much better than the Demons and their allies. If you truly cared for the outcome of this war, and the survival of the human race you'd ensure those stem kids survive and thrive. Even your elitist colored view can appreciate a potential resource, a term you might understand better since you seem incapable of seeing them as people.

One thing was for certain, the attitudes of the Everest leadership towards their own people would be reflected in her report to the Burian high council.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6309 posts

field engineer

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 15:32

  • msg #119


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (241)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (242)

Garrat nodded, “I’m going to be blunt boy, I’m not from around here, I’m Over 700 Years old and have officially adopted some of the people you see before you as my family. Business and being there for those I care about has taken me away from them for more than a month now and this is my first chance since coming into port to make contact with them."

"I don’t know about your pass, and as a good standing member of the delta fleet will not screw with your rules, but as my girl says you are already messing with your own rules as well as ours. Now I am offering to return to the other side of that little wall like a good spectator If Your people will abide by the rules of your own station and leave the people under my protection alone.

"The head of security for the entire fleet has been told what is going on here and he’s standing of in one of those boxes next to the provost who can court marshal everyone in your entire chain of command. I really don’t think you want to interrupt the game for them.

"I also don't think you want to threaten the well being of any crew member,

He nods at the children, or honorary crew member of the Hermes in front of most of the Hermes crew. We are a clanish lot and don't take kindly to abuse of power. We will defend our own possibly with lethal force if we feel they are in harms way."

Garrat Gives Nicole a sideways huh. "Teela and I are doing well, but the Sec guy is right. we don't want to give them any ligitimate reason to cause a fuss."

He gives Sneak a side hug and kiss on the temple and says simply "I'm proud of you." Then returns to just the other side of the wall as ordered and stands next to Teela, [if she chooses] with his side arm in his hand but pointing at the ground for the time being.

While unlikely he would hope that other Hermes crew or Delta fleet personel would notice and a couple would join him.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:00, Fri 14 Aug 2020.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 15:47

  • msg #120


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (243)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (244)

Hack looked at Sarah, then to St Gaul..St Gaul looked a bit angry.

Carlton spoke up as he turned in his chair, wiping some white gravy from his lips as he chewed and Looked at the Officers.

..If I may...being an Non-Military man and all that?. Fuji is know as 'The Home of The Delta Fleet.. we are very proud of that... The Admiral and the LC maintain residence there , and many of the delta fleet's fighters and Pilots come from there...

and? Admiral St Gaul I fail to se the need to drown one's self in the trappings orf excess, when you have children and adults who could be put to use?...,everything from street cleaning, to rodent hunting, to enlistment in the service?

Hack , still paying more attention to the game,adds Well said Carlton.. I am certain there are still 'Stem Kids' on Fuji.. from sickening reason as Parents leaving them.. to
them losing those parents..

Carton has a forkful of Noodles , almost to his mouth as he says,.. yes , Admiral hack? The FujiSEC teams do sweeps, they will round up a child or two, There are more then enough places for them to go on Fuji, some are even sent to PG in settlements that are working with those 'natives' that were found there...the hard thing , is getting kids with no hope, to trust those who wish to aid them


The trooper with out his COM on nods to Garrat.. Looks at the stern face Roll ( still pointing an imperious finger at them).. and the Burbling larry

we should move off.. The LT can take care of this?

Nifty still grins as the toothpick twitches in his mouth By this time the Kids Moved closer to Sneak and Nikki


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 16:51

  • msg #121


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (245)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (246)

1-10 H 46 4:19s 1Q

when the Ref nodded to Miller , she waved the Team up to the Line..., the safeties closed in a bit, perhaps for a run blitz? it didn't matter to Miller, this was what she waited for.

She called the Audible shifting Shade to fullback in the I with Melia behind Him, this cause the battered MLB to shift towards the hole between the Left guard and center, when Shade and Melia had been running .

Shadow heard the call and , uncharacteristically, brought his right arm up , just a few inches m with his fist closed... Nassa saw this and shifted, one step to his inside, figuring him to Run Block,, either Him, or to cut down the OLB...

The Snap Came, Shadow took one step inside , used his Inside arm as a 'swim Move ' and was Gone..Nassa was on his face as he expected Shadow to hit him with a forearm, all his wait going into...nothing...

Then... the tunnel runners saw 'the fast Shadow' Miller took tow steps back,,each stap was a fake of a Hand off to her backs.. Shade, went out of his way to smash into the MLB,, melia ran into the DT that thought he was closing the hole...

Miller Threw the Ball Hard.. the grunt of effort she used to let the Ball Go could be heard over the clash of pads.. She stood on her own 40 when she let the Ball go, Shadow , in this time was on the Everest 30.. Dana also rant a streak,, she was on the Everest 40..but Miller was going to Shadow on this play.. you only get a few chances a a crushing Blow.... only the Safety on Shadow's side of the field , even pretended to give chase...

The Ball's nose came down as the ball looked like it was trying to ctach up the the running Shadow.. The LC slowed down on the 10 so the ball could reach him..caught it at the 5, and walked in for the score....

The everest DMs just stood on the field and watched, with only the one safety, jogging a few steps before he stopped.


when Nassa fell forward and Shadow sprinted for real.. the Fans on the Hermes side pointed, and like a rush of a flood coming down a Ravine .. getting louder as Miller heaved the ball as hard as she could down field.. voice grew as the ball soared, trying to catch up with the speeding Wideout and the hermes Bleacthers exploded in a Roar as he caught it and walked into the endzone...

Nassa was walking down to try and Block the extra point.. Shadow was Grinnign as he jogged to the sidlines and pointed up at the crowd and waved his hands for more noise...

what..are you!

Shadow turned to him,I'm a pro? and i work at my craft.. and you see that 6 legged green and Blue guy?.. he's My trainer...

The crowd shouted " SHADOW..SHADOW... and they stopped when he made the throat slashing slashing gesture and Held up his arms... nost of the Crowds stopped... he took his ehad gear off and started the chant using his fingers for the numbers..the crowd, mostly shipmates..caught on and shouted..

..3....5...1..HERMES!!....3...5...1.. HERMES!! and once the team chant started he nodded to the crowd, pointing to them and clapping.
Shade Gave Shadow a Hug as he turned around , Bleeping a Mile a minute, followed By Dana and Miller, who,much unlike herself, gave Shadow a Hug.

Tucker Kicked the Ball through and the hermes team lead 23-0

3:59s 1 Q H 23 , E 0


player, 542 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 17:07

  • msg #122


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (247)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (248)

Meari and Vaka where watching the game unfold as it looked like the Hermes team was taking control and just hit harder, played harder and never looked like they where coasting like the other team seemed to be doing.

Then the altercation happened between Everest SEC, Garret, Sneak, Nikki and some new kids that meari only saw but they where with Hermes crew so they where protected. Meari smiled at Vaka and said," We protect our own remember that Vaka."

Meari stood up and moved and she was right next to the head Everest SEC, she smiled towering over him," Hello Sir is there a problem you are making it very hard to watch and enjoy the game, why dont you leave and let the big wigs handle this and get out of my way to watch as my crew mates beat up on your team good officer." She was smiling but had a look she had no problem body slamming the SEC Trooper onto the railing in front of them, she also cracked her knuckles as she just gave her very weird looking smile.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2625 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 17:10

  • msg #123


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (249)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (250)

Nikki gave Garret 2 tickets. They were the ones Haley and herself were going to use before the passes. "Teela.... looking good! I'll see both of you after the game." she smiled and waved at her. Moving she purposefully 'bumped' the corporal. "You need to move" she spoke with distain.

Roy Spencer

player, 8465 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 17:38

  • msg #124


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (251)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (252)

Roy gestured down 5o the field. "You were saying something about playing the real game? There it is." A broad grin on his face, he continued, "You know, Admiral, I wonder, sometimes, why some people join the military. For most of us, it's not an easy life...especially in war-time." His tone was easy, he was discussing the relative merits of different varieties of cheese or something equally trivial.

"I can only speak for my own part in that, of course...everyone has their own motivation for choosing a military life. But there's an old, OLD saying I first heard a long time ago...when I was growing up, from one of my neighbors..."I sleep secure at night, because rough and dangerous men stand ready to do violence on my behalf." Something along those lines, at least...I've heard variations on the wording, but the sentiment is always the matter..." He waved it off, as Shadow started the chanting.

"See, what it all boils down to is, we're out here fighting the war that most of our people are too weak or too burdened to fight. Some would argue that we're fighting to get rid of the Demons and their allies...but I'm fighting for humanity. And if that means I end up fighting other humans who can't treat their own kind decently...well, that's pretty much what I did for my first two decades in the Corps. I'm REALLY good at it."

The conversational tone shifted abruptly, as he turned and gave St. Gaul an icy stare. "So, damn well better believe I'll fight for those Stem kids. And anyone I find out intends them harm better make sure their affairs are in order. If we don't fight to protect our young and vulnerable, we've got no business wearing the uniforms."

He turned away. "Captain Messe...Admiral Hack...I hope you'll excuse me for a little while. I need some air..." His tone and manner were carefully controlled...but some in the booth (Beth and Lyri, for sure, and perhaps Hack) could recognize a dangerous glint in his eye, and his jaw clenching in a fashion similar to what happened shortly before he went into battle.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."


player, 2649 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 17:49

  • msg #125


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (253)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (254)

Zob who was off on the side went and got himself some of the human sports drink but spit it out when he tasted the lemon lime flavor, "That's some nasty sh*t..." he said before getting himself the fruit punch flavor that was far superior he was ready to get back out there and cause some damage, his eyes however caught the glimpse of Larry in a defensive stance, "Looks like Larry is gonna get a treat very soon..." he said to Supe as he pointed off towards the scene on the sidelines.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:50, Fri 14 Aug 2020.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2490 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 18:17

  • msg #126


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (255)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (256)

Melia took the fake hand off, then powered into the Defensive Tackle. The guy was nearly twice her weight, and had at least a foot on her. Against a male opponent her size he'd have ploughed through and over them, except Melia on all metrics was decidedly not male, she was also a highly trained martial artist she knew how body physics worked. As she slammed into him she got lower aiming for the center of his torso pushing up allowing her momentum to arrest his while the upward pressure prevented him from effectively getting good traction as she pushed and tried to keep him in front of her to avoid a penalty while buying Miller time for her pass.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 18:28

  • msg #127


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (257)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (258)

With a sweet smile captain Messe saidOh!..But of Course, Mon SM.. we wil see you shortly...

Will was finally relaxed enough to eat, but his eyes followed Roy , and shifted about at the others.

Beth slid the Vidboard back infront of her. and Lyri crossed her legs sitting sideways to watch the door and the game.

Captain Si Touched Hack on the shoudler, and he just nodded with a gentle touch of her hand.

henning turned to LaQua and St who do you double cover?

bale went to get another drink and some fruit, he smiled a Sarah, and Cat...One day?.. no one will want to play us... and they sure won't shoot thier mouths off if they do...


Supe snorted as he looked down the line,..either of those Kids could take both those Troopers... 9 hells the Larg kids would have an even shot, if he was a little meaner.

Walker Called out...COVER TEAM!

As Tucker's PAT when through,Man? that's not much of a rest. and Supe pulled the ehad gear on , to Jog out to help cover the kick.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 18:43

  • msg #128


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (259)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (260)

The Cover team lined up once more... Tucker was to stay with the 'high and short", he got under it good, but a bit too far.. and the Ball hung in the air The return man would get it at the 9...however.. the cover team had an extra second or two to charge down field

Hermes charged down , the filed closing in slowly as the runner had to cut a couple times before resigning himself to the middle of the field.

the cover already there was collisions , Shade send a back up LB flying backwards, then hit him again just to knock him down.

H 23 E-0 1q 3:58r


player, 1379 posts

Blue Angel

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 18:50

  • msg #129


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (261)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (262)

Teela had walked over with Garrat when she saw the altercation brewing. Her eyes had gone to a burnished black which, to anyone familiar with Angels, knew was a sign of imminent violence and her hand was on her belt, very close to her sidearm. Her wings were mantled and she appeared...larger and quite deadly. She didn't say anything but the stare she gave Ev SEC spoke volumes. She was ready and willing to rip an arm or two off to make a point.

"Try it," she said when SEC talked about running some of them into custody for not having a 'field pass.'

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6310 posts

field engineer

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 20:25

  • msg #130


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (263)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (264)

Garrat leans forward “Spencer says to let the kids handle it.” He said quietly “Your a Marks woman with your fire arms. We can cover them from the other side of the wall. Louder “My angel, the provost has already been notified, we should let the poor trooper contemplate his next job of guarding swine pins in the delta colonies.”


player, 2651 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 20:48

  • msg #131


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (265)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (266)

In reply to kickoff (msg # 128):

Zob gave Supe a pat on the shoulder pad as he headed on out to the field with him and lined off for the kickoff, when the kickoff began he charged down field and two of Everest's Jammers tried to contest him this resulted in both of them getting laid out hard flat on the turf flying backwards, this how ever slowed him down quite a bit and as such wasn't gonna be able to reach the runner.

Billie Morrisson

player, 533 posts

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 20:51

  • msg #132


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (267)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (268)

Billie headed for the runner, and this time she shook her coverage, and used the extra time to drill the runner. Drilling the runner, he lost the ball to the turf, and Billie scrambled, unsuccessfully, to recover the ball.


player, 1380 posts

Blue Angel

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 20:56

  • msg #133


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (269)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (270)

"I can also rip limbs off and cut them to ribbons with my knife," Teela responded in a low voice. "And they are tempting me into doing that now that my strength is back."

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2626 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 21:33

  • msg #134


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (271)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (272)

Nikki took 2 more steps towards the EverSEC. "Out! Now! You do not have the Hermes sideline passes. I think You are doing this as a distraction." she took another step towards the corporal.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6311 posts

field engineer

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:01

  • msg #135


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (273)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (274)

Garrat sighs, "Gheibh iad na tha a ’tighinn thuca. Feumaidh sinn ar long a riochdachadh gu math."
He hopes the security translators are unable to pick this up over the background.

Chan eil mi airson riarachadh a thoirt dha ach feumaidh sinn cùl a chuir ris. Thèid sinn a lorg clann anns a ’chrann a-nochd. Leigidh sin dhuinn cuid de dhaoine a ghoirteachadh a dh ’fheumas a ghoirteachadh.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Fri 14 Aug 2020.


player, 1381 posts

Blue Angel

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:13

  • msg #136


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (275)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (276)

Teela sighed and nodded but didn't move. "Tha thu a ’bruidhinn gu fìrinneach, a ghràidh. Cha dèan mi dad an toiseach ach cha till mi air ais agus fàgaidh mi mo cho-bhàtaichean nam aonar."

She moved her hand away from her knife and some of the tension left her body but her eyes remained as black as pitch.


Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:17

  • msg #137


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (277)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (278)

The Eversec two striper looked like they were ready to leave until Merai made subtle threats and Nikki was being 'belligerent'

he Pointed to meari..Get back in the stands... your ticket only allows you access to the Stadium, not the field..

The other fellow racked up his shot gun, it was ready to swing towards Meari or the larg.

And you Ma'am?. We ware EverSEC.. we can go anywhere we want..and..we are in charge of the over all security for this game.. these two.. are just your team's watchdogs.

The best any of you can hope for is you walk away and we don't press charges... somewhere in the Middle, you are locked up in EverSEC cells until the end of your shore leave..the worse comes to worse.. we have to shot to portect ourselves, and other SEC,,will finish what we can't...

Jax frowned,you would shoot people at a football game?

if we feel we have to..seems like there uis a riot forming with people comign out onto the field and such.... we'll go down.. that's a fact.. but what we don't take with us , the other teams will take. We're real good at Riot control..

Harriet Lynch

player, 2433 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:24

  • msg #138


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (279)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (280)

Harry rather enjoyed talking to Carlton who was probably the first genuine person to actually come and talk to them, with all the others simply wanting a picture of "the big hero" to show to their friends at the country club as they boasted about their connections to the military or some such. With a Burian officer, judging by the insignia, finally biting and giving Admiral St Gaul a piece of her mind, with Carlton also wading into the fray Harry would lean in close to Will and whisper to him "All of this is starting to remind me why I ran away to join a street gang in the first place...not to mention the pills, alcohol and cigarettes" before affectionately kissing him on the cheek "oh and you can forget about buying that Hermes playset, our quarters are nowhere near big enough" she then added with a chuckle before Will started getting any ideas about future purchases.


player, 543 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:47

  • msg #139


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (281)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (282)

Meari nods and says," Very well I will return to my seat, I suggest you do the same." Meari did not like their attitude but they where right so many people getting out of their places was not good it was better to let the ones stationed to protect them to do their jobs.

Meari turned and went back to her seat next to Vaka. " What did I miss my friend?"


player, 544 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 23:59

  • msg #140


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (283)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (284)

Vaka smiled.. Did you see the LC Shadow?... and then the skinny guy kicked the ball through the posts?.. and then they kicked the ball again, and that girl there takens the guy and the ball bounced around, But the Everest people landed on it.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6313 posts

field engineer

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 00:51

  • msg #141


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (285)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (286)

Garrat shoots another text to Spencer. "I have complied, but We have other Hermites responding, Teela is trying not to rip these guys to pieces, the Largs are on high alert, and one of the troopers just co*cked a shot gun and is braced to shoot. They are not currently being threatened, but every instinct tells me the are itching for a fight, and to remove their weapons with any force necessary." Garrat looks around.

From the stands he says with with a serious voice that carries over the din, "This isn't a riot scenario. This is a combat scenario where two of you just threatened seasoned trained combatants with lethal force. Some of them are special forces trained. I am not threatening you. I am warning you that Hermese soldiers will kill you rather than beat you up. Please stand down, exit the premises and contact your supervisor.

Roy Spencer

player, 8466 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 00:57

  • msg #142


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (287)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (288)

After excusing himself from the box, Roy started making his way down the arena...not to the sidelines, because it seemed like half the Hermes assault teams were determined to get there and muck things up. No, he was looking for an EverSEC Lt who looked to be waiting for someone to be escorted out of the stadium...and, perhaps, a van waiting nearby...with Captain Messe having made it quite clear she had authorized no such action and explaining that there was no Med-tech ship waiting, he was ready to start asking some very uncomfortable questions...
This message was last edited by the player at 00:58, Sat 15 Aug 2020.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 01:22

  • msg #143


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (289)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (290)

..this is our Home... it is a riot? when people spill out over the Railing where they are not permitted, it puts into our minds how we must react..

....The animal shoudl be removed,,, and...

he holds up his Com, a red Light is blinking.....The troops are coming, for a Riot not give them a reason to agree with my assessment


Outside a Black Van, much like the hermes uses waited outside, a fellow in a suit talked to the EverSEC LT another Man stood bu the back of the Van looking around.


player, 1382 posts

Blue Angel

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 01:34

  • msg #144


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (291)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (292)

Teela's body tensed as she coiled her muscles and made ready to back up her teammates. The moment one of the Everest SEC made a move things were going to get very nasty. She looked to see what Larry was doing, knowing he would be a prime target if they could even hit him before he started sending blood flying.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 01:49

  • msg #145


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (293)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (294)

1-10 E33 3:27s 1 Q H 23 E 0

Everest was snapping at each other, fumbles were raining down on them?, The Hermes scored from almost 60 yards out in just over 10 seconds..,, the two coaches were out of the depth, the defesne coach trying to ask the players what they felt the needed to do, rather then giving them direction on what they Should be doing

Pascal tried to get control of the Huddle..

the next place was a run back the Half back who got jacked up by Supe... he managed to twist for 2 yards.

2-8 E35 2:54r 1q

The very Next play was a run But the Half back to the hermes sideline, He was run down By Machins and Shoved into the water tables. another 2 Yards...

3-6 E37 2:23r 1Q

Supe shouted to Pascal as the QB tried to call his signals...what are you gonna do , don't have a 6 yard gain in your runnign backs?.. you can try and throw?... know who that will end..huh?.. Com'on Frenchie, drop the ball like everyone else, and we won't hurt you as much!

The Snap came back, Pascal Ran to Billie side.. the defesne was in Cover down with Just Supe and the D-line charging in...

Pascal was runnign for his Life, the other WR was trying to get behind Billie, Pascal had a chance if he could drop it over her head...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2492 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:07

  • msg #146


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (295)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (296)

Melia could see the Everest team getting frustrated and off their stride. As the series progressed she realized the crowd could help as the beleaguered Everest offense lined up for the 3rd and long came up she started jogging along the stands waving her arms up chanting 3...5...1... Hermes!!!!" loudly to get the crowd going and put additional pressure on the offense and make it difficult for them to hear and to further crush their confidence.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:11

  • msg #147


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (297)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (298)

Hack said in an even tone...Admiral.. I can see troopers headed to the tunnel that will have them coming out our tunnel to where those two troopers are...

he tried to say it in an even tone, but a bit of anger was fighting to get through.....I never said, my people were the smartest people in The Black,,, and they are very good , at making , very bad choices...If your troopers end up taking any of my people out... we'll have a review... and if your people are at fault..I will personally see to thier punishment .....if those kids dies...any of those kids die, regardless of which person down there f*cks up first?... I will have this station taken apart..

St Gaul stood ramrod straight,..Then..Admiral we shall see what happened, regardless of the threats, your people escalated it, when they went over the railings.. It is now my people's job, to do what they think they need, to portect themselves and the people in the stadium..

there was some bit of self satisfaction , one would think she hoped for the worst

Bale Loked out over the field and said,..this issue was between yur guards and ours?.. i must admit, it escalated witht eh people going over the railings.. Calmer head need to prevail, or there will be bodies..SEC troopers are trained well?...

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2627 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:11

  • msg #148


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (299)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (300)

"You 'were' EverSEC. How rich. You started this I am ending it. now You need to leave. It's already on record by the crowd, your actions, and every recording device focused on us you were asked to leave and refused thereby instigating 'a riot'. You are frightening kids like a coward, your pissing off an officer...several actually, and pissing off a very protective larg. ANY of which will make sure the 'were' become more permanent. Now you've already f*cked up your job. Cut your losses and leave, any one opening fire it will be your fault not ours." She gave him a 'dare ya' evil smile. "Jax...they start anything kids have priority for safety. Anything starts flying get them all to safety, Sneak as well." She noted how he alluded to others coming but noone showing up. She realized they had to have been implanting themselves about the arena. Screw it she thought and commed Hack "Admiral we have 2 EverSEC ...or atleast 2 claiming it, in our sideline area scaring children and refusing to leave. I believe they are trying to influence the outcome of this game. Permission to forcibly remove them, possibly detain them"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:13, Sat 15 Aug 2020.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:17

  • msg #149


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (301)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (302)

the sound of Boots came trhough the tunnel, armored riot troops with hot weapons came in...

The Corporal pointed at Nikki.....Take her to Lock up!...

Jax looked at nikki with the 'WTF you doing ' Nifti heard the boors befor emost.. a stem-kid thing.. when they came Out and the Corp pointed to Nikki

two of the troopers ehaded for her with Cuffs

Larry Snarled and the Shot Gunner turned the weapon towards Him..Roll ran out in front of Larry Shouting ..NOOOOOO!!!!

The Admiral Shouted into the COMs.....stand the f*ck down!


player, 1383 posts

Blue Angel

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:24

  • msg #150


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (303)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (304)

Teela snarled and dove in front of Roll.

Roy Spencer

player, 8467 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:50

  • msg #151


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (305)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (306)

Roy took a look around, scouting for anyone that might be back-up for the van, or for surveillance (although that was less of a concern, because Beth could doctor or remove anything that might get captured.) He palmed the Verian pistol before starting to approach the van...

"You the dumbass officer that sent men chasing after the Hermes guests?" he demanded loudly as he approached. "6'know you've come damned close to starting a riot in there? If we're really lucky, they WON'T interrupt the game 'cause some sh*thead lost his nerve and started shooting. Couldn't you at least pick two guys with some nerve, instead of those two jackrabbits?" His volume faded off as he got closer, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone as he approached the trio.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 02:54

  • msg #152


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (307)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (308)

The LT recognized Roy right away..he gave him a snide grin and showed him his COM.....Riot troops have Just enetred the field?... they will continue to play..after all this is a carrier station... we are at war.. a few beatings and bodies won't matter Much... You may Lose a larg and a few kids , if shooting starts

Roy Spencer

player, 8469 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:17

  • msg #153


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (309)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (310)

Roy shook his head. " All this...over a handful of kids? Is your ego REALLY that fragile?" He'd hoped that, maybe, the Lt would have let slip what was actually going on...but he'd heard enough from Messe to be confident in what he was about to do...


player, 1384 posts

Blue Angel

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:22

  • msg #154


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (311)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (312)

Teela spread her wings and did her best to shield Roll and Larry for a shot she hoped would not come or a charging Larg. "HERMES CREW, STAND THE HELL DOWN! STAND DOWN!" She screamed as loudly as she could and held her hands up and away from her weapons.

"No one fire! Stand down!"

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6314 posts

field engineer

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:44

  • msg #155


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (313)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (314)

Garrat had gone down on one knee behind the barrier, His pistol out and ready hidden from the view of the troopers behind it. And then it all happened. His lovely Teela was in the line of fire. The precious Rolls and the noble Larry only minimally protected by her wings.
The gun clattered to the ground and he grabbed toe railing.

"Noooo!" he roared, red tainting the edges of his vision. His tattoos glowed visibly and his hair crackled with energy. There was nothing he could do but fight back the berserker rage. He should have killed both Officers when he had the chance. He would have gone to the delta colony but those he loved would not have been in danger. Now it was all he could do to stay under control.

Billie Morrisson

player, 537 posts

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:56

  • msg #156


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (315)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (316)

Billie dropped back into coverage, more focused on not giving upo anything deep than anything else. The pass came her way, and the receiuver got behind her, but just barely. As he caught it she tackled him, disappointed that she didn't cover it better but also happy it didn't end worse.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 03:57

  • msg #157


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (317)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (318)

The LT smiled at Roy,Come on SM? you try to tell me you don't try to supplement your income....

The Suit looks at the LT and Roy as he says,Price drops by half if they are dead...

The LT looks at the tunnel, there is a mixed sound of football game sounds and surprised shouts..what do you think, SM.. you can take me?.....or you can try to stop those whack jobs from dying.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:25, Sat 15 Aug 2020.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2629 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 04:36

  • msg #158


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (319)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (320)

Nikki, wide eyed at the one shotgun trooper, didn't draw a weapon though she could have. She stepped between Roll (now being tackled) and Larry, making sure he did not attack the troopers. "You shoot anyone, the stands will empty out and this will be a blood bath of your making. I suggest you learn to think" if a shot is fired she was going to take it, not Larry, not the recovering Teela, angry Garrat, or a child. A hand gesture let them know to calm down. Other than 'stand down' from Admiral Hack, she still awaited a response.

Haley being a tad bit from Nikki grabbed Sneak, her heart beating fast and almost in tears. Her lips trembling.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Sat 15 Aug 2020.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 05:25

  • msg #159


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (321)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (322)

1-10 E47 1:44 r 1Q H 23 E 0

Once more the Everest team took their time.. 3 touch downs down?..but the were staying with 'thier gameplan' least for now.
Once more they tried to run, once more the Half back got stuff

2-9 E48 1:12r !q

This time the half back stayed to Block..but slipped out into the flat for a screen.. Billie got buried by the wide receiver's block and the back picked up 5

3-4.. Pascal knew there was a woman Playign DB, and he could tell she was new..just by her movements.. he felt that was the best place to attack

Once more he Dropped back and Began to Roll, But Supe when one hole down further and shot the gap.. Zob, this time, chasing from behind, while Billie tried to cover the reciver taking off.............

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2631 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 05:35

  • msg #160


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (323)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (324)

Nikki waited their next move. unless they fired or threatened Haley and Roll or the other kids, she was not resisting. She was sure as hell probably going to be having a long conversation with Hackm Si, and Bale later though.


player, 2662 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 05:50

  • msg #161


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (325)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (326)

In reply to gametime (msg # 159):

When the ball snapped Zob quickly shot the gap dodging and weaving around other players, by sheer luck he managed to catch Pascal as he was in mid roll and hit him hard with a strip sack sending him hard to the ground and the ball fumbling from his hands it was like slow motion as he leaped onto the ball and held onto it for dear life recovering it for the Hermes team!

stand off

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 05:57

  • msg #162


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (327)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (328)

In the Box ..... hack saw the riot troopers heading towards Nikki.. He stood Up, looked at St Gaul,Well? should have more discipline with your guttersnipes...I cannot to tell my
SEC not to enforce safety..

Hack looked at her...Right..i will remember will you... he opened the door and said to one of the troopers,..Give me that weapon..By order of The Admiral of the fleet... The trooper hesitated but handed his pulse rifle to him.. General Bale told the other one,..Provost General.. give me the weapon..they started down the steps to the field.. the Hermes crowd cheering for the Admiral, then Buzzing about he and the general comign down with weapons

Hack had a grim look on his face as he watched the troopers reach Nikki.


on the field....
The two riot troops motioned for her hands for the one to Cuff.. larry was almost Mindless, as he blurbled.. only roll standing in front of him, seemed to keep him from pouncing. Sneak gathered a the other Kids and pulled them together.. pushing them up field towards the players box..some of the players watched..

Shadow , Shade and Miller were going over Vids on a vidboard getting ready for next time out

You kill that kid or that larg, you won't live to see them hit the ground.. Jax said..

the 2 striper laughed,..he'll still be ded? so will you. and a good bet all thse happy little kids and the peopel with them...all because you had to be a smartass..

the little Girl told Sneak,they are the ones who hurt us.. everytime they see us in the street

Sneak rubbed the girl's hair

The Trooper who watched the other one Cuff Nikki looked at Nifty,what are you going to do with that Long range weapon...he chuckled.

.. I can shoot and load this 4 times before You could swing that SMG around... and? i'll drop some one with each round

Teela winged over the people as an Irate Admiral with a stern looking general reached the gate to step out onto the field.

Roy Spencer

player, 8470 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 06:07

  • msg #163


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (329)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (330)

Roy replied, in a cool voice, "They can take of themselves." Without further fanfare, he fired the Verian pistol into the lieutenant's midsection, trying to use the officer's body to screen the action from the suits for the fraction of a second it would take for him to turn the weapon on them, as well.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 06:12

  • msg #164


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (331)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (332)

The LT's Eyes Lit Up in surprise was a watermelon sized hole tore out of him with the balsed of air. The Suit reached for a shoudler holsters as he yelled and the big guy behind the Van opened the door and pulled out an SMG


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 06:21

  • msg #165


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (333)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (334)

1-10 E42 :59 1Q H-23 E-0

The offense went on the field high fiving the defesne the Everest fans were doign to things now..Booing Pascal and hating The Hermes.

Miller waited in teh huddle not sayign a thing, just lookign at the endzone like she could see what was goign to happen

Roy Spencer

player, 8472 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 07:13

  • msg #166


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (335)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (336)

With his free hand, Roy grabbed the lieutenant by his uniform front, using his not-yet-dead body as a screen from the guy going for the van as he pointed the pistol at the other suit's chest and squeezed the trigger. The motions were performed with cool efficiency, no emotion showing on his face and no hint of concern betraying itself in his physical actions. The pistol was designed to be quiet and lethal at point-blank range, and he definitely had that kind of distance to his current target...

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6316 posts

field engineer

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 08:14

  • msg #167


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (337)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (338)

When nothing happened to Teela immediately, and Sneak was able to move toward safety, Garrat's vision began to return. He loosened his grip on the railing and took stock of his weapons, the number of riot personel and their deployment.

Two Asgard rounds loaded into his shot pistol. He knelt down and put his hand on the Desert eagle. The gate opened onto the field and his eyes glanced over, then again to make sure it was Hack he saw.

Garrat went over the options. The two stripper was working up to a confrontation. There was no doubt of that. Garrat could shoot first taking out the man with the shot gun but the Riot Unit would just shoot in the same direction causing more damage. He could attack the unit first, that might draw their attention away from those he cared about but these fools would open fire on him killing the spectators behind him. Two Asgard rounds at their feet would shred many of them and cripple them too much to fight effectively but Garrat didn't think he could get them all. Still it was his best option when the firing started so he holstered the side arm and drew the shot pistol. Best thing to do now was distract two stripes long enough for Sneak to get the Kids to safety and support to start coming.

"So who are you REALLY working for?" Garrat asked the man. "I mean, let's face it. Randomly taking Stemmers to some big medical ship in the sky after treating them like scrap? Last time we saw something like that they were smuggling fresh meat to the Demons. How long have you been taking children and hiding behind your riot patrol? Do these men know that the only person without a pass here is the one who is putting herself between a bullet and a child? How many children, like the ones these Soldiers go home to disappear from their neighborhoods when you can't meet your quota?"

"You said this is your home." Garrat shakes his head. "I don't believe that. It's their home." He nods to the riot patrol. "And they die if your freind pulls that trigger, you die. I die. Every Delta fleet sailor carries a side arm and a knife when on station and the stands are filled with them. Everest folks don't. I've been ready to die for more years than you have seen. Your not." Garrat nods at the soldiers. "They aren't. They have freinds and family to live for. Good people who will suffer because your corruption forced the delta fleet to tear their world apart to see where the corruption leads.

"This isn't a riot. No one rioted. This isn't even a stand off. This is a combat scenario and your outnumbered. I get to go to Vallhalla knowing your dead, and hope these good men were smart enough to stay out of your personal malignancy."

Henry Christie

player, 3889 posts

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 10:49

  • msg #168


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (339)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (340)

Henry had been quite enjoying the game: having Val beside him explaining the finer points of play had helped no end.

Then a ruckus broke out off the field, fairly close to where they were sitting. Mila sat up and growled as Larry was threatened.

"Excuse me, my love."

Henry got up and walked over. One deep breath. Calling up the voice that could fill a lecture hall unaided.


Harriet Lynch

player, 2435 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 11:42

  • msg #169


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (341)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (342)

With things rapidly getting out of hand down on the sidelines with the sudden appearance of SEC troopers in riot gear, Harry would watch as Hack and Bale relieved a pair of Everest troopers of their weapons and left the box, clearly intending to intervene ” we be going with them?” Harry asked Will, feeling that she ought to back Hack up but not wanting to make things any worse than they already were. Also she wasn’t sure if Will was in any state to be getting into a fight, however like most of the crew she had her sidearm and pair knives on her so if it did come to a fight at least she would be armed.

Hawkeye Price

player, 437 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 13:40

  • msg #170


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (343)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (344)

Up in the box with the Admiral and the rest departing to de-escalate or get into a fight Hawkeye groaned and stuffed the last bottle of gin into her bag, and followed she'd been around too long to believe this wouldn't end in violence. At the very least she might have to do a rifle-ectomy on some poor Everest SEC if it ended up being a misunderstanding.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 14:13

  • msg #171


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (345)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (346)

Captain Soi looked at Harry evenly she calmly sipped from his glass of greenish wine,..I think enough of our people turned things bad already.... and If Oliver or General Bale get hurt, in any way because of this... they will be treated by , me, as i would treat any EDT....none of that down there should have happened then she said with a slight smile,

Try some of that white Berry pie..its rather good... the smooth Musical voice ended with a twitch of a smile as St Gaul looked at her, and Si turned her attention to the field.

Beth and Lyri shifted nervously, they had been in SEC when the Captain was in rage.


the Crowd was Watching the GAme.. the Hermes Chant getting louder as Pascal got Booed by his our Fans... some paid passing notcie of what was goign on, but.. Rowdy fans do seem to draw SEC?

The Two Striper was , at ease. Satisfied , one might say as Cuff where put on Nikki. The Shot Gunner, wasn't a cool.. all he knew was a Hermes Larg wanted to eat him.. but the Kid was in the way... and the Kid would have to go as well, if he didn't get out of the way

At this point in time, Teela was gliding, and Nikki was cuffed , no one was 'sheltering a Child, save more maybe sneak as she pushed the Kids to the bench area.

Jax, was more then a little angry, and not just at the EverSEC...he was embarrassed, maybe even hurt, that peopel interfered with the first task the SM let him take lead on.

Bale Shouted...ADMIRAL ON DEC! Ever Ever SEC snapped tow.. the riot troops Hack was barely in control as he looked hard at his people.Then to the 2 Stripper, if he even noticed the riot troops , none could tell..

Messe was just reaching the gate to the field from the stands.

..YOU SORRY SONS OF BITCHES..... Jax and nifty twitched.. the two riot Troops with Nikki jerked. I'm trying to enough a gods be damned, Royal ass kicking of the Everest 'football team',... one of the very few..very few, pleasures i get to enjoy.. and some damnable whack jobs have to screw this up... the last words he loked at everyone of his people, before settling on the 2 Striper .

he walked Past Nikki giving her a Hard Look then pointed at Bale. Bale went to the trooper and held out his hand, moving his figures in the 'gimmie ' motion and the Riot trooper gave Bale the Key, Bale began to Unlock the cuffs

Messe reached the small mob of anger and stood behind Hack.. the shot gunner saw her and lowered his shotgun to stand at attention... The 2 Stripper never seemed to move but eyed hack coldly.

you are rather Brave, or rather full of yourself, Admiral, to think your Rank could stop a stray Bullet...

Messe pointed to the 2 striper...I know my people!,,, he is not one...but ze one wit the shotgun is... drop your weapon you fool , before the Larg eats your legs off!

Teh shot Gun fell to the ground.. Roll put his hands on His Hips and smiled smugly at the shotgunner.. Larry stayed flatten out.. henry's Voice could...almost be heard, but it did draw a few peoples attention to the group, but, most swung thier heads back to the game

Messe walked towards the Riot troops and yelled at them....go back to your posts, you silly fools! they loked at the corp.. Messe snapped,..I am your Captain, NO?.. I said Go back to your posts!

the small but angry frenchwoman defying the troops in heavy and medium armor sent them by pairs down the tunnel to go back to thier positions. She pulled a wand scanner from her weapons belt .. and she approached the 2 striper.. he went to move and Jax grabbed His left arm swung around sweeping the legs the fellow was taken By surprise... as he lay on the ground, larry took a few easy steps over, larg breath breathing on his face from a foot away..

Hack snorted and Nodded to jax.... someone's been teaching you...

Jax nodded...SM said, even if i was an official Marine, i still need to be trained... LC works with me in the tunnel after the runs i do with him when they don't have the big runs... It hurts less when i get to do it to someone else!

Messe... zess man? he is not EverSEC..nor, is her Everest regular... who are You the Man just gave her a hate filled Glare..

Right.. I'm missing a damn good game.... General Ball ? use those Cuff on this man...

he turns to Garrat and Nikki and Motions them both over... I have no idea , what you two were doing, But I'll damn sure find out after this game.. You are both restricted to the Condo.. You will take this Fellow here with you...

the fellow's eyes got wide at this..

we should be returning , about an hour after the game... Night... comes early on Everest.. he looked the two in the eyes as he says this....So... Garrat and Rutledge are.. confined to the Condos ..AND..must keep one on this dumbass...

With a Nod, Messe motions for Jax to let loose of the 2 striper, his weapons taken and Given to Messe,..Let us go...... ze Admiral , i am sure, will treat you...very well...

She Motions for Nikki and Garrat to grab the corp and head towards the Tunnels.

Jax looked at the Admiral.....I am sorry Sir, I..

hack Just held up a hand to stop him,from what i saw from the Box, you did well... Carry on troopers...

he sighed and Looked at Sneak,Can you handle all these kids?

Sneak nodded,Aye , Sir?.. they are well behaved, we can go back to watching the game now...

The shotgunner went to pick up his Gun, Nifty no no..french bread.. I'll hang onto to that, I'll give it to the stadium gate guys when we leave today.. you seem a bit twitchy Tbe Guard Loked around and followed the two Riot troops who had Cuffed Nikki.

Hack said,..all of you, enjoy the rest of the game...

as they turned to the gate to walk back up the steps, bale said...That wasn't too awful bad... was Bad enough.... St Gaul enevr even pretended to stop it... and I don't know if it was petty since we are kicking thier ass on the field.. Petty because people like us more the Beta Fleet? or..if its something worse... but..Delta Night just got a whole lot busier,

the moved to the stairs.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 14:22

  • msg #172


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (347)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (348)

Outside the van had guts , blood and a large bits if flesh with tore uniform still in it, sliding slowlyb down the black painted wall. there was a bit of white show , where the bone and such hit the side and chipped the paint.

The Suri Fellow, almost got his sidearm out of the shoulder Holser before his Chest and Gun are were tore apart by hypersonic blast of air at close range... He Flew backwards onto the sidewlkf, the Big Guy came around the Van with the SMG.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 14:34

  • msg #173


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (349)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (350)

1-10 E42 :59 1Q H-23 E-0

Watson was in the game now, as promised by walker, giving both the Half Backs PT while using Shade for a full back.

Miller called for the ball, took two steps abck like she was goign to launch another deep one, as , both Dana and Shadow zipped up field...but, she dropped the ball down and , gave Watson a wrap around draw.

Shade, once again seeking out the MLB, hit him hard and Low. taking the MLB down and Watson was free into the 2nd level.. before the safeties brought him down. Pick up of 8

The Hermes fans were knowledgeable ( well..most) and would stop the chant as the offesne walked up to the line... The Everest fans booing The Hermes team as well as booing pascal.

CE-Va maintained her coverage of the game, doing quite well

2-2 E 36 :28 r 1Q

Miller saw the first quarter Ticking away, she hurried the team to the line, called the play at the line and the BAll was snapped she turned her shoudlers to Shadow which brought the safety up.. But Dana had beat down the corner's arms and Cut a Post.. The Hermes TE, Benny Hope ( who worked in the tech labs) had did a post conrer freezing the other Safety .. Miller fired off a Pass Just as she was Hit when Watson was blown up by the DT tackle,,

Dana Had to dive for the ball and Pulled it in where she was dived on...hard, but the Corner who had to run his heart out to catch her... The Quarter ended.

1-10 E18 15:00 2Q H-23 E-0

Henry Christie

player, 3890 posts

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 14:55

  • msg #174


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (351)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (352)

Totally ignored, but at least the fracas had died down now, Henry returned to his seat beside Val.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6318 posts

field engineer

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 15:42

  • msg #175


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (353)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (354)

Garrat’s first words as he leapt the railing like it wasn’t there were “If you run stripes, that Larg will take you down and start eating you alive in front of all these people.” The bid man took several strides and embraced Teela . While she could feel a strange underlying tremor, he seemed calm. “I’m sorry I must be going. I intend to take this fellow directly to the condos on my bike. Enjoy the game my love.” He holds her at arms length and looks over at Nikki “I know I have no right to ask, but since we have been ordered elsewhere, could you please grant Teela your sideline pass.” A grin tugs at the corner of his mouth “Her recent illness seems to have weakened her so she can’t get up into the stands. Alas she would have been most cooperative with the rules of the arena otherwise.” He winked in a that’s our story and we are sticking to it sort of way. In truth he was concerned that this lul was just the right time for something else to happen as it sometimes does with delta fleet.

Garrat ruffled through his cargo pants and found some zip ties to bind the man’s hands and feet and throws the interloper over his shoulder. “Nikki, I’m going to tie him to the front of my bike. I need you on the back to counter balance. Shall we go?”


player, 2669 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 15:58

  • msg #176


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (355)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (356)

Zob took a deep breath as he got some more to drink from the tables, "Lets keep the pressure up on them, french boy looks like hes ready to choke!" he still knew there was 2 more quarters to go so he couldn't let his guard down even for a second.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2633 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 16:17

  • msg #177


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (357)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (358)

Nikki came to attention as Hack and Bale passed by. Whatever flack happened would happen, she'd deal with it. After being cuffed and then uncuffed she squatted a moment and gave both Roll and Haley (who had rushed over) big hugs. A moment later standing she gave Larry one as well and whispered "You did good did good. Knew you'd keep them safe" As the brass spoke she heard she was ordered to the condo with Garrat and the now deepened mystery of the corporal who may not be one. "Yes Sir!" was all she said about that. Squatting again she looked at Haley "Haley I want you to stay with Sneak and Roll. Larry will be here too and I want you to do something very important, okay Punkin'"
She was still shaking but kinda happy to be asked to help, she nodded "Ok'y" came quietly.
"Help show these kids how to have fun. Remember the other kids from the other station?" she knew knowing they never had a lot of fun either until Haley started to show them how. Made them braver.
Haley smiled slightly.
"Now I have to go to the condo, but I'll be okay" she winked then turned to deal with the mystery man. She gave him an almost evil smile. One almost reading 'paybacks a Bitch...and I'm the bitch'. Nikki did not want to openly show such a thing, it would give away precious info and just be bad manners.
Garrat had the man getting to get chained up as she gave Teela a hug. " got my seat tickets? I'll give them to Teela incase they need them" and she handed Teela her own side pass.
"Garrat.....Ever think maybe dangling him might be better?" she said quietly to him "I mean less chain and weight"


player, 546 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 17:04

  • msg #178


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (359)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (360)

In reply to Meari (msg # 140):

Meari smiled at Vaka," Yes that was great what they did, you are really enjoying the game arent you Vaka, and they where right the hitting is much better in a real game then practice." Meari smiled at him as she kept an eye on everything that was going on at the sidelines. She watched the game trying to learn as much as she could but also keeping an eye the altercation. When she saw the Admiral and other big wigs show up and weapons dropped and troops left she smiled and turned all her attention to Vaka and the game.

Roy Spencer

player, 8473 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 17:09

  • msg #179


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (361)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (362)

Roy stepped up to the side of the van, and then moved forward, intending to shove the other Suit as he came around the corner, with the now-dead lieutenant's body. His other hand still held the pistol ready...the moment he had a clear line, he'd pull the trigger, this time aiming for the head.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 18:40

  • msg #180


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (363)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (364)

The Big fellow looked around, some folks watched from afar, others ran like heck.

The Big fellow racked up his SMG he turned the corner , his eye seeing the wobbling head of the dead LT, and stepped around, Firing the SMG that chewed up the chest and Heat.. one round grazed Roy;s 'holding' shoudler are the Verian weapon 'whooshed' and angry whoosh, and the man;s head and neck sprayed like a bird in jet engine.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 18:50

  • msg #181


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (365)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (366)

Vaka looked out on the field as the quarter ended seems now? the teams are turning around? they must take turns going differant ways?

this is very fun, I hope they will allow me to play with them in practice.

He holds up a corn dog..this does not taste like dog? Dog Taste much better.. I am almost afraid to stop at the of eating place that sells cat fish?.. I will be disppointed if it has not cat in it!

The Stem kids, never havign had poeple stand up for them, let alone protect them seems to be smiling a bit, and went back to watching the Game.

The Little girl with the black eye Looked at Sneak and the two Young troopers..we are hungry>... could we get a hot dog? They sell good one here...sometimes we could gather enough left overs from the trash bin, so we could each have a bite or two..

Sneak patted her head, we bet.. I'll see if we can get a Vendor.

Roy Spencer

player, 8474 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 18:52

  • msg #182


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (367)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (368)

Roy grimaced with the sting of the bullet graze, as he dropped the dead body he'd been holding. He nudged it with his foot.

"Yeah, I think I can take you. And both your buddies..."

He piled the lt's remains in the van...given where he'd shot the man, there wasn't much left to go through for information. He rifled pockets on the Suits, before tossing them unceremoniously in the van, as well, and then checked the van for any sign of ownership papers, registration, or where it was headed. He didn't expect to find a whole lot...but they hadn't exactly been the most professional team, and there was a chance...

As he worked, he commed Captain Si (she'd been the quiet one in the box, most of the time, so she seemed a good choice to relay the message...)

Please let Captain Messe know that someone has fixed the lighting issue she was telling me about...but they left a bit of a mess. If she's got any connections with the Sanitation department, she might want to have them take a look and see who's responsible... And, before leaving, he snapped quick pics of the two who still had faces (although the lieutenant's face was a little chewed up from stray SMG rounds...)
This message was last edited by the player at 19:01, Sat 15 Aug 2020.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 18:58

  • msg #183


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (369)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (370)

Roy got a total of 300 creds in paper ( some of it bloodied) and 20 creds in plastic chips.

In the back of the Van he saw two little killed tied up..past out, it looks like they had been in the van for hours.. sweat was on thier foreheads, and hair was plastered down.. they were Stem kids for certain, by thier ragged dress..

in the gove box wasn't much, except for a business card... " Himmer's cartering"

Roy Spencer

player, 8475 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 19:05

  • msg #184


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (371)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (372)

Roy shook his head at the kids, freeing their bonds and lifting them out of the van, carrying them away from it (with a grunt of pain as the effort pulled at the bullet graze.) When he was fifty yards or so from the van, he set them down, then checked them to see if they were hurt, drugged, just knocked out, and if they could be revived.


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 19:20

  • msg #185


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (373)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (374)

Checking on the two kids ( boy and girl) .. he thinks they have heat exhaustion,and maybe food deprived... water for certain.

one thing he noticed was take on each kids sleeve... it was an SEC tag used for 'john does' and such

Roy Spencer

player, 8476 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 20:39

  • msg #186


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (375)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (376)

Roy removed the tags carefully...fingerprints or DNA residue might lead to others connected...Messe had said that the men weren't operating under her orders, might not have been her men at all...but they seemed to have an inside connection and that was worth chasing down.

A malicious grin crept onto his face as an idea came to mind. Scooping a child up in each arm, he started on his way back to the box. Exhaustion, he could only help by letting them sleep...but food and drink? Well, he knew where there was plenty of that to go around...

Sarah McKeon

player, 448 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 20:52

  • msg #187


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (377)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (378)

Sarah continued to glare at St Gual. "My mistake, you're absolutely right. The Delta fleet I know would never make its home in this place." Watching the Admiral's reaction to this grated her, something wasn't right. Any reasonable commander would seek to de-escalate and then punish or detain as necessary. St Gual on the other hand seemed to be quite thrilled with allowing things to escalate. That was a red flag, "Hope you know what you're doing Admiral, I suspect you're playing a game here with some very high stakes. A game in which people have died for less..." she says softly, "Hope I'm missing the mark after all the competition for prestige, and influence at the fleet level is just as cutthroat as any battle is it not." She adds grabbing a beer by the neck and taking a swing in a rather less than genteel manner.


player, 548 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 21:46

  • msg #188


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (379)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (380)

In reply to field (msg # 181):

Meari smiled at Vaka and said," Yes I read that after each Quarter they change sides, well Vaka the most they can say is no, but I bet they will let you try out, once I am fully healed I will be trying out for the team as well."

Meari chuckles and replies," Oh a corn dog is a human term for what they call a hotdog or I believe a wiener it is not made of dog, dogs to humans are pets and they dont eat them. I believe catfish is a type of fish I do not believe it is from a real cat as well. I know Vaka the humans have very strange ways of naming things, I have found pizza extremely good, you will find what you like and dont like and figure out how humans call everything."

Meari watched the game and as the second Quarter started she will say to Vaka, " Yes I am still learning alot about these humans and some are much better than others, are you going to the Condos for the after game party?"

Harriet Lynch

player, 2436 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 22:13

  • msg #189


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (381)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (382)

During her time as a ganger Harry had very quickly learned that there were just some people you didn’t f*ck with, and hearing the tone of voice Captain Si used as she told her that more than enough people had already stuck their oar in, Harry would firmly place the Captain within that category ”That sounds like a very good idea ma’am, would you like some pie Will? I’ll get you some pie” she quickly said before getting up to collect a slice of the berry pie for each of them. With her now more than aware that her presence wasn’t required at the sidelines and what would most likely happen should she interfere ”so Carlton you were telling us about the new playsets”

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2636 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 15 Aug 2020
at 22:20

  • msg #190


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (383)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (384)

Leaving for the condos Nikki did have a pang of emotion twisting in her gut "Sorry about making your return debut a bit rough on you and Teela, Garrat. Just could not let pukes like this use and abuse kids" She hung on as he flew around. She kept an eye out in case they were followed back to the condo. "Guess this means this cinderella is not going to the ball tonight"


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 01:06

  • msg #191


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (385)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (386)

St Gaul looked more then a little disturbed. yes... well? you have your own little toys to play with in Bura space? Do you not? I and very sure.. You earned that. she gave a twitch smile.

Captain Si had a bit of a relived smile on her Face when Hack entered the Box with Bale.. then looked at the Pulse rifle, opened the door and slapped the rifle into the troopers chest with a hard 'Thank you"

..truns out the 2 striper, wasn't one of Messe's people...

St Gaul snorted,perhaps i need to replace her, she has been bother many of the Station's people , since you were here last.


Will took the pie and ate a piece.. nodding with a smile to captain Si as she waited for the Admiral to return.

carlton watched with some interest as he say...yes , yes... we have several.. a big ticket itemm is the Fugi. sold in 'uppers, Lowers and Stem.. you can open one side of each section to move small vehicles , people aircraft.. to mess witht eh lay out of the Upper and lowers Hanger Dec.. but? if gives the kids and adults an idea what a carrier station really is... and?.. buying figures and Vehicle to fil it.. well...


Vaka was eating the corn dog and shook his head..I think i will stick to the Hot dog in the bread thing, with the red sauce on it.I had some Pizza with the LC and
others at his table on the rec dec..he...seems overly kind, but people say he is .....mean?

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6323 posts

field engineer

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 01:20

  • msg #192


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (387)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (388)

In reply to Nicole Rutledge (msg # 190):

[Flexed to the question of hanging below the bike.]

Garrat looks embarrassed, "Actually I haven't equiped a chain yet and my grappling hook and cable is in Zobs saddle bag otherwise that would be a great Idea. He wouldn't get beat up as much. I guess we'll have to be a little careful in flying. Don't want to bruise him before we take pictures of his identifying marks for SEC to look up."

Garrat carried the prisoner gagged over his shoulder. If stripes wiggled to much Garrat bounced him knocking the wind out of the interloper.

Garrat used the last of his zip ties to securely fasten the man to his vehicle before climbing on. After Nicole got on behind him, the hover bike lifted smoothly into the air and flew to the condos...ish. He got a little lost along the way but hey it was a new station.

"This goes a lot deeper than what we saw today." Garrat said. "That's why it's so important we process this guy carefully. Don't worry about the ball yet. It's actually tomorrow night. This is Delta night so all the fun will be here at the condos. We were given an allibi with this guy so that might be on purpose so no one suspects us when they send us out to cause mischief."

===> Everest
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Sun 16 Aug 2020.


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 01:25

  • msg #193


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (389)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (390)

1-10 E18 15:00 2Q H-23 E-0

Watson had to left the game Limping a bit with the trainer. Melia was sent in.

Miller looked aroudn the huddle as the Ref was ready to wind the play clock,..this is it.. we keep going..nothing's change.. beat the like a red head, step childs, dog

First Play she Handed off the Shade, giving the little udense a treat for all his blocking.. the ground out 3 yards, before the Battered MLB and OLB jumped on him.

2-7 E15 14:31r 2Q

droping back , with Melia and Shade to Block, Miller faded an extra couple steps , until the defesne beat Melia and Shade, Instead.. She step into the D-linemen , shuffling the Ball forwards to Melia for a Middle screen..Miller was Hammered, but the O-line were already into the Line backers,, Shade was headed to the first safety.. Melia nad a lane in the Middle that was closing..but it was there...........

Roy Spencer

player, 8477 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 03:16

  • msg #194


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (391)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (392)

The door to the box opened again, a frightened corporal holding it while Roy came in, a sleeping child in each arm. "I found some friends," he said, gruffly. "A little worse for wear, but I figured there was plenty of space up here and they won't take much room. Some asshole was trying to get them in a van, but he gave up when I got involved."

He had an easy grin on his face...but their was a dangerous glint in his eye as he watched St. Gaul for a reaction to the news about the van. He glanced back over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Corporal. I think I've got it from here..." He glanced around and shrugged. "Where'd the Captain go? I promised to introduce her...these kids didn't believe me when I said she was one of my friends..."


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 03:30

  • msg #195


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (393)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (394)

ST Gaul was ready to Protest the Moment Roy came in with the waifs. Hack's eyes shifted to her and she truned back to the field..

when Roy mentioned the Van , she took a deep drink of her Wine and handed the Galss to LaQua,

Captain Si just patted The Admiral's shoudler...The Captain had to help with some of the problems on the field... Oliver and General bale went down to end it... Garrat and Rutledge were sent to the Condos arrest.. they took a questionable Corp with them

Shoeys Voice crackled over beth's Vid board... beth?.. hey..Shore and Folkes..anyway.. there shoudl be a safety meeting here on the north end of the stadium?..seems to people fell from the rim of the stadium.. I mean..even here in Everest, people try to sneak into games to save some creds..any wayy..REAL bad luck..loks like when the hit the sidewall,,a hover care hit they're kinda dead.. we sent a message to EvereSEC...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2494 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 04:05

  • msg #196


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (395)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (396)

In reply to gametime (msg # 193):

Melia caught the middle bubble pass and turned up field aiming for the lane finding enough room to really accelerate. As the lane closed she joked to the side neatly avoiding one of the defenders and breaking out into open field, and poured on the juice absolutely eating up the yards between her in the endzone as Shade cleans up the safety and Melia cruises into the endzone untouched running out the back and tossing the ball to a ref and fist pumping in celebration as she headed to the sideline. As the PAT team came out.

Roy Spencer

player, 8478 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 04:10

  • msg #197


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (397)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (398)

Roy noted the drink, but said nothing about. "Hey, Lyri? Can you take one of these? Just set him in a chair for now, poor guy looks like he's been run almost to death, and I don't want to wake him up." Hand8ng off that child freed up his hand, to dip into his pocket while St. Gaul was focused on keeping her an extra measure, he turned so the other child was between him and the Everest brass. Holding the disk from Messe in his hand along with the tags he'd taken off the kids, he stepped over by Beth, setting the items down next to her as he seemed to lean on the side table where the food was located.

"How's our favorite troublemaker doing down there?" he asked with a grin, then nodded his head in the direction of his hand on the table, raising the hand just enough for her to see what he was concealing. "I was focused on other issues and didn't see the scoreboard, but it sounded like things have been going pretty well for us, so far..."


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 11:25

  • msg #198


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (399)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (400)

Beth smiles using her offside arm to point to the field so her inside arm could gather the items.Shadow went.."down town' on a deep one... and Melia just scored on a Middle screen... I think Everest should have kept their old coaches?.. these guys must have coached Basketball?... Everest keeps putting the ball on the ground.

Hack said hit an amused voice tinged in anger,..I told The Admiral, that the lead fellow of the pair who tried to get the kids, was not one of Messe's men,,Captain Messe went to EverSEC to check some things...Admiral ST Gual is understandably, upset that her SEC Captain did not diffuse the situation and that some one was there , she did not know about...St Gaul thinks Messe should be replaced, because? On top of these blunders, she seemed to be makign life hard for some of the folks with Heavy Creds...

St Gaul recived a fresh glass from LaQua, make the Jest? With out Creds we cannot run a station...

Lyri smiled as she set the tired kid in a chair to make him a bit more comfortable, she notcied the 'red dust' stains on his clothes that spoke of the Stem

Roy Spencer

player, 8479 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 13:23

  • msg #199


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (401)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (402)

Roy grinned at Beth. "Well, there's bringing a knife to a gun fight...and then there's not even having enough sense to bring the knife, I guess..." He shifted the kid in his arms, getting the weight distributed to be better centered without the second child acting as a counter-balance, and nodded to Admiral Hack.

"Well, in the Captain's defense, she inherited a real sh*t-show from her predecessor. There's a not-so-fine line between keeping things running smoothly and just turning a blind eye to every rich prick ready to shove credits in your pocket to look the other way. She's had a few months to try and undo years of bad leadership." He shot a glance in St. Gaul's direction with the comment.

"Seems like every other carrier station manages to find the credits to operate without letting the fat cats have their run of the place...sounds like she's just trying to match the standards set by them."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:04, Mon 17 Aug 2020.


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 13:49

  • msg #200


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (403)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (404)

Carlton raised his hand as he turned partially from Will and Harry. That is a good sort of line to Follow?... Etna is doing Much better, I have not been to Matterhorn in years, but the increase of our goods being ordered is a good sign. If you can order large amounts of toys and Hobbies? must feel comfortable?

our Plant on Fuji is rather large, we employee many Civies with a ...more then..decent wage. But we get homeless kids come around around 10:00PM.. the night shift is alot lighter then the other two shifts? so they sweep and clean Stack boxes, things like that?.. they get paid a small amount, but it gives them a purpose..some of those children , are hired into the work force, proper, when they of age... you would be surprise how many of them Take in other children, who were once in thier shoes?... makes one proud to be a human.

Lyri chuckles,..good think you weren't based in new York, we might be shore a couple hot heads..speaking of...

Roles enter the Box, he was dressed like Hack, off duty unifrom with a Harvester Ball cap.I missed 4 Touchdowns?..well.. 3.. I saw the last one as i came from the concourse...Sorry I'm Late. I was taking with my people on ther Harvester.. things are goign well..but there is a ways to go.

.. Admiral St Gaul, Captain LaQua? this is Admiral Roles of the EMS.. he put his ship between the Hermes and maris's suicide pilots at Uden...

LaQua shook his hand,I saw footage!.. it was a brave thing to lost many people, No?

She 'lets' Roles take her hand and truns back to the battering on the field.</ lose a ship and are promoted to Admiral? That is a Novel way to
gain rank...Lavender>

Roles stiffens as she said this, and Looked At Hack ,incredulously Hack jus shook his head keeping his eyes on the field.

I lost close to half my crew..most dead, others won't be filling combat roles ever again... Had Maris taken out the Hermes.. we would have a differant leadership right now.. there could even me infighting among officers... None of my people pleaded for us not to do this... I told them to POD out, and no one would think the lesser of them... even the few guardians and Med techs..... many paid for that chocies.. and those who survive have to remember watching shipmates sucked into The Black, or Blown to Pieces, or burn alive while trapped under wreckage... But i would do it again.. and I have no fear, that my Crew would do like wise...

Will looked a Roles with respect, a bit of glistening eyes..

St Gaul snorted as she crossed her arms ,one holding the drink...<Lavender> have ties to The Admiral.. what of the crew who died, who never met him?

Roles poured Himself a reddish beer. that is the most impressive thing, Admiral St Gaul. there might have been 20 people who ever met Admiral Hack...less who have met the rest of the Board..but they made the hard choice anyway...that tell you everything you need to know...
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:19, Sun 16 Aug 2020.


player, 549 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 14:12

  • msg #201


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (405)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (406)

In reply to stadium (msg # 191):

Meari smiled and replied," Yes stay with the hot dog in the bread, how is it actually I have never had one. Yes Pizza is very good and with the LC he is nice to fellow crewmates that want to fight and win this war and he is extremely mean to traitors and the bad guys. That is how the LC works my Granmod War Lord Lilit likes him a lot and that is why she sent me here to the Hermes to become a better warrior."

Meari will watch the game as eveything finally calmed down on the sidelines.

Samantha Robertson

player, 556 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 16:20

  • msg #202


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (407)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (408)

Sam watched the game she knew football, she was a fan but not a fanatic fan, she did see the disturbance on the field but it was calmed down quickly. She watched as Melia scored another touchdown, she looks over to Howe," Wow they are playing so hard, Everest doesnt know what hit them, but there is still a lot of time left they need to keep it up." Sam was having a great time watching the game with Howe.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2437 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 16:43

  • msg #203


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (409)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (410)

To the Captains credit, the pie was really good, with Harry happily listening as Carlton spoke of his toys and how they worked even if the playsets were far too large to fit within their tiny quarters.

With Admiral Hack returning completely unhurt, Harry assumed that the situation down by the sidelines had been resolved peacefully. Though with the arrival of Roy carrying a pair of stem kids she had to wonder what the hell kind of racket they were running on Everest, with her glowering at Admiral StGaul at her comment about making money "Are you f*cking kidding me? I used to run with a street gang, most of whom were psychotic animals that would sell their own mother for a fix and not even they would stoop so low as to sell f*cking kids!" Harry snarled, wondering how the admiral would take knowing that a street gang had the moral high ground before muttering only just under her breath to Will "...and I thought Etna was a sh*t hole"


Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 18:33

  • msg #204


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (411)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (412)

Will nods as he eats the pie, he liked it!...this is why we do what we do... The Admiral is fighting three wars... , the Empire... The EDT...and those Humans who care only about themselves..those kids... The SM didn't just find them like that out in the street.. someone had them..

St Gaul Give Roles a sidelong glance before turnign her eyes to the fieldwell, Admiral Roles I am sure you will make, much the Name for yourself now..

She Looked back at Roles,do you have an escort to the Ball?

Roles Nodded with a slight Bow,Captain Bornberry... we seemed to hit it off at Uden's Ball.. She is a very...high strung officier

Lyri giggles,that's what they call it now?

Roles LObbed an Olive at her.


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 01:45

  • msg #205


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (413)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (414)

Tucker and the PAT team collected another point

H-30- E-0 14:03s 2Q

The Hermes sidelines started a new Chant..ITS ALL OVER!!!!!...(( stomping of feet and clapping Hands))...ITS ALL OVER!!!

Billie had to go out again with Melia.. watson was mad as the 9 hells with his foot wrapped on a helmet to elevate it

Tucker, once more , kicked the Blaa High and tried to keep it from the Endzone, The back recieved at at the 4 and began to Run up...


player, 2675 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 03:40

  • msg #206


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (415)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (416)

When the kick was under way Zob charged up the middle dodging and weaving as the Everest players tried to stop him, as the ball handler tried shifting to the left Zob sacked him hard at the 30 yard line.

game time

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 04:22

  • msg #207


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (417)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (418)

1-10 E30 13:51s 2q H-30 E-0

The Hermes people chanted hard now, stomping the Bleachers , as Pascal tried to call his signals.

The first Play was predictable, the Half back got crushed in the hole By Supe, as they had been doing all Game the Hermes team left the player on the ground to get up on his own..this was not a 'friendly game

2-9 E31 13:30r 2Q

The Everest fans ( at elast the ones who had a clue) where booing thier own team for the long handles and lack of aggressiveness.

Pascal tried to hit the Halfback on a screen and the Ball was almost picked off by the OLB..who dropped it.

3-9 E31 13:01 s 2Q

they came out with two recivers,, a back and a split end....on the side Opposite Billie.. the flanker was on Billies side. As Pascals called the signal, the Flanker went in Motions to the other Side...

Machins called to Billie,,, You're freed Up..Blitz!!!

at the snap Machins rolled over to what was now an Overload as they sent One man on a deep post and the other on a 10 yard curl.

Billie Barreled of the end with Now one to Pick her up!

Roy Spencer

player, 8481 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 06:14

  • msg #208


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (419)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (420)

Roy's grin took on a decidedly predatory edge. He stayed quiet for a while after St. Gaul's comment about Roles' promotion, then looked over at her.

"I'm having a hard time remembering, Admiral...what heroic action did you perform to get your current rank? I mean, since you obviously consider Admiral Roles' rank to be somehow out of, what's your basis for comparison?"

He glanced down at the field as Everest sent their flanker in motion, and shook his head. "Well, now, that's a desperation play. Pascal's not fast enough off the snap to make a decent play out of that, and with nobody covering that side of the line, the DB's got a free shot at him. That might work against your Lowers team, but it'll be nothing less than miraculous if he completes the pass, much less actually turns it into a decent play."

Billie Morrisson

player, 539 posts

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 11:47

  • msg #209


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (421)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (422)

Bilie barreled into the backfield, but Pascal tossed the ball over her head and into the hands of the waiting receiver on the curl route.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:35, Mon 17 Aug 2020.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2438 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 12:20

  • msg #210


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (423)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (424)

Was a bit of a humourless laugh in response to Will’s comment as to why they did the things they did with Harry then going on to reply in a low voice ”It’s also how psychotic monsters like me get their kicks” a pained look momentarily passing over her pale blue eyes that made it very clear that she didn’t like the way she was and wished that she could be a good person. Sadly however it seemed that wasn’t to be.


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 13:02

  • msg #211


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (425)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (426)

1-10 E41 12:40 r 2Q

Pascal had a brief nod of satisfaction... The Hermes Fans kept up thier cascade of cheers and chants

The Everest folks were quiet, most of them watching, wonder what was happening

pith to the outside, had the Back gain 2 Yards before Machins camp flying over and sent him into the Everest Bench.

People Booed..Machins Just grinned.

2-8 E43 12:11r 2q H-30 E-0

Pascal tried another screen but the Hermes OLB Jumped it too early. he tucked the ball and tried to Run up the Middle,, Supe hit him Hard, almost causing another Fumble.. The QB had a hard time Getting up , the center helped him.

Hermes chants changed PUSS IN BOOTS....PUSS IN BOOTS

3-7 E44 11:45r 2Q

Supe was laughing at Pascal,whadda you gonna do if you have to fight in combat , Pascal?

Pascal was Shaken, his co*cky look almost gone, it was hard to tell whether the beating on ther Field...on the score board, or from his own fans, bothered him the most. he went into Shot Gun, the Ball Came back and he Rolled to Billie's side,, seeking, once more to try to take Advantage of the Rookie woman...


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 13:29

  • msg #212


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (427)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (428)

walkign down the Side Lines CE-VA was gettign zoom picks on the Hits, trying to catch the look on Players faces as they competed .

Shadow and Shade left Miller and walker for a Moment and when to the edge of the painted 'player's Box.'

He and Shade waved to the Kids,, Roll and Orria came over with Haley ( and Larry who was thumping his tail).. Sneak brought the stem kids over and they looked at Shadow , sweated up in his pads with wide eyes, even SHade looked bigger to them.

Jax , Sneak and Nifty filled him in on what happened,, a dark cloud seem to pass before his eyes as he nodded first, then shook his head, the crouched down.

If the Admiral came down, you can bet it won't happen again this game.. but you guys can move up and down the sidliens as long as you don't enter the player's Box?... you guys stay near the team if another idiot tries to take the Kids..

Shade Bleeped...

Shade says you guys look thirsty?... he waved to the trainer and she came runnign over..

Get this Kids and and the older ones drinks, whatever they want... tell them to charge it to my Room at the Ever-Rest..if they have a problem, tell them to come see, me...

Sneak went witht he trainer to help her bring the drinks

The Little girl with the Black eye said,..they want to hurt us.. they don't like us...

..Don't you worry, when we leave Everest, you gys will come to the hermes and we'll get you on the med tech ship for you to get a new family..

the Older boy just said,mome of us ever had a Family...

Jax and Nifty looked at each other as Jax said,yes you did.. the 4 of you..stayed together.. that's family... you'll get a better home, for sure.

The Girls came back over with drinks for the 4 steam Kids, orria , Roll and Haley and Sneak, Nifty and Jax.

The trainer could get all the powerade and water she wanted.

CE-VA caught this moment on Vids as well, then Moved back to the Game as the ball was snapped


player, 451 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 14:49

  • msg #213


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (429)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (430)

Mila glanced at Her Human, then ran down to the youngsters.

"Yip!" then looked pointedly back towards Her Human, where he was sitting with Val and eating a hot dog.

Henry Christie

player, 3891 posts

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 14:49

  • msg #214


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (431)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (432)

Henry waved.

"The youngsters can join us if they like," he called.


player, 2676 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 15:00

  • msg #215


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (433)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (434)

Zob shot the gap again and managed to bring down Pascal at the 39 yard line, the resulting tackle almost causing a fumble and sending Pascal hard onto his back laid out on the field, "Don't get back up" he said with a sinister voice as he returned for the next play.


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 15:48

  • msg #216


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (435)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (436)

4-12 E39 11:04r 2Q

The Boos rained down,, they were about half as Loud as the Hermes Cheers . The Punt team came on machins shouted,

Hey! Everest! why don't you just give us the ball and save all the pain?

Walker held Shadow out and Let Dana go back again, Shadow and Shade put thier Head gear on and waited to take the field after the return.`

The Punter waited for the clock to Bleed Walker shook his head and he yelled out,

we have Civi kids who could beat your asses! you're quitting..WTF football is this!

The Punt Came , Dana was giving the option to call her return,, she selected "middle return' and Yelled out teh Code word as a wobbly punt went down field it sorta Hung in the air he refused to Fair Catch, took the Ball down field she moved and spun and was Hut By a linebacker , as she went down Nassa hit her while the whistle Blew... Flags flew Nassa Complained , Dana Rolle d around and Got up screaming at Nassa.. the refs sent them both to the sidlines for a play. after the 15 yards the Hermes had the ball on the Everest 33.. 10L36S 2Q

Dana came off the sidelines shouting about knocking french guys out..

Walker Grabbed Shadow...DON' nothing stupid.

Not me Coach?.. I am as even keeled a person as you ever Met...

Shade Gave Walker a thumbs up...

Post said,always wonder what it would be like to have two of him on the field.. the 2nd half is gonna be bad...

Not for us Postie...Not for us...

Billie Morrisson

player, 542 posts

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 16:58

  • msg #217


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (437)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (438)

As he rolled toward Billie, she dropped back into coverage, covering anything short since she saw Zob barreling toward him, Pascal completely unaware of him.

Roy Spencer

player, 8482 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 17:42

  • msg #218


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (439)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (440)

Pascal completed the pass...barely...but it wasn't any great success as far as gaining field position. "Well, well...miracles do happen, even on Everest..." he quipped drily.

And then the Everest team was promptly shut down, and had to punt again. His grin stayed predatory, like he was waiting for someone to break and run, only to be chased down...his version of the co*cky smirk Shadow often wore, but somehow more overtly threatening. As Zob laid out Pascal, he shrugged slightly and commented, "See...this is the kind of stuff that happens when you try and utilize all your resources effectively, instead of just relying on the old-fashioned standbys..." He appeared to be saying it to the child still sleeping on his shoulder...but his eyes flicked in St. Gaul's direction.

He didn't watch for long, and just shook his head when Nassa got flagged for the late hit. "And that's what happens when you start getting desperate to hang onto a position that's slipping do stupid, desperate things that just get you in more trouble..."


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 18:23

  • msg #219


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (441)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (442)

St Gaul frowned ..Your think your Little ship is better then all of Everest?

Roles said Grimly,My people thought so...

Beth starts to read Ensign Char St Gaul..promoted to LT for 20 consecutive flights from Moon base to Olympus with out damage to her fighter...

LT Shar St Gaul.. 30 combat Missions in a Hammer III.. 4 Kills...6 POD outs...
Flight loss per sortie , 50%... Promoted to Commander of Everest Lowers Fighter wing at the suggestion of, Admiral Pegger..Under written By one..General Nickerson...

Commander St Gaul... Laqua moves to stop Beth ,But Lyri plants her self firmly in his way. ..Promoted to Captain Lower Wing after enagement to her future Husband, who.... was the Chief board Member of Everest Industries INC...

Promoted to Admiral have Admiral Peggers ......accidental... death , sking on Everest Mount..

Beth let out a Low Whistle... 4 kills? gods don't tell Shadow you had soooo many? he'll fill less like a man!

St Gaul snapped,..You little street whor*!

Beth Tilted her head, he eyes seemed to bore into St Gaul...There are 2 differences between you and Me, Admiral.... I started in the street... But i did not stay there.... You were never on the street, but you belong there..

St Gaul's chest rose and feel with anger.,,that is your view?

..the other difference is?.. I didn't f*ck my way to my position... LaQua tried to Push Past Lyri, but she grabbed his left arm ,spun him around and moved quickly to the door , where He was slammed face first...

Oh? Damn.. that's right? the door opens ..Inward.. My Bad...

St Gaul looked at are going to do , NOthing! was it said...? It is my People's job to do what they think is necessary to protect themselves and the people of this station...

Hawkeye Price

player, 438 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 18:47

  • msg #220


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (443)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (444)

In reply to Roy Spencer (msg # 199):

With the drama over Hawkeye decided to hunt down Rolf, she'd tried to be diplomatic but she'd had enough with St Gual's snobbery and had decided to seek out better entertainment elsewhere. A part of her was eager to have Rolf try what she made, she knew he wasn't huge on gin, but still seeking validation wasn't the worst thing ever.

"Hey, where you at? I'm finally ashore errands run." She sends via comm text


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 18:52

  • msg #221


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (445)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (446)

1-10 E33.. 10:36S 2Q

Miller waited for the sticks to reset,,,we'll go down town right...


WHAT DID YOU SAY? she glared at Shadow...

I never ask for the ball, right?... I want this.. Hit Benny on a quick stick in the seem.. Benny.. you run towards me... Nassa will be on your tail...

the O-line grinned..Shade Bleeped...

Miller Nods..,alright... this more favors... lets play ball...

Miller sent Melia out to the Flat on a Motion, putting her outside the Rookie from the Flight Dec, who was In for Dana.

sure enough the OLB shifted to the outSide..Nassa come down closer to the rookie..

the Ball was snapped, BennY Hope the TE , faked his Block Caught the short pass that Miller had to fire between two arms .. he veered towards Shadow's side of the field Even as Shadow was sprinting Hard, as he broke off the Jam from His CB..

Right as the Speeding Shadow neared Hope, The TE planted his foot and Dove forward.. Nassa never saw Shadow Until the Tight End was out of the way, The Impact was resounding, Nassa's head flew Back, his helmet sent all the way to the sidelines, he hit the turf Five yards later, and layed their like a broken doll.

Shade retrieved Shadow's head gear that had flown off on Impact with a broken chinstrap.

Miller had a dark smile,..get to the sidelines Hot shot.. your Nose is bleeding...

Dana CAme past, Gave Him a Quick Hug as the trainer met him to check on his Nose while the equipment guy worked to replace the chinstrap.

Walker Looked at Shadow.. Shadow just grinned and sat on the bench while the trainer checked him out.

Nassa had both coaches , two trainers and a med tech looking at him.

The teams had to wait until the removed Nassa.

2-2 E25 10:03 Injury TO 2Q H-30 E-0

The Official on the sidline Looked at Shadow...Did you have to hit him like that?

..did he have to cheap shot Dana?...At least mine was legal..nothing hurts worse, then to get jacked up like that, on a legal hit.

CE-VA set the slow motion replay to play for viewers, three times through... once from 'all 11" view... once from behind Shadow.. and the third that was close uP on the Impact... Nassa's Face in Surprise with wide eyes and Mouth, right before the Moment his lights went out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:11, Mon 17 Aug 2020.


player, 2677 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 19:01

  • msg #222


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (447)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (448)

Zob let out a cheer from the player box, "Don't get up!" in response to Nassa being laid out on the field.

he watched closely eager to get back out there and cause some damage.

Sarah McKeon

player, 449 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 19:34

  • msg #223


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (449)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (450)

In reply to game time (msg # 207):

Sarah listened to St. Gaul's service record was read to the open air and breathed out a low whistle, "Well I've never f*cked or paid my way into a promotion, must explain why I'm not Admiral of a Carrier station at this point, and here I've been thinking doing I'm things the honorable way and taking care of my people while killing the enemy was gonna see me through my career. Turns out I've been doing things backwards. So other than your husband who's been bank rolling your career? Kidnapping stem kids who'll never be missed has a quick way of suddenly becoming suspiciously like some sort of funnel to the enemy larder ships. I bet if we follow the money we find out real quick which side you really line up on." She said sarcastically and suspiciously.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2496 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 19:45

  • msg #224


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (451)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (452)

In reply to game time (msg # 207):

Melia walked the sidelines keeping her legs moving as she sipped some powerade, watching the defense make pudding of the Everest offense. She paused near Watson, "You gonna be alright?" She asked? As Shadow got the kids some powerade.

Then it was time to hit the field for the next series. She motioned out and ran the play as Nassa got hit so hard his dead ancestors probably felt it. She trotted back to the line of scrimmage while she waited for the medtechs and trainers to scrape the broken DB off the field.

Roy Spencer

player, 8483 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 21:58

  • msg #225


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (453)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (454)

Roy grinned at Roles' response to the question about his ship. "The officer corps is a damn sight sharper, that's for sure. He's got gunner's mates with more kills than most of your senior staff." He paused for a moment, before adding, "Combined."

His eyes narrowed dangerously when St. Gaul took her cheap shot at Beth, about to say something when Hack offered his commentary, followed by Sarah.

He gave a nod, satisfied with what had been said, and opted instead to walk over to where Lyri had the Captain pinned against the door. "Admirable sentiment, to leap in on your admiral's side...but if she's gonna try and play the social superior to this crowd, she's gonna have to earn it on her own. If she can't handle the fire, she shouldn't have struck the match in the first place. If she can't hold her own against slowly lieutenant who had none of the social benefits of wealth growing up, then she really shouldn't be flinging insults."

He looked at Lyri, and then back at the Captain again. "And she better find higher quality backup. I mean, I'm pretty sure Beth would be able to take you on her own, already, but the Master Chief, here? She will break you in pieces and put you back together so you actally do look like the ham-fisted neuter with your head up your ass that you apparently are." His voice was low and ominous, almost a purr.

He stepped back, and speaking more loudly, said "Now, let's let the lieutenant and the Admiral handle their issues woman-to-woman, and just sit back and enjoy the game, shall we?"


Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 23:54

  • msg #226


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (455)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (456)

St GAul Looked at LaQua Get some ice for your Nose, or you will Hidious , for the party

I hope you will have a more..control party this night?

Hack Chuckled, In my Condo we will have some of the more...fancy food, and there is a drinks to be had, we will be going over what aircraft the Fleet is taking and how many Pilots

What makes you think i will give up Pilots?

These 5 stars i have, and a Blank check from the ESN and the APF...we need them more they you do.. and we will use them

There will be a V-jay on the Roof, with Tables off food and drink..and ..of course.. The LC will have his version of the party going on his will find it to be..interesting

game time

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 03:26

  • msg #227


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (457)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (458)

2-2 E25 10:03s 2Q H-30 E-0

Nassa was taken to the Everest Locker room

Miller lead the.e The Hermes folks to the Line, Running Shade for 2.. and the very next play, Melia followed shade throught he same hole for 3 More Shade's run, just got the first down..... and Melia run for her three

2-7 E20 9:11r 2Q

Shadow and Dana came back in. The DB on Shadow said to him, think you will get away with that?

..Listen frenchie, The Gutless bastard hit her when she was on the ground,, I gave him Payback... keep shooting your mouth off, I might have to collect some interest

Dana Caught a slant for 5 yards . Miller rushed everyone to the Line.

3-2 E15 8:49r 2Q

The Next Play was a Bit chancy, Miller managed to pull it off by fake first to Shade, then a Look to Shadow, before turnign to the other Side to Hit Melia with a screen.

Dana was out in front.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2497 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 03:45

  • msg #228


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (459)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (460)

Melia managed to reflexively pull the ball in but was out of sync having been thrown off by the tricky maneuvers Miller had gone through to throw the defense off. She didn't quite manage to secure the ball before getting hit and the ball popping out, where she lost sight of it.

Roy Spencer

player, 8484 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 05:25

  • msg #229


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (461)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (462)

"Well, what do you know...there is actually some fight left in them out there, after all. There just might be hope for this place, Sir," Roy said, commenting the last to Admiral Hack. He didn't see any hope under St. Gaul...she had been a 'maybe' when they left, with the potential to actually become a decent commanding officer...but she'd apparently bitten down on the lure of a cushy life and easy creds, and was cut from much the same cloth as so many of the officers they'd replaced (and 'replaced', more often than not) in the past few years.

Raising his voice minutely (for St. Gaul's benefit), he added, "Of course, they're having to pick on the newest players, some of whom had barely even touched a ball less than a week ago...the experienced players--the ones they're supposed to be somewhere close to equal to--are running all over them..."

game time

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 14:02

  • msg #230


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (463)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (464)

Shade Patted Melia's back as they headed off the field. Miller just said,..shake it off...

As they left the Field Shadow said to Melia,they are goign to come after you every play, to try to knock that ball loose,, hold it high and tighter to shoulder... we'll work on it more at practice ...

1-10 E5 8:09s 2q H-30 E-0

The Everest defense recived cheers, that turned to boos as the offense came on.

The Hermes side switched on in off between Jeers for Pascal, to cheers the The Hermes.

The First play , Pascal tried to throw the Ball on a quick out at Billie, but the ball went outside INC..the Everest fans booed more.. Hermes folks cheered.

2-10 E5 7:56s 2Q

Post signaled in for 9 mn blitz..leaving Machins and the other Safety in the back.

Supe stepped Up right to the hole between The DT and Zob.....Hey pascal... we're comin'.. we're gonna hit you hard, cause these guys's ain't keeping us out...

The center looked up at Supe...especially you!... we haven't been hitting you much..but wait until the second half, you might never play center again!

the burly french men just snarled... the ball was snapped and amost Bobbled beause the center went to Cut Supe, hwo spun off the dive and came free,,, Zob being able to charge the Middle as well, Once More Pascal hand to roll..but..he was already 3 yards deep in the endzone as he tried to run away.. Billie and the other DB on the other side crashing in...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2500 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 15:03

  • msg #231


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (465)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (466)

In reply to game time (msg # 230):

Melia yanked her helmet strap off as she stalked off the field, more than a little frustrated at losing the ball again Melia nods Miller. "Yeah, I see if I can get it there still today. Damn I hate screwing things up." She grabbed a bottle of powerade and took it for a walk in the back of the box, walking off the frustration and getting her head back on right as she paced the length oft the box watching the defense go to work.

Over by the kids Orria smiled at Melia and shouted out, "You can do it Mom! It's okay! Go Mom!" Melia smiled at Orria's cheers.

Billie Morrisson

player, 546 posts

Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 16:50

  • msg #232


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (467)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (468)

Billie smiled as she drove her shoulder into Pascal's chest. The ball popped out and bounced twice before exiting the back of the endzone. There was immense satisfaction in the contact.


Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 02:06

  • msg #233


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (469)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (470)

2-10 E5 7:56s 2Q

Billie hit Pascal the Ball popped loose.. Zob dove after it, his hand just missing the ball before it slid out of the endzone.

The ref made the Safety signal... The Everest stands shook with Books and Curses. The team Pounded Billie and Zob o9n the Pads

Supe yelled over...wait until we get loose!

H 32 E 0 7:43s 2Q

Walker waved Shadow out.. Shadow Jogged down to the 20 to wait for the free Kick.. Fans screamed on the Hermes side As Shadow waved to the Punter...

The Punter , to His Credit Boomed a Missle down the left sidlines.. Everest couldn't afford to have it go out of bounds..

Shadeo wauled it in at the 14, tucked the Ball under his right arm and sprinted, once more showing off, just how fast he was... theer Everest players were closign in, mindful of the fake on the Kick off..., and Sure enough , At The hermes 45 He pulled the Ball Up and his arm Flashed to throw it across the one was there?.. Two of the tacklers JUmped in the air to block the lateral .. But Shadow never let the Ball go , Pivoting and runnign pass the third.. and the sideline was clear..except for the determined Punter... Shadow accelerated again and , it was Clear the LC wasn't going to slow down..or Cut...

Tucker was running tow ards the Punter as Shadow came pounding down the sidlines...GET OUT OF HIS WAY!!! HE'S MAD... HE'LL HURT YOU!

whether the Punter had that much Guys.. or whether he didn't believe Tucker..or whether he didn't have the skill to get out of the one will know, unti tomorrow..

The LC Lowered His shoudler as he reached the Punter and the two Exploded, The Poor Punter Pinwheeling towards the Middle of the Field and Shadow flying out into sideline Spinning around On his Back Like a turtle, still holding the Ball..

Was he started to get up he could hear the cheers for the Hit one side of the field..and the dead silence from the Everest sidlines.

Tucker Look at Shadow.....LC!..he was a Punter!!!

wearing the wrong Colors , Tuck.. if he didn't want hit, he shouldn't put on the head gear..

Once more the Hover cart was brought out, the Punter lifted carefully

1-10 E23 7:29s @Q H-32 E-0


Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 02:18

  • msg #234


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (471)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (472)

Hack pointed to the field.. two safeties in one game?..I think we only score 4 of those all Last season.

St Gaul shook her head..maybe next half will be differant?

Hennings laughed.. then he pointed,..Shadow's return the ball again...

beth Nodded as she munched on some 'chickenish strips"Coach wants to drive the stake in deep... free kick, he wants us to start on thier side ..

Shadow tore down the sidline..Hennings said,..gods be damned......

That's why the Jets signed him, even they knew he might never come back

The Fake LAteral to Nobody had Lyri jump upgods be damned!..that worked?

when the collision happened St Gaul Gasped as anothe remember of her team had to be taken from the field....he is a animal!

..He runs on Anger, St Gual? your people cheap shotted one of his of his friends?.. and if you think he didn't see what was goign on with the kids?.well.. you would be very couldn't help those kids... but ehre is a whole team of Everest people, who are goign to pay, for the way The Hermes has been disrespected. And Chief walker isn't going to call off the dogs.... The dogs are letting tonight..

,,they do not have a kicker now?

beth smiled sweetly, Its ok Admiral.. your team has been givign the ball to us enough with out a kicker...

Roy Spencer

player, 8486 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 04:41

  • msg #235


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (473)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (474)

Roy snorted softly. "Do your people even watch tapes of the teams they're going to play, Admiral? Or do they just go out there green every time? There is NOTHING Shadow has done out there that should be a surprise to anyone. He's done this kind of stuff in every game I've seen him play. I mean, yeah...he was the kicker, he's not as padded up as everyone else because he rarely actually gets hit by anybody...but he was trying to stop one of the fastest receivers in the game, with a full head of steam. He should've known Shadow wasn't going to slow down, or dance out...and after the last few plays, it doesn't take a whole lot of deductive reasoning to figure out he's not going to dodge away from the smallest guy on the other team."

He shook his head softly. "There's a time and a place for charging blindly into battle and just relying on your training...but when you know exactly who you're facing, and when? If you're too thick to take a look at the available intel, you're just asking to have your ass handed to you."

He grinned wickedly at Beth and added, "And, of course, this being Everest, it should be served on a silver platter..."

He turned the grin on St. Gaul. "Yeah, I expect the next half will be different...the Everest team is going to find it harder and harder to put a full squad on the field..."

Henry Christie

player, 3892 posts

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 10:43

  • msg #236


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (475)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (476)

Henry continued to watch the game, with Val pointing out what was going on. He was getting the hang of it now. Most stylised than rugby, but just as exciting to watch. Long time since he'd played, undergraduate days. Been fun, though.

He checked his comm. Hopefully Disna and Puskie had found a suitable place for largs to run, and he could take Mila - and Larry if he wanted to come - to meet up with them after the game.


Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 13:44

  • msg #237


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (477)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (478)

Val Gasped when Shadow crushed the Punter, noting he never even looked one checked to see how badly the player was hurt, he just went to , where the Hermes Huddle was forming.

..the game is getting...Violent!


The Kids giggled as the Punter flew, thinking it was rather funny watching people fly. Kax and Nifty Grinned as they high fived, Sneak just giggled and shook her head.


In the Box St Gaul was getting agitated .

Hack smiled a bit , only takign a Glance at her and turned back to the field,....It is a frustrating thing, when your people are fighting hard and carrying the day, and You cannot be out there with them.. That feeling falls on a is a burden you try to carry.... is worse, when your people are being beaten, losing, hurting, and you are not there to share it with them?... That is a birdan for you, and them... Your people, they were sure they were goign to win?...But you must ask why?

St Gaul's brow furrowed,I do not understand your meaning...

..They thought hey would win, because many of our players were Killed, a couple Civies transferred to Uden and Calimate, and Bura... Your team, thought we were ripe for the picking?

they did not take into account, the pride, and heart of the team they were playing, they did not count on the skill my people show, and even the rookies are goign through thier trial by fire?...are workign hard.....Your two main players have been useless... while our ' main ' players number in double digits...

beth Giggled,Admiral St Gaul, you were a fighter Pilot? There are wing leadrers and flight leaders, and Pilots who take the lead..right?...Right now..your team is just aimlessly flying , with no leader..

game time

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 14:01

  • msg #238


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (479)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (480)

1-10 E23 7:29s 2Q H-32 E-0

Miller Looked at Shadow..she ws trying not to Laugh.The Punter?

..not one of my proudest moments, but it sends the message..if it doesn't , I can send more.

The Came out to the Line, the DB on Shadow backed off a step, The ball was snapped Shadow snagged the pass and was Hit by the Battered MLB, that shade was ..going out of his way... to hit any play he was able to reach him

2-4 E 17 7:01 r 2Q

Shade took a Hand Off and,might have made another 2 yards, if he didn't seek out the MLB and power into him.

3-1 E14 6:32r 2Q

Hope , the TE, , Shadow and Dana went into the Ned zone, the wide outs Crossing while the TE sat down on the goal line...

Shade and Melia did wheel routed up the sidelines, Shade a bit slower the Melia, he still power up the sidelines as best he could with the OLB ..sorta' trailing him'.

Miller Moved and the Pocket , and tried to hit one of the wheel routes...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2501 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 14:22

  • msg #239


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (481)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (482)

Melia cuts out on her wheel route a little quicker than Shade about a step or two ahead of Shade, and a handful of steps ahead of DB who'd picked her up leaving her an opening on the outside. Taking advantage of the opening Dana hits Melia on the 10 yard line, allowing her to tuck the ball high like Shadow suggested and burn into the endzone untouched by the defense. She underhand hand tosses the ball to the ref foregoing any celebration after having given the ball up twice (granted the defense had picked up the slack and turned the fumbles into safeties) as she jogs to the sidelines for the PAT.

game time

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 18:48

  • msg #240


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (483)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (484)

Melia was Pounded on the back by Shadow and Dana ,, Shade gave her two thumbs up and the ran next to them.

The other players High fived the Offense at the PAT team went out.

Tucker and the PAT team came in , havign no trouble with the PAT

6:19s 2Q H-39 E-0

On the Bench Watson gave her a high five, but he was still bummed he couldn't play anymore this game,


Walker just called for the same kickoff.. sending it high..once more it came down at about the 5..

Shade ran down field. 'semi' under control.. one of the Back up RBs tried to Block him and the Undenese slammed Into him, once more they rolled on the turf like a pair of Hamster's fighting.

The Back was forced up the Middle again..his look was grim and determined.


player, 2679 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 22:54

  • msg #241


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (485)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (486)

Zob broke down the middle next to Shade and dodged just in time to have the player get brought down by Shade, as he tore up the turf he managed to catch the runner at the Everest 35 yard and brought him down forcing him to fumble as it dropped he managed to catch it and took off running for a gain of 24 yards before getting brought down.


Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 01:26

  • msg #242


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (487)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (488)

the wheels were falling off, and that was the truth of it...The Everest team just could not hold onto the ball.

1-10 E 11 5:57s 2Q

The return man just sat there on the field watching Zob get up and head to the sidelines

The offense high fived on the way back out to the field

One the sidlines , people chered and Pounded on the coverage team, especially Zob.


In the Booth Beth Giggled,see!..they don't need a punter!

..oh shut up, you little tramp... what do you know about it!

before beth would recite stats , numbers and percentages.. Admiral Hunt spoke up....LT Morrow is the Head COMs officer on The Hermes and in charge of such duties for SEC..having been around Roles and Shadow, she had to learn Football or be left out in the cold//

Besides..I like it!

Roy Spencer

player, 8487 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 03:01

  • msg #243


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (489)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (490)

Roy grunted softly at the fumble and return. "Maybe we don't have to wait for the second half for the Everest team to no longer show up." He spoke a little louder, and added, "Be interesting to see if Walker and Post stick with the starters or start rotating in second and third stringers to get them some more in-game experience. I mean, the Everest team did kind of ask to get slapped down, with the way they were talking about how they were going to win. You open that door, you damned well better be able to walk through it. So they may stick with the starters...there's certainly enough new blood out there that it's good to keep the starters on the field just so they get a sense of how each other plays and adjust to working with the new people."

He shrugged, the sleeping waif on his shoulder shifting slightly with the motion. "That's why I'm glad I'm not coaching...I don't have to worry about those questions."


Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 12:25

  • msg #244


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (491)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (492)

1-10 E11 6:19s 2Q H-39 E-0

The Offense huddle while the sticks were Set Miller says,don't know what game these frenchies and germans are playing is?...but its not football!.. I want to score fast.. Wideouts hit the Slant, TE split the Safeties.. Backs hit the flat..

Comign out, of the Huddle the Ball was snapped as soon as the ref blew the whistle to wind the clock, he had to get out of the way Of Melia as she swung into the Flats.. The TE was Opened a but the safties drifted back, and the Back of the endzone took a big play away, with out even moving she Zipped a pass into Dana mhwo was hit as soon as she caught the ball,,

2-4 E5 5:54r 2Q

The Team scurried back to thier Postions, The Everest team did the same, only because they didn't have far to go.

Miller used the call for 'same thing' , the ball was snapped and she dropped Back, faking a Pass to Shadow and droppign it to Shade over the LB. Shade Pulled it in, lowered his head but was brought down on the 2..

3-1 E2 5:33r 2Q

she called a shift, shade the front man in the I formation, Melia behind him Dana stepped up onto the LIne of scrimmage,,Shadow stepped Back, while the TE shifted to the end of the Line on Shadow's side.

Once the team was set, the..Shadow was put into motion to the right side, after he passed the Right Tackle, the Ball was snapped, Melia went to the Right flat to get the Pitch,, with Shadow and Dana to lead the Blocking,

Only Miller didn't ley go of the ball when she went through her Pitch Motion, Everest Player looked like Puppets as the surged towards the Hermes's right flat, But Miller had to Dive Back works to Give shade a Handoff as the stood there to 'block' . The Miniature fullback took the Ball , bouncing off a surprised DT and hammered head long into the Hapless, MLB, who , at first, though Shade was coming out to block, until he saw Shade protect the Ball.. they both fell into the endzone 3 yards deep as Shade kept driving until the whistle blew.. The arms went up and the Hermes Crowd cheered..
The Mlb sat there leaning back on his elbows, looking up at the clock,,,

Shade came Over to Give Shade a Hug , saying to the MLB,..long way to go , Frenchie...

he looked up, ..I am from Belgium

Close enough , Ace... neither Shadow or Shade offered a hand to help yjr man up as they turned to go to the sidlines.

Shade Held the Ball up as the ran to the sidelines... Shade stopped Shadow and Pointed to Henry... Shadow nodded and took the Ball, he and Shadow yelled for Henry , well..Shade Bleeped loud..

When henry Looked , Shadow Pointed at Him and fired off a Pass to Henry with Shade's TD ball.. Shade Pointed at henry and the two went to the bench

Tucker and the PAT team came in, and put the ball through the posts..

5:11s 2Q H-46 E-0

Roy Spencer

player, 8488 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 18:18

  • msg #245


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (493)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (494)

Roy shook his head. "Five minutes left in the half, and odds are looking good the Hermes will score at least once more..."

He looked over at Hack. "I've never heard of a team scoring over a hundred points in a football game...definitely not against a supposedly professional team...I almost feel bad." He glanced over at St. Gaul, then looked back at Hack.

"But I'll get over it." He gave a malicious grin as he looked back at St. Gaul, then walked back in the box, settling the kid on his shoulder into a chair next to the one Lyri had taken from him.

He hadn't taken the time to do more than a cursory examination down on the street, where EDT backup could have come along at any moment, and when he'd arrived in the box, he'd been busy presenting a nonchalant front for St. Gaul and LaQua. With St. Gaul apparently refusing to look at almost anyone else in the box, and Lyri having given LaQua ample reason to mind his own business, Roy decided to check the kids a little more carefully, feeling for a fever, checking pulse and breathing, and doing a cursory check for any broken bones. If he found anything alarming, he knew Hawkeye was at the game, and probably Stefi, as well. Right now, however, it seemed more important to him to check that the kids were okay than to watch Everest get handed a defeat of record-breaking proportions.


Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 18:40

  • msg #246


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (495)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (496)

..High school and College games had scores that high, early in its life, the NFL had some scores in the 70's .. bears beat some one 73-0 in the playoff in the old leather helmet days...

in the mid 2000' 2030s" The Japanese took over the JAcksonville Jaguars, renamed them the Dragons, and used players and coaches from DIII schools who wanted to play football, set up a league changing Contract format, Players made more money, without agents, but has to play hard to earn incentives?...because of this, the Coach at that time, never let off the gas.. would score 100 points a over half the games...on calling time outs, running 'up tempo' offesne , and causing turnovers... I think he would be smiling to see this game..


The kid Roy had , had some bruises..but mostly seemed weak,,dry skin, parched lips, the little girl looked much the same.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:43, Thu 20 Aug 2020.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2439 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 19:09

  • msg #247


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (497)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (498)

Having grown bored of the bickering between the other officers and with the boys now watching their game, Harry would put her feet up and plug in a pair of earbuds so that she could listen to some music. Football had never been her thing let alone American football, which she struggled to fathom at the best of times, and truth be told she’d only agreed to come in order to keep Will company and not leave him to fight off the mob of well wishers all by himself. So now that they were all gone she was going to leave them all to it, listen to some music and maybe even have a little nap.

Roy Spencer

player, 8489 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 19:24

  • msg #248


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (499)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (500)

Roy got a glass of water and a napkin. Wetting the corner of the napkin, he blotted gently at the kids' mouths, letting a little water trickle in past lips. A regular pulse and breathing implied a lack of some other severe condition, but the fact that they had remained asleep through the noise of the crowd and the barbed exchanges in the box had him concerned that this might be something more than just exhaustion...or that they were in the earliest stages of a downward spiral into more dire condition. Dehydration, he could help relieve...and if they woke up and could eat a little, exhaustion would be a lot easier to overcome.


Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 19:43

  • msg #249


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (501)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (502)

St Gaul looked at Roy fussing with the Kids , once more turned away and was greeted with Shade's score.

..why do you not take thsoe..... thsoe.... children, to the Med tech, the smell of sweat and rust!

Hack said off handily,I could see where you aren't accustomed to the smell of sweat, should be an interesting party tonight

Lyri looked to Roy to see if he wanted to her to call Stefi or someone.

Will watched Harry tune out , , and he turned abck to watch the game with others.

Roy Spencer

player, 8490 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 21:53

  • msg #250


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (503)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (504)

Roy nodded to Lyri. "At least give her a heads-up about them. I'm not too concerned yet, but if they don't wake up by the end of halftime, I'll be worried."

4aising his voice slightly, he responded over his shoulder, "I don't know what they teach you in that pansy-ass finishing school you call an academy, but I was trained to deal with problems myself, when I can, and then call for help if it was more than I could handle...Marines don't foist off their problems on someone else...not if they want to remain Marines." Disdain rising 8n his voice, he continued, "And I'm sorry a little sweat and rust offends your refined sensibilities. I've been fighting a war, Admiral...I didn't even notice the sweat and the rust after years of smelling blood, sh*t, and death. Maybe you should try holding your breath..."

Despite the heated vocal tone, his physical manner stayed gentle, as he continued working, grabbing another napkin that he used to give both kids a sponge bath, of sorts, softly wiping away dirt, sweat, and dried tears from their faces and hands.


Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 02:12

  • msg #251


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (505)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (506)

5:11s 2Q H-46 E-0

Once more Tucker kicked off he got Under it very well.. The Ball went end over end seeming to drift in the windless air.

The Back fielded the wall well enough at the 8.. but the crowd was barreling down on him he wanted to go to the sides , But Waggles and Billie on one side , Melia and Jumping Lion on the other he had to take the Middle or risk a very short return.

Zobe and shade where in the Middle, bodies were hittign the field, , none of them had white jeresys on.


Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 02:35

  • msg #252


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (507)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (508)

There was a fuss outside the door , the Door opened and the Corp who was guarding the Box tried to ask if the person Could enter... Stefi pushed past him;

She Glared at St Gaul,.. I'm telling you right Now, Admiral St Gaul... one of your shock troops tried to lay a hand on me again, I'll cut them off and sew them on thier ass, so they can wipe without turning around!

St Gaul looked shocked , she Looked at Hack who was watching the game.

Hennings chuckled,'ve met LT Simmons...'Stefi'... she is the Hed Med tech on the Hermes...

she's only a LT!

Doctors had a way of vanishing after a jump off or two..Stefi has been on the hermes longer then i have!...

Roy didn't have to say a thing, she Loked at the Kids. She opened her COMsPrice?.. grab a Volunteer, i need you and someone to take two Kids to the LC's Condo ASAP, I will come with you we got dehydration and , what looks like beating wounds...and 'Station exposure".. they needed cleaned up.. food and water, and clean clothes... I have Med Kits as Shadow's Condo...

she looked at St Gaul...If i was in charge of the rusted Tin can of a station, I would have shoot to kill orders on anyone harming a Stem kids.. Gods be damned!.. they don't have a worse life? you have to allow crap like this..?

her Brow furrowed.why would you take them to Shadow's Condo?..why not your ship? or send them to a med tech vessel

..because....'Admiral'... i don't want to mess anyone's shore leave up....and? Shadow has taken in waifs before during a party... damn nice idea in a away.. free food, warm palce to sleep Music, dancing Vids runnign all damn night, med suppleis for those who might party too hard..

and Captain Si adds without turning around,and Maybe? those kids can Tell the LC who hurt them?.. we have 3 days here Admiral... Shadow doesn't like to see unfortunates treated badly... your Med tech might have more then a few broken Jaws..

if they make it to med tech... I might even join him if my leg feels loose enough. Roles said.

Roy Spencer

player, 8492 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 03:12

  • msg #253


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (509)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (510)

Roy grinned at Stefi, in a tight-lipped fashion that spoke of a barely-controlled temper. "< blue>Thanks,'s looking like we may have several orphans joining us this go around...the others--so far, at least--are in better shape. But, you know...when I saw them, I couldn't just leave them there.</blue>"

He gave a wink, and added, "It's a dangerous section of town around here, especially for a station uppers. Sounded like there was some kind of shootout happening just down the street while I was out walking around. Couldn't leave kids out in a situation like that, you never know who's going to come along and cart them off to who-knows-what-kind-of-fate..." The glint in his eyes hinted at the deeper level of involvement that he'd actually had in the scenario.

"I thought, initially, they might have just been sleeping...never made a sound when I brought them up here, and haven't even twitched through the crowd noise this quarter, and I started getting worried that it could be something a lot more serious than just a little rough living out in the street. Good to know they've got the best looking out for them."

He shot a look over at St. Gaul, then looked back at Stefi. "The Master Chief and I will walk you out to the vehicle...wouldn't want anyone trying to argue with you about going somewhere with the kids. Not sure Everest is ready for Security personnel who have to look over their shoulder to brush their teeth..." He gave a toothy, mischievous grin.


Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 03:29

  • msg #254


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (511)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (512)

Stefi Nodded, she looked at the Admiral who was still watching the game.. but Hennigns noded to them and jerked his ehad to the door.

More fuss happened outside... the Door Opened and Shoey stood at the door, he had a leather jacket , Jeans and a hermes T-shirt under the jacket and his ball cap.

chewing Gum he said,..there ya are SM!.. these nice guys said i couls stand at the door to talk to you....but hey, i'm kinda in a Hurry since , shore leave is on and all that..Picked up some easy french chicks?.. and I wanted you to pay me on the bet we made?..where i said Shadow would lay out the frist everest guy, and You said Zob?...But.. I'd Like you to pay me the creds out know.. where the light isn't as bright...

Billie Morrisson

player, 549 posts

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 03:30

  • msg #255


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (513)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (514)

Billie ran downfield and the carrier ran a decent return. She wrapped him up at the forty, proud that she stopped him.

Roy Spencer

player, 8494 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 03:49

  • msg #256


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (515)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (516)

Roy gave a cryptic grin. "What's the matter, Shoey? Afraid I'd shut down your bet?" he chuckled. "Your timing is perfect...the Master Chief and I were about to escort Lt. Simmons and some guests down to a vehicle to go to the condo." He looked at Stefi.

"Do we need to wait for Lt. Price? Lyri can carry one of them...hell, for that matter, I carried them both up here, I could carry them down. Sgt. Shoemaker would gladly make sure nobody gives you a hard time, even if I had my hands full..." He glanced back and Shoemaker.

"I mean, I'm assuming you can wait that long to get paid off. Or do you have another bet riding on getting the money right away?"

roy ect

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 04:19

  • msg #257


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (517)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (518)

Shoey grins,..sure?..I'll come along, Rolfe is down by the cars.... didn't want the care Tagged...

Lyri picks up the other kid and carries her as they walk down the stems to get to the entrance to the concourse. Stefi looks at the kids as they are carried by Roy and Lyri

Shoey says quietly.<Seagreen>..we killed 4 EDT of the had an EverSec unifrom, but it was done right?..belt was all wrong, shoes instead of boots?... He must have waxed a guy and took it.. They were looking..don't know for what.. we tried to ask the one half dead guy?..but he went full /Seagreen> he shrugged

Roy Spencer

player, 8495 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 04:52

  • msg #258


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (519)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (520)

Roy nodded and answered in a similarly quiet tone, "I picked up these two out of a van...SEC uniformed two-striper and two guys in suits. There was no time to ask questions...what's left of them is still in the van. I gave Beth everything I recovered that might provide clues about where they came from or who they're working with. Either Captain Messe is in this up to her eyeballs, or else she's barely treading water...too many SEC personnel turning up with EDT connections. I'd write her off completely, except St. Gaul seems to absolutely detest Messe...which is a pretty good character recommendation for me."

He gave a tired sigh. "I'm tempted to send you and Rolfe to the condo ahead of everyone else and sweep it. I know that nobody else is supposed to have been in there, but there's too damned many holes in Security around here. But I think I need you roaming here and cleaning house before anyone manages some kind of hit on Hermes personnel. We got anyone else from Security that's not at the game right now? Maybe some of the Scots?"

off field

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 11:42

  • msg #259


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (521)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (522)

scots are with McCloud watchign the Came.. there are a couple of the Girls watching... Scarlet and Lippen a re at the Condo, they drew the short straws... Captain Morris and Captain Rivets are there, a couple Rec Dec Ladies are there getting things set up with the cater people..

Most of the new folks..i mean the real new folks? are either on the hanger dec waiting for their shift, or sitting in the bleachers watching the game..or?.. inside a Pub somewhere watching it.. some brawls reporters over the game, i expect a few more , the way things are going.

we saw Messe and her driver head off in SEC hover cars?.. they Beelined right for ESN HQ...whose ever side she is on? There is gonna be the 9 hells to pay, she looked


Carlton changed the topic in the Both by lokign to Sarah, it? Right... Bura does not yet have the capabilities to start making Toys, of this nature?... Do you think the Burian Fleet and Government , might waht to make a deal for Burian figures and the like?.. i am sure we can tie the line into the ESN line?..but the creds the ESN gets for allowing us to use thier likenesses and such, would go to the Burians?... It seems like a drop in the Bucket,,,but when you add up all the fans in The Black... that fills alot of buckets?... Collectors will want them..Kids who want to expand thier toys-world will want them?, adding ships and fighters and thigns like that would be elementary..

Hawkeye Price

player, 440 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 13:51

  • msg #260


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (523)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (524)

In reply to box (msg # 252):

Hawkeye had almost been to where Rolf and several others were located when her comms went off, she sighed a little muttering about terrible leadership on the station and pivoted heading back to the box. She had an idea for a volunteer, someone who wasn't really excited about watching the game.

Arriving at the box, right as the group was leaving she slides up to Stefi. "Hey boss, what do we got here?" she said starting to examine the little one in Lyri's arms as they walked. The kids looked pretty beat up, "Do we know who did this to them?" she asked joining Stefi and the kids in the car.

Sarah McKeon

player, 450 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 14:55

  • msg #261


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (525)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (526)

In reply to off field (msg # 259):

"Yes, Commodore Sarah McKeon nice to meet you in person Mr. Carlton." She says smoothly, "We currently have most of our production industry devoted to the war effort, however there is some capacity for luxury items such as toys, and the like. Especially if some of the profits were fed into our war efforts. With as rapidly as our fleet is expanding any little bit goes a long ways.

As the fleet commander I am definitely interested in expanding your efforts to include the Burian fleet and give my endorsem*nt. However I would have to defer to the rest of the Admiralty and the Burian High Council on this due to its ties both to finance and production of non-military equipment. I'd be happy to put you in contact with the other leaders."

She explains.

Henry Christie

player, 3895 posts

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 14:55

  • msg #262


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (527)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (528)

Henry looked up from his com.

"Disna and Puskie say the locals are proving difficult about providing facilities for exercising the largs. All they'll let us use are some tunnels... I wanted them out in the fresh air, we have tunnels whenever we like on the Hermes after all. What are your thoughts? They suggested I try pushing for some beach time or the chance to go on the mountain tonight at the party... which reminds me, you are going to come with me, aren't you?"

Drat. He was no good at this stuff. Of course he should ask her, not assume she'd come. Fortunately she seemed to like such affairs. More than he did if truth be told.

Roy Spencer

player, 8499 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 17:02

  • msg #263


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (529)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (530)

Roy nodded at the report. His hands were still full of unconscious kid..."Give them a heads up to go through the place with everything they can and make sure there's no surveillance set up or any other kinds of sabotage. Let Beth know, sure how much she can do from here, but at least she'll be mentally prepared to do her magic after the game."

It was at that point that Hawkeye asked her question. "The most likely culprits are corpses, now...EDT, or someone working for them. Seems as though the EDT moved in right behind us when we left last time...if anything, Everest is even worse than we left it. Gonna be a lot of house-cleaning going on..." He considered commenting about shoreleave being extended, but in his mind it wasn't was just Hermes personnel acting as a cover story while Delta Nights cleaned up the worst pockets of EDT infiltration and collaborators.


player, 2680 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 17:59

  • msg #264


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (531)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (532)

In reply to gametime (msg # 251):

Zob did his best to catch up but got caught up in the mess of bodies sending them toppling over like dominoes luckily Billie got through and got the sack.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2503 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 20:09

  • msg #265


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (533)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (534)

Much like Zob, Melia found herself caught in traffic as the bodies piled up still she managed to tie up enough of the return blockers allowing Billie a chance to slip through and tackle the returner.


Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 22:54

  • msg #266


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (535)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (536)

Rofle stands Up from leaning on the hood of the car. Quickly Opening both passenger side doors, for those who need to be put in.

Rolfe had a Hoodie on and a hermes ball cap.

At the driver's seat sat Ellen.. she had on a windbreaker and her pony tail stuck out the back of a hermes ball cap

Nagy and Robbins are waiting for us at the back access elevator.., SM.

she started the car,,and waited for every one to get in...

Roy ect>>>>> Evererst 1001#2
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:57, Fri 21 Aug 2020.

game time

Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 23:08

  • msg #267


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (537)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (538)

4:58s E40 2Q H-46 E-0

Sarcastic cheers echoed out over field at the 'best' runback of the day for Everest.

Pascal took the field and the rain of boos echoed through the field.

The QB had His eha d Down as he reached the Huddle and began to take to his players.. Everest players on the sideline tried to get the crowd to quiet, but it made it worse!

from the hermes sides the chant and footpounding started,..ITS ALL OVER....... ITS ALL OVER !
1-10 E40 4:58, A run to the Half back off tackle netted 2 yards , the Hit that the Lineman put on him echoed...

2-8 E42 4:27 r 2 q

Pascal managed to Hit his tight end with a Pass,...Jumping Lion hit Him hard from his safety spot for a Gain of 6

3-1 E48 3:51 r

More Boos roared as the Everest team where just shuffling around, no hurry in thier step The Coach even signaled in to Pascal with a Hand 'pushing' downward" to slow down.

Pascal faked a hand off into the Middle Supe took the Bait , slappign inmto the RB, But Pascal took off towards Billie's side. Jumping Lion was runnign Up behind Billie, it would be a race to see if Pascal got to the Sticks for a first down..or Billie Of Jumping Lion stopped him

..Don't let him get out of Bounds..make them burn Time outs!..he ran towards Billie's side, but the play would be well over, before he got there.

Billie Morrisson

player, 550 posts

Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 00:06

  • msg #268


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (539)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (540)

Billie ran as she could towards the ball carrier, but she jumped early and went out of bounds ahead of him. As she picked herself up, she looked back to see her teammate Jumping Lion, having tackled him out of bounds.

game time

Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 13:59

  • msg #269


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (541)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (542)

3-1 E48 3:51 r

Billie Cut Off Pascal's chance to get to the sideline,, Jumping Lion hit him hard stopping him for a 2 yard loss.. and the Clock kept turning.

4-3 E46 3:29r 2Q H-46 E-0

Everest called thier 1st TO.. Fans cheered..a tiny bit..because it looked like they we're just quitting.

TO Everest 3:18s 2Q

The defense came over, including the people from the bench. Walker looked over the Defense,..Look?... there is only 2 things for them to do?... go deep and try to score?.. the second is hit somethign short, or Get Pascal on the edge amd let him throw or run..

Post added,, and Morrison.. you play tight on those wideouts, keep them to the outside. make then have to stay outside...Pascal will have to drop the Ball over your head.... Mackins and Jumping Lion.. Ply inside the hash Marks about 15 yards off... incase they try to send the TE up the Middle, you should be bale to get to the sidlines on a Ball thrown Under you.. anything thrown deep?.. you have to hope the Corners did thier Job and slowed the wideouts Up....

OLB.. you rush up and In...Keep pascal in the Pocket... Supe and the D line..shoot the Gaps.. they shouldn't try a draw, but..they are dumb enough to try.. If you see the ball, get to it...other wise you chase Pascal force him to throw without setting up... he can throw decent enough on the run, but he's been beat up this game and his pansy ass don't like it..let him know you're there...

Shadow was listening in as he sipped his drink. Walker saw him grinning.

..You want in there?

The LC grinned,Naw Coach, they don't need me.... there's a big zero up on the scorebaord, the Everest guy have so many ball on teh ground, kids in the stand might think they are playign Basket Ball... would Like to Go deep again though...

Wlaker Gave him a shove away from teh defesne as some players laughed.....Go..Kick ass.. if they make the first?.. Just shut them down again...

game time

Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 14:11

  • msg #270


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (543)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (544)

4-3 E46 3:18s 2Q H-46-E-0

The defesne came out first ..The offense came out with Everest fans cheering , and Hermes folks screaming for the defense..

Pascal watched the defesne as his Team Lined Up with Twins each saide. the backs inside and off the line with wide recivers wide and Off the Line. One back stayed in to block.

Post Called out to Supe and Crossed his arms, Supe Called back to Machins and Jumping Lion..they would come up at the Snap and play 'Inside-Outside' on the twisn witht eh Safeties tacking the Inside..

nothing changed for the Blitz.

Pascal Had a slight smile as he saw the safeties off a bit, as he called the signals, Machins and Jumping Lion moved Up his smile dropped a bit , his eyes went to the Play clock, he couldn't make a change fast enough, he they couldn't call another Time out, as they just called one and would be down to one... and they couldn't afford a 5 yard flag for playclock running out that was now at 4 seconds..

The Ball came Back.. the safeties rushed up and pivoted thier hips, lookign like synchronized swimmers as they Moved, despite never having played together.. the wide outs tried to go up top on Waggles and Billie,, but the surge of white came through Holes the Left DT fell as he was Double teamed leaving Zob to push past the slower Sanri and Supe knifed through the Hole bouncing off his Double team , givign them free shots at his ribs, the other DE and OLB came in from Pascal's right, stopping Him from Rolling to Billie's side... Zob and the other OLB came in from his Left..The RB blocking the OLB..... Pascal had to throw from a well... and that well was closing..

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2645 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 16:45

  • msg #271


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (545)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (546)

During the whole game Haley sat with Roll and their new friends they had made. Larry Next to them like their big protective brother and Sneak being like a big sister. She wondered what happened to Nikki. She had been scared when the guy put the big heavy bracelets on Nikki and handling her roughly, but was happy when Mr. Hack told them to let her go. The other kids were a bit scared too, apparently they were harassing the kids here, she somehow understood that. Nikki told Haley have fun and Sneak and Larry and the others would watch over her for a bit.....and all her other Hermes friends were there watching her too. She sat and watched, and cheered for their team and ate another hotdog as well. One of the kids asked Haley was would happen after the game. "Not totally sure. I think they go back in that locker room an' change" she pointed "I think then we all get to go to a place that we stay here. this is my first time here, so not totally sure. I know there will be a big party with lots of food and iffi'n happens like when we met Roll and Sneak there will be nice bed to sleep in and be safe" she smiled "They came back to the Hermes with us and then some families began adoptin' the yunger kids. Older ones like Jax can enlist" Her voice sounded a bit different than theirs because of her southern accent.


Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 17:02

  • msg #272


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (547)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (548)

Sneak Knelt down as the teams lined up for Everest to try for a first down, in the waning time in the first half/

Yep... the players are going into the locker rooms at half time, we have to stay out this time, since alot of them might be changing and stuff.... but then they play a second half, and when the game is over we will go to the Hotel..I'm gonna help with the serving and such.. you guys will be in Th LC's Condo and will be allowed on the roof party where the dancing will be.. and lots and lots of food and drinks..

she Got the 4 kids attention.....I don't know what will hapen with you..whether there are families on the hermes who might take you in..or if you go to a Med Tech ship for you to stay until they can find a palce for you...LC said he wants you on the same ship or colony..we;ll see.. They managed to keep me , Jax and Roll as well as the others together..but no matter where you'll have a nice place to live, go to school, and have more hidding in pipes.. sneakign througn emepty buildings , or hiding from SEC..

The Older Boy says,what do you know about al that?

Sneak smiled and flicked her hair back as she looked up at him., Me , Jax and Roll are from Etna.... Nifty is from Olympus...there are some other kids who were in the Stem on Etna, who are here with thier new families ... we had to do errands for the Gang we were in.. the last one? we lost half of the kids to snipers... SGT Garrat, SGT Zob and a few others helped us .. and we came to the hermes..there isn't anything you had to do, that we didn't have to do..or..have done to us... she smiled a bit painfully

The Older kid loked down, have to kill anyone?

Sneak nodded slowly....yes... to stay way or another...

..I had to stab a Yellow guy at a Ball, 'cause he wanted to hurt the SM and Mr one yelled at me..but i know i'm not suppose ta!

The Little girl nodded slowly...i know some people i would liked to have killed to death!

Sneak gives her a're safe now... and those bad folks?.. they might not be so safe... The Hermes tends to take care of thier way or another..

Jaw Pointed to the field..they are getting ready to play!

game time

Sat 22 Aug 2020
at 21:35

  • msg #273


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (549)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (550)

1-3 E45 3:18s 2Q H-46 E-0

Pascal was done, he heaved the Ball down the right sideline, the reciver got behind Billie and hauled it in.. tucking it away As Jumping Lion sprinted after him, hitting him hard but not before he dove into the endzone!

Touchdown Everest!

the Fans cheered.. Hermes side looked shocked..Supe Pounded the ground were he was after being tripped Up

Thier Kicker came on( back up kicker)..and barely put thr Ball through..

2:54s 2Q H-46 E-7

Shadow and Dana went out to return the kick.. the return team looked grim, like Everest took somethign that wasn't theirs to take.

The Ball came down to Dana who made a nice Cut, Picked Up a crossing Balck By Shadow before being pulled down on the Hermes 31.

1-10 H31 2:44 s 2Q H-46 E-7

Miller waited in the Huddle, want a deep one?

Let me and Dana loose down the sidelines ..if its not there, you should have the TE or the backs

She looks around the Huddle,Ok? if its incomplete, it doesn't matter If its
complete and they don't score.. they run your asses off to get to the line, see if we can get another play in before the 2 minute warning. Don't screw this up..I want at least 3 points out of this.

the broke the Huddle and Lined Ip there was alot of time for a team with 3 times outs in there pocket and the 2 minute warning... The corners creeped up on Shadow and Dana, the safeties took a step or two inside the Hashs..that's all Dana needed to see... the Ball was snapped, Shadow arms moved like a Ninja to beat down the Corners' arms, Dana did the same thing ,m but spun inside and kicked it in..

Both Hermes Wideouts were tearoign down the sidlines, while football fans 'in the know' stood up and screamed about the deep ball being open. more football then them, and let the ball go as soon as her back for hit, the third step...


Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 02:17

  • msg #274


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (551)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (552)

1-10 H31 2:44 s 2Q H-46 E-7

in the ESN league there is always talkign point to who is the better reciver on the hermes, Shadow, ot Dana... All around, Shadow would win with Blocking and being able to throw..and thier route runnign was seamless... Dana seemed to have..slightly..better hands, But Shadow's grip pulled many a pass from a DB's hands.

One thing no one argued..Shadow was the fastest reciver on the Hermes.. the Ball was Let Go by Miller , Knowing this.

The outstreched hands brought the ball in, tucked it away in the outside arm, and Looked to stiffarm a dender, but there was no one close...

The everest fans went Did silent... the Hermes fans erupted like a broken power Cell

Dana Gave Him a Hug as weill as Shade and high fives from the Offense.....You always make me look good, Hot shot... Miller Clapped his back..

I can't catch it, if you don't throw it!

... Tucker and the PAT team went on the field.. Post stopped Shadow and nodded to the field.. He and Miller watched as the ball was snapped and tucker caught the Ball!..tucker rolled to his right and let... a very wobbly pass... got to the deep corner , where Hope pulled the ball in..for 2 points!

Shadow Grinned at Walker..

Walker shrugged....this means they lost one point in the TD exchange!

2:04 s 2Q Hermes 54 E-7

Henry Christie

player, 3896 posts

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 11:27

  • msg #275


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (553)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (554)

Henry sat and watched the game, still holding the ball Shadow had lobbed up into the stands. He wasn't quite sure about that, the purpose of it. Shade had been talking to him before he threw it, as far as he could tell it was the ball that the little guy had scored with although there seemed to be so many balls around... and was it meant for him, or just chance that it had come straight to his hands?

At least he hadn't embarassed himself by fumbling it. Well, he'd played full back at rugby at school and as an undergraduate, and that position involved catching a long of long balls. Muscle memory had kicked in even after all that time.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2505 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 14:34

  • msg #276


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (555)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (556)

Melia rested on the sidelines during the PAT turned into a 2 point conversion. Then it was back to the field to line up for a shot at the Everest return team and continue to punishment. Lining up she bounced, letting her arms swing a little staying loose waiting for the signal to set for the kickoff. She eyed the Everest return team watching for signs of fatigue and weakness. As it stood she was pretty sure the Everest return team had more time on the field than their offense had even counting the last drive.

Orria enjoyed some powerade hanging out with the stem kids, Haley and Roll. She was cheering for her friends on the field, and especially Melia and Shade.

game time

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 16:59

  • msg #277


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (557)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (558)

2:04 s 2Q Hermes 54 E-7

The Kickoff team lined up, Tucker didn't even ask how Walker wanted the kick... The Ball sailed in the , near, windless air... only the briefest of breeze coming in from the sea, in the 'homemade Convection current"

The Everest team was indeed back on its heels..having scored on a Big play, they were burned by another Big Play, with the cherry on top , of having the Kicker throw a 2 pt pass.

The Back who fielded the ball Juggled it just for a Moment at the 4 yard line, and turned up field..

Once More the Hermes Kick team came down.. Bille and Waggles on the left...meila and Jumping Lion on the right..Zob and Shade in the Middle

Tucker hanging back as 'safety' and the other out four with two on each side of Zob and Shade...

It was noted, that , though Shade was faster then last game, he still lagged a step or two behind the rest, which is one of the reasons, he just punished the first player to reach him.

Pads popped , helmets met as the Runner was closed in on


Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 17:26

  • msg #278


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (559)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (560)

Jax looked at the Kids and said,when half time comes , you all stay together with me and Nifty, and Larry.

The LArg thumped his tail

you think anyone's stupid enough to try to grab a kid during Half time?

Sneak gave a snort,they were stupid enough to try to start a shooting war, that would have killed us all...

Jax frowned, bristling a bit,..yeah..well? that went for both sides...


Val pointed to the BAll,It looks like Shade wanted you to have that ball? a souvenir or somehting?

Hemsly and Brooks , McCloud and Minnet stood up during the kcik off yelling..



player, 2685 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 18:21

  • msg #279


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (561)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (562)

Zob moved down the field with Shade it was clear he wasent gonna make it to the runner so when the bodies met he took on the guy on the left hand side of Shade and slammed into him with bone crushing force if he couldn't stop the runner he was gonna hurt somebody!

game time

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 18:38

  • msg #280


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (563)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (564)

getting up into the pack, the return man gets past the angles the outside folks would have, he made the effort to cut to where Shade and the blocker, went down, and escaped the arms of Zob and one of the outside-middle guys.. and then he was Gone.. Tucker tried to tackle him, but the return mad gave him a solid stiff arm and went eh last 20 yards Untouched for the TD

Once more, Everest went for the PAT...figuring 1 pt is better then nothing when the hole they had was deep.

1:44s ( 2 Minute warning) 2Q H 54 E 14

the coverage team wAS very upset they let the return man Go.. Walker Pulled Shade aside and lectured him on, not 'taking the Guy out' if it means taking himself out too.

Then Shade and Zob went to black for the return,..Walker told Shade , it was ok to take out the player now..

a Thumbs out and the angry little Udenese went out onto the field.

The Ball was 'squibbed' either on purpose, or ebcause they had a replacement kicker in... Dana gathered the ball in , ran up field before she ended up at the Hermes 36.

1-10 H36 1:30s 2Q H 54 E 14

Miller looked around in the Huddle...Walker wants at least 3..... we have 3 Timeouts.. if you're on the sidliens, you get the 9 hells out of Bounds.. don't worry about a Yard or two extra..., If we call a Time out.... huddle up... anything esle , even if we stop the clock on an incomplete or out of bounds, you line up fast, don't give them a chance to sum.. they have 4 Line men out there, and 3 LBs..that's good for us? we can't let them get more DBs out there... ready? All calls at the line...

The first Play, Miller GAve Shade a Hand off, the D-line shot passed thinking he was going to block, and he picked up 8 yards before the safety brought him down... the Safety was thrown a good 2 yards away as he tried to hole Shade down so he couldn't hurry and Line up.

2-2 H44 1:03r 2Q

Next Play, was a fake pitch to Melia and a toss to Hope..he ran straight up field and went down as soon as he was Contacted , to save Time.. Miller called the 1st Time out

1-10 E48 :46 2Q Hermes 2 TO left

we need the 25 to give Tucker a decent shot at a FG.... work it...

they came out of the Huddle and Miller called a screen to Melia. Shade Blocked the MLB as he Blitzed ( of course he did!) Melia 'missed' her blaock and was out in the Flat with Dana and Hope blocking for her...

Melia Kristensen

player, 2506 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 19:25

  • msg #281


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (565)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (566)

Melia pulled in the pass in the flats between the hashes and turned up field angling towards the sidelines. She managed to pick up a few blocks but the Everest defense kept her from making the sideline. She dropped as soon as she was hit not wanting to waste any more of the clock picking up 23 yards. At least the clock had to stop for the chains to be moved. Still it'd cost them a timeout.


Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 19:57

  • msg #282


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (567)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (568)

Miller signaled a Time out...

1-10 E23 :21s Hermes 2nd TO H 54 E 14

right? Tuck has his 25..we have one Time out to save for Him... We blow this?.. there's a Good bet most of Us will be traded to Everest!..we have to get points. anyone catches a Ball in the Middle Go down and signal Time out...ctahc it on the sidlines , get out of bounds, give us another shot...

they lined up, Miller called for the ball , took three steps back and let the Ball loose.

game time

Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 23:51

  • msg #283


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (569)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (570)

1-10 E23 :21s Hermes 2nd TO H 54 E 14

The Ball lasered out to Shadow who caught it it, fakes a Turn out and Spun inside, he tried to score but , as the safety came up he dove of the sidlines to stop the clock

1-G E5 :09s

Miller gave Shadow a Dark look. he just gave one of is smiles.. they went to the Line, but Everest called a Time out..both teams had one left.

Walker told Miller, Shade is Going up on the line as another TE on the left side, Shadow and Dana will be off the Line Kristensen in the backfield with you... you only have 9 seconds... You get rid of the ball fast.. they know we have a Timeout, so fake to the back... Both tightends hold they blocks and hit the front Corners.. WRs Need cross cross into the back of the endzone, and Melia goes straight up after the Fake...

Lookigngat Melia,if you get through the mess, turn around at the goal line... No one should be tackled in the field of Play..Miller has to send the Ball out of the endzone.. we blow this we, lose at least 3 points.

Linign Up with the Double TEs and One back, made some of the everest Team smile as they had 6 D-line tow Outside backers, two midlle backs and one safety..

Shadow looked at the OLM closest to him....this is a Joke? right?.. you and your slow motion buddies gonna cover me and Dana..

got to the 9 hells Shadow... your speeds don't matter here... the endzone is ourt friend..

Really?..cause she's cheating on you. she left us inside her more they you wide when the Fleet comes in...
The OLB took a step towards Shadow and he and Dana slashed to the deep Middle of the endzone, Hope and Shade Hit the DE and split to two OLM, who were confused..some one had to watch the wideouts?... some one had to Pick up the TEs.. the Saftey in the Middle was overwhelmed.. as Melia came through the Middel...without the ball!

Melia Kristensen

player, 2507 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:31

  • msg #284


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (571)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (572)

Melia took the 'handoff' bouncing through a hole in the defensive line as the backs were pulled away. Reaching up from her tip toes for the high bullet of a pass from Miller that appeared in her vision already halfway to her as she turned she manages to reel the ball in as the battered MLB managed get back around and make a weak but effective enough attempt to tackle her on the goal line. Completing the turn using her own momentum she manages to partially shed the tackle falling across the goal line and into the end zone with the ball tucked in tight for a touchdown and the end of the half


player, 2686 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:33

  • msg #285


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (573)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (574)

Zob watched from the sideline and let out a cheer as Melia scores a touchdown ending the 2nd quarter.


player, 550 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 00:45

  • msg #286


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (575)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (576)

Meari was sitting with Vaka watching and trying to learn the game. They would both ask questions to the Hermites around them to try and completely understand what they where doing.

Everrest was trying to fight back, they got one TD, but her team scored again but added a 2 pt conversion, she asked about that. Then Everest scored quick on a kick return, the returner went where Shade should have been if he didnt fall into the man he blocked. Then the Hermes got the ball back and marched back down and as the quarter expired Melia scored a TD.

Meari jumped up and screamed with the other fans, she looked at Vaka and said," Yes they score we keep scoring they cant gain any ground still 47 point lead unless they go for another 2 pt thing. This is great Vaka I am having fun, I hope you are as well my friend."


Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 01:44

  • msg #287


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (577)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (578)

Tucker and the PAT team came out, hit the ball through the uprights, and the teams went to thier tunnels for half time.

H 61 E 14 half.

as trhe teams went in, Everest had some performers come out to play music and sing The Gets got to sit on the bench to watch with another round of drinks of choice and pizzas.


Vaka smiled,..this is very differant that i thought..i watched a vid of the last time they played.. they didn't score that much then


In the Box, three stern lookign Officials entered the Box, Dressed in suits with armbands that said ESNF Earth Space Navy Football.

.... Ahh..Good Admiral Hack..Admiral St Gaul.. we have a problem here...

Hack stood and Offered his Hand to the men,And you are ?

The Man shook his hand,..You wound me, Oliver Hack.. you shoudl remember the man whose career you ended

Hack smiled Freebie Stone! they shook hard.

he ended your career?

Yes..Oliver played fro Moon Base fighter section.. I played for Mars Colony Armor Base 17... I went up to catch a Ball and he hit me hard, Both knees.....Clean hit, but i was more then a little angry..anyway.. The healing then , isn't want it is i had to retire..i can run again now..but...been too long away, so i went into administration.. and now i am Commish...

Hack Introduced the three around, the other two were Tyler Hane and Stephon Vitoff..each representing a section of the ESN league.

All three Men made sure the showed genuine respect to Will for his medal...

what is the problem. Messiers ?

this Game? it is out of control..You have had 2 players removed,,,and..i don't see the Hermes letting up..

..They won't?... and I will not tell them to? We took alot of heat about how badly we would lose..but the message that came with it, is because we had too many players killed?... so? you'll understand if i don't mind my people taking out some frustrations.

Well.. be that as it May.. this game will count in the books...however.. we are cutting the next two quarters to 10 minutes, with a running clock..until the final 2 can grind your axes?...but for the safety of the players, and the dignity of the league.. we have to get this game done.. I hope Athena and The Lowers team
aren't as sepearted by talent...

HOW DARE YOU?.... My team has the best people in place!

Bale chuckled,..then you should find them and put them on the field..because the people out there now?..Don't have a Clue...

there was laughter from the Hermes folks,well? this isn't up for debate.. the offcials will make the announcemnet. when the teams come out.. the teams are being told now..

locker room

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 02:08

  • msg #288


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (579)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (580)

walker came back from the door, he was highly upset...

well? it appears that the Commish is running the mercy rule... next two quarters are 10 minutes with a running clock..he doesn't want the league to look bad..

he shook his head,Right?... so? we go out there and Kick asses hard and Long....we hit them when thier on the field, and make them know they played a game to day

Post over to shadow ,whadda you think, LC...

he points to Miller,..she's the captain?.. I'm just a co-captain... but here's want i think... he was holding a football,dropping it from one hand and catching it with the other, alternating the hands as fast as he could...but he stopped and looked around as he some some of the folsk lookign at him..

Shade sat by Zob drinking another powerade...there's this thing about being the 'better person'..right? Take insults with a shrug, don't lower yourself to them..all that stuff..right?

..for me? this isn't much differant then last time, except for... they made fun of us...yes..that's right? I am mad they made fun of us...

he stood up , holding the football like a sword pointing it at players,we had 12 players on this team die..2 others are on a Med tech ship..and they made fun of us, becaus e we 'lost too many players..'

They laughed at that.... big Joke? Hermes coming to play the f*cking almighty Everest Uppers?..well..ain't too many laughing now....and runnign clock or not..short quarters or not.. we get to hit know who can't hit? those 14 players who aren't here's what i gonna do?... when i block some one.. I'm hitting to hurt. I want them to wake up and wonder why thier rib is bruised...or chest..then remember.. 'oh yeah..Shadow hit me'...But it really woun't be Me hitting will be the guys from the hanger dec.. a couple pilots, and a couple troopers , who are no longer here?.. but I'll channel every bit of them through my body iinto those
snob nosed bastards...

He sat back down and started to do his eyes hand drill again, he didn't look up as he added,..and and any of you who say they are a Hermite...should do the same....damn...thing..

Shade Bleeped Loud with a Thumbs up.


player, 2688 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 02:24

  • msg #289


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (581)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (582)

Zob pumped his fist into the air, "Will make them regret ever talking sh*t about the Hermes!" he then gave Shade a pat on the shoulder and got himself some powerade.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:43, Tue 25 Aug 2020.

Henry Christie

player, 3897 posts

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 12:40

  • msg #290


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (583)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (584)

Henry looked at the Everest team.

"What happens if one side runs out of players?" he asked Val.

"How many people do they have on the team anyway. There's a lot of injured Everest people now."


Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 13:20

  • msg #291


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (585)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (586)

Val just waves that off..according to this..Everest Uppers has 60 people..of which 50 are permitted to dress for the game.. they only lost 2 so far...and as long as you have 11, you can play..but? its not a great idea. because some people just can't play other positions


Vaka pointed at the Clock...<Lavender>..i guess when that hits all Zeros, they will play again<?/Lavender>


The head Ref stepped out into the Middle of the field....we have been informed , by the ESNF Board, that this Game is now under the Conditions of the 'Mercy Rule: Oddly enough, Both sides Booed.. the Hermes side felt cheated... the Everest side felt embarrassed,

The quarter have been reduce to 10 minute quarters...The clock will be kept running except for change of possession.. after a score..or to set the sticks... once the the ball is set for play, the clock will wind..

The Players from Both teams were comign out onto the field. Hermes players looked angry and grim... Everest players looking cowed

The Hermes fans started a Chant...HOW DO YOU SPELL EVEREST.... then the crowd answered...S,,,U,,,R,,,R,,,E...N,,,D,,E,,R,,,

game time

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 13:59

  • msg #292


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (587)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (588)

Walker got the Coverage team together once the refs signaled for the 2nd Half...

...Look?... there is no damn way they should be able to beat us..... he signaled for the rest of the team to gather around.

..but you can't play a game that go out and hit hard... you play hard, because, this is the kind of game people get hurt , because they aren't going full out...I've seen many players in my time , end up in Med tech because they were half-assin'
their way through a blow out like this...

He looked at Shadow...The LC Just nodded.

..there is only 3 ways Everest can handle this now...1.... is to just go through the motions... if they do that? Punish them..if someone's gonna get hurt, i would rather it be them, then my people!...2... They try thier asses off to try and save face....and 3.. they play the game, but run the clock, so they can try to get out of her with some bit of dignity..

I don't give one half a damn, what they do...but you bust your asses...and Bust thiers! the game hard, you new folks? this is your chance to learn in 'live fire' out there.. its time to bring the pain...

Tucker went Out, his Job was the same, High and sort, force them to return it..making it hard for them to 'let the ball bounce' because they couldn't allow the Hermes to recover the kick.

The Ball seem to float in the air as it started to drop from the sly, the returner getting antsy and fielded it at the 5....

Kickoff, 2nd half H 61 E14 10:00s 3Q

Melia Kristensen

player, 2508 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 14:07

  • msg #293


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (589)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (590)

"Ten minutes should be more than enough to run the score up even more. Hit'em hard and hit'em fast. Show the league what it means to be a Hermite!" Melia says, adding her voice to the mix. Ending with a cheer. She was pretty sure already it was super embarrassing for Everest to take the beating, but she wasn't about to let up. You never let up in combat when the enemy was on the run, and she saw no reason to do the same here.

Then halftime ended and she joined the team heading out of the tunnel and onto the field.

Henry Christie

player, 3898 posts

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 16:30

  • msg #294


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (591)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (592)

Henry listened to the announcement and looked a bit embarassed.

"Oh dear. It seems the locals are a bit... outclassed. Happens in rugby too but I've never heard of them amending the rules as a result. The outclassed team just gets hammered in the scoreline."


player, 551 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 20:55

  • msg #295


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (593)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (594)

Meari smiled at Vaka and replied," Yes our team is playing very hard, I heard that Everest thought they where going to win handedly because we lost so many players in our last few battles, I think our fellow Hermites are proving you do not take us lightly and our new players are playing very hard, I can not wait to try out for the team now."

When Vaka mentioned the clock counting down Meari responded, " Yes I believe so Vaka, we ahve until then until they start the game again for what is called the second half.

When the announcer told them that a Mercy Rule was being enforced Meari shook her head, and replied," Well this is nothing like combat the Empire does not believe in Mercy, I hope our team hits them even harder now, I wish I could be with them to prove us Hermites stick together and NEVER count us out." She smiles at Vaka and waits for the start of the second half.

Samantha Robertson

player, 557 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 20:59

  • msg #296


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (595)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (596)

Sam watched the game with Howe who was really into it, she watched as the Hermes team was kicking Everest's ass and she was going to make a sizable profit on this game, maybe she would get Howe something nice, and herself something very nice. When it reached halftime she said," Who the Hermes team is really putting a hurting on Everest I thought Everest was the favorites they are not plying like it for sure."

When they where told of the Mercy rule with 10 minute quarters and a running clock she said," Wow I havent heard of them doing this often someone wants Everest to save face I guess. Steve do you think the Hermes team will back down or hit even harder now?"

Harriet Lynch

player, 2443 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 22:09

  • msg #297


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (597)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (598)

If Will had had any ambitions of being able to use both of his arms for the duration of the game then he would be sorely disappointed as Harry had very quickly nestled up beside him and rested her head on his shoulder and quietly had a nap. She hadn't been sleeping very well as of late as her brain seemingly refused to let go of the issues that were currently messing with her mind and so upon finding a comfy position up against Will and with The Offspring blocking out most of the crowd noise it hadn't taken her long to drift away. A single pale blue eye momentarily opening when the pair of officials had entered the box, only to close again once she'd realised that they weren't going to cause her any problems.


Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 00:39

  • msg #298


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (599)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (600)

Will was less the comfortable, but he dealt with it, , it was better then being in a APV crammed in heading to a jump off target.

Sirs?..If I may... I have seen score worst then this as finals?.. why is it so important to use a seldom used rule/// I mean? this is supposed to be The Black's Pro Football?

Freebie Stone smiled a tolerant smile...the way things are set up... Stations can play stations.... they are permitted 2 games between thier Uppers and Lowers..the rest has to come from ships or colonies.. they must play at least...1/3 of thier games 'away' If Everest was to lose so badly, that fans decided not to bother with the games, one of the major Cred making machines for the Station would be hurt?

Beth spoke up.I bet it would be hurt really bad, if the rest of the Fleet found out , that Everest Uppers 'traded' for Everest lowers top 4 players, just 2 days ago?

why?..My dear Young could you possibly know...

She tapped the Vidboard, and smiled,..lets just say i am a big Fan of Hermes Football, and the ESNF.....The MLB , who has been gettign knocked all over the field by the Undense Ambassador....The other DB, so Everest could have 2 Decent DBs to try c=and Cover Shadow and Dana....and that Halfback?.. i don't know what films Their coaches where watching, but he's really, really afraid out there..

wait until Athena gets the lowers later tonight?.. that's going to be another Blood bath.

St Gual looked away...

Hack Laughed, can make the mercy rule call.. but Walker isn't taking his foot of the gas...


Steve frowned at the News, Visibly upset,waiting for ..what? a Month? not knowing if we would get to see this game, and now they cheat us out of time..not our fault they suck!

he waved for another Beer, and Asked Sam if she wanted a Beer or soda..

<Gray>Walker and Post?.. they don't care, they'll beat you up, because you let them beat you up!.. there's guys on that team that will have to be benched to stop then from balling out!..yeah// all that rule did was shorten the damn game..</Gray


The little Occui looked bummed out.maybe next time..there will be a whole game... I hear tonight, Up in the Uppers... The Lowers Team is playing Athena

Billie Morrisson

player, 554 posts

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 01:41

  • msg #299


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (601)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (602)

The punt looked just like they practiced, and Billie shook her blocks to get free. She nailed the runner as he fielded the punt, and he went down losing the ball. Billie pounced on it covering it up and waiting for the whistle before getting up to celebrate with her team.


Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 01:56

  • msg #300


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (603)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (604)

Billie made the Hit and recovered the fumbled Kickoff. The refs Blew the whistle, marking the ball at the Everest 30.

1-10 E30 9:48 s 3Q H 61 E 14

Shadow was laughing as he gave Billie and the others High fives, as the stood in the Huddle, Shadow called over to Pascal..HEY ! Frenchie?.... why don't you call the league up and ask to shorten it to 5 Minute quarters!

The Everest bench was crushed.. they Just sat down, a few stood watching the defense.

Miller broke the Huddle, , the first play as a Hand off to Shade who took the Ball right though the gap and ran headlong into the MLB again,, this time it was clear, , Shade could have broke to his right, but he flat out veered ..INTO...the MLB.

2-5 E25 9:19r 3Q

The Next carry had Melia follow Shade through the Hole, Once more Shade Hammered into the Bigger Man and they both went down, Melia picked up 6.

1-10 E19 8:52r 3Q A fake to , first Shade, ( who hit the MLB again).. then Melia who was to hit the DT.. Miller looked up to see who was open.


Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 02:12

  • msg #301


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (605)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (606)

Larry Popped his head up between Jax and Nifty at the Vid, that was being shown to Grip and Casey.

Roll was petting his snout.


On the Sidlines Machins came by, giving Nillies pads a pound and sat down next to her,you're doing alright!...never pays to underestimate some one on the field.


In the box.. the Door Opened again, Dusk and Lilit entered.....I am Sorry Admirals. we had to make sure the prize ships were sent back and had proper escort.. we did manage to watch the Game on Vids on the shuttle ride from Uden's Promise.

I saw father catch a long one!...Shade seems to have taken exception to the MLB?... It will be interesting to see... Shade would not normally put vengeance before the team!

St Gaul looks at Dusk in wonder..

..My father and brother play for the Hermes... I know football!

Hack and Si gave her a Hug, the others smiled and shook hands.. Beth gave Dusk a big hug.

Lilit greeted Sarah and Dusk did like wise before the gathered some bits of fod and a drink..

..that dress there Chickie...

Dusk giggled,..yes.. i wanted to be more of a female, then an officer at the party tonight... do you think Father will approve?

nope..not one bit..but every guy there will love it!

Melia Kristensen

player, 2509 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 02:56

  • msg #302


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (607)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (608)

On the next play Melia followed Shade through picking up the defensive tackle hitting the Everest player hard putting a lot of momentum and force into the hit intent on the DT remembering her the next morning when he woke up and tried to move.

game time

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 03:16

  • msg #303


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (609)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (610)

the crash of the backs hitting thier Blocks, as Millers throw hit Shadow in the Hands, He was slammed into by the Safety , but, picked up 15 yards.

1-G E4 8:23r 3Q

The Middle Linebacker was slow to get up, he has been taking a pounding from His waist to his ankles, As Shadow Jumped up to get to his position. the MLB said,have you no Shame.. you are beating us handly!

Shadow laughed, they laugh was not good natured,I'm not ashamed?.. we're winning!..and, we have alot of people who died watching us... we want to make them proud..

Miller had Shade amd Melia set up as split backs, on the snap she truned and the two backs crossed in the back filed, she would hand off to the one who seemed like they would have the bigger hole...

Shadow fired out on the Hapless CB, driving him 3 yards out of Bounds before stoppign and letting the player slam into the wall.

Dana Dove at her CB's Legs to take him down...

the WRs's blockes wouldn't matter, but they were having fun.

Samantha Robertson

player, 557 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 10:46

  • msg #304


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (611)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (612)

In reply to stadium (msg # 298):

Sam looked at Howe and replied," That does seem unfair to the fans, we want to see a full game, and now just because they suck they shorten it, can we protest this or something Steve? At least it should be enough time for the Hermes team to kick some more Everest butt."

When Howe asked if she wanted a beer or soda, she replied," Oh yes I would love a beer Steve thank you." Sam smiled and took her beer from the vender. After Howe spoke again Sam said," Yeah I think whoever thought this up just wants the game over but I think doing this will make the Hermes team play even harder it might have made it worse for the Everest team, oh well that is what happens when you disrespect the Fleet. Go Hermes!!!!"
This message was last updated by the player at 10:46, Wed 26 Aug 2020.


player, 553 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 11:06

  • msg #305


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (613)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (614)

Meari saw that Vaka looked bummed out about the shortened game she replies," Yes It would be nice for our first game watching they let it be a full game, but by the looks of it our team is not letting up." The game started and Billie recovered the fumble as they talked and she watched her cousin punish the MLB. " It looks like my Cousin Shade is very mad at the MLB he is putting quite the hurt on him. Yes there is another game tonight, we could go see it or I heard that LC Shadow is throwing a party at his condo I do believe we are invited I think. One thing we do know the game is definitely not like practice Vaka." Meari actually chuckles after the last comment.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2444 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 12:07

  • msg #306


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (615)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (616)

She would open her eyes once again as Lillit and the lovely Dusk entered the box, with Harry shifting position so that her full weight was no longer on Wills arm, though it was still abundantly clear that she was feeling affectionate and wanted to cuddle. Upon hearing Beth’s comment concerning Dusk’s dress Harry would take a moment to admire the young Udenese woman’s outfit before quietly adding ”some of the girls will too” before settling herself back down next to Will, in order to daydream about her boyfriend and her crush...sometimes they would even feature in the same dream.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2510 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 12:40

  • msg #307


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (617)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (618)

Melia took the handoff aiming for what had appeared to the be the better gap in the defense, fighting her way through the line. The gap started closing around her as the two lines fought and she bounced off the back of one of the Hermes linemen, then she was in the open easily pushing the last couple yards into the endzone for another TOUCHDOWN.

game time

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 20:46

  • msg #308


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (619)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (620)

1-G E4 8:23r 3Q

The ref's arms went Up and the Hermes Players celebrated like it was the winning TD in the championship!!

Melia got her Helmet and Pads Pounded as the team with to the sideline, and Tucker came out for the PAT.

after he put the Ball through Hermes 68 Everest 14

7:49s 3Q


Tucker lined up, and set the ball high and drfting again,, he was smiling, getting the hang of this...

The Ball carrier could here the thumping of feet and the hammer of pads, caught the Ball and ran forwards as fast as he could, trying to portect the ball


Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 22:36

  • msg #309


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (621)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (622)

Once again The Return made went straight up the Middle,.. he broke the angles the outside people had , and Once More Shade Buried the MLB who was also on kick return. He Rushed passed the rolling bodies and juked Zob's arms , heading down field

about 1/4 of the Everest crowd stood and cheered, the others just watched, afraid to get excited

But thier Kicked came on the field put the Ball through and Just like that..the score was

H-68 E 21

7:31 s 3rd Q


the kick was lower then it sould be , as the kicker tried to get it out of the End Zone, Shadow Jumped in the air to Pull in the High Bounce and Flipped it to Dana who was comign around Behind him, she made it to the Hermes 38.

1-10 H38 7:20s 3Q

Miller bent down in the Huddle and looked at the players... we go, we're gonna chew up some yards, get them to think we want to run clock, and then try to hit them Big...

she Slapped Shade on the Helmet,..this time worry about yards , rather then hitting that guy..

Shade gave a Nod.

The First Play was a dive to Shade with Melia runnign a fake pitch.. Shade picked Up 4....he slammed into the MLB. but the guy was in the Hole.

2-6 H42 6:53r 3Q

They ran the same play to the Left, But faked to Shade, ( who hit the MLB)... and pitched to Melia.. Shadow Buried the DB out of Bounds , Melia followed as the Safety hit her hard into the bench area, where some of the Defenders grabbed her. pick up of 6.

1-10 H48 6:21r 3Q

The went right back to the play to the right.., except she faked the Dive to Shade ( who..again..hit the MLB)... and Faked the Pict to Melia, as she dropped back.

Shadow and Dana going Long,....Hope curled in the Middle about 10 yards, and Melia swining out to the flat.


Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 22:47

  • msg #310


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (623)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (624)

Walker called Shadow over along with Shade.. he was fuming....

look here!..Shade? you are hitting hard out're playing a decent game..but quit worrying about killing the guys on coverage!!!..if you're blocking for a Return..Good... But not on coverage!

He Bleeped walker looked up at Shadow wide almost fanatical eyes..

..he said he knows and he's sorry..

why are you after that guy!

he bleeped a few times

another wild look from Walker to Shadow...

he said something..Shade says he'll tell us after the game, 'cause he don't want me to know...

Wlaker looked between the two of them... then he waggled his finger at Shade's it better be a damn good reason!

Walker stormed off and yelled for the return team

Shadow Looked at Shade who just slipped his helmet on and started jogging to the field.

game time

Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 22:54

  • msg #311


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (625)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (626)

1-10 H48 6:21r 3Q

Miller let the Ball Go , the Ball was High and a Bit Outside, Dana 'climbed the ladde4r' and Pulled it in before being hit from behind, for a total game of 20 yards.

1-10 E32 5:59r 3Q H 68 E 21

Miller was shouting for everyone to get lined up, the team moved forward, the Everest team looked disjointed and had a hard time focusing on the ...up tempo.. rusg.

Everest , just barely, got on sides when the ball snapped , and Shade took another Dive through the left guard and Center,, The MLB came Up to Meet him , he Got Bowed Back as Shade stiff armed Him , but the man pulled him down...gain of 7.

2-3 E25 5:22r 3Q

again, they ran up , set up , the ball was Snapped, Shade went to the left Like he was Getting the Pitch, and Miller handed the ball back on a reveres pivot as she charged upo through the Hole..The MLB was Gone, trying to get to Shade!

Billie Morrisson

player, 555 posts

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:21

  • msg #312


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (627)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (628)


On the Sidlines Machins came by, giving Billies pads a pound and sat down next to her,you're doing alright!...never pays to underestimate some one on the field.

Billie smiled, swallowing the drink she had before looking at him. "My shining moment was that interception...and you mean like how you did on the first practice that I joined up?" It was said in a jesting tone as she reached out and have his shoulder a pat.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Thu 27 Aug 2020.


player, 2692 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:27

  • msg #313


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (629)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (630)

Zob was off to the side getting some Powerade rather f*cking irritated at the last couple plays as he finished the drink he crushed the bottle and tossed it hard into the trash can, 'Come on god's be dammit, we need to keep the pressure up!' He thought to himself as he eagerly awaited for his chance to get back out on the field.


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:31

  • msg #314


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (631)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (632)

2-3 E25 5:22r 3Q H 68 E 21

regardless of how long the game had been played... Hermes folks who were comign off of two weeks of Jumps offs, while Everest sat sunning themselves on the beach.

Tired...angry... people made mistakes...the MLB gave Melia a free runs with only the safeties to try and bring her down,,,, one safety was smarter then that,, His hand swung down like a sledgeHammer, hitting the ball and sending it bouncing Backwards...and as some twisted god made the Ball Bounce in the air as he Scooped it up..

Miller was the Only one in the Backfield when she heard the defesne yell ..BALL!!!!!, and she tried to Dive as the grinning DB sprinted down filed...90 yards for an Everest Touchdown!!

More Everest Fans stood and cheered.. Hermes People groaned in one massive groan.. Miller sat on the ground shaking her head watching the scorboard change

The O-Line Got Miller Up and nudged her to the sidlines...

Shadow came Over ot Melia , offering a hand up.. Shade and the MLB exchanged some shoves, as the ref pushed them apart.

..Shade If Off... we get the ball back..


When they Got to the sidlines, Walker went right up to Melia and he said,...from this day, until out next carry a gods be damned football around with you every where you go off duty!!!

He threw his hands up as he shouted to the Team,..Get your ehad out of yoru asses and get ready for the damn Kickoff...

Everest made the PAT.

Hermes 68 Everest 28


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:45

  • msg #315


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (633)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (634)

Machins was about to Say something when he saw The Everest playign running down the middle of the field...

..Mother... he turned his head to the screen to see the replay


Walker went Ballistic and ranted...

Supe shook his head,If we lose this game , I'm gonna transfer to The delta one will recognize me there!


Howe jumped up his hands going to his head splashing what was left of his Beer everywhere....NOOOOOOO!!!!! COMON!!!


Vaka looked at the score ,..i do not think they can win?.. they are still many points behind?


The The Box, Hack slammed his Fist on the little board on the window that was used as a desk and a table....what the 9 hells!!!

St Gaul smirked,..maybe we should not have shortened the game!... Maybe the ESNF...did the Hermes a favor?

Dusk titled her head,it is very unlikely , that a team could come back at this moment?..40 points behind.


player, 2693 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:51

  • msg #316


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (635)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (636)

Zob grunted as he walked over to Supe, "Snap out of it we got a gods be damned game to win!" not just addressing him but everyone else present they were still 40 points ahead and as long as they could hold them at bay victory was assured and he wasn't gonna give up no matter the situation.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:23, Thu 27 Aug 2020.


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 04:24

  • msg #317


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (637)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (638)

4:49s 3Q H 68 E 28

Everest fans tried to chant a cheer.. but it was hard to get folks to cheer..and there were alot of empty seats.

when the kickoff came It drove Shadow two yards deep into the endzone, he brought it out calling for a Middle return.

Shade Remembered what coach said... and he Hammered the MLB and took him down, yet again..since he was blocking.. Shadow tried to get Behind Zob as the crowd closed in.. He Got tripped up before he could reach Zob, and fell on the 35.

the clock stopped for the sticks, once the play clock whistle blew, the clock would start again.

1-10 H35 4:32s 3Q H-68 E 28

Miller looked aroudn the Huddle,alight.... everyone..hang onto the gods be damned ball..if you have to?..fall on the ground before you get hi..i don't give one damn!..just make sure we keep the ball this time.

they went to the Line, she didn't even pretend to call a signal, the Ball was snapped and Melia followed Shade through the Hole again..Once More the manic Undenese slammed into the MLB , who Threw him off when they Hit to ground, as melia ran by and Got hit by the two safeties

2-5 H40 4:01 r 3Q

The Very Next Play, Shade Got the Ball with Melia doing the fake pitch to the right flat.. This Time the MLB Got real Low and Lifted Shade Over him sending the dsmall fullback head over heels , when shade hit the Ground , The MLB Dove Heargear First into Shades Chest...

Flags flew....

Then..more Flags as Shadow torpedoed the Linebacker as he was Jawing at Shade

the Clock stopped to sort out the Flags..

1-10 H46 3:32s 3Q


Shade bleeped and grinded at the MLB ( Tannese) swore in french

In the Huddle Miller Looked at Shadow...then to gonna f*ck around some more?.. if you are get off my damn field!

Shade just stood there his eyes black... Dana shrugged,Shadow does that for every one?.. I'm Just sirpirsed that asshole isn't on a hover cart.

when the whistle blew, they went up to the Line... everyone in the building knew who was getting the ball.. but it didn't matter, Shade took the the Dive, held the ball high and tight , then Slammed right into the MLB's Thighs and kept driving until the OLB finished the play.

Shade Handed the Ball to the Ref , hustling to get to his position

2-7 H 49 2:57r 3Q

the defesne tightened a bit as Miller saw this she called out...MAKE IT RAIN...MAKE IT RAIN!!

when the Ball was snapped, Shade and Melia did wheel routes as the swung out to the flats and up the sidelines.

Shadow, Hope and Dana took off full speed, as Miller two three steps back and fired...


player, 555 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 10:39

  • msg #318


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (639)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (640)

Meari watched the game and then Vaka talked about the Party, Meari replied, " Yes I think it would be good we both went to the Party, we can always leave and go to the other game if we dont like it." The Meari got a message on her Comms to look out for a human girl, she sent a reply message and then showed Vaka the message as well. She then said," Lets keep an eye out for this human girl ok Vaka."

Meari kept an looking out for the girl and when Vaka said they where still to far behind to win Meari replied, " Yes they are actually by them doing the mercy rule it gave Everest less time to come back, I believe our team will keep the pressure on." Meari saw how Shade kept attacking the MLB, thne the fouls happened.

Meari then said," I need to go to the Ladies room I will be back ok." Meari smiled got up and headed to the bathrooms, she would look around for the girl as she did.

Samantha Robertson

player, 558 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 10:44

  • msg #319


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (641)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (642)

Sam watched and when Howe said they kept scoring and then he said they would make TD's only 1 point she replied," Yeah if both teams keep scoring they can never come back, oh no they better not do that I might have to hurt someone if they do that."

Then Sam saw the fumble and the run back, Everest was getting a little closer but they where still 40 points down, she looked at Howe," Damn they need to hold onto the ball."

Sam then asked in a lull in the action," Are you going to LC Shadow's Party?"


player, 458 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 10:47

  • msg #320


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (643)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (644)

Mila yawned widely and curled up on Her Human's feet. It didn't look likely that she'd even get the ball that had been thrown to Her Human (even if it was a rather awkward shape for canine jaws...) let alone be allowed to join in the activity on the playing field. Sleep seemed the best option for now, however excited Her Human - and even more, His mate - were getting about what was taking place on the field.


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 11:30

  • msg #321


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (645)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (646)

Henry saw, Frans got up from her seat by Eckles , Mara and some ESN crewman from the Gunnery section.. she looked a bit bummed at the scoring.

Beth could be seen heading down the steps and stepping out onto the field After Jax waved her over... Jax stood near her as Nifty put himself between the kids and the tunnel.

Stopping at Henry's seats she smiled to Val, and was Rubbing Mila's head as she showed him her COM... know i'm not SEC..but i help them when the lights...get dimmer.

she handed him her COM...Comey that description of the Little Girl...her name is Catcher.. she is one of that group of Stem kids.. she is missing and the SM sent a SEC COM out to be on the look out.. we're supposed to try and get her to come in?..or show up at the hotel and SEC will get here with the others....judging by the flash of guns before..some one wants those kids.


Howe smiled,Always go to Shadow's party... Pilots are more or less expected to come, whether they are doing a night shift or not..helps for the show? and we get free eats, drinks and the big wheels will be across the roof, and the whloe roof top is a party place..


Meari saw an Udenese here and there, most of them in Civi clothes, some with Merchant Marine uniforms on

Melia Kristensen

player, 2512 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 12:58

  • msg #322


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (647)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (648)

In reply to gametime... (msg # 314):

Melia lost the ball again, this time giving up a touchdown. To put it lightly she was royally pissed, three fumbles so far this game. Yeah it was her first game, but that didn't matter. She bit her tongue hard when Walker told her to carry the ball around off duty to keep from smarting off in a way that'd get her in trouble, though the dark look in her eyes likely more than made up for it. There was one specific person on the Everest team that she wanted to hit. HARD.

Shadow brought the ball back and then it was time to hit the field. It was time to run another series. On her first carry when the safeties closed on her she made sure that the ball was tight, but also didn't hold back ensuring she gave as good as she got from the safety that had forced the fumble and returned it for a touchdown.

When Miller called make it rain Melia ran out on her route, moving fast.

game time

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 13:29

  • msg #323


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (649)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (650)

2-7 H 49 2:57r 3Q H 68 E 28

Miller was slammed , hard as she released the pass, the rerfs decided it was 'close enough' to release to let it go.. Dana reached over her shoudler , bringing in the pass, picking up another 5 yards. before being brought down. 29 yard pick up.

1-10 E22 2:20-r 3Q
Miller Got Up swearing at the DT who just laughed, but he didn't laugh long as Miller shouted for the Hermes team to hustle to the Line. As soon as they team was set for the required Sec, the ball was snapped, The DT Tackle was hand stood the after tryign to catch up to the Faster Hermes players.. his Back was turned to the Center, in the 'no clip' zone and was almost broken in Have as the Man from the Foundry smashed into the lower back of the DT who gave Miller the questionable Hit.

Meanwhile , Shade shot through the Hole plowing into the MLB , yet again, once more The MLB threw Shade down, but the pick up of 4 was in the books.

2-6 E18 1:55r 3Q

A dart to Benny Hope for 7 yards got them closer and a first down.

1-10 E11 1:34r.. The Hermes kept Hustling, the field was getting shorter, as Miller Dropped back in the shot Gun and set Shade and Melia to block.

the Ball was snapped, Miller turner her shoulders to Shadow and the left side safety Bit, she handed the BAll to melia for the draw... and Watched the HB shoot into the Hole

The Middle Line back was Blitzing on Shade's side, this Time Shade Up ended the mad, and Jumped on him to stop him from Getting up.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2513 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 13:52

  • msg #324


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (651)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (652)

Melia shot into the hole finding a seam and followed it into the gap created by the safety who'd hit her before. Unfortunately the same safety had jumped Shadow's route giving her a free unmolested path into the endzone, for another TD.

Henry Christie

player, 3899 posts

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 14:19

  • msg #325


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (653)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (654)

Henry looked round.

"How can I help? Would you like Mila and I to search? Maybe if you have something Mila could sniff..."


player, 459 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 14:20

  • msg #326


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (655)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (656)

Mila sat up and wagged her tail, accepting the petting as her due.

This sounded a bit more interesting than a game she couldn't join in.

game time

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 14:31

  • msg #327


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (657)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (658)

1-10 E11 1:34r H 68 E 28

The Refs Hands went Up, as melia crossed the goal line.. Dana and Hope Pounded her on the pads as the went to the sidelines.

Shade and the ...much taller.. MLB pushed each other some more, but the ref stepped between them.

Benny Hope Looked abck and said to Shadow,why don't you step in? That's your Kid?

..My 'kid', was on the ground fighting One Eyed Jacks a little over 2 days ago?.. he can handle himself...

,,then why did you jack the backer up and get the flag?

Cheapshots are differant ... That's why i jacked the guy up who hit Dana...

the Girl with the water Bottles handed one to Shadow and One to Benny.

Benny nodded as he took a mouth full of water.what about the Kicker you ruined?

..he was in my way...


Walker Nodded sternly to Melia , then turned to send the PAT team out.

Tucker and the PAT team came in, kicking the 1 point.

H 75 E 28 1:11S 3Q


The Kickoff was like the others, the return man , charged up field , seeing if he could find another big hole....

This Time Shade used forearm shivers to get under the Blocker's Pads... The MLB wasn't on the field this time


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 14:35

  • msg #328


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (659)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (660)

frans shrugs,..I have no Idea Doc?.... its a Stem unless those kids down there Know anything, its like tryign to find a rabbit in the woods?

we would have to ask the children what thier normal thing to do is? I'm sure this isn't the first game they came around to get food, and maybe lost clothing, even loose creds?...shouldn't be much differant they pack animals Val suggests

Samantha Robertson

player, 559 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 15:00

  • msg #329


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (661)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (662)

Sam smiled and replied to Howe," I figured you would have to go but it sounds great would it be ok if I joined you, I have never been to one of the LC's parties but I have heard of them for sure. Oh if the brass will be on the roof top then Sar... I mean Commodore McKeon might be there as well." Sam was smiling and then she saw Melia score another touchdown and Sam jumped up and yelled," GO HERMES!!!."

Sam then sat down and said," Hey she lost a fumble but got another touchdown, from what I see I dont think Everest can come back."


player, 556 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 17:07

  • msg #330


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (663)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (664)

Meari walked to the restrooms and she saw a few Undenese, she would smile at them and nod, she was wearing her uniform, she also had on her Udenese Commando patch as well. She would also keep an eye out for the girl the SM sent her a comm about.

Once she was done she headed back to her seat, she heard the Hermes crowd yell so she assumed something good happened for their team, when she got back and took her seat she asked Vaka," Damn what did I miss, we scored again?"

Billie Morrisson

player, 556 posts

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 18:38

  • msg #331


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (665)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (666)

Billie took off, but this time it was clear the return man would get further than the last. She played it slow, letting the return develop a bit as the returner shook a couple of tackles. Finally it was her turn and she hit him, almost bouncing off but managing to wrap his legs up and taking him down.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2514 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 18:47

  • msg #332


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (667)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (668)

Unlike Billie, Melia was hunting for blood. Which was fortunate that the returner decided to take the ball up the otherside of the field from her. She contented herself with simply legally slamming into whatever blockers she could hitting at the very least one really hard.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2445 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 19:35

  • msg #333


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (669)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (670)

Seeing Dusk walking over towards her, and looking very lovely in that dress of hers, Harry would sit up a little and offer her a nervous smile before feeling very embarrassed and stupid when it became clear that she was only here to talk to Will, with her asking him if he’d like to dance with her at the party you bloody idiot, why the hell would she want anything to do with someone like you? she silently scolded herself before speaking up in a quiet voice ”I don’t mind, so long as I get him back when you’re done” she said with a nervous laugh that betrayed how uncertain she was about Will actually wanting to come back to her. After all now that he had his EMH he’d surely be setting his sights higher than the liked of her.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:16, Thu 27 Aug 2020.


Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 20:24

  • msg #334


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (671)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (672)

Dusk gives a smile that had its genetic beginnings with Shadow's ever present half smile.

....I am most certain, SGT Call we gladly be rid of me after a dance or two?.. sitting down on the Opposite Side of Harry and asked the Tender for a drink, from Bura.... Captain Si waved to the table and said one for each.

The Captain sat down..things are being brought to light here today, Dusk?... The Warlord already knows. But the party tonight? Keep your wits about you, as to the Everest people..... They lights are goign to go very dim tonight.


Hack relaxed a bit after the Everest return man was brought down... Your Granmod Shade...seems to have an intense dislike for the MLB, that goes beyopund the color of his jeresy.... I expect, either you..or Shadow to find out why...The Lad is as even a trooper as i have Met...

Will called over,( yeah Pun not intended)..Admiral?... if I may... Shade must have an axe to grind, and that MLB is in too deep to try to stop it, outside of pretedning his hurt...

Hennings pointed to Will and Nodded.That's what i said....This is a very..'unShadelike'..action.

Maybe your coach should pull the half breed from the field!

there was dead silence As Dusk's eyed grew dark and her smile vanished....

Lilit turned to St Gaul the pure white yes showing crackles of balck lines.

Hack new he had to intervene, but hey? Football...

game time

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 20:32

  • msg #335


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (673)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (674)

1-10 E40 :56S 3Q H 75 E 28

Pascal and the offense came out, they had a long rest because of kick returns.. they looked at once..eager... and unsure.

breaking the Huddle, Pascal called a few signals.. whether he was changing the play, it didn't matter, for the rest of the Game it was 7 players Blitzing.. the corners cover short and outside. and safeties deep and inside.

the first play was a Dive to the HB to get the clock runnign again. The Back was Crushed in the Middle for a hard won...1 yard.

2-9 E41 :34r 3Q

hoping the Hermes team would think they were running out the quarter, Pascal waited until 6 seconds on the clock to snap the ball, then Rolled to throw Deep down filed , even as the White jeresys with ESN blue numbers roared over hi O-line.

Sarah McKeon

player, 455 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 20:55

  • msg #336


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (675)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (676)

Sarah rolled her eyes and shook her head as yet again St Gual's racism and species elitism reared it's ugly head. "Hey Admiral St Frenchfry, give it a rest, before you actually get fried. Far as myself and Bura's concerned your loyalty to the APF and it's mission and interests is suspect at best. Should you prove loyal by the time we leave know that a full scale review and investigation will be conduct by the Burian High Council as to whether it is within the planets best interests and security to continue commerce of key materials through this station while you serve as the leader here... though if you want to continue to push your luck speaking like that about Shadow's son, and Admiral Lillit's Grandmod I suppose it'll save us the trouble of having to do any work at all aside from building a relationship with you're successor." Her eyes flashed cold, there had been enough of this upper crust street rat nonsense as well as breed elitism.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2446 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 22:27

  • msg #337


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (677)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (678)

Harry would return Dusk's smile, though it was clear that she was less than convinced that Will would be happy to get rid of Dusk, with Harry finding it very hard to imagine anyone wanting to get rid of the attractive Udenese girl...unless of course her father encouraged them that is "I find it very hard to believe that you would be anything but pleasant company" Harry responded with a smile as Dusk took a seat with them.

With Captain Si moving over to join them, Harry would wave off the drink if it appeared to be even vaguely alcoholic, before listening as the captain spoke in veiled terms about what was about to happen tonight. It was then that Admiral StGaul would make the mistake of insulting Shade, causing Harry to quietly wonder whether it would be Dusk or Lillit that would rip her arms off.


player, 2696 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 23:06

  • msg #338


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (679)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (680)

Zob shot through the lines and dodged and weaved as Everest players tried to stop him unsuccessfully leaving them with nothing but a helmet full of soil, he found himself with a straight shot at Pascal.

As Pascal tried turning to the left the last thing he saw was Zob's demonic yellow eyes as he sacked him so hard that when he hit he swore a few bones fractured this caused the ball to come loose luckily enough Supe managed to grab it and return it for 16 yards before getting brought down.

After the play he got up looked down at Pascal, "If you know whats good for you, you wont get back up...." he grinned as he waited for the Hermes offense to take the field.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:07, Thu 27 Aug 2020.

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 252 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 23:13

  • msg #339


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (681)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (682)

Jug was hungry ... again. She wanted to see what else was available. Perhaps what was called... a corndog. Leaving blog in charge for the time she made her way down to the food stalls. Who knows perhaps she might find something or someone.

game time

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 02:35

  • msg #340


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (683)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (684)

1-10 E25 10:00 4Q H 75 E 28

Supe tossed the Ball to the Ref, and Patted Zob's pads,....what now? Mr Official? you gonna make us play with 3 people of the field?

The Offense came out on to the Field,high fiving the D.

Pascal was helped off the field, Limping badly...

Shadow called over,aw shucks!!...and here i bet on you for MVP.....for our team!

Miler looked aroudn the huddle,well? too close to try to run the clock out, I guess we'll have to score!

once the whistle blew, the Ball was snapped , a fake dive to Shade with a Pitch to Melia who picked up 4 and was blasted out of Bounds by the OLB

2-6 E21 9:38r 4Q

Shade took the next hand off. Once More Shade Pounded into the MLB for a Gain of 4.. The MLB was getting up alot slower the Shade.

3-2 E17 9:01r 4Q

Hope caught a 6 yarded for a first down..Miler took another Hit from the DT, she refused to even complain as she hsutled the team to the line.

1-19 E11 8:46r

Miller Called out ..SHORT STORM...SHORT STORM

witht eh enzone so claose, Shadow and Dana crossed.. Hope went to the back of the endzone, leaving the flats for the Backs


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 03:23

  • msg #341


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (685)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (686)

The DT broke through the Rookie O-lineman again, this time he Punished Miller as she tucked the ball in, gettign sacked for a 5 yard loss.

2-14 E16 8:04r 4Q H 75 E 28

Miller Flip0ed the BAll in disgusted tot eh ref, . waved the Hermes folks to the Line.. She turned to Shade...

..Power Right.. cut that bastard down so Melia can get outside!

The snap came back, Shade darted to the right, The DT was Pushing the Tired Rookie Back, the Moment he lost Contact with the Guard.. Shade Hit hiom right below the right knee... there was a Scream of suprised Pain as the DT Fell, Shade scramble to look for someone esle to hit.

Dana drove the DB down field Hope sealed the Edge.. Only the Middle Line Backer had a chance to stop Melia from breaking out of the lIne...and Shade was trying to get to him..

Henry Christie

player, 3900 posts

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 10:26

  • msg #342


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (687)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (688)

Henry got up and wandered down to where the youngsters were congregated.

"Who's hungry?" he asked, calling a vendor over. He bought a bunch of hot dogs and handed them out (Mila got one as well).

"Now, does anyone know a youngster called Catcher? Word is she might be in danger... a rather vague word, don't know from whom... Any idea where she might hide? Then we can invite her to a place where she'll be safe. And deal with whoever is threatening her."


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 12:10

  • msg #343


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (689)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (690)

CE-VA came over to Beth as a pretext, of adding to the game , by way of Vid screen..Beth hacked into the Stadium Controls ( after a short COM to the Controller).

Letters came Up on the screen that said, "..SHOW YOUR PRIDE!.." CE-VA zeroed in on the Kids who waved.. Roll waved his Hermes Hat...Larry was thumping his tail..

The reporter then , jogged around the filed Getting the Fans.. on screen while they shouted or waved things for their Team/

The Field SEC Pointed to beth and then the Stands.. Jax shrugged and Nodded , so Beth went up , stoof by Henry while Sneak brought the Kids over for hotdogs.

the smaller kods seeing Mila.

The little gril with the Balck eye said,Catcher is one of our friends..she's real good at hiding!

The Taller Boy, Runner, nodded in agreement,she is either some where in here watchign us..or she ran away from the van people


Jug saw lots of big folks moving around, Some were angry, .... some were smiling. People waited in Like, some dressed really well.. then there were others in Fleet or station uniforms..and some folks who didn't look very well dressed at all, and were counting thier creds as they stood in line.


Vaka sat back and said to Meari,..I do not know much of this game yet?.. but i think they are using this game to beat each other up? Or is that part of the game?


player, 557 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 12:30

  • msg #344


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (691)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (692)

Meari smiled at Vaka and replied, " Yes I think they are but I am not sure if this is normal, it just seems our team is playing harder and hitting harder, hitting is part of the game but what was said before the game really pissed the Hermes team off and they are taking it out on the Everest players. From what I have learned though they are doing hard legal hits, it is just the Hermes are playing mad." Meari smiled at Vaka and watched as the screens showed the fans and kids on the sidelines.


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 12:37

  • msg #345


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (693)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (694)

2-14 E16 8:04r 4Q H 75 E 28

Melia broke passed the line, but couldn't get away , though she collected 7 more yards.

3-7 E9 7:44r 4Q

The DT was helped off the Field his leg held out as he twisted his head about , swearing and groaning.

Shadow looked at Shade in the huddle, Shade just shrugged and Shadow chuckled. The clock started again as soon as the DT was off the field. Miller Just said,..look? he's gone.. I know Shade won't let the Middle Backer get me..Kristensen? take the Left Flat. Shadow Drag the defenders to the Middle, Hope do an out at the Sticks on the right.. Dana? Cut a slant.. we don't make it, will let Tuck put up 3.

they..for once..took their time stepping up, Miller called signals that didn't mean anything, the Ball was snapped and she dropped back...

Shade waited as if he was goign to help on the new DT, but his eyes were on the MLB, as soon as the Man came through the gap of the LG and Center,, Shade hit Him Hard from the side,, landing On him and making the man fight to get him off..........

game time

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 13:24

  • msg #346


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (695)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (696)

3-7 E9 7:44r 4Q H 75 E 28

Miller Loked to Shadow, But saw Dana clearing, She lead her with a Pass, But the Safety who had scored the TD was waning and Jumped the Pass the next thing Miller new he was charging up field with the ball and she..had to make the Tackle

She Slammed the turf with her hand , getting up as the Safety grinned at her, taking the ball with him to the sidlines.

Shade and the Middle Linebacker were rolling around like a pair of fighting Hamsters,, The Hermes Center grabbed Shade and was trying to pull him off the MLB the LOLB was Pulling the MLB away...

The Ref came over, very angry and said quietly to them..look? the game is about over, I don't want to eject you ,cause you won't get to play in your next game now? You both get to your sidelines ..and you're done...neither of you come back out the rest of the game... if i see you on the field.. i'll eject you wearing your helmet the wrong way!..Understood?

Shade Nodded and Turned away, his eyes shifting from red to Black,,,Shadow waited until they were a bit away,..look?... I don't know why you're so wired out on that guy...but/// let it go for now, and i expect you to tell me what the 9 hells was going on in the locker room...and?... I have been ejected a few times in my career?..its not real good thing, but you have to use your head, make sure the ejection doesn't hurt the team..

He Gave Shade a whack on the ehad gear as they moved to the Bench.

Walker Looked at Miller and pointed to the had the Back in the Flat?..

never got that far in my progression, Shadow drew people into the endzone, Dana had a hole, i should have led her more... she'd have gone in standing up.

Walker looked away, and then back,right?.. just keep in mind, we lost 3 points on that...Kristensen might have even scored?

yeah Caoch?... but down there. I throw to the first look that's was more a bad throw then a bad choice...

alright.. go get a drink.. we're almost done here anyway

1-10 E20 6:56s 4Q H 75 E 28

Melia Kristensen

player, 2515 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 13:35

  • msg #347


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (697)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (698)

Despite the fact that they were winning, by a landslide Melia couldn't help but feel somehow they were still losing. It was hard to describe. Perhaps it was the turnovers, hers especially, but this game just didn't have the mojo she'd seen at other games. It was a brutal beat down to be sure with plenty of cheap, and often deserved licks, on both sides of the ball. She had a hard time putting a finger on things, but something felt off... Still they were there to play, and with only about 9 min left of the game it was all but over. She lightly jogged a bit on the sidelines staying loose as the defense took the field.

game time

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 13:47

  • msg #348


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (699)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (700)

1-10 E20 6:56s 4Q H 75 E 28

Some Young QB, who stood there wide eyed in the huddle looking at the Hermes Defense.

Supe called over,hey!..KID!!..if you think we're goign easy on you, you got another thing coming.. we're comign for ya kid.. you can feel the pain like everyone esle!

Post just waved his had in a sweeping motion towards the Everest Offesne..

In the Huddle Supe looked at the D...Ok..Post said to send every on? Machins, JL? you stay back.. hit people, try to get that damn ball back.

The QB looked over the Defesne.. Supe made certain that he saw him creeping up.. the QB tried to set protection and Got Flagged for delay of game.

1-15 E15 6:56S 4Q

they came Up to the Line again, Supe moved faster.. daring the QB to try and get him blocked... But the QB was too afraid to get another flag, the Ball was snapped , three recivers took off deep, the WRs and TE.. the wide eyed QB dropped back and looked to throw before the white jersey wave hit him


player, 462 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 13:58

  • msg #349


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (701)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (702)

Mila danced around the Stem kids, playing with them and wagging her tail.

Henry Christie

player, 3901 posts

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 14:01

  • msg #350


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (703)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (704)

Henry nodded to the youngsters.

"That's what I've heard, Runner, that she is good at hiding. And I saw the van, but was too far away to do anything about that. She may well be hiding. We want to let her know that she'd be safe if she came to join us, just as you all are. Not just the odd snack and the chance to watch a game, but a proper home. People who would care for you, not for reward or their benefit but because they want to see you prosper. A chance to get an education, to learn a trade. That's what we want to offer, because we think that's the right thing to do."


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 14:06

  • msg #351


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (705)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (706)

Runner looked up at Henry as he munched his hot dog. Watcher snuck Mila a bit of her hotdog , smiling at the furry creature that didn't want to eat her.

..i heard the others talking?.. they said we could go on a ship..or go to a colony?.. I think it would be neat to be on a real world!

Sneak spoke up,well? No matter where you end upo...through us? You'll be in great shape...people will have rules, school and all that, after that , it depedns on where requests come in from.


player, 2699 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 14:28

  • msg #352


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (707)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (708)

Zob rushed forward but got caught up on some of the Everest players defending the QB this however gave Billie a clear shot right at the rookie QB.

Billie Morrisson

player, 557 posts

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 14:42

  • msg #353


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (709)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (710)

Again, Billie rushed into the pocket with a half smirk on her lips. She couldn't believe how well this was going. Seeing an opening she took a risk and ran toward a gap. Getting through it she dove at the passer, her hands knocking the ball loose as she took him down. Quick on her feet she scrambled to cover up the ball.

game time

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 15:53

  • msg #354


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (711)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (712)

1-15 E15 6:56S 4Q

The Rookie just about wailed when he lost the ball..The whistle blew, and yet ..another turnover, in a very messy game.

1-10 E12 6:21s 4Q

Walker called Out, Miller... take a seat, You're Done..LC.. Take QB...

Both players Looked and said 'WHAT!!"

Game's over..LC needs the reps, i don't need you hurt

both players said 'f*ck'... Miller went to the bench and slammed her head gear down, Shadow went out on the field with a rookie wide out.. two Tightends one RB and Dana...

the Center Looked at Shadow and held out both hands.

Miller's done, coach is holding her out. the new TE and Wide out get a couple reps here.... Look? you don't have to kill the guys to keep them off me, i can
move, Just get a decent block, if they get to me...its on me..right?..

Hope? Full Back, Melia HB.. Wiskey ? your wide left,, Dana , you do the same you been doing.. Griss?.. Block and go at TE.. I'm rolling and throwing, just have fun out there, and look for the damn ball...

The defense saw Shadow behind center and looked at each other...Hey Guys!..ever had your ass kicked by a Quarterback?... Come on back, and you can see what its like!

The New MLB tilted his head and as they Looked at each other , Shadow had the ball snapped , rolled to this Right and tucked the Ball away, the OLB got a chest full of Shadow as the collided at the 7...

2-5 E7 5:39r 4Q

The OLB gave Shadow a hard look,I'll be right back frenchy....

Shadow Huddled Up..he looked at the huddle...right? they'll expect me to be the 'Hero'.. I'm fakign the run to the right, Melia, cross to the left, I'll flip you the I know you didn't get to practice this.. But Wiskey is gonna go up in the endzone... Griss will be slanting to your side?.. if nothing is there, tuck it away and run.. if we don't score..Huddle up... we're runnign clock now.

The Ball was Snapped Shadow ran to this right and Flipped the Ball back to Melia, as she went to the left it looked like Wiskey was goign to get open at the front corner.. and griss had a lead on teh trailing safety.


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 16:00

  • msg #355


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (713)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (714)

Miller shook her head As she shouted from the bench...YOU DAMN WELL BETTER SCORE!!!

machins was patting Billies pads.. Jumping Lion gave her a fist bump

Post looked at the guys looked good out there today.. we might do pretty good from here on out...

Walker saw Shadow jawing with new MLB.. he smiled slightly.. Shade stood next to him watching the Offense.

Billie Morrisson

player, 558 posts

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 16:17

  • msg #356


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (715)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (716)

Billie chuckled as she took her helmet off. "I like to think I didn't do too badly for one who barely knows the rules." She grabbed a drink and chugged it before wiping an arm across her sweat covered forehead. Of course there was always room for improvement and she was going to make sure she practiced and gave it her all like she did when it came to flying.


player, 464 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 17:08

  • msg #357


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (717)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (718)

Ahh. Bliss.

Lots of hands wanting to pet her AND food? Does it get much better?

Especially when Her Human was there making nice to the people petting and feeding her.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2516 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 17:25

  • msg #358


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (719)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (720)

Melia wheeled out taking the pitch, and looked up field instead of tucking the ball. She scanned for Gris and Whiskey, finding Whiskey looking like he was going to break free, and Gris had about a step lead on the safety. In her lower vision she saw the defense closing on her forcing a decision as the OLB broke away and came at her from the front and right. It was that movement that drew her eyes to Dana sneaking across the back of the endzone uncontested. With the OLB closing she pivots takes a step up into the OLBs rush and let's the ball fly in a high arcing semi-wobbly pass aimed at the back corner of the endzone, the OLB not unexpectedly crashing into her as she follows through throwing her back and to the ground. As she sits up she watches Dana jump and reel in the ball in the back corner dragging her toes as she comes down TOUCH DOWN!

Melia fist pumps and yells, "YEAH!" And then scrambles to her feet.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:42, Fri 28 Aug 2020.

catch all

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 20:27

  • msg #359


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (721)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (722)

2-5 E7 5:39r 4Q H 75 E 28

Dana was smiling as she Held up the Ball,, Wiskey ( yes, that's his last name) and Griss Pounded her on the Pads,

The Outside Backer On Shadow's side Had tried to Bing him down after the flip-toss, and he Just Pushed the Man off to the sidelines, His new york accent in full bllom as he said,..the f*ck outta 'ere...

he Jogged to the sidelines The Oline Grinning at him as they came off. a few moments later , Tucker drilled the kick through.

4:56s 4Q H 82 E 28

Watson sat on the bench, he looked terrible...he missed out on almost the whole thing.

Hope took Shade's Place on the the coverage team.

Shadow stopped by Melia Walker came over to the two, he looked at Shadow then Melia..damn chancey call , LC..what happens if it wouldn't have worked...

Shadow gave his halfsmile,..then we'd still have 75 points.. and if we didn't turn the ball over?. we had another chance... I had them ready for me....just like chess? you have to see the whole board..

Walker nodded and went back to watch the Kickoff.


the High drifting kick came down at the 4.. the return man let it bounce, but it bounced backward! , witht eh cover team running down hill after it.... he panicked , jumped on the ball as was pounced on..

1-10 E8 4:49s H 82 E 28

game time

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 20:37

  • msg #360


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (723)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (724)

1-10 E8 4:49s H 82 E 28

The new Guy was out there again. he didn't look like he wanted to be. he played 4 games for them, they were always ahead, and he got one or two series at the end of the game, when alot of people where already cashing it in...

Now, they were getting crushed , and they were down right angry...mean, even. The Coaches were arguing on the sidelines, he was left to himself and the couple Vets who still wanted to play it out to the end.

Once more they started with a Hand off to the halfback, a gain of a hard 2.

2-8 E10 4:11r

Then the rookie had athought and called somethign at the Line, the defesne stormed In, beating Past the Blocks of the Backs, but the rookie shuffled the ball forward, for a Middle screen!

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 253 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 20:45

  • msg #361


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (725)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (726)

Jug stood in the line looking about. She didn't want to let people know she had a lot of creds (atleast to her mind they were a lot), still some of the rather poorer looking ones with kids she thought about it. The others of her squad had money they could spend, that was not a problem, she had hers to do with as she pleased. She smiled (not showing off her teeth) at one group of Etna humans. Looked to be a woman and 2 rather youngish kids, apparently not too well off. She waved them over to come stand with her in a gentle and friendly manner. She did so to another group as well, but they seemed more wary. "I be Jug, from the Hermes. How are you?" she said rather slow and calm incase the children were scared of her appearance and all. She wanted this to be friendly "Please, you look hungry. As kindness I offer to pay...what would you like?" She gestured to the board and the woman who may be their mother "I buy for friends at game, they not mind" When finally able to order Jug buys 4 corndogs, popcorn, 2 sodas, 1 nacho box with the chili topping, and a meal for both kids and the woman. She kept an eye out knowing she had extra food it would be a tempting target for a hungry child with no parent about. She would glance for a peeking head or set of eyes. When the food was ready Jug would pay, letting all 3 know it was her joy to see the kids happy. Jugs drinks and food were placed in a box to take back.


Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 20:53

  • msg #362


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (727)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (728)

The woman smiled,..Thank you Jug.. My husband is on a merchant ship, he is due back from Etna soon, but his pay won't go into the account until he arrives back here... it one of those trading Companies from Earth?..i think they feel if the ship gets blow up, they won't have to pay.

the Kids seemed very demure. Jug notcied the stamps on the hands were red, which means they got in 'half price'...a good bet, for Everest tp load up the stadium

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 254 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 23:00

  • msg #363


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (729)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (730)

"Many companies do that. They do not understand many have families. Which company you mate be with?" She walked with them back towards the stands. She thought who knows that company might be on the Delta Night program of events. She still looked about though. She thought when she heard 'from Earth' it might be important to remember.


player, 2701 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Fri 28 Aug 2020
at 23:14

  • msg #364


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (731)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (732)

In reply to game time (msg # 360):

When the ball was snapped Zob shot out and broke through the offensive line, the rookie QB was not having a good time from what he was noticing as he was about to get the middle screen pass.

Zob sacked him hard causing the ball to fumble luckily Supe was there to pick it up and bring it all the way for a Hermes touchdown!

game time

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 01:35

  • msg #365


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (733)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (734)

The Hermes crowd went wild.. what was left of the Everest crowd, began to leave.

The Defesne pounded on Zob, as they Jogged off the field, Tucker came on GrinningGetting a workout today!

The Kick went through, H-89 E-28 3:47s 4Q

the hermes fans were singing...NANANAAAAAA....NANAAANA..HEY HEY ..GOOD BYE...


Zob didn't get much time to celebrate, as he had to go down under a kick again

once more, the over worked Tucker, Kicked off high and far, the return man didn't take a chance this time as he fielded it at the 2, once more changing up field.


Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 01:59

  • msg #366


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (735)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (736)

Shadow stood on the sidelines , Shade as there two, both of them had thier helmets by the facemask,,so? you gonna tell me or not?


Alright, in the locker room... but this better be damn good, no one likes beating up the bad guys more then me?..but you left some big plays on the field goign for that MLB.

CE-VA came by calling out NAmes of players for them to wave and turning to the hermes stands getting them to stand up and cheer for the Vid cam


Hack chuckled,Damn shame you shorten the Game.. i mean, we're 2 points away from the Fleet record, and that was set against nan almost all Occui team, against an almost, all Sanri team!

Stone smiled as he shook his headdamn amazing, its one of the sloppiest game i have seen..but points are still coming ahrd and fast.

Admiral St Gual Just snorted and said,Congradulations on your thugs beating My team.. I will see you at the party, you may stay and enjoy the box for as long as youwwish..

LaQua left with her..

Stone and the other two men shook hands and said,we have to go to the Uppers to watch the Athena take on the Everest Lowers?.. somehow? i don't think there will be as much bad blood

after they left, Hack held a finger to his lips and circles his finger in the air lokign at the ceiling and such

Emmie is leaving the Hermes now to arrive at the Condo, she is having heated talks with an Earth Based transport Company called ' Honey's Moon' transports./..they buy salvaged ships and put them in The Black for next to nothing, they hire decent people, but they don't get paid until they return to the shipping point... if they die along the way..they don't have to pay those people.

The tender left as well. leaving everything for those in the booth, Hennings went behidn the bar as he talked,..they are undercutting Emmie's prices.., so far, it hasn't hurt much, but if they establish themselves out here.. it could be a problem for Emmie...

He pointed to a bug he found.. Filled a glass with Brandy from E1. the droped it in and dropped a match in, the brandy caught fires, buring like an oil lamp.

Carlson found one under the table and tossed it to hennings and it joined it partner in the flaming brandy hot tub.

hennings moved away and faced the open window rather then the booth....they ship in Vampra Space as well as some odd ball colonies out there..Independent , if you want to believe that. They also deal with the Asteroid Field on the far side... too far out of range for the Hillite Blockade fleet


player, 2702 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 02:24

  • msg #367


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (737)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (738)

Zob was getting a tad bit tired having so little rest from switching on and off the field so quickly so when the kick off return happened he got sloppy and found himself getting caught up on a bunch of the players unable to reach the return man as he made it all the way down field for a Everest touchdown...

After the play he shook his head in disappointment at his sloppy performance, "Gods be damned..."

Missy Jagger

player, 400 posts


Master Mechanic

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 03:07

  • msg #368


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (739)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (740)

On the positive side, after he has had his shower and change, a chromed up, polished speeder bike is waiting in the tunnel onto the field.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2518 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 03:15

  • msg #369


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (741)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (742)

It was a classic dilemma for Melia, she didn't feel tired but her muscles were. The offense had been on the field much more than the defense and on top of that kick coverage she was spent. She hit the defender on her side hard, but she was flagging years of combat or not... the engagements in war lasted 20-30min tops at a time.... this was several hours long, and didn't matter how many tunnel runs you did, eventually the gas tank started to run low.

Billie Morrisson

player, 562 posts

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 03:21

  • msg #370


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (743)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (744)

Billie tried to defend the kick return, but she was well blocked and fell to the field, cursing as the returner ran past her. Turning upfield it was obvious that there was no way she could stop him.

game time

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 12:33

  • msg #371


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (745)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (746)

H-89 E-35 3:26ss 4Q

The Everest Coaches talked for a bit, about 'going for 2', but it really didn't matter at this point, and with a rookie QB, the missing of the PAT would take away from the satisfaction.
after the Kick was made, Dana filed the ball at thr 5, she crossed ahead of Shadow and held the Ball out for him to take a Hand off, , Shadow grabbed for the Ball , shifted his arms tyo the back as he turned up the Everest sidelines...

the Coverage team shifted towards Him, when someone from thier sidline screamed..." She still has it!"

The Bootleg fake worked very well,especially on a tired and beaten team.., the Contain man was the only man on that sidline as Dana turned Up Field , he pushed her out of bounds at the Hermes 43.

Menawhile, Shadow Got shoved out of Bounds on the Everest sidline and itno the lower end of the player's bow, were a few of the Everest players Kicked him, One Ended up on the ground as shadow grabbed his foot and jerked it into the air.. refs came over to sort things out, but didn't throw flags.

1-10 H43 H-89 E-35 3:03s

while teams changed out, Shadow yelled over to the Everest bench as he touched the Blood on his lips from one of the kicks, HEY COACH !...YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!....KEEP YOUR KICKOFF RETURN TEAM ON THE FIELD..ITS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN SCORE CONSISTANTLY!

Shadow looked around the Huddle,Game's almost over..i would really like to put some more points up..but, Caoch wants us to eat the>,,we're gonna try to score more points... there was laughter..

The clock is gonna run anyway? so lets try to get some points..9...9...9.... backs in the flats, every body looks. O-line? you're tired and beat up.. just get one good hit on your guy, i can run around if a need to..if not? Its one me..lets go..on first sound

the referee wound the play clock, the Game clock would start on the snap, the Ball came back,, Shadow faked a pitch to melia, then Looked down field

Harriet Lynch

player, 2447 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 16:45

  • msg #372


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (747)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (748)

She wasn't sure if it was because her team was losing badly or that she realised that Lillit was in danger of ripping her arms off and beating her with them, but Admiral StGaul would flounced out leaving the Hermes brass to enjoy the box. Seeing as she hadn't watched the rest of the game, Harry saw no reason to start now so would turn her attention to Captain's Si and Dusk who were sitting with them "So am I to assume I'm going to be busy tonight?" she subtly enquired about Delta night and the expected level of activity. With any luck they would have a couple of hits that were suitable to her skill set rather than the usual SWAT style raids on the homes and private armies the rich and powerful commanded.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2519 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 18:43

  • msg #373


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (749)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (750)

The play started and Melia shifted out for the pitch before cutting around and up to the flats, working to get open or pull enough coverage that allowed Shadow to either keep or find an open receiver.


Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 19:39

  • msg #374


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (751)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (752)

1-10 H43 H-89 E-35 3:03s

As Shadow went through the progressions, he Let the Ball fly to Griss who had taken Hope's spot at TE, while Hope played FB.

Griss pulled it in for a gain of 14.

1-10 E43 2:41r 4Q

Shadow ran forwards shouting.. MAKE IT RAIN...MAKE IT RAIN!! He stopped in the shotgun waited until his people were set and snapped the ball, he took another step Back, as Tired D-line,, started to break past, tired O-line, Letting the BAll go again.

game time

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 21:40

  • msg #375


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (753)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (754)

1-10 E43 2:41r 4Q

either the Defesne caught the call, or they were plain lucky as they dropped out to cover Dana and Wiskey.

Griss hauled in another Pass and was Hit, but he was smilign at 2 catches! pick up of 10.

1-10 E33 2:05r 4 Q H-89 E 35

Shadow couldn't get the team lined up before the 2 minute warning, , he slapped his thigh as he came over to the Coach.

what do you wanna do?

I want to score... and use this as a live fire practice, if we can't score, For Tuck to get a FG shot?

, you're not afraid of bad press?

Shadow laughed,Bad Press is afraid of me!....

alright, don't do anything stupid.. no one gets hurt.., not in the last 2 Minutes of a Game Like this

Shadow walked out, pulling his helmet down , byt the face mask,ok? Games over? right? But we're gonna use these last two minutes and Time outs to try to score..or? Run Tuck out here for a FG?... we need the reps..and..well..Screw Everest..right?

the clock is wil stop on out of bounds, but only until he ball is set... so hustle, pretend we need this.. Next two Plays... 1st..QB Keep up the Middle... second play, we'll make it rain again... Hustle!

1-10 E33 2:00 4th Q

as soon as the whistle Blew Shadow called for the BAll Tucked it in and Followeed the Center to the second Level, he was Brought down by the MLB and ROLB.. Gain of 7.. Shadow stood up and waved the team forward..The New MLB asked,

WTF you doing?

we need the practice!.,..

2-3 E26 1:43r 4Q

He hand the ball snapped, droped abck and and look to throw the ball,,,,,,

game time

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 22:34

  • msg #376


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (755)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (756)

2-3 E26 1:43r 4Q

Shadow didn't waste time to see if the outside guys would open Up, he Hit Griss again, The Back up TE caught his 3rd pass for 6!

Shadow turned to the Ref and signaled TO.. the ref looked at him in surprise...what are you doing LC?

didn't you hear all week?..we lost too many player, the new guys need work!...

1-10 E20 1:15 4Q TO Hermes has 2 left

Shadow waved off going to the sidlines , he just wanted to stop the clock... Wiskey and Dama up on the line as wide as you can get... Griss and Hope slots off the're next to me in the Gun.. WRs slant across the middle , TE and FM slant out to the sidlines.. Melia... straight down the Middle, turn your head to your left shoulder.. if your open, that's where the ball's coming.

Shadow looked at the clock while they lined up, checkign through everything he needed to do for the play and after...the ball was snapped he set, scanned and threw...

game time

Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 23:13

  • msg #377


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (757)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (758)

1-10 E20 1:15 4Q

The Ball lead Dana just enough as she pulled it it to protect it and got Jacked up by the Safety, he brought her down on the One

1-G E1 :50r 4th quarter.

as they ran up he said quietly to Melia,Follow my block

the Everest player s were complaining , the game was over? why are they doing this?

the Ball was Snapped m the guard and center Cross blocked , Shadow pitched the Back back and Fire through he hole to hit the rookie MLB.. Melia Just had to go 1 yard.


Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 23:26

  • msg #378


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (759)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (760)

With 2 Minutes left hack says...With ST Gaul bailing.. I thinks its time I showed my people i'm still here... who ever wants to Come out with are more then welcome!

hack and the Board members went Out.. Will couldn't get up fast enough! Dusk giggled and followed them Out as Lilit looked at Harry...fascinating is like war?... you do your best, but work with the achieve the goals!..I must study up on it more!..It didn't take Long for the fans to see Hack and company on the stairs , he was swaying to and from as he chanted ... the crowd took up the chant

3....5....1....HERMES !....3...5...1...HERMES ! Si, , will Dusk and Hennings swayed and chanted.. while Bale just hollered loudly! Roles came out and yelled as well...


on the sidlines Sneak pointed the the Admiral and the others. Roll Started Chanting too.. Sneak , Jax and Nifty shouted.. and the Stem kinds did it..cause ..why not? Larry was on his Hind Legs Howling....

Shade stood on a bench waving a towel Bleeping like crazy.


Howe Stood up swaying and yelling out the Chant, while frans , Eckels and Mara did thier cheerleader stuff from the academy.

Val was shouting as well

Carlton smiled as he came out of the Booth and Looked at Lilit,..this is why they are the tip of the spear.. some many who would do some much, for the cause... you'd have to did pretty deep on the other side to find anyone else who would do that.

With a Shrug.. Vaka got up and started in with the chant..he was Hermes now!


Through it all CE-VA was gettign great feeds and Vids.. her ratings were going through the roof..but? it was the only game in town , until Athena Played.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2521 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 02:38

  • msg #379


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (761)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (762)

In reply to game time (msg # 377):

Melia followed Shadow through the hole as he blew through the rookie MLB, but one of the tackles managed to grab her and spin her the wrong way. Dropping one hand but keeping her feet Melia managed to scramble back up and hook around in a reverse direction running counter the direction of play outrunning the other tackle and the rest of the defense that was rapidly trying to react to her scramble as she unintentionally ate up time on the clock managing to in a desperate scramble punch the ball in for yet another Hermes TD!


player, 2708 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 02:43

  • msg #380


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (763)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (764)

Zob watched as Melia got another touchdown and the counter hit 0 when it did he erupted in a cheer, "We did it!" the adrenaline pumped through him like lightning not just for winning but cause of Melia's awesome performance, part of him was hoping there would be enough time to party it up and unwind after such a sweet victory.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:49, Sun 30 Aug 2020.

Samantha Robertson

player, 561 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 03:10

  • msg #381


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (765)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (766)

Sam got up and chanted as well, screaming as loud as she could.


player, 558 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 03:12

  • msg #382


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (767)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (768)

Meari saw the Admiral and the board and her Cousin and Grandmod and she started yelling 3..5..1 HERMES over and over. She also swayed with some others.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2663 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 03:57

  • msg #383


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (769)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (770)

Haley stood and danced as everyone cheered.
This message was added to by the player at 16:43, Sun 30 Aug 2020.

Henry Christie

player, 3902 posts

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 10:21

  • msg #384


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (771)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (772)

The game over, Henry asked the youngsters if they'd help him find Catcher and ask her if she'd like to seek safety on the Hermes.

"You lot, of course, are also welcome, but you're here already. You've heard, and you can now make up your minds what you want to do. But if Catcher doesn't get to hear what's going on, she cannot make that decision."

He was emphatic about the choice thing. Nobody would be forced to enjoy security, food, shelter, education, or a future. It was a choice they had to make for themselves.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2448 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 12:43

  • msg #385


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (773)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (774)

Getting up to follow the others outside Harry would offer Lillit a bit of a shrug in response to her comments about American Football and it’s similarities to warfare, personally Harry didn’t share that particular viewpoint but she wasn’t about to say as much to her “I can’t say American football is really my thing, it’s too stop, start for my tastes...though I can’t say I enjoyed proper football either, I mean a couple of us used to go to the London derbys but that was mainly because we knew there would be a fight afterwards” she explained walked down the the steps in amidst the cheers and chanting of the fans, causing her to raise her voice to be heard ”long distance running was always my thing, it’s one of the few athletic events that the Angels don’t dominate in” she said knowing that it had a very different ethos to the one that Lillit had mentioned.


Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 16:58

  • msg #386


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (775)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (776)

Lilit smiled at Harry,....Angels have a long standing Endurance record, it shows on the battle field as they move troops for long distances in short periods of time... it is very had to show that on a Cap ship..or even a football field.

Melia scored, the Crowd went while, Hack and the rest Kept Up the chant rule.. Tucker kicked the pat to end the Game

Lilit smiled, there wasn't much warmth in the we got to the party... St Gaul will have to deal with Happy fleet folks...Then tomorrow at the Ball, she will learn, just how many fighters and Piltos will be 'transferred' to the fleet.. this will not be a good Shore leave for Admiral St.Gaul.

Carlson was taking pictures of the plater in football gear...he always swept the stands for other folks

end Game

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 17:18

  • msg #387


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (777)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (778)

The GAme ended, The Rookie MLB Just Gave Shadow a shove, did that, Just to make us look bad!

Careful Junior.. i fought Sanri one on don't scare me. ..besides? you don't need out help to look bad... Melia was Mobbed by the O-line as they came off the field.

Tucker and the rest of the team Kicked the Ball through. The Everest team didn't even rush, they stood there and watched the ball go through.

the scoreboard went black as the operators such it off... Hermes fans booed...suddenly the screen came back to life.. with a massive set of numbers that said,, Hermes 96 Everest 35... the screen also showed highlights of Big Hermes hits and Big Hermes plays

When it came time for Players to 'meet and Greet', Shadow just ignored them all, The head Coach tried to greet Shadow and he just walked away.. Post and Walker talked to the Coaches,,, the Everest coach pointed to the scorboard, and Walker Just held out his arms. Post laughed, the other two Coaches walked way.

Shadow and Shade went to the Kids, he crouched down and Looked at them all...Ok> Jax, Nifty and Sneak are taking you to the locker rooms, but you have to stay outside with them until everyone gets showered and stuff?.. they you're gonna ride the team Bus with us to the Hotel, where there is gonna be a big party...Now?.. you guys are staying at my Condo tonight... and tomorrow we're going to the beach until its time to get ready for the Ball?... while we are at the Ball, you guys will be at the Condo..After that we'll see what the Admiral and Stefi say.

Watcher said, they found 2 more of our pack.. they are at your Condo..they were showing pictures of us to them..

Larry came over and Knocked Shadow over as the LC reached up and 'wrestled with his ehad... he rubbed his ehad against Shade.. the Stem Kids Giggled.

Larry likes to wrestle like that... Roll said sagely.

all over

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 18:11

  • msg #388


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (779)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (780)

The team ehaded to the Locker rooms, some players helped carry the water coolers, each of the Kids as well as sneak, Nifty and Jax got a PowerAde to 'tide them over' until they got to the party.

Shadow was smiling a tired smile, Miller Looked at him as she drank from a powerade...You could have ran that last one in yourself?

did you see the Hole?.. YOU..could have ran it in!

she wacked his chest, with her helmet...I thought you'd want to stick it in and twist the blade a bit?

..Melia got the score.. no time left on the clock for them to answer... i think it worked out well..


Vaka looked at we must go to the hotel to have a good time..right?


Val stood with Henry watching As Shadow moved off and the kids got powerade to drink as they made thier way to the tunnel.. Larry was Lookign around in case any one thought it was a good idea to grab kids.


Howe finished his beer , and asked Sam if she was going to the Condo party. as others made thier way to the streets

Hack was Grinning, some people came to ask for Autographs even to the point of Asking Harry, since she was with them, she must be famous too!

Lilit signed things, Dusk had Pics taken with some blushing Guys as she put her arm aroudn them and had her cheek touching thiers.

Will was signing all kids of stuff, even the chest of a few women who had plenty of room for him to write.

Alright People... the Limo awaits..its party time!

beth touched something on her Vidboard , A massive Winged Foot appeared on the scorboard, and seemed to be locked in.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2449 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 20:18

  • msg #389


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (781)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (782)

She would concede Lillit’s point about the Angels having a good track record where running was concerned, knowing that more than a few human athletes had simply called it a day because of this. As the conversation moved on to how StGaul would feel when the fleet relieved them of their fighters and pilots, Harry would give a humourless snort before replying ”oh dear I seemed have misplaced my worlds smallest violin” not really caring how StGaul would feel about it ”here’s hoping the pilots we take on aren’t completely f*cking useless like the last lot” she said in a voice that wasn’t holding out that much hope of that happening.

With the game coming to an end Harry would find herself being swept up in a tide of people looking for autographs with Harry suspecting there were going to be some very disappointed people when they realised that she was no one special.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2664 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 20:23

  • msg #390


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (783)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (784)

Haley had cheered as the game ended. She stayed near Larry and Roll. "The party will be fun, lots treats and good stuff. Music and dancing. Maybe we can get Nikki to sing, and some others" she kinda mused for the others. With a big smile she looked to Sneak "You and Jax gonna dance?" she knew they really liked each other. They waited for a bit in the hall like they were told to do.


player, 2709 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 20:40

  • msg #391


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (785)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (786)

Zob walked with the team to the locker rooms upon entering and making sure the door was closed all the way behind him he began to strip off his uniform and find a empty shower to wash himself in, a few moments later after feeling refreshed he packed the uniform away in a duffle before noticing a note, 'your ride is waiting for you outside hope you enjoy...' he stashed the note away and got dressed, "Apprently i have a ride waiting for me outside would it be alright if i just followed the van to the hotel?"

Admiral Hack

GM, 8742 posts

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 21:08

  • msg #392


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (787)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (788)

Coach Walker held out a vid board after punching up a form...sign this.. This is an ESN station, that doesn't mean you don't have to watch your backs..this will be proof of the last time we saw you and have to send HermesSec after you...just incase some one takes affront to the beat down today.

the Uniforms and equipment were loaded on Hover carts to be taken to a shuttle to go to The Hermes.

Shadow came out and stood by the Kids, he had his off duty Uniform on, already the lights from 'Ever Rest" 's roof was lighting up the slowly growing darkness.

Ok Kids.. You follow me and Shade we're Getting on the second Bus... the first bus filled with players and the trainers who weren't driving the equipment shuttle.. everyone was goign to the Hotel, even if just a little while.

The trainers would have have to leave early to get things up to the Hermes, But the LC insisted they get some 'party food and dancing" in.

people at stadium to Everest thread>>>>>>>>>>>

Billie Morrisson

player, 564 posts

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 21:30

  • msg #393


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (789)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (790)

Heading into the locker rooms with the team, Billie moved to shower when she was able to and then dress in a Hermes' t-shirt and a pair of her usual short spandex type shorts. Even though she didn't really do anything super special in the game, she was proud of her performance overall though there was room for improvement. Checking her COMs, she saw the message from Harry.

Hey...sounds good! After that game, I could use a good massage. I have enough medicine to turn off my nervous system and I think it would be good to get to know everyone a little better.


player, 559 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 21:43

  • msg #394


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (791)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (792)

Meari smiled at Vaka and said," Yes we will go to the Condo for the parties it will be my first party like this as well. Shall we Vaka." Meari got up and headed for the exit and followed the others to the Condo or any transportation taking them there.

Samantha Robertson

player, 562 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 21:46

  • msg #395


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (793)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (794)

Sam smiled at the final score and replied to Howe," Yes I would love to go, but I need to pick up my winnings first." She got up and walked up to the betting counter and turned in her winning ticket. She would get her credits and then follow Howe and the others to the Condo party.


player, 2710 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 23:42

  • msg #396


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (795)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (796)

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 392):

Zob took the vid board and signed the form and returned it to Coach Walker he then stood up dressed is his fresh off duty uniform and making sure the SEC com unit was properly attached, "Ill see you at the hotel friends"

He then headed out to the tunnels and a big grin came to his face as he saw the custom sized speeder bike all chromed up and with a red paint job, 'Damn this thing is a beauty' he thought to himself as he hopped on it and fired it up, the sound roaring off the tunnel walls was like a auditory ASMR to his ears.

When the bus and limo started to take off towards the hotel Zob reached back into the leather storage compartment and pulled out a pair of aviator sunglasses and a smokewood cigar and put them on before taking a drag off the smokewood cigar and hitting the gas keeping behind the hoverbus the wind making him feel alive.

-------> To Everest Condos
This message was last edited by the player at 23:45, Sun 30 Aug 2020.

Billie Morrisson

player, 565 posts

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 00:27

  • msg #397


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (797)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (798)

With her message sent off and her things packed up, Billie will head towards the bus, glad for a little R&R.

>>>>>>>>>>To Everest 1001

Melia Kristensen

player, 2522 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 00:52

  • msg #398


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (799)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (800)

In reply to Zobaich (msg # 380):

Mobbed by the o-line Melia ripped off her helmet raising it aloft in one arm and holding the ball in the other. Towards the sidelines she tossed it to one of the officiating staff for the PAT. Melia was beaming, at the PAT sailed through she turned to Zob whom she was standing next to grabbed him and gave him a big kiss in celebration. From the sidelines Orria paused cheering long enough to giggle and shout "Mommyyyy EWWWW you kissed him." She was in a giddy and silly moody having watch all of her friends beat the pants off the mean everest team.

Melia found her way to the locker room her bag with the game ball in itand her side arms carried with her. Once inside she admired a few of the fresh bruises already yellowing and turning purple on her arms. Given the night majority except the most severe would be well and gone. Showering she decides to mix things up a little wearing a slightly nicer fitted pair of her favorite durable cargo pants with a relatively tight fitted red tanktop with black skulls and bones all over it and black leather jacket, plus her standard well worn boots.

Once done she finds Zob, outside the private changing areas with Coach Walker. "Ooh a new ride without me what'd you get?" She asks Zob playfully. Orria pointed to Shadow and Shade and the second bus with the kids. Melia nodded tapping her comm to let Orria know to call if she needed anything. "I gotta hit the booths and pick up my winnings. After that I'm good to go coach."

Sarah McKeon

player, 456 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 00:52

  • msg #399


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (801)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (802)

In reply to Harriet Lynch (msg # 385):

Sarah joined the Admiral and the rest of the boards, moving out more visibly showing Burian support for the APF, and the Delta fleet.

The few autographs that came her way Sarah genially signed, sticking with the board.

"Admiral I think several of the people who left to take care of things had money on the game at the booths, including SGT MAJ Spenser. Should arrangements be made for someone to collect and secure their winnings?" She says to Admiral Hack as they head to the limo


player, 2712 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 01:11

  • msg #400


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (803)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (804)

In reply to Melia Kristensen (msg # 398):


Zob happily accepted the kiss and then gently put her back down happy to see her in such good spirits.

Several minutes later they got cleaned up and left the locker rooms, he was about to get ready to head out until he heard her voice from behind, "Without you? never" he said with a grin, "Ms Jagger designed me a new custom hoverbike that will fit the both of us if you want to ride with me in style to the hotel?" he offered to her.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Mon 31 Aug 2020.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2525 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 01:39

  • msg #401


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (805)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (806)


Melia likewise signed the form and scurried off to the betting booths to collect her winnings. She'd bet 4500 on a Hermes win, so at the booth she collected 22,500 creds which was quite a hefty chunk of money even on her NCO salary.

Returning with a wide grin " Just too the lists for 22k creds. That's a pretty sweet ride. What'd you pay for it?"


player, 2714 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 02:46

  • msg #402


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (807)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (808)

In reply to Melia Kristensen (msg # 401):


Zob chuckles awkwardly as she asked her question, "I don't honestly remember but it was a fair sum, you should send a com text over to her she can get you squared away"

As he was getting things squared away with the new ride he turned to her when she mentioned how much she won and gave her a grin, "Was a suckers bet to go against the Hermes, you just got yourself some easy credits... shall we get going?" he made motion towards the bike.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:48, Mon 31 Aug 2020.

Henry Christie

player, 3903 posts

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 10:41

  • msg #403


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (809)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (810)

Henry put his arm around Val.

"I was trying to get the youngsters to help me find Catcher, the one who's gone missing, but Shadow just came and hauled them off to go on the team bus to the condo without paying any attention, so... we'll just have to hope word gets to her. She'd never come to me on my own. So, what would you like to do now?"

He patted Larry who was hanging around looking out for the youngsters.

"Good boy, Larry, keep an eye on them. They'll be safe with you around."

Was it silly to be concerned about just one, when a whole bunch were being looked after? He didn't know. Maybe he was the only one it was important for.


player, 470 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 15:32

  • msg #404


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (811)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (812)

As everyone began moving towards the condos, Mila yipped to get Her Human's attention. Couldn't he see that if he wanted to involve the other kids, the best idea was to go where they were going?

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 255 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 15:47

  • msg #405


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (813)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (814)

Jug and the gava were making their way from the stands. Jug had a box of goodies still left ""Doctor Christie...we gava will help. Gava always help." she gave a toothy grin. "Human child might be hungry. Her friends got to eat, this one not. They be small like gava. Gava can spot easily" she suggested.

Henry Christie

player, 3904 posts

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 16:50

  • msg #406


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (815)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (816)

Henry turned, a smile of delight spreading across his face.

"Hello, Jug, how wonderful to see you. Yes, you're very perceptive. There's one of the youngsters called Catcher... she doesn't know what is on offer. Will you come and help me find her?"

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 256 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 17:37

  • msg #407


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (817)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (818)

"We all will help. Little gava less a threat than big humans. Maybe ner where old food is first?" She began to have the gava go out in pairs.


Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 18:27

  • msg #408


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (819)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (820)

Val looks around,well? i mean.. finding a Stem kid in ther lowers? that would be like finding a drop of blood in a tomato cannery!

should we look around ourselves? or should we go to the party and ask the movers and shakers what they are goig to do?

Henry Christie

player, 3905 posts

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 18:42

  • msg #409


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (821)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (822)

"And to enlist the help of the other youngsters, who will know where Catcher is likely to hide," added Henry.

"As you say, humans are a bit distinctive. Is that OK, Jug? If Val and I go to the condo, and your people start hunting for her?"

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 257 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 19:38

  • msg #410


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (823)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (824)

"Yes....We have a discription from SM and now that the game is over I am sure others will also come here besides this one." If we need help we have comms." She offered. Gava were used to going unnoticed and being underrated. She figured many EverSEC would pay them no mind. If they did, they would remind them about underestimation. They began fanning out.
Jug reminded them they only wanted to talk to this one not force her to do anything she did not want, rescue if needed.

Henry Christie

player, 3906 posts

Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 11:43

  • msg #411


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (825)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (826)

"You're wonderful, Jug, you and your people. Stay in touch..."

Henry turned back to Val.

"Right, shall we go to the condo? We are expected, after all... and can stake out a nice room for the night. It's not far, would you like to walk? Mila might appreciate it. She's been very good during the game but is probably ready to run around a bit."

And do what doggies need to, but he wasn't going to mention that.


player, 472 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 14:09

  • msg #412


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (827)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (828)

Mila danced ahead as Her Human and his Mate headed off to the condos.

-> Everest thread.

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 258 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 16:28

  • msg #413


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (829)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (830)

Jug had the gava scatter looking for places a small human might hide, she had them look high and low, as well as evade the EverSEC. Jug asked a few of the vendors if they had seen any 'stem kids' about lately. Perhaps one might have seen something.

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 259 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 15:25

  • msg #414


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (831)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (832)

Jugs eyes watched for any odd movement as she made her way about. She looked for possible spots for ways in and out and to not be spotted. Since these were young humans she stuck to things rather 'gava sized'. Using her tracking skill she tried her best to try and locate Catcher. Knowing that the child might be starving she hoped the child would reveal herself soon. When other humans were far from her she would lowly, but still alooud, call her name "Catcher" Perhaps if she heard her call her by name she might be less afraid, but she also did not want to attract attention of any bad hearted humans.
Bog and his partner covered an area near the refuse area, Uvuvu and hers near restrooms.


Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 16:04

  • msg #415


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (833)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (834)

As the Gava moved aroudn they saw alot of Humans and Aleins.ost movign with purpose to 'go back to work"..or get home after the game.. there were some instances of Kids gettign yelled at for 'not listening'

There was a Little Black boy about 5 or 6 sitting in the grass by a bench ( stem kinds weren't allowed on benches) he was lookign around , a sad look on his face he wasn't bothering anyone.

A Young woman, about 30s ( looking..angel food?) Stopped By him and opened he r food bag, she handed him some kind of Burger, and he looked up at her in question, almost afraid to take it.

she smiled and took out the drink and gave it to him too, , then she walked off.. The Kid looked around quickly. like he was afraid , But , when no one else bothered him, he began to eat the Burger like it was the first food he had seen in days, his cheeks full as he chewed, lokign around to see if anyone was goign to take it from him, or worse...

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 260 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 16:52

  • msg #416


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (835)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (836)

Jug looked at him. Then moved and sat on the grass. Turning to the child she smiled as gently and as non threateningly as she could "Hello little one. did you lose your mama?" she offered a bag of the popcorn and one of her waters to the child. Thinking back she did not recall if the information she was told included if the child was a boy or girl. "My name is Jug...what do they call you?" she kept her voice calm.


Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 17:05

  • msg #417


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (837)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (838)

The Little Boy loked at her as he chewed a Mouthful of Burger. he tore bit off and offered her the piece he did not chew from...

..are you hungry too? A nice lady gave me this..i don't know why...

..My name is , Can. I can fit into cans were people throw food....i lost my pack?.. I think they left me?..I don't know... I'm afraid to go to the Stem myself, and there are mean white Jacket guys who hurt uis some times..

he holds up his half finished Juice Box..I have the Lady drink?.. you what this piece of Burger? has Yellow stuff in and red stuff and real meat.. and some green stuff..

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 262 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 18:42

  • msg #418


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (839)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (840)

Jug listened and watched. "Some friends cam across some stem kids like you. They got to sit with the Hermes football team. One of theirs got left here too. I try to find so they can stay together." She still offered the drink and popcorn. As a gesture of friendship she took a bit of the burger and also offered in return a hotdog. "Gava share. like Stem kids we look out for each other, Can. I look for one called 'Catcher'. We take them to the Hermes and to a place better than this. Place where people not hurt them and they can get food and be safe" her voice still calm "You can come with us, you not be alone. Get lots of good food, get bath and safe place to happy not sad" she offered. She hoped he would accept, but she would not force him to go. Only bad folk would do so, she wanted Can to know it would be safe.
This message was last updated by the player at 18:42, Wed 02 Sept 2020.


Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 18:04

  • msg #419


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (841)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (842)

The Little brown kid smiled and took the Hot dog...I see Catcher... he nodded as he brike the Hotdog in half and gave half back to Jug.

see got taken to a is color like the sun?...I think she is going to get eated. She is taller then me. she has skin like mine...

I will come with you..if you do not hurt me?.. i can't find my way..I can see the top of the Stem hole from here?..but it is far, too many white jacket hurty people!

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 261 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 18:33

  • msg #420


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (843)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (844)

"Jug and Gava not hurt you...we hurt people who hurt stem kids. I take you to place where some of Catchers friends are. Do you know them?" She pulled her comm out and contacted Doc Henry and the SM

" Sm, Doctor. I have a stem kid named Can. He say that Catcher was taken a way in a sun colored car. Is one of Catchers friends there who can vouch for Can and let him know it is okay?"

Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')

player, 263 posts

Gavan Warrior Leader

Lt. Equivelent

Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:00

  • msg #421


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (845)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (846)

Over ?Jugs com she could here Doc Henry talking to one of the kids at the party. It was easy to see that Can understood and was familiar with him. "You are no longer aone Can. Catchers friends have invited you to be part of their group." she gave a grin with no teeth. "I smile like this a lot so I not scare others. Let us call my friends back and we will go to where they are. You can get washed up and a doctor will make sure you are okay and you can get a lot of food. But do you know which way the sun color car went? Or have you seen it before?"

Admiral Hack

GM, 9031 posts

Sat 10 Oct 2020
at 17:54

  • msg #422


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (847)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (848)

(( the Everest Ball..after Delta Night ))


Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 16:48

  • msg #423


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (849)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (850)

St Gaul wore a silver and white Gown, her Rank displayed on a silver bar, on the left shoulder strap, of the , one shoulder dress.

the gown was just above the Floor as she walked through the Everest Crowd of Officers, Suits, and ''chosen' Non Coms.

The Iron Guard had people stationed in the Marine Dress uniforms with the IronGuard patch on the right side of thier chest. ESN Pulse rifles where in each of The Guards hands. As they were stationed around the HQ Main Lobby that would be the BAll room.. The Conference room was set up for people to have quiet discussions, but it was made clear, doors would be open at all times.

Outside , the courtyard sported food tables and some of the 'fringe' people who had already made thier way out to the Courtyard. a few IronGuard where there as well.

St Gaul was getting flustered over the Hermes folk not arriving yet, as most of the Fleets 'invited' officers where there,


Outside the Ever Rest, The Admiral began to lead his contingent , once Shadow said his 'section' was loading up to come down the lifts.

The Ironguard were lined up on each side of the sidewalk, gaps enough between them to allow on lookers and fans to wave and take pics...

Rivets stopped with Sarah to sign a picture from a red Haired woman who had a thick Irish accent

Harriet Lynch

player, 2574 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 17:09

  • msg #424


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (851)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (852)

---> Everest

Upon leaving Captain Si's quarters, Harry would search for Will in amongst the milling crowds of service men and women in fancy dresses and dress uniforms for any sign of Will, with her stomach tying itself in knots in anticipation as to what he would say when he saw her in the dress she had chosen. She was also mentally bracing herself for another night of smiling sweetly as Will recounted the same old story time and time again to random strangers that wanted to rub shoulders with the ESN's latest hero despite the fact that they wouldn't have given one damn had that blade killed him. With a free day tomorrow she quietly hoped that they would be able to slip away and spend the day together away from the prying eyes of the media.

Henry Christie

player, 3968 posts

Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 17:58

  • msg #425


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (853)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (854)

Henry tagged along behind the Admiral's party, feeling a bit out of place. He put that aside and concentrated on the vision of beauty beside him, one hand resting on his arm.

Samantha Robertson

player, 621 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 20:42

  • msg #426


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (855)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (856)

---->>>> From Everest

Sam smiled and went into the group in her beautiful crystal blue backless dress, going to slightly below her knees. She walked out and looked for Lt.Howe, she would smile and make her way through the crowd.

Isobel Sakura

player, 802 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 23:30

  • msg #427


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (857)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (858)

——> Everest

Stepping out of the Captain’s quarters with Lizzy on her arm, Izzy would join the rest of the crew that had escorts and make her way to the ball with a far more genuine smile on her face than the one she’d forced onto her face for CE-VA’s link. She’d never been to a ball before, with her even having skipped her school’s prom, and so she was actually kind of looking forward to it despite everything that had happened to her. She had also finally reached a decision over the question that had been bothering her since last night which felt like a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders allowing her to fully enjoy her time with Lizzy, who was looking truly stunning in her emerald green dress and drawing more than a little attention she’s the prettiest girl in the entire fleet, and she’s with me! she silently revelled as she cast yet another adoring glance in Lizzy’s direction making it pretty obvious how she felt about her.


Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 23:49

  • msg #428


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (859)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (860)

CE-VA moved along the sidewalk Nagy, and Lippen ( who were dressed up)..making sure no one got in her way was she moved up and down the line sending fresh feeds in.

By the Time the Admiral had reached the steps of the ESN HQ, Shadow group was leaving the hotel, a long line of crew strung out over the 3 blocks or so they had to walk...

Hack held up his hands for quite as the people who cheered and showed names grew quiet, so only the sounds of heels walkign could be heard...

People of Everest..... Listen... for 2 minutes.....and tell me what you hear!

people were quiet, this als gave the other two groups a chance to close the Gap.


a ESN Colonel of the Everest shouted,..Nothing?... Just Kids Voices from the beach?

CE-VA rushed over to Focus on the two as Hack smiled and he held up his hands...That's right!!!... Kids!!... laughing , squealing and shouting as they play on the beach...have the surf hit them, and eat hotdogs! of those kids would be dead..or soon be dead, as they were recued from going to Larder ships...

..but they were saved... and they were saved, not only from those who steal...but from those who protect.... I want every single one of you to remember that....remember that, the next time you see a stem kid , tryign to get a half eaten hotdog out of a trash container ...or you see one sitting helpless by themselves.. its Time Everest, become ESN...and ESN, takes care of all its people, not just those with Creds.....remember the sound of that laughter and joy....because, if you turn you back on aren't any better, then the Empire!

Waving the people forward ( and haviing the 2nd and third , close the gap) The Hermites headed up the stairs.


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 00:05

  • msg #429


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (861)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (862)

In the Couples group, Howe Had found Sam, he was in his uniform. and he walked with her on his arm, complimenting her dress.

Arnie saw Billie , and he approached in his Dress whites, his CPO chevrons neatly creased...Not Bad, Pilot....

Will walked with Harry talkign about her dress, and she should start practicing walkign with heels.

Mitch and Nikki were more to the front, watching the group slow down as Hack smoke...Gregor stood , thumping his tail

Roy and Messe had larry with them Larry looked Bored of the whole thing, looking around at some of the iron guard, and turning his head if someone shouted a name

Cora asked Frans as they walked, and Eckles , are trying to tell us, you couldn't get an escort?

Frans smiled,why walk in with one, when i can dance with dozens? besides, comign in with Shadow?.. you don't think CAMs are gonna be on us?

Billie Morrisson

player, 712 posts

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 00:35

  • msg #430


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (863)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (864)

Billie broke into a smile as Arnie approached, a blush coming to her cheeks. "I clean up nicely, eh? Sorry it's not...super flashy...that just wasn't what I wanted...I'll tell you though...this is weird...." She leaned in close to him, whispering, "I'm not wearing anything under's strange..." With a slight shake of her head and a chuckle, Billie wrapped an arm around his, letting her hand rest upon the inside of his bicep. "You look really handsome."

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2868 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 01:59

  • msg #431


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (865)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (866)

Walking with Mitch Nikki glanced at him and smiled "You look very dashing this evening" she said holding his arm. She walked at a moderate pace almost enjoying the parade. Ahead she kept an eye one Haley and Roll as well as Gregor.

All gussied up Haley still fidgeted a bit. Part of her wanted to go play on the beach still. She knew it was important she show up, so she kept smiling and now and then waved. she listened to Hacks speech and kinda understood something. She did not exactly know what but that what he said about the other kids was important.

Samantha Robertson

player, 622 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 03:10

  • msg #432


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (867)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (868)

--->>>> From Everest

Sam found Howe, she smiled gave him a kiss and said," Thank you I really like it, I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting evening I just have a feeling. Well shall we Lt." Sam will then go in with the couples , when she hears the Admiral speak she is all smiles , oh yeah she thought this was going to be a very interesting evening. Sam knew these children where going to Bura, not staying here that alone might be a problem but she knew the admiral would get his way.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2498 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 12:29

  • msg #433


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (869)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (870)

Lizzy took Izzy's hand, the final step in her outfit, was her Blue Max. She took out the smaller one and put it on with her dress. Lizzy then walked arm in arm with Izzy as they got in line with the couples. Lizzy smiled and said," You look wonderful Izzy, now lets relax and enjoy our first Ball together." Lizzy held her tight as they followed the people train to the ball.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2575 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 15:27

  • msg #434


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (871)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (872)

"So...does this mean you like my dress then?" Harry shyly asked Will as they walked with the other couples with reluctantly agreeing that she probably should get a little more practice walking in high heels seeing as this whole dressing up thing was a far more regular occurrence that it had been before. With her freshly manicured hand, complete with pretty pink nails, resting within the crook of his elbow she would give her man an admiring look "You're looking as handsome as always, it's no wonder all the girls want to dance with you" she said with a laugh and a smile that gave a subtle hint as to her insecurities pertaining to their relationship, as she gently brushed some imaginary lint from his shoulder with her free hand "So how was the beach? I saw on the news feed that Shadow was getting into trouble again" she asked with a smile, curious to hear if it was anything like the news had made it out to be.

Isobel Sakura

player, 803 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 15:56

  • msg #435


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (873)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (874)

"Thank you" Isobel replied with a noticeably blush coming to her cheeks or at least the parts that weren't covered in Dermaplast "...also, I'm so excited, I've never been to a ball before...I mean I've worked at a couple but I've never actually been invited to one or had with me" she continued, smiling up at the breathtakingly beautiful woman on her arm having made sure to walk on Lizzy's left so she could see her without having to turn her head. It was as they were walking down the carpet lined with crowds of people and media representatives that she would start to feel incredibly self-conscious knowing that although Lizzy would be attracting most of peoples attention that more than a few people would be looking her way too if only because there was a pair of women walking together " doesn't look too bad right? I mean...The Dermaplast doesn't show up too much right?" she anxiously whispered suddenly feeling like the entire world was staring at her and for all the wrong reasons.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2499 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 17:03

  • msg #436


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (875)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (876)

Lizzy smiled and replied," You are welcome my love." Lizzy saw her blush and was happy she could make Izzy blush and feel beautiful and sexy. The makeup job she did, did a great job but a close look would tell something was off, but Izzy looked so beautiful to Lizzy it didnt matter about her injury Lizzy wouldnt change her feelings for Izzy. " Oh then we must make this amazing then Izzy, well I am glad you wanted little ole me as your date to your first ball."

Lizzy saw Izzy smile at her, then saw that she was worried, then she asked about her injury. Lizzy looked at her and said," You look amazing Izzy, no we hid it pretty well, we are both make up masters. You look amazing as always, now just try and relax and have a great night ok." Lizzy took Izzy's arm and led them into the Ball, she was all smiles showing off another provocative dress with her curvy body.


player, 671 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 17:33

  • msg #437


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (877)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (878)

------------------->>>>>>>>>> From Everest

Meari smiled at Shadow and said," Very diplomatic LC sir, you must be hanging around my Granmod too much." Meari giggled and moved in with the other woman and people within Shadows Pose. She was taller then all of them, but she was getting use to it, and Ce-Va was right human men where intimidated so easily. She smiled at everyone and got ready for their entrance.

Roy Spencer

player, 8767 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 17:42

  • msg #438


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (879)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (880)

Roy's grin looked easy, but there was a tension underlying it that only those who knew him really well...or were extremely perceptive and focused...would recognize. He knew a lot of chaos was going to erupt at the Ball...which was, on the surface, not THAT uncommon, looking at the history of the past few balls the Hermes crew had attended. But what Hack had planned would equate to a coup d'etat, which was a few orders of magnitude above officers brawling or even an attempted assassination. "You notice something's off, Larry, don't bother pointing it out unless you're sure there's time," he said to the larg, then looked sidelong at Messe.

"That goes for you, too..."


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 19:40

  • msg #439


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (881)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (882)

The Board with Admiral Hack and Captain Si in the lead enter the Building.

St Gaul stood at the top of the steps where people would go for high level meeting. Below tables rimmed the massive hall with food and drinks. a few score of Everest Officers, but Mostly Everest Suits filled the floor.

There was short, curt announcements of those who entered, The Admiral countered that, by having the people , just flow in., makign the 'curt announcements' having to speed up.

the board followed The Admiral, Roles and Bornberry peeled off to hit the tables. Shade did the same, but went to the desert tables with orria.

Roll didn't know where to go, there were some gasps when they saw Gregor. Jax pointed to the tables Shade was going to . Sneak walked as best she could , trying not to be fancy, or foolish.

then the Couples came in. Will smiled at Harry before they went,..You always look good. Dresses just add some icing to the cake..

Cora and the rest? They are just like me, so they like to get a dance or two in if they can. if i have to dance with Suit-ladies' and hangers-on..i sure can dance with people I fight beside...

They entered as the footman announced the EMH winner people clapped , some cheered..

the rest of the couples entered after.

Arnie chuckled at Billie's information,well? at least you shouldn't feel uncomfortable... I like the dress, bu the way, Some ladies forget how Angel-sick works.. you seem to have molded it...

Howe smiled,all Guys look good in uniform, Ladies normally look good in dresses, as long as that don't pack on the makeup with a trowel he grins.

As the other couples come through.. the noise behind them was growing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:42, Sun 01 Nov 2020.


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 19:55

  • msg #440


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (883)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (884)

Outside the crowds were screaming for Shadow.. He was waving and smiling, he would stop for a selfie with a woman or girl, sign stuff for kids .

Lt Cross was in shock at the reactions, This guy wasn't even from Everest! The LC Kept things Movign though as the Ladies made sure the 'strutted' just a bit more and the Hermes folks who were used to this, played thier part as well..

the people who cheered move up the Lines of Iron Guard, As Shadow moved forward. With the distraction. the people , barely notcied the Iron Guard following the tail end of the group, perhaps no one noticed the 4 Officers behind them

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2870 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 20:19

  • msg #441


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (885)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (886)

Haley walked with Roll, Sneak, Jax, and Gregor. She just shyly waved a bit and smiled.

Isobel Sakura

player, 804 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 20:55

  • msg #442


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (887)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (888)

”Yeah you’re right, sorry, I guess it’s all getting to me...I’ll try to relax” Izzy said knowing that she must be sounding paranoid and that she needed to relax and take her mind off of everything for a little while. Once they were inside after being announced by an NCO that seemingly wanted to get everybody through as quickly as possible Izzy would look to Lizzy as she softly asked ”Do you want to get a drink first? And then maybe we can have a dance afterwards if you like?” she suggested, though to be honest she was pretty open to anything so long as she was doing it with Lizzy.


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 21:58

  • msg #443


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (889)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (890)

The Crowd Really Buzzed When Larry Came in, His head swinging left to right as if challenging the crowd.

Messe walked with Roy,..there is much noise out side, I don't remember that's much noise last time..

St Gaul came down a few steps to Meet the Captain and Admiral Hack, beside her was General Fontie. The Military Commander of Everest's Ground forces. used mostly for boarding and rotating at 'The Line" that they now share with the Hyrians.

the General was slightly heavy, but other wise , looked like he could be ready to jump off( if he would ever dare)

St Gaul smiles,I see you have brought many people.... It was nice of you to have the iron Guard you brought in for the Fleet, to stand guard and allow both of our SEC to have time to enjoy themselves

General Bowed his head and Kissed Captain Si's Hand and Gave The Admiral a nod... you brought the Iron guard for the Fleet?.. you do not have enough of them for every ship.

we do not need them for every ship?.. our Santi, Occui, Hyrians, Nivarians.. we have Ape folks , naragrans and Gava?. not to mention largs scattered all over the think we have enough of the Iron Guard, for what ever we need to do.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2500 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 1 Nov 2020
at 22:10

  • msg #444


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (891)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (892)

Lizzy smiled and said," Oh Izzy it is ok, you have the right you went through hell. Just relax and lets have a good time." Lizzy smiled at the NCO who announced them Lizzy of course knew how to handle herself at Balls that is one thing she went to a lot of with her father.

After they got through Lizzy kept smiling and then replied to Izzy," Yes lets get a drink, maybe calm your nerves a little Izzy. Oh yes we will dance, this will be the first time we will get to dance a lot at a Ball. Come lets have fun Izzy." Lizzy then headed for the drink table and orders a fruity wine, she will wait for Izzy to get a drink and then smile at her girlfriend, and make a cheer and says," To us and the ESN/APF together we will win this war." Lizzy wanted to do so much for the war, she needed to make amends for all the damage her Father did.

Billie Morrisson

player, 715 posts

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 00:53

  • msg #445


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (893)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (894)

"No it's actually very comfortable...just weird with no...undergarments," She chuckled softly. "And I am glad you like it...again, I didn't want to go over the top...just more...simple yet elegant. That was my goal." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. " might be problematic if there are any heavy beats that want me to dance but I doubt that is what is going to happen."


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 01:39

  • msg #446


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (895)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (896)

Arnie laughs,..the balls range from adversarial to calm..but, the LC will get Hemsly to play some better music .... frans and Eckles gets the LC to make a fool of himself to get things rolling, its almost like a signal

Ce-Va moved fast, yet smoothly in her Gown, as she took Vids of folks meeting and greeting as well as waiting for Shadow to enter

Dusk and her Escort were by the tables as they did the 'happy hour thing' waiting for Shadow to enter.

The doors opened as Cora , Ellen and Scarlet entered lookign like goddesses, they stepped to the side as Shadow came through the door with Beth, Flores , Frans and Eckles... there were cheers from some of those who entered.. Shadow, going out aou, his arms raised in the air as people Clapped and hooted.

St Gaul looked disgusted,..You should teach him more decorum...

Captain Si smiled, will not see him hanging on any one, or , over use of affection. He is a warrior, and he plays as hard as he fights... and his people love him for it.

General Fontie snorted,It seems Like they Should show the same for thier

Hack chuckles...My people would follow me...have followed me everywhere... they do so because i lead them, because they fight for the They Follow Shadow, because they want to ...

Morris moved off tot he tables as chamber music played while people moved around and meet and greet.

Rivets steered Sarah over to a table where drinks were.

Samantha Robertson

player, 623 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 02:24

  • msg #447


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (897)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (898)

Sam smiled and said," Well you do look very good Lt., thank I am glad you like the dress, well I dont use a lot of makeup, some of the ladies do. Izzy used some extra makeup, poor Izzy I hope the surgery goes well. She is worried she might loose her eye." Sam then added," Shall we get a drink and watch the LC come in.
The LC came in as she spoke.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:57, Mon 02 Nov 2020.


player, 672 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 02:26

  • msg #448


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (899)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (900)

Meari walked in behind Shadow and the four Ladies with him, she waved and smiled as she walked in with them. She then headed for the drink table to get something to drink in their happy hour.

Roy Spencer

player, 8769 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 03:53

  • msg #449


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (901)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (902)

Roy quirked a little grin. "Well, last time, we hadn't just crushed the Everest Football team the night before. We had yet to deal decisively with the Hyrians, people still thought the Verians were allies, Nivar was still a thorn in everyone's side, Etna was barely holding its own, and Matterhorn was in danger of being overrun. And we all took limos to the front steps, so there wasn't the time and space for a huge, cheering throng of people to pile up. So, yeah...I expected more noise this time than last." He didn't sound complacent about it, but it was hard to tell if his amusem*nt was more from the enthusiasm of the crowd, or from Messe's surprise at that enthusiasm.

"I also suspect that Admiral St. Gaul has been funneling money to her favorites at the expense of better, more qualified people, and Admiral Hack has a way of correcting such behaviors...people are hoping for change, except for the privileged elite few that are really comfortable with the way things are now. And I suspect they're going to have their evening ruined sometime soon, in ways that Shadow could never manage...although, depending on how they react to it, he may have a hand in further ruining their evening."

Billie Morrisson

player, 716 posts

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 03:54

  • msg #450


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (903)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (904)

Billie chuckled. “Well, I don’t have to worry about popping out of the dress but I will have to worry about the bounce and such…and don’t forget…you did promise me a night,” she threw him a wink as they headed towards the table with some drinks upon it. “So how was the beach? I saw that…brawl that broke out,” she asked as she picked up a glass.


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 05:46

  • msg #451


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (905)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (906)

the group that came in with Shadow, moved alot more quickly. head to tables and such. There was Just the 'socializing' music playing. Shadow was now being approached by Suits and dresses , while he checked out the food tables

Will and Harry were near the drinks table, , Will asked for a Soda and motioned to harry for what she wanted.


Arnie picked up a small plate and loaded some kinds chickenish, strips on the plate with some sauce ont he side to share with Billie.


Some people approached ( slowly) Roll, Haley and Gregor.Most of them would ask how much Roll would sell Gregor for.

Roll would get angry and sayhe's not for selling!..He is a Hermes Larg Cadet!


Messe truned her back on the main entrance as more Iron Guard filed in...There is something....odd....It is expected that the Guard would be outside and inside?..but there are 4 of them , that do not have Pulse rifles.


Two 'older' men approached Henry and Val.Excuse me, Dr. Christy... I am Dr. Bill Paul..this is my partner Dr Fred Koff...we run the...rather underfunded..Bio tech labs under the Uppers? We were promised a large Lab, but were Jammed into smaller lab space that is under the damnable sea!..there were larger Lab Areas that were Given to Civie bio-systems research people... some of out other partners quit, and joined them....

Koff spoke up you think Admiral Hack could change to resources we have here?

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2871 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 06:16

  • msg #452


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (907)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (908)

Finally getting into the ballroom Nikki smiled at Haley and Roll. She glanced at Mitch as they walked in "you angry about something? You haven't even said 2 words to me since joining up in the hotel lobby" she said quietly. If he didn't say anything she was unsure how to fix it.

Roy Spencer

player, 8771 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 07:55

  • msg #453


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (909)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (910)

Roy looked around to find the four Messe had mentioned, shrugging as he did so. "Probably their CO, his XO, and their personal heads of staff. I mean, they would be high-ranking officers, so it only makes sense that they'd get some kind of invitation, doesn't it?" he asked, managing to sound sincere. He was actually pretty certain they were the command cadre for the Iron Guard...but since General Stone was there as some kind of surprise, he didn't want to call too much attention to them.

"What's so odd about that? I mean, granted, none of us are on duty, but no officer or non-com from the Hermes has a pulse rifle, either. Doesn't mean we're unarmed or unprepared to deal with attackers..."

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6544 posts

field engineer

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 09:04

  • msg #454


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (911)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (912)

Garrat and Teela arrived, Garrat in his Asgard formals altered to fleet colors And enough of the cut to be acceptable. The broken wing symbol Was embroidered in silvery blue thread Along the back matched the silvery blue glitter added cream that had been painstakingly applied to to protect the tips of her feathers. Her elegant angel silk gown was cut and colored to match Garrat’s, many of her achievements were fastened to a sash that draped from her left shoulder to waist made of the same cloth as Garrat’s cumme*rbund like belt. Garrat’s hair had grown back during his stay in this part of the galaxy, was braided into an intricate style, but his stiff jacket only barely concealing extra precautions he’d brought to the party in case it got interesting.

Henry Christie

player, 3969 posts

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 12:11

  • msg #455


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (913)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (914)

Henry was about to get Val a drink when 2 men approached. He listened to what they have to say.

"Well, I have no control over how Everest allocates laboratory space, but you will find that some has become vacant under the mountain recently. If you're quick about it you could get yourselves established there before anyone else notices."

If they are interested, he'll describe how to find the entrances.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2576 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 12:41

  • msg #456


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (915)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (916)

”Well just so you know, this icing was rather expensive” Harry responded with a chuckle as she accompanied Will into the building with her man receiving a round of applause as he was announced with her waiting until it had calmed down before continuing ”at least tell me you like the sprinkles it took a lot of work to add them” she said gesturing at her baby smooth face with her pretty pink nails before asking for a fruit juice with a sigh that said she wished Arnie was behind the bar so she could get one of his concoctions ”so who are all of these guys with the guns?” she asked nodding her head towards the unfamiliarity marines on guard duty, quietly hoping that they would prove to be better than the last lot.

Isobel Sakura

player, 805 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 12:59

  • msg #457


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (917)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (918)

It was as they were making their way over to the drinks table that Izzy would try to push aside all of the thoughts and fears within her head concerning everything that was currently going on so that she could properly enjoy her evening with Lizzy. Collecting a matching glass of wine she would gently clink it against Lizzy’s as she softly toasted ”To us” before taking a sip of the deliciously fruity wine ”Lizzy there’s something I need to tell you...I...I’m thinking of leaving the press corps, I’ll probably also have to resign my of thought you should don’t mind do you?” she nervously asked though she kind of suspected that Lizzy had an idea that she’d been reconsidering her life choices.


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 14:23

  • msg #458


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (919)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (920)

Henry's 2 collogues looked at each other.the mo8untain was on of the bigger Labs that were allocated to Civie testing for the war effort... it was tight security. No one was allowed in unless they were part of the program...


Mitch just gives a bit of a Smile,..well? I'm pretty lucky to have the hot chick of the group on my arm..but man, i hate stuff like this. I rather be in a nice bar, or diner some place....we'll see how things go once the party gets started.

Two Everest pilots( by the wings on thier chest) approached Mitch and Nikki...zo? Madame? you have zee Blue Max.. Is it real?

Mitch frowned It is Mamzelle, The Ensign is not married, and yes it is real...

The 2nd Pilot, a tall blonde german, have enough Kills for The Max?... that does not seem possible!


People greeted Teela and Garrat as they entered the Building, some people seemed to be entranced by Teela's wings. Other people turned off by it ( mostly Angels).. Captain Morris gave them a wave.


Arnie moved behind Billie and gave her a soft kiss on the back of her Neck.....the beach?.. there were some things pop up... some streeters Knocked Nifty of the Hover Bike Shadow gave him, and one of the stem kids ran to Shadow... If I understand it right, they talked for a bit before Jax, Sneak and Shadow started to beat them down, then gregor and larry ate them..or some of them..didn't see the thing happen...

pointing out The Iron guard who hovered around the two Iron Guard Ladies,..those folks are joining The Hermes .. they paraded down the Beach... The LC pointed out they should have introduced themselevs to ...someone?.. and there was a very brief fight..the Dark guy's nose got Splattered and that woman with the angle length dress is hiding a brace that the LC cause her to wear , when the two of them decided to 'put him in his place'...Doc henry and The SM sorta stopped people from being really hurt.. we'll have to see how they work out...


Will put his arm around her and gave her a bit of a squeeze...well, the sprinkles are great....

Those are, The Iron Guard. They are supposed to be, the Best of the best and all that... They said something about the LC would never be one of them. Then he
broke the guys nose who sucker punched him and Dislocated the chick's knee when she
tried to do a flying Round kick... The SM and Henry stopped things before more poeple go hurt and LArgs decided that the sides were uneven....

Like Mitch, he pointed to the 6 who stood together eating and talking,Those 6 are joining the Hermes...we have odds on how long they are gonna last, you don't cross the LC and get to be 'buddies'...I put 100 creds on 1 week before one 'has an accident'


Messe shakes her head, is most disturbing... I should be told of these, and I was Not!..why am I even part of the SEC!

Hack Gave a whistle ( which St Gaul deplored) and waved The LC and SM over with thier Escorts.

Admiral St Gaul, I am sure you remember LC Shadow, he is part of the Command group , as he is the WC of The hermes and the Delta Fleet... these are his escorts... LT Morrow is Chief COM offcier of The Hermes, she Handles Fleet questions and such as well.. LT Flores is one of Shadow's Wing Ladies.... LT Frans is one of the 1st 24..she is the #2 WC for both the Hermes and the Fleet., and Lt Eckles, is also one of the 1st 24, che is LT Frans's wing Lady....

I trust you remember SM Roy Spencer... he heads up Hermes SEC and Is in charge of all troop movements on Jump offs... though he stays with Hermes groups for the mostpart, he can and will take over an action if needs be...

St Gaul gave a look at Shadow ,like she stepped in Larg droppings..Only 4 Escorts?.. you must be 'the old news:...

Flores smiles as she Holds one arm, beth takes the other and Frans and Eckels lean on his from behind.....The others are just...'too shy' to come over...

turning with a sour look to Roy,At least, you show some form of discipline..


Dusk was strutting around with the Verian-Udenese Captain ( amkign sure to steer clear of Shadow the best she Could )

However.. Shade stood in front of the Captain to the Point where they collided... Shade bleeped Harshly.

what did he say

Dusk colored a bit ( that could be seen as her sifting skin color, hit 'cream' tints.....he questions and...your ancestry...

Henry Christie

player, 3970 posts

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 14:36

  • msg #459


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (921)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (922)

Henry's face turned grim.

"Whoever was using it obtained it under false pretences then. They were processing children for supply to the Demons and assorted dark minions who'd eat them, or worse. They are deceased now and the children are safe with good futures to look forwards to. By all means put the place to good use, it will wipe away any 'dark vibes' it may have."


player, 2946 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 16:49

  • msg #460


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (923)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (924)

Zob came along as additional security for Ambassador Shade and as Melia's escort he opted to wear his dress uniform for the event which displayed the tons of awards he earned over the years, underneath he wore a concealable flak jacket.

Zob walked over to where Shade was and stood next to him just in case things were gonna get out of hand but for the time being he was content to let him handle it.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2872 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 17:22

  • msg #461


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (925)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (926)

She understood Mitch, dressing up for formal occasions was a bit much. She personally would actually like to be working repairing and painting her Mantis or just some where quiet snuggling with Mitch. However she understood presence meant funding. Her small revelry was broken by the two Everest pilots. "I earned every kill, keeping my wing woman alive, my crewmates, family, and others alive. I even took out Evert on Vera. Don't believe me? Ask LC Shadow, En. Lynch, En. O'Conner, or even Admiral Hack. So, Yes. It is real. Even got a few as a mere shuttle pilot." she hated bragging, it really wasn't her style, but they asked for it."But...Let me ask you this... what have you two done to be acting snobby to guests?" All this while keeping a calm tone and slight smile. Who they were didn't matter really. Making guests at someone elses party to her was bad form all around, she would throw it up in their faces.


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 17:51

  • msg #462


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (927)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (928)

The Frenchman said,we have had share of actions.. I myself have 6 kills...

The German said,I have 4..I have only been here one month!..they say i am on the fast track to get the Blue Max by this time next year!

gods be damned, we have more sorties in a week then you have in a Month

the frenchman stiffened,That might be true, Mon Ami, but zee enemies we fight are few.. we do not have massive numbers of targets handed to us, so we can shoot them in ze Barrel...

Don't worry frenchie, The rumor has it that a bunch of Everest troopers and Piltos are gign to be fed into the fleet.... we had alot of people die of the the last two, three weeks...we have to reload the grinder..

the two men looked at each other...


Henry's words made the two Bio-techs think....It would be nice to have a larger scale operation that didn't have a million tons of water over our heads.


CE-VA moved, takign a still here, or a a Vid there. , alot of the Everest folks posed for her allowing her to get the awards... but then, would slink away as a Male from the Fleet walked by ,with the lights hitting off their chest full of pins.

Roy Spencer

player, 8773 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 18:01

  • msg #463


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (929)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (930)

"There are a lot of varieties of discipline, Admiral. The discipline to keep yourself in top fighting not sit back and coast once you've reached the position you wanted...the discipline to maintain good military order, even when it means some degree of self-sacrifice or inconvenience, or even loss..." The words were barbed just enough to realize he meant more than face value to them.

"A cursory look seems like not much has changed since we were here last, Admiral. How has your command been, from your perspective?" The question was just 'innocent' enough to perhaps be a veiled insult.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2874 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 18:16

  • msg #464


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (931)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (932)

She listened for a moment the spoke again "I'll give you two pieces of advice if you go... One is to reply on your wingman. two on one improves your odds. And second is that it is easy to kill something in a barrel, hard to kill it if it's out of the barrel." their pilots were complacent she thought, predictable. That could be deadly for them, whether or not they were rude they were supposed to be on their side. If anything, she thought in a mean way, keep them alive to use them as a shield if need be. she hated herself for that thought. "Mich...perhaps we should get a drink and a few hors derves."

Harriet Lynch

player, 2577 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 20:55

  • msg #465


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (933)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (934)

”Good answer” Harry giggled as Will gave her a bit of a squeeze with her then leaning up to give him a quick kiss before listening as he explained about the Iron Guard and their run in with Shadow on the beach ”and that’s why if I ever needed to take down Shadow I would do him like Wild Bill, anything else is just suicide” she said with a wry shake of her head, wondering when people would realise that there was a reason he was still alive after spending so long on the frontline ”...also they may have a point about Shadow not be able to join up, because if those boys are anything like the Guards regiments back home he’s a touch too short” She said looking about the Iron Guard patrolling the area, all of whom were easily six foot in height and built like the proverbial brick sh*t house. It made for an impressive sight whilst they were on parade but it was no guarantee of them performing well on the battlefield...there was only one way of proving that.


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 22:29

  • msg #466


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (935)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (936)

Mitch lead Niki away from the two Pilots.see? this is why i couldn't command a boat? some of those knuckleheads are going to be on our ship,,i rather have the new ones, right of the assembly line, so they don't have any bad habits

Foster and His wife were standing where Mitch and Nikki arrived. Foster Popped some kind of berry in his mouth. Fosters eyes were moving over the uniforms, that flitted back and forth talkign the Hermes folks...there is two reasons your transfer people. to help out the place they are going to clean house of the place they came from... I'll give you 10 creds to one, what the transfers from here are for.

Foster's wife smiled at look beautiful!... i was sorta hiding in the condo, i only knew Dana and Sneak , very well.


Will nods...Lots of us would have the height to be in the Iron Guard...but lots of those iron Guard , aren't going to have what it takes to be a Hermite.

He sips from his Soda, an Older woman approaches , she is bejeweled .hello!.. I am Lady Canamore... I know you might find this distasteful, from an Old Spacer such as myself... Angel food didn't kick in right away for those of us who came out to Build the stations, so we aged a little bit faster, then most...but.. I would like one Dance with the Big hero? Hmmm... please, Come find me when you have an opening? I hear the chatters.. Lots of ladies want to dance with you Young SGT...

Will smiled a bit,Of Course, Lady Canamore

Thank you, I will leave you and your pretty Lady to relax abit before the bands starts up...


St Gaul frowned at Roy,we have done the best we could.... your last visit ravhed alot of the mainsorces of income for the station, we found some peopel who stepped up to aid us...

The General looked at Shadow,..don't you need to find an empty bedroom...

Captain Si glowered at the general.

Naw.. that was yesterday night?.. we'll see how things work out tonight...

This time i want on his right hand side.... she winked at the General who flat out Blushed as the 5 Pilots moved away.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2501 posts

Pilot Ensign


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 23:06

  • msg #467


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (937)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (938)

In reply to Isobel Sakura (msg # 457):

Lizzy smiled at Izzy after the toast , Lizzy held Izzy's hand and looked deep into her eyes and replied," I had a feeling you might be leaving the Press Corps, but are you leaving the ESN and the Hermes? Yes thank you for telling me, I knew you had something on your mind. Well as long as you can stay on the Hermes I am all for it, do what makes you happy my love."

Lizzy then took a sip of her wine, she saw Nikki talking to two pilots from Everest. She heard a little bit of what they said but she wasnt in the mood to deal with station pilots. She had to concentrate on being with her girlfriend and helping her have a great time at her first ball.


player, 673 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 23:10

  • msg #468


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (939)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (940)

Meari made her rounds, she smiled at Shade and saw Dusk with a Verian-Udenese Captaian. Meari walked over to Dusk and said," Hello Cousin you look amazing this evening, Hello Captain I am Meari Captain Dusk's Cousin, pleasure to meet you Sir." Meari holds out her hand for a shake.


Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 23:29

  • msg #469


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (941)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (942)

Howe smiles as he takes in Sam's dress once more. He looks out towards the other tables and has a distasteful look...Yeah? Well... Things happen. Every war since man could throw a rock, people get hurt, disfigured or Maimed? Some die... some wish they would have....That;s the steep price one pays for fighting the good fight

Is Far as the reporter? I wasn't far from her and Shadow on Bura.... and i was damned close on the hanger Dec....people might be a bit tolerant, because she wears the Unifrom.., But...well... I think i'll pass on that.


the Undenese-verian Captain Greeted Meari with a fi8rm handshake and tight smile.I am Captain Levis... I was fortunate to be the One captain Dusk picked to escort her, from the ranks of those who wish to have the honor.. At least she was not on the arm of a Human...

Dusk glowered at him.


The footman tapped his staff and announced,..the ball will now begin,.. Admiral St Gaul.... General Fontie..And Admiral hack and Captain Si..will have the first dances... at the start of the second song, feel free to join in..

Samantha Robertson

player, 624 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 23:58

  • msg #470


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (943)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (944)

Sam smiled and said," Yes very true this war is hell, well yes Izzy did have a way of pissing people off. You where the one who introduced us, and she is my friend, I think her injury will change her life for the better." Sam smiled at him and listened as the Ball was officially beginning and the first dances where starting.


player, 674 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 00:10

  • msg #471


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (945)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (946)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 469):

Meari nods, feels his firm handshake and returns the firmness. " Nice to meet you Captain Levis, yes Captain Dusk is an amazing woman. Captain have a good night and just to let you know Captain Dusk's father is human and LC Shadow is her Father, just thought you should know Sir. Have a good evening Sir." Meari smiles at Dusk and heads to the drink tables as she watches the ball officially start. Meari will look around there where not to many males her height, and she knew and Ce-Va also said it human males dont like woman taller than them, actually as far as Meari knew Udenese men also didnt like woman taller than them.

Billie Morrisson

player, 718 posts

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 00:22

  • msg #472


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (947)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (948)

She shivered at the kiss and looked at him over her shoulder, a smirk on her lips. Billie leaned in and kissed him softly, letting the kiss linger for the briefest of moments before it broke. Her eyes traveled to where he pointed out the Iron Guard, listening quietly to his explanation. “Well, I am glad that you were not hurt in any capacity,” she said with a smile, her arm snaking around his waist with her left arm while taking a strip from the shared plate and dipping it in the sauce before taking a bite.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2674 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 00:44

  • msg #473


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (949)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (950)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 423):

Once they left the dressing area Melia snagged Zob, to walk with her. If anything the intimidation factor couldn't hurt, and his support was more than welcome. Hidden behind cleverly designed flowing folds of light weight fabric, Captain Si's seamstresses and tailors were masters at there work, was Melia's two larger service side arms. Her small hand bag was just big enough for the .38 pulse a spare mag of hard ammo .45 ACP, a can of dermaform, some bandages, and some pain killers. Her two throwing daggers had their handles rewrapped by the tailor with the finger rings on the end wrapped in thread to give them a sophisticated look then they were placed slightly offset in a small sheath sewn into the front of the bodice of her dress giving them the appearance of a decorative pair of bodice scissors tucked into her bosom mimicking some earth renaissance fashion in a clever and deceptively dangerous manner giving her very easy access to them.

For most there was celebration planned, as Shade's body guard, and a long time veteran of the Hermes and the Delta Fleet under her carefully practiced happy and smiling façade she was tense. She could feel it in a way that she couldn't explain. years as a body guard had taught her to trust the instinct. Something was up, she wasn't read on, but she would be ready. She kept an eye on the Iron Guard and the people of Everest as they past assessing each threat. She just hoped her gut instinct would give her enough warning when the time came.

She looked over at Zob, giving him the choice of doing his own thing or following her as she kept a little distance from Shade and Orria, but was close enough to react quickly should a situation arise.

Orria smirked a little at Shade's comment about Dusk's date finding it a little funny and whistles a comment of her own to the extent of "he must not be very smart if he cannot understand you Shade." On the deep purple dress she woe she'd pinned the combined pins of the crossed quills of the yeoman, and the signal corps insigna showing she was Shade's aide and also that she worked with Beth.

Hawkeye Price

player, 503 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 00:45

  • msg #474


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (951)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (952)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 423):

Hawkeye had draped herself across Rolf's arm, in her slightly gaudy and rebellious tiki themed dress. Somehow managing to look completely natural in the theme divergent dress. As she worked her personal and natural charisma flashing smiles at the crowd and waving at people. "Hey there sailor going my way?" she asked giving him a gentle hip bump as she caught a couple Everest ladies checking him out.

Finding her way in behind Shadow and the others she and Rolf drift over toward the bar, "Wanna take bets on how long things last before Shadow gets into a fight?" She asks with a chuckle eyeing the different suits that were moving around.

Sarah McKeon

player, 522 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 00:45

  • msg #475


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (953)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (954)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 423):

Sarah winked at Rivets when he had to stop to sign the picture. She'd more than made herself unpopular with St. Gaul having openly voice her and Bura's concerns with the Admiral's leadership on the station. So she was little surprised when no one really wanted the Burian commanders signature. Hopefully things would be different when they left but as long as Everest was safe they could count on Burian trade, until then they could count on frequent Burian patrols passing through Everest space. Hopefully tonight would count for something. "Careful there killer, or I might have to get my competition re-assigned." She said lightly as they moved along.

She stopped with the Admiral and the rest of the Board party, she held her head high. Bura would be adopting those children. Everest had shown it didn't deserve them.

Time for the formalities," she said taking a deep breath and following the board and other execs to the tables. With Rivets she finds a table with drinks at it and finds a fine Burian pale green frost wine. An expensive commodity and highly sought after good. She tastes a sip of the decadently sweet and tart liquid as she watched Hack and St Gaul dance a very polite and political dance.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2875 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 01:16

  • msg #476


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (955)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (956)

She smiled at Foster and his wife "Thank you, you look lovely as well. I think we met on the Rec Dec around the time The New York was a problem" she shook her hand "I agree, they will be a problem if they think they all that and box of nacho chips than find out that the whole lot should be swapped out for a bucket of grease rags" Her accent a bit more noticeable. she sighed a bit "Let's hit the buffet table....If we are going to have to verbally defend our selves tonight we might as well do it on full stomachs" She leaned over and gave Mitch a kiss.


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 02:54

  • msg #477


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (957)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (958)

Music ended for the first dance, The second dance started with hack and Si dancing, and the General and St Gaul dancing.

Shadow and beth went out on the floor to Dance, the other ladies were drifting through the crowd to find partners/

Lyri stood by the tables watching people move onto the floor.

Shade, did his best to lead orria out.

Roll turned to Haley,..should we dance.. i don't really know how gregor sat looking around. His eyes going to the food tables.

Will said to Harry,..lets go out now, I'm sure there are going to be people i have to dance it, and I want Cota and Ellen to get a dance too

Mitch watched the poeple flow onto the floor,what do you think?

Arnie didn't even as, he sorta pulled Billie out..

Howe smiled slightly at Sam...Guess this is as god time as any?

Rivets jerked his head to the floor, lets take a dance now, and hit the drinks after?

Roles and Bornberry as well as Hennings and Emmie were there.

Samantha Robertson

player, 625 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 03:05

  • msg #478


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (959)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (960)

Sam smiled and said," Yes lets dance Steve, follow me Lt." Sam would take Steve's hand and lead him out to the dance floor and they dance, Sam was all smiles.

Sarah McKeon

player, 523 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 03:37

  • msg #479


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (961)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (962)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 477):

Setting aside the wine, there was plenty to go around. Apparently St. Gaul was trying to impress her psychopants. With a smile she agreed,"Sounds good to me. I'm sure they're will be plenty to see here before the nights over. Might as well have some fun. she says following Rivets out to the dance floor.


player, 2947 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 03:41

  • msg #480


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (963)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (964)

With the situation more or less solving itself he returned to Melia and by the time he made it over to her the music had began to start, "Shall we?" he asked her as he held out his hand to join him for a dance.
This message was last updated by the player at 03:42, Tue 03 Nov 2020.

Roy Spencer

player, 8774 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 03:55

  • msg #481


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (965)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (966)

Roy gave Messe a smile that didn't quite hide the tension around his eyes. "Shall we? I suppose we should enjoy the evening before something happens to spoil the mood." Like Admiral Gall-stones finding out she's being sh*t-canned... He held no illusions about how that news was going to go over, although there were certainly ways to do it that could make things worse.

"Something ALWAYS happens. It may leave some of us in a better mood...but there's too much brass looking to try and prove who's in charge for this to stay pleasant all night." He gave her a somewhat sad smile that showed a tiredness that had nothing to do with his physical was fatigue of the soul, and coming back to Everest to find it in even worse straits than it had been when they first arrived made it far worse than usual.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2675 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 03:57

  • msg #482


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (967)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (968)

Orria was doing her best adolescent girl version of grace as she allowed Shade to lead her to the dance floor. She giggled a little, excited for her another party and dance time.

Melia smiled perhaps her most genuine smile of the ball so far. "Sure, let's stick close to Shade and Orria though. I don't know how to explain it but things feel off right now, and not in the standard way barroom brawl kinda way. It might be my paranoia but I'm not sure I believe that yet. It's hard to explain. she said softly to Zob a they headed to the dance floor.


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 04:24

  • msg #483


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (969)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (970)

Messe smiled a s they Danced.... Shadow and Flores were passing and he Nodded to Roy, looking at Messe as if reminding him.

alot of the crew were on the floor now.

Shoey was walking , he stopped by Meari,where's your Occui Buddy?... I think he was gonna come? I guess no one asked him?...

Billie Morrisson

player, 719 posts

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 04:28

  • msg #484


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (971)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (972)

She felt the pull and grinned, easily following Arnie out to the dance floor. While it wasn’t the type of music she normally danced to, the fact that she got to dance with Arnie made it better. As they moved, she looked into his eyes, blushing.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2876 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 06:37

  • msg #485


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (973)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (974)

Nikki smiled before she picked up a plate. "Lt Regal are you asking me...a little ol' Ensign to dance?" she purposefully thickened the southern accent and made shy genteel gesture with her hands along her collar bone and batted her eyes sweetly along with a bright 'bad girl' smile. "I would love too" leaving thoughts of food on the table.


"I ...I think I know this one" she watched the others for a moment then nodded to Roll and stood and she whispered to Roll. she gave a small curtsy as Roll bowed slightly and they walked hand in hand to the floor. Haley blushed a bit and had Roll put a hand on her side and she one one his shoulder and their other hands they held. It wasn't perfect but they were trying. Haley held for leading the first few steps moving Rolls arm slightly so he would know when and how to move. Yes they were a bit jerky at first, like at the last ball they were at, however soon Roll got the rhythm and they moved together. Haley then began to smile.

Henry Christie

player, 3971 posts

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 10:51

  • msg #486


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (975)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (976)

Henry turned to Val.

"Would you care to dance, my love?" he asked.


player, 675 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 11:27

  • msg #487


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (977)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (978)

Meari smiled at Shoey and said," Oh no I wasnt suppose to come but the Captain added all ladies, I should have called him damn." Meari was so upset she forget about Vaka, she knew he wanted to go to the Ball. Maybe it wasnt too late, he could show up late.
Meari quickly opened her comm and Sent Vaka a comm text: " Vaka I am so sorry I am at the Ball get in your Dress Uniform and join me it has just started, I dont want you to miss this my friend."

Isobel Sakura

player, 806 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 12:37

  • msg #488


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (979)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (980)

There was a relieved look on Izzy’s face as she heard her girlfriend’s response, she hadn’t seriously thought that Lizzy would mind about her changing career but it was nice to hear it being spoken out loud ”Yeah I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with myself, thought I would try transferring to a different branch of the ESN...failing that there’s always waitressing” she said, though it was clear that these were simply a means for her to stay on the ship rather than something she was actually passionate about.

As the music started to play for the second dance of the evening Izzy would watch as the various couples started to drift onto the dance floor before turning to shyly speak to Lizzy ”Ensign O’Conner, would you like to join me in a dance...I’ll even let you lead if you like?” she softly asked, holding out her hand for Lizzy to take.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2578 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 12:50

  • msg #489


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (981)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (982)

Harry would nod her head in silent agreement to Will’s statement before watching as an older woman introduced herself and asked for a dance later in the evening. It was after she had left that Harry would softly speak to Will ”I like her, she’s polite and completely non-threatening” unlike most of the women that want to dance with you she silently added with her wondering whether she needed to do something about a certain pair of SEC troopers.

When it came time for the second dance Harry would smile as Will asked her for a dance ”Of course...I’d love to, also you’re lucky I’m not the jealous type” she said taking his hand so that he could lead her out onto the floor.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2502 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 13:42

  • msg #490


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (983)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (984)

Lizzy smiled and replied,Yes Izzy find something you are truly passionate about, or something you love. I will support you in anyway I can."

Lizzy smiled as the others where going to the dance floor, then Izzy asked her to dance. She smiled and replied, Oh yes Ensign Sakura I would love to dance. Lizzy took Izzy's hand and headed for the dance floor and she slow danced closely with her girlfriend.


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 14:37

  • msg #491


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (985)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (986)

The 2nd dance was smooth, calming, quiet, people were getting out of the 'happy hour' mindset and getting into the BAll in general, which would included, eating and talking, drinking, and dancing, with various 'shifts' in partners as some one wanted to dance , Talk or be seen with some one.

after the third song a faster song came on and Will moved harry to the tables once more...the next Slow one, I will get Lady Canamore her Dance... and we'll see how fitting everyone in goes...

getting some kind of cloudy white Juice from Astra with ice in , he sipped a bit as he wtched the people on the floor.


The Board, split up, movign through the crowd, talking to Suits and Dresses as well as Officers from Other ships that were invited.

There were gasps and buzzing for Everest folks when Admiral Hirg entered, The Hyrian had a female captain on his Arm( also dressed in Angel Silk).. Lirg and Nugest the Half-ape Male entered, and Behind them , a somewhat confused Vaka who looked out at the sea of dres uniforms, formal wear and people...

Major Muska of the Apefolk entered with Captain Tana on his arm, The Halfape woman wore a dress as well.


The Piltos, Dennis Nole and Art Moore were talkign to Cora and Ellen who seemed to alsways be glancing in Will's direction, they went on the floor for the 'faster' slow dance.


Val smiled as she went onto the floor to dance with Herny. they moved through the crowd to some faster,Angel waltz as she said,In never fails to astound me, how these lavish events, are used as much for politics as they are for enjoyment..


Arnie also guided Billie for to one of the drink tables,This will be a fun event , i should think, unless some idiot tries to show Shadow who the 'top dog' is...he can't back down, , not that he would...

I'm pretty sure it won't be long before Hemsly and Brooks take over the music either with the Vid Box, or getting the band in on it


Mitch stayed on the floor for the 'faster' slow dance, to give it a try...This isn't too bad, i guess... I'd rather be dancing on the beach though...


Roll and Haley danced the two dances, then when the faster one came on, Roll said,..lets go back and get goodies, and make sure gregror didn't eat any one...


Shade also stopped after the 2nd slow dance and motioned to the tables. Lilit stopped by them as they walked...I hope you two enjoy not let ignorant people ruin your night...

Shade gave her a thumbs up and The grandmod went throught eh fringe crowd talkign to more suits.


Melia and Zob were started at a bit, but no one seemed to be overly concerned, save a few Everest Officers who watched and chatted among themselves about the Demon and the woman who bore markings of a demon.


Shadow finished his two Dances with Beth and Flores each one was pounced on by an Everest officers for a dance, they accepted, while they smiled , they made sure the Everest Officers knew they were 'being polite'.

Shadow was most of the way back when he waved off an Everest dress, and waved Lyri over...Lyri looked around and sat her drink down, moving onto the floor as Shadow took her hand and they danced the , faster Slow dance.


Messe smiled a bit as she danced with Roy, her soft voice talked barely movign her lips as her head hovered near hos left ear.This is nice, is it not... but we know there is a storm coming...I see The Ape folk Captain looking at us, perhaps he wishes to speak to you...

her eyes were as sharp as her appearance as Muska did seem to want to talk with hism as Tana got them both some , blood red drink from the tables.


Rivets and Sarah stayed on the floor for the third one, This ain't a Dublin reel, but it is better then them slow stuff from Paradise, or them fast stuff the younger ones like...


Bale was Dancing with Miller, and Captain Morris was Dancing with Maria who was adapting to the captain's movements on his metal leg


General Fontie was dancing with Frans, whatever he was talkign about, did not sit well with her, Her 'beauty pageant ' smile was forced, and her eyes a bit narrowed.


St Gaul was laughing as she talked with some of her offciers and a few suits as they drank.


Steel and Gigi were daning with Gigi showing alot of flair, and Steele m doing well to keep up.


Raven and red Water had left the flor after the firts two songs to nibble and drink


The 'hermes' Iron Guard, split up...

Vinnie hovered near Beth and her current partner

Luke and Betsy were dancing, she seemed to be , more stiff, then Captain Morris!

Mick watched Lyri waiting for the Dance to be over, so he could take a shot Sally was dancing with Higgins and LT Cross talked to Mara.


Howe waved Sam to the drinks table as the second dance ended,I'll wait a bit, if you want to keep dancing with another partner, don't let me stop you... These Balls happen, but they don't happen alot..., we don't know the next place we'll be.

CE-VA chatted with AZ-EL as the two angels ladies drank and CE took pcis or Vid shots


player, 676 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 15:09

  • msg #492


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (987)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (988)

Meari smiled,at Captain Levis, and moved on. Then Meari saw a confused Vaka, and walked over to him, smiled abd said,Very good Vaka you are here I did not want you to miss this. Balls are fun and can get interesting Meari smiled again and then asked, Would you like to dance Vaka?


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 15:28

  • msg #493


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (989)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (990)

Vaka looked around his eyes were big,..they have things like this on Occus..but i have never been to any...

I am not a good dancer, i had no training, but i can try? he looked up.

Samantha Robertson

player, 626 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 16:52

  • msg #494


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (991)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (992)

Sam smiled and followed Steve to the drink tables. Sam got a glass of very good Burian wine, when Steve said he needed a break and she could dance because Balls don't happen all the time. Sam replied, Yes this is amazing these Balls are great and Captain Si's dresses are so gorgeous. Well let's see if any one wants to dance with me other than you Steve. Sam smiles and drinks her wine looking around for possible dance partners but smiles at Steve.


player, 677 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 16:56

  • msg #495


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (993)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (994)

Meari giggled and said, Yes Balls are interesting, I hope you enjoy everything Vaka. Well niw you have Vaka. She smiles and then replies, Oh don't worry Vaka , I don't have formal training either, lets go have fun. Meari took Vaka's hand and headed for the dance floor and wondered how many weird looks they would get.

Isobel Sakura

player, 807 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 18:54

  • msg #496


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (995)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (996)

”I don’t know about that...I’d settle for something just a little less soul destroying” Izzy softly replied as she took Lizzy’s hand and allowed herself to be lead onto the dance floor. She honestly didn’t know what she was passionate about anymore she just knew that she didn’t want to be a reporter anymore as the reward was nowhere near worth what it had cost her.

Holding Lizzy close to her she would savour the feeling of being able to dance with her girlfriend without the knowledge that she would have to leave her in order to interview somebody or worse; film other people dancing together! After a pair of slow dances, through which she would spend the majority of the time with her eyes closed and her head gently resting upon Lizzy’s shoulder, they would meander back over to the drinks table where she would offer Sam and Harry a shy little smile but would otherwise not disturb them as she collected a drink for herself and Lizzy.


player, 542 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 19:36

  • msg #497


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (997)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (998)

As Her Human was dancing with his mate, Mila joined Larry.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2579 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 20:12

  • msg #498


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (999)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1000)

It wasn’t very often that she got to dance with Will, especially with his recent bout of injuries that left him all but crippled, so she made the most of it whilst she could enjoying the pair of dances she had with him before being lead back to the drinks table where Will spoke of having a dance with the woman they’d met previously along with several other people ”I see...and do I per chance feature on this rota you’re drawing up?” she asked wondering if she was about to get ditched so Will could perform his “duties” as the hero of the ESN so much for getting him all to myself


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 20:51

  • msg #499


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1001)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1002)

There was a brief flash of darkness over Will's eyes as his head jerked around to look at her , at her comment...Its a Long night, the ball just started, people will get tired of me as soon as they had the pci or dance....

..If I am ruining you fun?.. don't be afraid to ask someone else to dance. I'd Hate to hold you down... he turned and stalked off towards Lady Canamore who was talking to some Suits and an Everest Major,

not far away Cora and Ellen where returning to the tables after the guys they danced with moved on.. they looked at Wil and then at Harry, Cora asked, what?


Larry sat near the foottables, closer to the wall to saty out of the way, But his eyes were moving as he watched the people hell fought alongside of.

Mila came over, Larry thumped his tail a few times.

Roll sent gregor over By them as well Gregor still prancing about with his vest and awards on.

Roll looked up at one of the food table people, you have larg food?

The fellow looked at Roll.Larg Food?

Rolled nodded his head rapidly, Yes... I am Larg Master Cadet Roll?.. and we have two Largs and a doggie here... They need to have food too..since they are warriors and all?... most people have cuttings and leftover in a bin for them..

no!..we don't do that here!

A soft, but firm voice broke in,I say?.. then you should bloody well start? Look at those animal's any of you have those awards?...or.... as many?... Make certain these crewmen get food as well...or? I will see to it that you are transfered to the Hermes and we will put you in charge of Cleaning the Larg bins...

...You can't do that!

I am Captain Morris. I handle almost all of the transfers in and out of the you want to test me?

Roll crossed his arms and smiled.

..sorry captain... I...

apologize to the larg master... he was looking after two of the largs and our K9...

..So..sorry..Cadet larg master.. we will have something for them right away, and start saving the cuttigns and such..

Morris gave Roll a pat on the head,..very good of you to look after your charges...

Roll reached up and got a drink from those that were poured for him and Haley, some Aqra water fruit, with light green color to it.


Rolfe smiled,..that's a fool's bet, lassie if i ever heard one!... Folks push Shadow, an' Shadow pushes back... sooner or later, some one falls down

he lead her onto the floor after the 3rd dance, with the next songs coming up, slower once more.


Howe watched the people as he sipped his drink, he said to Sam,everyone looks calm or near so...but there is some tension in the air... like, right before a thunderstorm


CE-VA nabbed Shadow as he, once again tried to reach the tables... she Held her CAM up as she got his to dance with her, He chuckled, clearly uneasy witht eh CAM so close. and CE-VA a few inches taller., but he was a Good sport, and after that song He pointed at the CAMs,You folks watching!.. This is a celebration for you too!.., securing this Quad for the APF!..slamming the door on our enemies!

CE-Va giggled and sent him off to the Tables as she searched for other targets.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2877 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 21:53

  • msg #500


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1003)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1004)

Nikki enjoyed the two dances, especially the slow one, she laid her head on his chest and hummed with the tune. eventually the tempo picked up and she adjusted "You just want to see me in my 'wild woman' swim suit" she smiled at him and winked. She had noticed Roll and Haley dancing and was rather happy about that. She also noted the Everest German woman trying to make moves on a Hermes officer whos back was to them and she could not tell which one (only a shoulder patch with Hermes emblem).


Haley danced with Roll as long as he liked. She just smiled and tried to have a good time as much as a kid could have at an adult style party. when they passed by she said hi to Orria and Shade who were dancing. eventually they moved off the dance floor because being small they were being a bit crowded out. They decided to get some snacks and drinks. she smiled as Morris got in line behind them. not having seen them in a while and not really knowing the protocol Haley just gave him a polite hug and smile. during this Roll asked about getting food for the Largs and Mila. After a bit of a hassle she looked up at Morris and quietly spoke "Thank you Capt'n Morris. And thank you too Roll" she held the drink in two hands that he gave her. she tried being careful to take it back to the table. along the serving line one of the lower rank personnel acting as a waiter helped them with bringing their plates and utensils. even pulling Haleys chair out for her and scooting it back in and then the same for Roll. She thought it funny to watch him tiptoe around Larry.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2503 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 22:09

  • msg #501


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1005)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1006)

Lizzy smiled and said," Well if you feel that way, then yes you must find another calling. What do you like doing, see I love to help others when things calm down I want to take Field Medic classes and help more people or myself if I crash in enemy territory. Like I said Izzy I will support you and help you in any way I can, I want you to be with me and help win the war the best way YOU can." Lizzy said that quietly and lovingly into Izzy's ear as they danced.

They danced and after they headed for the drink tables, Lizzy waved and smiled at Harry and Sam as well. When they got thgere Izzy got her a glass of wine , she smiled and replied," This is nice that we can dance and mingle and you dont have to run around and be a reporter. This is a great night Izzy." She held Izzy's hand as she looked around at all the people having a good time, knowing that something was up and the night was young.

Samantha Robertson

player, 627 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 22:16

  • msg #502


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1007)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1008)

Sam smiled took a sip of her drink and replied," Yeah the tension in here is like pea soup, from what I overheard it will be a very interesting evening it has just started." Sam giggled a little and she returned both Izzy's and Lizzy's wave and smile. Sam then turned to Howe and said," I will be back going to say hi to Izzy and Lizzy." Sam gave Howe a kiss on the cheek and headed over towards Izzy and Lizzy.

Sam walked over to her friend and her girlfriend and said," Hello Ladies you both look amazing and I see you are not working the Ball Izzy so you can spend the evening with Lizzy that is awesome." Sam took a sip of her drink and smiled at both Izzy and Lizzy.

Harriet Lynch

player, 2580 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 22:42

  • msg #503


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1009)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1010)

”Well forgive me for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend!” Harry snapped back as Will flounced of in a sulk feeling just a little hurt by the way he’d reacted to a rather straight forward question. To make matters worse Cora and Ellen chose that moment to make an appearance with Harry having to bite back her initial response to Cora’s question ”Apparently I went to a lot of trouble dressing up for someone who would rather spend time with everyone but me” she said in a cool voice as she wondered how quickly she could get changed and find a bar.


Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 22:55

  • msg #504


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1011)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1012)

Cora rolled her eyes,really? You can't see past your own self to see what he has to do?... He didn't asked for any of this..he doesn't even like it..but he knows his job!

Ellen shook her head,..i don't get you..not at all.... cut the guy some slack.. he cares about his job.. and what we have to do in this damn war...

Will lead the Smiling Lady Canamore out to the floor for the next dance. His smile small and polite.

captain Si was standing behind harry at this point , her arms crossed as the two SEC ladies didn't really see her with the movements.


The animals got thier 'tins' of goodies , the servers put them against the walk so no one would trip over the food or animals

Roll saw and nibbled on some 'chickenish' things while looking around..I liked the parties on Bura better


when the new Song started, Shadow and Lyri left the floor to gather a drink and some goodies...

Vinnie asked Beth to Dance, and she shrugged and nodded, as they took the floor. , what's the story with you can Shadow?

he's gotta be my closest guy friend on the ship... and?.. he watches over me...

Vinnie gave a snort, protect you? protect those who get me angry...

he looked at her, the hard stare he recived from her, caused no words to come out of his mouth.

Billie Morrisson

player, 720 posts

Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 04:20

  • msg #505


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1013)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1014)

She enjoyed the dance with Arnie, finding herself admiring his features more often than not and then blushed over it if he caught her. She leaned in for a kiss when the dance came to an end, letting it linger a bit before he guided her off the dance floor. “Well...let’s hope that someone doesn’t come and ruin this. I am enjoying myself though I would love to just...let loose and dance to some fast, heavy music...but I don’t need to be bouncing all over the place...” she laughed and picked up one of the glasses and took a sip.

Roy Spencer

player, 8776 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 06:31

  • msg #506


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1015)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1016)

Roy gave a tired sigh. "Of course he does...someone always does..." He chuckled softly, and added, "It can wait until the end of the song...if it couldn't, he would be walking this way, not looking to see if I was available."

He gave the captain a slight nod, acknowledging that he'd seen him, but continued the dance until the song ended, stepping back to give a slight bow to Captain Messe. "A pleasure. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go see what the captain wants..." He gave a nod, and added, "Hopefully it leaves me enough time to do some more dancing...I owe at least one more dance to someone..." Messe was pleasant enough to dance with...but Dusk had gone to some pains to track him down and ask about being escorted by him, and he definitely felt that the least he could do was deliver on the promised dance. And, he admitted to himself, it was a task that he actually looked forward to, somewhat...

But he knew better than to say any of that to another woman. And he did fully intend to dance with Messe again, as well, before the end of the festivities...

But duty called. With another sigh, this one more resignation than being tired, he turned and approached Captain Muska. "You appear to have something on your mind, Captain," he said with an easy grin. "What can I do for you?"

Henry Christie

player, 3972 posts

Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 10:09

  • msg #507


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1017)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1018)

Henry was picking up contented feelings from Mila and a brief glance in her direction confirmed that she was settled with Larry and Gregor with ample supplies of food.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink, or would you prefer to keep dancing?" he asked Val.

Boy, he was pleased that he'd managed to remember to ask her if she wanted to dance, seeing as she loved it so.

"You're right. These shindigs are as much about politicking and show as they are about having a good time."


Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 15:16

  • msg #508


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1019)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1020)

Muska Grinned his apeish Grin and offered his forearm to Roy, Good evcening SGT MAJ Spencer.. I am here, because we were asked to attened. I believe the Admiral said, we could walk, smile, then go have fun outdoors, or stay as we would like?.... I was supposed to report to a Hermes person.. I chose to report to you...

Captain Tana watched the women in dresses dance , walk and talk, as if she was studing a battlefield.


Val was happy to take a little break,I know it sounds bad of me to say so, but i enjoy these balls. It gives one a chance to escape ... though there always seems to be something 'exciting' happen


With a Bit of a chuckle, Arnie says,well, there will be some folks bouncing for certain... I give in about 20 minutes or so, before The Admiral Tells Shadow to Unleash Hemsly...

he take a could berries in put in a small bowl bark yellow and bright purple berries.

bit of a history lesson...when the scots came on board they had 80 people.. strutted a bit and hemsly was 'picked' to fight the LC.. i guess, sorta like a 'champion' thing?.. Shadow won, damn near killed Hemsly, the SM stopped him..but... those two are great friends now?..I wager to say, either one of them would take a bullet for the other.


McCloud and Cat moved across the floor, they seemed more the able to enjoy the softer dance music.


Will danced with Lady Canamore who seemed to be talkign softly, and seriously, he head turning every so often, so anyone who thought they might be able to read lips would be foiled.


Howe looked over at Sam talking with Izzy and Lizzy, turnign his back as he asked for another drink and got some kind of 'mellon stick' that couple be eaten with very little mess.

Fitz came over with Chatty Smith, they both got crinks and started to chat with Howe.


Shadow finally escaped and reached the safety fo the food tables...for now. His eyes would scan the upper risers of the steps that led down to the Ballroom floor. noting the movement of the Iron Guard.

GiGi and Steele came over, they seemed to be having fun...Hey LC? long do we have to stay at the party?

Shadow sipped his drink of some kinds Aqra fruit , started at the over the rim of his glass... then said,we're gonna crank it up soon..but you guys can always go outside....or change and go back to the beach...but Steele. Don't be a dumbass.. if you go to her place, not only won't i be ale to stop the hammer from coming down... I won't even try...

Steele nodded, Gigi looked miffed.

..Look? Gigi?..almost everyone one in this building, kills people for a living. Its what we do, one way or the other..some times? A bunch of ways!....and out there isn the dark..there are people ..just like us, who do the same thing, 'cept, they are bad guys...don't make thier job easy..

Gigi sighed , the two had a quick drink , before returning to the dance floor


Mitch and Nikki took thier time at the table, There was a bit of a smile on Mitch's face.shouldn't be much longer before the music pumps up.


Vaka and Meari tried to Dance. the sight was rather comical , and Vaka was clearly out of his Depth..he stared around at the Unifroms that seem to have more metal then cloth, and his unifrom only had a few pins.

Roy Spencer

player, 8778 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 16:35

  • msg #509


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1021)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1022)

Roy grinned and nodded. "Well, I'm honored to be chosen as your point of contact," he responded, before stepping in a little closer.

"Enjoy yourself...but not too much. There are some big changes coming up...some of which are going to be extremely unpopular with many of the people here. Whether there will be trouble or not is anybody's guess...but based on our track record at these things, I'm guessing there will be. It'd be wise to stay at least a little ready for trouble." The words were low, not a whisper but certainly not loud enough to carry much further than Muska and Tana.


Wed 4 Nov 2020
at 19:44

  • msg #510


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1023)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1024)

yes, Tana wants to take part in the Ball inside , first. She hears women speak of such things... We will be here, but then we go outside where Ape Folks can celebrate! There is a Deep chuckle as the Ape Folks Captain claps Roy on the shoulder.

The Undenese-ish Captain had left Dusk to Dance with NO-CA whose green Angel Skin set her aprat from every one but He-La DR -NO and any green folk that Sarah brought in.

Dusk stood Near Shadow he was talkign but looking away, she had a sly smile on her face as she sipped her drink.


Admiral St Gaul took a break from dancing with 'worthies' to walk among the guests with a drink in hand. She stopped at The Admiral and asked,..this seems , very quite for havign all these...fleet

There was a Grin on Hack's face as he sipped from his own drink, I am a 'Fleet People'...

she waved a dismissive hand, are indeed....I do not see why it was so necessary yo bring the Iron Guard to Everest.. you dealt with alot of the main problems, did you not?

No, Admiral, not all. But I am hoping to rectify that soon.

My people could have settled the rest down... I would have made sure of that.....

Yes.... do you know Aqra is havign problems with the Southern hemisphere...seems the locals..that is to say..APF folks who settled there before we invaded, are causing some problems, as they seems to have a 'working relationship' with the Aqra. The troops have to fight them, almost as often as the Aqra.... I guess the Aqra, in turn, don't eat them, and allow them to fish and Hunt other water creatures?... one might say, it is alot like tribute...

..well... you need a firmer hand down there..getting paid off to help the enemy? that is no way for APF folk to be!

Hack sipped and smiled, then nodded emphatically ,..That's Just what I said..I am glad you agree!

Of Course Oliver!... The Fleet has to keep the APF safe!

Melia Kristensen

player, 2677 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 00:39

  • msg #511


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1025)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1026)

"Thank you Ma'am." Orria answered politely.

Melia contented herself to dance with Zob, senses still alert. She returned a few of the stares with withering challenging stares of her own. But kept focused on both Zob and the rest of the room. Her gut instincts still trying to sus out the nature of the danger she was to some degree anticipating. Was it just so common a thing at balls that she automatically assumed something was going down? She wasn't sure but she saw the fight on the beach over vid and got Orria's account and as such she refused to settle until she knew the true purpose of the Iron Guard and where they stood.

Sarah McKeon

player, 524 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 00:41

  • msg #512


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1027)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1028)

Sarah smiled gently enjoying the dance. "Where I grew up we didn't have to many dances, so I've picked up a few. The paradise style is... well makes some of the old movies on Jane Austen appear lively." She danced some more keeping an eye where the board had gathered and split from. Wanting to be present if it appeared the Delta decision makers were gathering.

Hawkeye Price

player, 505 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 00:41

  • msg #513


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1029)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1030)

Catrina chuckled, "Sure we all know Shadow's gonna get into it at some point the trick is figuring out how long the fuse lasts. I predict before we get halfway through the ball as it were scheduled something will go down. Though a real bet would be trying to pick the time in the evening down to the minute. Run a pool, 2 cred entry. Winner take all." She explains following Rolf out to the floor.

She lets herself melt into Rolf's arms floating along as he leads her body close to his, just enjoying the moment.

Roy Spencer

player, 8779 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 03:18

  • msg #514


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1031)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1032)

Roy gave another grin. "I suspect things outside will be far less formal...and a lot more fun. I can think of a few hundred other things I'd rather be doing right now..." And in that moment, his voice took on the unfeigned growl of the professional soldier stuck in decidedly non-soldierly activities.

Then he caught a glimpse of Dusk, and his mood softened slightly. "Of course, there's nothing that says that it has to be completely miserable," he observed, and gave a grin. "Please enjoy yourself, Captain. ready, as well." He gave a knowing grin, and a nod, as he added, "Now, if you'll excuse me...I believe there's another Captain that is expecting a few moments of my time..."

He drifted over to Dusk, a grin on his face as he said, in a low voice, "I've seen that expression before. Your dad gets it every time he's about to make trouble for someone that he considers too caught up in the gravity of their position..." A carefully subdued laugh colored his tone, and he spoke in a voice low enough that Shadow could hopefully not hear him over the background noise of everything else going on.

"Before you drop a match in that powder keg, could I get my dance? Before things go all to hell and I can no longer relax and enjoy it?" He gave a crooked grin as he extended a hand.

Billie Morrisson

player, 721 posts

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 04:14

  • msg #515


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1033)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1034)

Billie chuckled as she wrapped an arm around Arnie’s waist, happy to be able to spend some time with him where neither one had to worry. “I can only hope to form such friendships here,” she said with a smile, nuzzling his neck. “Then again, I still feel like that outsider you know? The Spa day was nice but I didn’t really engage in any conversation mainly because of the topics of choice so…I don’t feel like I made any huge gains in friendship there.” There was a small shrug. In all honesty, it didn’t bother her too much. She had long accepted the fact that she was just not destined to have a ton of friends or maybe she just hadn’t found the right group. There were those who played football that she could try and befriend or maybe find those who were into the same kind of dancing that her and Arnie were into…


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 04:34

  • msg #516


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1035)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1036)

Muska and Tana moved off to wait for the next song as Tana was giving Muska instructions on how he was to move..

Dusk smiled a bit bigger....Father Think the Captain Levus is not the right person to be around me... The Captain wanted to challenge Shadow to a sword fight of honor. The Captain walked away because of the laughter...not Father's..Mine... she Giggled and Followed Roy out onto the floor.

..I liked The Captain, he was 'unafraid

As the band started the new song,' on Granmod?... When I told father that, he said... " that's just makes him more stupid then i thought"... be that as it may? I have no escort the rest of the Night?..I will have to rely on the Dress to draw a partner or two?

Shadow relaxed a Bit.. Captain Levus looked like he was going to Leave NO-CA to 'cut in'. Shadow just gave a shake of his head, and the Undenese fellow found himself empty Handed as NO-Ca walked away .

Luke and betsy walked over to Shadow...LC>,,, Cross says you have something to do with making the music more like dancing?

An eyebrow raised as he looked at the two....He learns quick? Yeah..But i can't just 'do it' The Admiral gives me a heads up, then Hemlsy does a DJ take over thing, and it starts from there.... don't worry..its Coming.

..and..for what its worth, I'd like to say i'm sorry for busting you two up...but i can't, I'd be lying... when you took that cheap shot..I wanted to make sure every one of your were 'med -tech' worthy, before i quit.

Luke looked at the ground, nodding a bit,, betsy said,you make it sound like you don['t think we would have taken you down? her voice was stiff.

you two were doing anything ... I would have been on your LT, and that would have left 2...because your Med tech was worried about you drowning... and?.. if something would have Happened your buddies would have taken me down, there were 20 people that would have made sure i didn't get hurt... he sipped his drink.

20? there was like 50 people and those lizards there... Luke said.

Shadow nodded,..yeah? well.. there's folks who would have liked to see me get my ass kicked too... he loked at them with the co*cky smile.

The Luke and betsy started to laugh, and so did Shadow, Luke shook his hand , as did Betsy, and they went off to get another drink.


Well..Ensign? I'd say you'er in a decent place to live lng enough to collect a few friends. You just gotta hope the friends you collect, don't get you killed. arnie shrugged and popped a few berries in his Mouth, popping a couple sweet Yellows ones in Billie's.


Suits were gettign a bit 'less demanding ' now as people Danced, One fellow was at the end of the Table between Shade's area and where Shadow watched the dancers.. he would talk to people, but he kept an eye on Shadow

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2878 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 05:00

  • msg #517


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1037)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1038)

Nikki finally picked out a few items to nosh on, including chicken cordon bleu balls and a Burian yellow & pink slaw. She made sure she had a few extra napkins as she grabbed utensils. "Shall we sit with Roll and Haley or just near by?" she asked Mitch as she asked for a glass of a bubbly apple cider. She wanted to make sure Jax and Sneak had opportunity to dance as well.

Roy Spencer

player, 8780 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 05:06

  • msg #518


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1039)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1040)

Roy leaned back far enough to look Dusk in the eyes. "Anyone who comes to escort you because of your dress, rather than who you are, doesn't deserve the time you'd spend with them. You're not only one of the most dangerous captains in the Fleet, but you'd be stunning in anything."

He gave her a bit of a grin, as he returned to their normal dancing posture. "That said, I do like the dress. And if the Captain's ego is so brittle that he can't handle you laughing at him, he deserves the beating he'd get from Shadow. He physically stronger, but I wouldn't bet anything against Shadow with a blade..."


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 05:28

  • msg #519


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1041)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1042)

Dusk smiled coyly,.... thank you, i do have trouble finding someone to spend time with? Some think they does Father say it..' fast track' through me..... others , i think, play a game with the half-human, see who might be able to win the prize..

..Captain Levus was hand picked as a Gunnery Captain.... I think he wants his own ship..

She lays her head on Roy's shoulder....but that is something i do not have to worry about at this time...


Mitch shook his head a bit,..let the kids be 'big people' for a while, we can see them.. we got largs here... we even got a Shadow around here someplace..hard to tell where he is , wheh some one isn't getting punched out... Relax....

Roy Spencer

player, 8781 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 05:49

  • msg #520


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1043)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1044)

Roy chuckled softly. "Our lives give us enough things to worry about as it is...I'm quite content being what and who I am. I can only imagine the challenges of being the youngest captain in the Fleet...being Lillit's grandmod..." He gave a soft snort, and added, "Being Shadow's kid..."

A small laugh escaped him as he continued, "Right now, for this moment, none of that matters, okay? We're Here, dancing to some pleasant, slow music and enjoying each other's company." His hands adjusted slightly, from the formally proper position they'd started in to something a little warmer and more intimate, half holding her to maintain proper dance position and half hugging her reassuringly.

Henry Christie

player, 3973 posts

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 13:13

  • msg #521


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1045)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1046)

Henry ensured that Val was supplied with whatever tidbits caught her fancy and got her a drink before putting together a bowl of slaw and greens for himself and snagging a glass of wine.

"Shall we go over by Mila and Larry. I don't want her to feel left out. Balls aren't really a doggie thing, yet I'm expected to bring her."


player, 678 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 13:53

  • msg #522


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1047)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1048)

Meari danced with Vaka, she didn't care how it looked she wanted Vaka to have fun. After a fast dance Meari smiles and says,You did great Vaka, I am having a great time, lets get some food and drink shall we. Meari would lead them to the tables. Meari smiked and said,I am so glad you made it, lets have fun and enjoy the Ball.


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 13:58

  • msg #523


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1049)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1050)

Val nodded as she sipped her drink and they walked towards the Beasties...well? They don't quite treat them as animals , do they. I mean, they come to parties, they fight, they have jobs?

Larry looks up from the Bin, smacking his lips and thumps his tail a Bit as Henry and Val approach.


Dusk seems to relax a bit as the the dance hoes on..and it bleeds into the next slow dance..

She talks into Roy's shoulder,..Grandmod asked if i wanted to transfer to the Hermes once. So i could be near Father and Shade? But i could not do that..somewhere areounf, 30 people on our ship, came with me from the ship i took over Command at The Battle of The Field..I could not leave them behind, and make them feel as if they were 'unimportant'...

there is a metallic giggle,...if i did come here.. Father would have me wearing Light boarding armor , every hour of the ship's clock!


Sneak and Jax did take the time to Dance, they never moved too far away from where Roll and Haley sat, but they were 'on thier own', a bit.

Roll was eating and Lookign around. Some people looked at them and smiled, others just dismissed them.


One older lookign fellow, maybe 1st Gen Station builder, stopped with a woman on his arm.

..Hello?... Are You a Mascot?

Roll rubbed his mouth with a napkin and stood up, the fellow went to wave him down , with a smile.

..No Sir, Mr Shadow said, you always stand to shake a person's hand, 'less they're jerks.. he offered his hand to the Man, who smiled with a bit of a tilt of his ehad and shook Roll's Hand.

..Can i present, the Lady Haley, she is my Escort and helps with my larg training. I am a LArg Master Cadet...

Oh..Really..? both smiled at Roll as they Nodded hello's to Haley. I supposed that smaller one is yours?... do you train the bigger one too? the woman gave a sidelong Glance at her husband. hiding a quiver of a smile.

A voice behind them, Lyri, said,.. Cadet Roll?... why don't you Introduce the Largs...

the two people looked at a sweet smiling Lyri, the fellow may have looked a little longer...

Larry, Gregor? Mila.. Come here , please...

Larry looked up and that at his bowel, he snorted and Nudged Gregor with his Snout.. Larry Ambled to wards the , gregor strutted in his vest and Mila came with.

Rubbing Larry's snout , with the Big larg turnign his head to have more area rubbed...this one Is Larry..he's in charge of the Hermes Largs... the smaller one is Gregor,,he's mine..and he is a cadet too..learning how to attack and eat people when there are shooting stuff going on... This is Mila..she's not a Larg.. she's Doc Henry's puppy, she is really smart too.

The woman says,..the bigger one.. seems to be staring at us?

Yeah... he does that... I think he is tryign to figure out if you are good guys or bad guys..Larry eats bad guys..well..sometimes. He normally hasta wait until one of us says he can?...but..if he gets mad enough he'll eat first and thump his tail...

The Man and woman look at the two kids and the Larg that the little boy is rubbing , one snap and half of Roll would be gone, but here is no worry from him.

Gregor is too little yet to eat lotsa folks, so he has ta just bite off arms and legs and things... he'll get bigger though, he's bigger then when we first got him!


Vaka smiled a bit lookign around, he did see some Occui who were dressed up, either in uniform , or dresses and is good.. I don't know what to do here.. i have never been at a Ball...I haven't even been a Guard at one.


player, 545 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 15:46

  • msg #524


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1051)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1052)

Mila got up and trotted over, wagging her tail obligingly at the mention of her name.

Roy Spencer

player, 8782 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 17:25

  • msg #525


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1053)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1054)

Roy chuckled. "He might...but if you were there all the time, he might also see that you can take care of yourself. Shade has demonstrated that in front of him, several times over, so Shadow doesn't worry too much about him." He paused for a moment, considering his words, before continuing.

"But he keeps seeing you at these things with escorts who don't respect him, or Shade...and that implies that they don't respect you, completely, either. And that worries him. He never expected to be a dad, at least not at this point in life, and he definitely didn't expect his children to mature so quickly. And I don't think his background involved being around that many girls when he was growing up...he hasn't really had a strong example of how to treat a daughter, and most of the women he knew before getting into the ESN were either someone to be protected or someone trying to exploit people. Since you're not in the latter category...and in his mind, you're still his little girl, he's protective. He doesn't want you hurt...and not just physically. He means well, but...well, subtlety has never really been his style of dealing with people."

He paused for a moment, before changing the topic slightly...he was, himself, still struggling a bit with the notion that Dusk was no longer 'Shadow's little girl'. "It's good of you to stay for those who came with you. A lot of officers forget that loyalty works both ways...your troops are most loyal to you when you're loyal to them. That's one of the hallmarks of a good command officer...and, I'm sure, is part of the reason your Grandmod has kept you in the Captain's chair there. Politically, it would be quite a reward to give her oldest, best captains, being in command of her flagship...she'd rather have a captain who values the people she's serving with over the position itself."


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 18:10

  • msg #526


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1055)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1056)

Dusk answered in a tired Voice,...that may be true. I think it is because she wants me in sight! there was another small chuckle.

..I have heard people, when they do not know i am around, or do not know who i am. Though, it would seems impossible not to Know who Shade and I are?. Bit...Some people.. I mean..of all races fear Father... others show, out right contempt? and a small hand full think he is very good?... I do not know how he handles all that, wondering if every face he meets whats to shake his hand, or shake his throat!

..I get a little of that myself.... Granmod, as many who fear her.. i do not know how many 'want to be her friend'


Mila gets looked at By the woman who crouches a bit so she doesn't spill out of her this is the type of beast one should have on a ship!

Harriet Lynch

player, 2581 posts

Upstart Pilot

Call Me Harry

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 18:17

  • msg #527


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1057)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1058)

"Me!? All I wanted to know was whether I would get to spend anytime know what, forget it, I know what this is really about...So why don't you ladies make your move and see what happens" Harry replied in a cool voice as she alternately looked from one woman to the next "Now, If you will excuse me I'm off to enjoy myself" she said with a dangerously sweet smile before turning and heading for the door.


Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 18:39

  • msg #528


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1059)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1060)

Cora Just gave a laugh.Yeah.. That's all... no worries about what he has to do,,, Ellen, shook her head as they stood there waiting for
Will.Entitled rich bitch....parents EDT... sisters EDT...

Captain Si eyed Harry as she walked past, a very disappointed look on her face.

Will was chatting with Lady Canamore and some suits, and didn't see Harry storm off.


player, 2948 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 18:56

  • msg #529


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1061)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1062)

In reply to Melia Kristensen (msg # 511):

Zob continued to dance with her but slowed down a bit as he sensed how alert she was, "You feel it to eh?" he asked her quietly as he took a look around the room, "Something is certainty not right here"

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6545 posts

field engineer

Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 22:48

  • msg #530


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1063)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1064)

[flexed a bit] Garrat waves to Morris and moves closer. "Good day sir. This promises to be an interesting evening. I hope the day has been well for you." He keeps Teela close on his arm. It is unclear whether he is supporting her through lingering weakness of just wants her that close.


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 00:11

  • msg #531


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1065)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1066)

Morris steps over away from the Kids and animals, he sees Harry Moving off.,..The Day.. Quite... nice day at the beach... hot shower and dressed up for the Balls... rather good food here , i should say.

His eyes look to Teela , perhaps Judging her flight availability, or just honest interest. The day should be getting a bit more interesting here shortly


Motioned for Shadow to come over as they both cast an eye in Admiral hack's direction
Captain Si

Hack smiled and nodded, , and Shadow excused himself past there , would-be conversations as he called brooks away from a Felrite female, and Hemsly away from Maria and Scarlet,who were talkign with Shoey.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6546 posts

field engineer

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 00:41

  • msg #532


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1067)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1068)

"Indeed, the mercenary commander I traded shots with last night is supposed be here. I get the feeling this is not going to be a good night for him, but I will be polite as he lost more men than I did and speaking respectfully with an enemy after such a conflict is an opportunity I'm not likely to get again."


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 00:57

  • msg #533


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1069)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1070)

Morris looked down at his Boots , nodding his head, then slowly back up the Garrat...... Those people..committed crimes far above , petty pirates..They will, of course, pay a hefty price.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6547 posts

field engineer

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 02:53

  • msg #534


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1071)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1072)

"I'm not saying they don't deserve to die slowly and horribly, I'm just going to enjoy picking the Commander's head before they do...if I get the chance."

Garrat shakes his head, "Wish I'd known about your boarding peculiarities, but my mistake there probably saved the rest of those kids, out of sheer luck and quick thinking on the Admirals part. "

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2879 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 03:13

  • msg #535


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1073)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1074)

Haley nodded hello when introduced. She had a mouth full of food and knew better than to talk with a full mouth. She let Roll really do the talking. She saw Mitch and Nikki a few tables over and Jax and Sneak dancing close by. So she felt fairly safe.

Nikki sat with Mitch. They ate the food, it was not bad but Nikki felt like it was not 'Homemade' so to speak. It had that 'made in a factory' taste. She still ate it. She chatted with Mitch and anyone who wanted to talk with them. She did see Harry leave the party in a rather ruffled rush. She'd talk to her later about it and decided to let her cool off first.

Billie Morrisson

player, 722 posts

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 03:36

  • msg #536


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1075)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1076)

Billie ate the yellow berries, appreciating the sweetness. “I mean…I hope I can. Man…who would have thought that making friends would be this hard? You are not trying to get me killed…right?” she grinned, clearly just teasing him. There was a part of her that had hoped that her and Harry could become actual true friends since Billie was her wingman but she seemed to keep a wall up, which, given her history, Billie supposed she could understand. She was also not the type to try and force herself into people’s lives. “I think I should make it a point to try and get to know everyone a little better…I dunno. This is hard.”


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 04:06

  • msg #537


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1077)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1078)

Morris's left eyebrow raised,..I think, if you ask him, The Admiral will admit to not having been on your bridge...I should say you took a steep chance with a crew who had little in the way of combat under thier belt. The Commodore is the one You should speak with. It was here ships on rotation, she sent out, so they were already at cruise speed.. he nodded to Garrat.


Mitch smiled,..see, isn't this better the fussing over everything... relax. Those kids have , like..150 dads and moms here..or at least, uncles and aunts..


Arnie gives her a squeeze,..first thing you do?.. find folks who want to win this war...look for those who are out there fighting, you know? Barring that? Just find folks you like to be around. But you'er not gettign through this war, hiding in your quarters. The last guy broke down and was transferred out

Billie Morrisson

player, 723 posts

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 04:08

  • msg #538


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1079)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1080)

"Oh come on now...I am not hiding in my room. I joined the football team...I need to talk to Shadow about setting up a time and days for additional training...I am trying," she smiled, kissing his neck.


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 04:32

  • msg #539


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1081)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1082)

Shadow started walking to raised platform where the Band and Vid machine was set.. hemsley and Brooks were grinning as they began setting up the Vid Box..

some woman shouted, " There he goes!"

Shadow grinned and Pointed in her Direction.. Hemsly tossed him the Mic... Shadow climbed two of the steps and Pointed to Will.. will shook his head, but Cora and Ellen grabbed him but the arms, laughing as they Pulled him up tot he steps... they started to retreat, and Shadow shook his head,Oh no..You two Stay... I need two Volu....

Beth and Brivet where next to Shadow before he could finish and people were Laughing.

Flores waggled a finger at Brivet who simply Posed with Shadow, one leg in the air giggling...

CE-VA was having a ball sending out the live Vids.

Right?.. Normally i come up and get Embarrassed by myself.. But... We have the EMH here! he's gonna do this with me, and these nice ladies are going to help us!

Now, hemsly and brooks are going work with the band guys, get some slow dancing in, These ladies didn't go through all this work to look hot, just to prance by themselves so... we'll start this off.. then lets turn this into a party!

The Music started.. Will was a little shaky, and Shadow laughed and got them to start the song again, and they Both started to get into it while the Ladies did thier part to help and and get the crowd into it..

Dusk smiled and grabbed Roy's hand to Have him Jump with her a as she clapped witht he beat,

Shade nodded to orria and they squeezed throught eh crowd..

Cora and Beth sang " I know that we'll have a Ball,if we get down , go out and just lose it all.."
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:43, Fri 06 Nov 2020.

Roy Spencer

player, 8783 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 05:17

  • msg #540


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1083)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1084)

Roy grinned and looked down at Dusk as she finished explaining her dilemma with not knowing how people felt. "That's one advantage to having a reputation as one of the meanest old bastards in the Fleet...people who don't genuinely like me rarely even approach me. I mean, even Colonel Cummings, who is as close to friendly to me as anyone I've seen him interact with, is still painfully conscientious about maintaining proprieties whenever we meet. But you compare the ground troopers, who actually have to work with me, with the pilots...who, aside from Shadow and one or two others, either seem to avoid me or minimize their contact with me." He chuckled a little.

"Best way to wind up with people around you who like you for who YOU are, and not for what your position or your connections happen to be, is to not worry much about what they think of you. Do your job, do it well, be fair to everyone until they prove they don't deserve it, and don't take yourself too seriously. Don't accept anyone at face value...don't chase them off, but let them show you who they really are before you become friendly with them." He shrugged slightly, and added, "It's not the most sociable way to live...and it doesn't work for everyone. But if you're in a position of authority...or if you have really important connections that could be've gotta keep a secure perimeter until people show you that they're sincerely friendly, and not just looking for another stepping stone."

The music wrapped up at that point, and he stepped back and inclined his upper body to her, in a semi-playful bow, holding one hand in his. For a moment, he seemed to be deciding something...then he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it gently.

And at that point, someone pointed out Shadow setting up, and Roy grimaced and rolled his eyes slightly...but brought Dusk's hand into the crook of his elbow, until the music started and she grabbed his hand. He started jumping...but the medals on his chest jangled, and he satisfied himself with standing with feet planted and pumping his fist in the air to the beat, a grin on his face as he watched Will's discomfiture with the attention focused on him.


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 06:26

  • msg #541


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1085)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1086)

People where laughing , frans Shouted ONE MORE!!

Alright.. Me and Will one more with the Ladies backing up..then its time for Dancing!

Shadow talked to will, they would alternate lines while the Girls did backup..

Shadow and Will sorta go into it a Bit, Jumping on the stage while the Girls sang a step under them

Captain Si and The Admiral where next to Roy and Dusk Clapping..with Dusk adding her own 'Bombs away" to the shouts.

After the Song was Over, Shadow Gave Will a one-armed Hug As folks clapped , Cora and Ellen kept Will on the flor for the next some to dance, and Shadow couldn't escape either.

many of the folks would shout out the refrain


player, 679 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 11:53

  • msg #542


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1087)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1088)

Meari smiled at Vaka and said," Well just have fun and enjoy the Ball, you can go talk to the Occui and get to know them Vaka." Then the singing and dancing started and Meari watched clapped and sang along.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2510 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 19:34

  • msg #543


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1089)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1090)

Lizzy smiled at Sam as she walked over and said Hi, she then replied," Yes we are having a great evening thank you Sam. Also Sam thank you for what the Burian fleet did to help Garret and save Izzy." Lizzy gave Sam a hug and then went to Izzy and said," Well looks like things are about to get started." She saw the LC head for the Vid machine.

Lizzy smiled and had fun with the songs, Lizzy smiled and waved to Will as he went up to sing, she looked for Harry, she didnt see Harry storm out of the Ball. Lizzy smiled at Izzy and they began to dance and have as much fun as possible.

Samantha Robertson

player, 628 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 19:37

  • msg #544


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1091)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1092)

Sam smiled at Lizzy hugged her and said," That is great you two get to spend the Ball together, oh it was nothing we had a patrol that ran into them and just glad we could help, and we got Izzy treatment as fast as possible." Sam blushed a little she did do her best to get Izzy the best care possible and all her transportation back to the Condo.

Whenb the music started and Izzy and Lizzy went to have fun, Sam moved over to Steve and began joining in on the dancing, singing and having a great time.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2880 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 20:34

  • msg #545


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1093)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1094)

She smiled at Mitch "I know...and I know I am not her birth mother too. But I've known the family since I was younger than her. I can't help taking care of her if I can. She's seen a whole buncha ugly." she glanced at her "She doesn't know everyone like she knows me. And for a 5 year old little Earth girl that can be terrifying" she looked back at Mitch as Shadow and Will began singing "I'm doing my best to give her a better shot at living and to take care of herself should anything happen" she took a bit of what she thought to be spanakopita.

Roy Spencer

player, 8785 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 20:40

  • msg #546


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1095)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1096)

Roy grinned a bit as he watched Dusk out of the corner of his eye. For all that she had matured quickly, physically, she was very reminiscent of a teen girl back on Earth...complaints about an over-protective father, a definite love of music, and irrepressible energy. Out of respect for the uniform, he was a bit less energetic about getting into the music than she was...but he certainly added his voice to the chorus. It was untrained, musically...but definitely a more pleasant tone than when he was barking out instructions to troops.


Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 21:52

  • msg #547


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1097)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1098)

As the Vid Machines played faster Dance Music, Hemsly and the Band director were working out when the Band would play slower Dance Music.

as the Dancing went on , Heavier foods were brought in for a more , fillign meal along with sides.

Those in the courtyard were also getting the same food.. Beef from Bura..Birds fro Astra, and bear-like creatures from The delta Colonies, dressed and cooked as the Mulls tradition holds.


Machins, not to be outdone By SHadow, took up the Mic,..I know I'm new to the hermes, But The Lady who came in on my arm isn't ... so this song is for here...and all you Ladies in your dresses and Unifrom!

A lot of the Ladies clapped as Gia, did her part by strutting in her short , Angel silk dress


after that Song the Band Played a slow Dance, more? before you go do SGT MAJ things?, of course , Dusk pulling him out onto the floor, narrowed his answer choices.


Stefi was surprised by Shadow as he took the drink out of her hand and escorted her to the floor.

someone pay you? she asked as she put her hand on his shoulder.

its an assassination attempt , they figure i ruin your feet bad enough you wouldn't make it up the stairs

She smiled slightly,..I thought it might be something like that!

Mitch stood up and offered a hand, to Niki to see if she felt like another slow one.


Arnie didn't give Billie much of a choice as he ushered her out onto the floor when the BAnd struck the cord to signal a slower dance song.


Val Looked at henry with a hopeful eye as the music slowed.


Howe came over and hustled Sam off...She'll catch up alter...


Roy Spencer

player, 8790 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 00:03

  • msg #548


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1099)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1100)

Roy grinned. "AT LEAST one more. Whether we get more beyond that is largely up to the Admiral and when he decides it's time to take care of business." He moved readily to the dance floor with her and easily slipped into a dance position with her in his arms.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2881 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 03:11

  • msg #549


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1101)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1102)

Using a napkin she cleaned the corners of her mouth, laid it to the side of her plate then reached and took his hand. as she rose Mitch slid the chair out for her. The scooted back in when she was clear. Quietly they moved to the dance floor.

Samantha Robertson

player, 629 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 05:28

  • msg #550


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1103)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1104)

Sam smiled, and said," Ok where are we going." Sam went with Howe to wherever he was taking her.

Henry Christie

player, 3974 posts

Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 10:51

  • msg #551


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1105)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1106)

"Are you done eating for now?" Henry asked Val. He put his plate aside, no doubt he could find some more of that delicious salad later.

"Would you like to dance again?"


Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 18:31

  • msg #552


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1107)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1108)

Val stand and takes Henry's Hand,we have all night to eat, Dancing happens so seldom... they enter the dance floor.

two slow songs later, there was a Brief Announcement. Guests have arrived.. Captain Frank Sefts...(tall bonde haired man),LT Ming-Ti ( shorter Female long black hair, Asian )... LT Harely Bogs..(dark Haired Male).. and SGT Franny May, ( Black female)

Admiral Hack took the Mic, and began to speak,..This is the Command group of the 'freighter' called The Mouse. They are here to have a bit of respite before thier sentencing ..which..has already been Conducted, but will be revealed later ....

He Looks around the Ball room,..SEC will...NOT..permit them to leave the Building... Please Continue on...

The Music started up again by the Band , while Hemsly and Brooks set up several songs to be played.

Captain Sefts had a co*cky grin, they wore red vests over thier 'dress uniforms' that they were permitted to retrieve. Sefts had a EMS Uniform... Ming-Ti had a Chinese Space Navy unifrom... Harly Bog had a Sol System Navy uniform. And Bogs wore a ESN Marine Uniform.

Hack approached Captain Sefts,I see all your people have some sort of Uniform...

Some of us , left our services , some were recruited from them... Lady V isn't picky whom comes to her side, as long as they serve the cause.

And what cause is that, Captain?

..Human Race first..let aliens beat and eat each other, as well as the Human race wins in the end.

..and the kids you feed to the Empire?

I don't feed them, i send them tom where Lady V wants them to go. don't send them? they don't die...

..same could be said for you, Admiral.. you send 1000's to thier deaths , every jump don't sound so superior

My people have a chance to fight back, and..i take part in Jump offs when i can... when you lay on a buffet table and have slices cut off you, you can say stupid comments like that..

Billie Morrisson

player, 724 posts

Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 06:27

  • msg #553


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1109)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1110)

Arnie had no problems pulling Billie onto the dance floor with Billie clearly enjoying herself as she danced with her arms around him and eventually, laying her head on his shoulder. The announcement had taken her attention for a brief moment but when the music resumed, she looked back to Arnie. “Are you having fun?” she asked with a soft smile.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6550 posts

field engineer

Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 10:34

  • msg #554


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1111)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1112)

Garrat nods, "Then it appears I was mistaken, I was monitored transmissions and a very specific message came through ordering the mercenary crew to surrender without sacrificing the children. It was very carefully stated and sounded like one of Hacks promises that left out vital details in a misleading way."

Garrat's eyes narrow as the Mouses crew came in, "As for the crew, your right, they are green, but I was... mistaken in thinking I could board immediately. I had a Hermese gava unit, my own Gava unit, a furry unit, and a pair of Naragrans, each well trained in their own unit and capable of boarding."

He aproaches and catches the conversation.

Henry Christie

player, 3975 posts

Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 11:28

  • msg #556


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1113)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1114)

Henry took Val in his arms. He preferred more private cuddles, but he'd make do with a dance floor, especially as she enjoyed dancing so much. He murmered soft endearments into her ear as they danced the slow dances.


Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 14:43

  • msg #557


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1115)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1116)

Val smiled she seemed more relaxed then ever. And it was plain to see she loved her dress.


The Command staff from The Mouse moved away from thier Captain , seekign out drinks or food, watching all the Ladies and in Franny Case, men.

Shadow stopped by Briggs,'re damn lucky up to this point. You hid behind kids..that time is over...

Briggs snorted,fucvk off , fly boy, i ain't scared of dying..or being in a prison Colony..i won't be there long...

Shadow just clapped him on the shoulder...Lotsa stuff worse then're gonna wish you would have let the mercs board you... and he walked off, before Mara intercepted him, and they danced a slow dance.


Will Danced with Cora, and Ellen..Scarlet snuck one in, and Captain Si ( who whispered an apology to him) danced with CE-VA takign vids for the news feed.

some of the Dresses were waiting to get a dance as they talked to thier escorts.


Dusk smiled at Roy,we can get a drink? and you can find an excuse to escape me for a bit? she smiled.

Roll and Haley moved off the flor while the 2nd in a string of slow dances started, they drank their cold drinks and nibbled.


Shade Danced with Maira and some SEC ladies, and was starting the 2nd slow dance with Orria


The Admiral Had to excuse himself as he was asked to dance, by some woman's Husband, because she was too shy to ask, she was both mortified and happy when The Admiral came over with her Husband and she began to dance

leaving Captain Sefts alone for now.


player, 549 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 16:07

  • msg #558


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1117)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1118)

Mila sat beside Larry, enjoying 'people watching'... and nibbling the odd snack from the bounty that had been provided for Larry, Gregor, and her.

Roy Spencer

player, 8791 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 19:19

  • msg #559


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1119)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1120)

Roy grinned. "I've done my due diligence with Captain Messe, and Admiral Hack doesn't need me yet. When he does, he has a comm. As long as we don't escape too far, certainly...let's do it. I loathe these things, anyway..." He gestured at the whole excessive display of the was one thing to have a grand celebration for a victory...he was still uncomfortable, but it made sense to celebrate. But this was flaunting resources in a gross display of wealth and prosperity, and he'd always lived with the idea that the truly wealthy and powerful didn't have to prove their status. Those who chose to do so always struck him as intensely insecure.

"Lead the way..."


Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 03:25

  • msg #560


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1121)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1122)

Dusk led Rou to the Tables and Picked up some finger food and Got some kind of Astra Wine.

she waited for Roy to get what items he wanted and pointed with her drink to the door... walking up the steps , they Saw a General and 3 Staff officers with a drink in their hands as they watched the goings on .

The Iron Guard patch easy to see, if the uniforms themselves didn't give them away..thier chests well decorated, perhaps not quit as much as Roy or the Admiral, but they weren't far behind.


Shadows Dance with Stefi ended and she gave him a bit of a smile before returning to her drink,.

Going back to the dessert table, he picked up 4 dishes of a creme filled square of cake. putting one down in front of Roll, Haley, Orria and Shade.

I had these on Olympus once..they were really good...


Will sat at a table to rest, he had a soda and some meat things, Coar sat with him, Ellen was dancing with Higgins


Harry was outside the building..somewhere, perhaps headed to the courtyard.


Billie and Arnie danced, it was apparent , he didn't mind , or he even liked to dance... somewhere along the line we should sit down eat a bit.... we have the whole night to go.


Mitch and Nikki danced a bit.. Hemsly was starting thier que of you wanna stay out here, or get a drink.


Rivets and Sarah danded and dranl off and on... depending on the songs, or the crowd.


Cat and McCloud spent a bit more time at the drinks, but would find thier way out to the dance flor once in a Bit.


Outside , the sound of a heavy set of engines were heard.

Roy Spencer

player, 8792 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 03:37

  • msg #561


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1123)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1124)

Roy grabbed a small plate of hors d'oeuvres and something non-alcoholic to drink, and followed Dusk. He saw the General at the top of the stairs...and had an educated guess who it was...but considering that he'd just told Dusk he was setting aside official duties for a moment, he made a mental note to seek them out after their few moments alone. There would, he was quite certain, be plenty of time for official business...

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2882 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 04:41

  • msg #562


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1125)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1126)

she lifted her head off his chest and smiled up at him "I'm good with either. As long as we get a bit of time alone." she swayed a bit in time with the music.


Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 13:43

  • msg #563


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1127)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1128)

Outside another Big Ugly was landing , close to the ESN HQ. because of the size, it had to crush a few hedges, but now one seemed to worry , too awful much.

Roy and Dusk sat on a marble-like , stone bench.. Drop ship Marines began to unload and set up , Three Metal Glass containers, Much like those used in bio-labs to contain living creatures... these where about the size for a Demon... a hover cart came down the ramp as well with a Labcoat following the Maines , and whatever was on the Hover CArt, covered by a heavy tarp.


A captain talked to The Lab Coat and COMed...


Inside the Ballroom, Admiral Hack answered his COM,, he had a dark, satisfied smile on his Face, as he approached Captain Sefts.Tell your people to get thier eats and drinks quickly.. your ride his here... you have 15 minutes

The Captain smiled a bit, we taking the long walk...we have a right to know...

Hack Turned on him his face an inch or two from Sefts,YOU..don't have any all. You should have been fed to the Largs....but, you won't be walkign anywhere, we arranged transport for you...gather your people, we gave you one last shot at food and drink, before you go, that's more then you gave any kids you transported...

CE-VA came over with a look of concern....You COMed?

Yes, in 15 minutes the Mouse's command staff will be leaving, i want you to cover , every second.

..of course, Admiral Hack, already done.

Billie Morrisson

player, 725 posts

Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 14:01

  • msg #564


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1129)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1130)

"Mmmm...just a few more minutes," she said softly, a gentle smile on her lips, a wistful glint in her eyes. After the song ended, Billie leaned in and placed a sweet kiss to his lips. Stepping back, Billie blushed and took him by the hand, heading for the tables with food upon them.

Samantha Robertson

player, 630 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 18:47

  • msg #565


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1131)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1132)

Howe brought Sam to the dance floor and they danced and had a great time. Sam was enjoying herself greatly and after several dances Sam said," I need a drink that was fun Steve, thank you." Sam would then walk with Howe to a drink table away form Lizzy and Izzy.


Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 19:26

  • msg #566


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1133)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1134)

People milled around Suits and Dresses talked to Will more then anyone else, . He handled it will some grace as a newly minted SGT could, tryign to smile, dancing with ladies , while slipping in dances for His crewmates, Ellen and Cora gettign more then most.

Captain Morris danced with Lilit once, as Bale and Miller sp3ent alot of dancing time together.

Roles and Bornberry would spread themselves around , but always find tome to get another slow dance in.

Shadow sat down at a Table, relaxed for the first time in a long while , drinking some kind of Astra fruit juice.

Hemsly fired up a song that had folks get up up and dance a bit faster, , more like shuffle dance.

Roy Spencer

player, 8793 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 01:39

  • msg #567


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1135)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1136)

Roy noticed the containers, making an educated guess that they were intended for use, somehow, in the punishment of the Mouse's command crew. Rather than have the reminder that duty would call again all too soon, he steered them to take seats with their backs to the impending spectacle.

"I don't do this very often," he confessed with an almost-guilty grin. He was smart enough to leave it at that, rather than talk about how getting more individually acquainted with women had consistently blown back in his face when he chose duty over personal devotion...talking about other women at the moment just seemed crass, to him.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2680 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 03:38

  • msg #568


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1137)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1138)

In reply to Roy Spencer (msg # 514):

"So you don't think I'm being overly paranoid then?" She asks softly glancing around and shifting a little closer to Shade and Orria. As she scans the room, Melia growls under her breath seeing Bogs in a marine uniform. As a medic she'd suffered enough grief to earn the prestige of wearing the corps uniform as a member of the navy, the way she saw it Bog's pretty much deserved the death penalty for simply wearing it his other crimes were gravy on the death sentence.

While Shade took his turn with Maria Orria hung out on the side, and then enjoyed the creme cake delivered by Shadow.

Hawkeye Price

player, 506 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 03:38

  • msg #569


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1139)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1140)

In reply to Roy Spencer (msg # 514):

Taking a break from the dancing Hawkeye and Rolf enjoyed some of the various different foods being brought around. She sampled some Burian delicacies, as well as a few other items as they came by some based on earth dishes, and some completely alien. She samples some different liquors enjoying the free quality booze and the party. She wasn't a fool and could feel the tension same as the rest, but for what it was worth, she was going to enjoy the night best she could.

Sarah McKeon

player, 525 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 03:39

  • msg #570


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1141)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1142)

In reply to Roy Spencer (msg # 514):

Sarah had enjoyed the dancing and had joined Rivets off to the side for a rest, she glances at her comm, and sends a quick message. LA-TS nods towards 4 Burian SEC officers in their dress greens dancing but lingering close to the three, as their handlers, and a little assurance that the Mouse's officers... specifically the last of the surviving crew of the Mouse didn't scurry off into a dark corner somewhere. Sarah smirked a little seeing Hack speak with Captain Sefts, she had of course some idea of what was coming. Had LA-TS had her way, which Sarah would have aprroved the leadership of the mouse would have simply starved or slowly suffocated in an airtight sealed cell forgotten by the rest of the universe.


Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 04:27

  • msg #571


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1143)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1144)

Dusk smiled a bit as she offered some of the fried veggies, from..where the 9 hells they were from?

.... This is a rather nice ball. , i do not see much difference . The nicest one was the one on Uden


The time came, and the Admiral asked General Stone and his staff to come down... when they Arrived to Stand By Admiral St Gaul, Admiral Hack, and Captain Si.

... May i have your attention... May i present General Guy Stone, Of The Iron Guard. He and his Corps are here to take up the heavy lifting of Everest SEC and Provide . His first step is to Assist me in the punishment of the Mouse's Command crew,, Please CArry on with the Party, unless you wish to witness it.. there will not be much to see for Now

General Stone gives a hard Nod to the troopers , 4 of them close in on each of the Mouse's command crew, And March the up to the Steps, Admiral Hack makes certain Admiral St Gaul and General Fonte witness.

Shadow has to explain to french chef how to make a chicken sandwich with tomato-ish things on and some kind of blue condiment ... he followd a long with that sandwuch.

CE-VA hustled after with her CAM. The Board and Messe came out , along with Shade and Larry...( and who ever else came out to wacth.

St Gaul Gasped at the crushed hedges and the Big Ugly, Roles just laughed as he heard her swearing in french.


for those staying inside Hemsly cranked up some Music.


player, 680 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 04:37

  • msg #572


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1145)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1146)

Meari listens and smiles and nods at the General, then when the Mouse's crew is taken out, Meari follows. They where the ship that was transporting children and Meari wanted to see what their punishment would be. Meari will move after and try and get a good look at what was going to happen next.

Roy Spencer

player, 8794 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 05:54

  • msg #573


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1147)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1148)

"The ball on Uden was delightful...I mean, aside from the attempted assassination attempt on me and Shadow and Will getting shot up. But, see, on Uden, there was good reason for a ball. We had just liberated Calimate...that was a tough battle, and an even tougher one staring us in the face, so it was time to celebrate the victory and reset ourselves for another battle." He grimaced.

"This?" He gestured at the building, the grounds...everything around them. "This is St. Gaul trying to show off how well Everest has been doing under her command. We're not really celebrating anything...we already celebrated the Delta Fleet football victories, but there hasn't been a significant battle fought anywhere around Everest since we took on Hyria." He shook his head, another grimace dashing across his face. "I mean, I love down-time, and I'm thrilled for an excuse to spend a little time with you...but this is all posturing...St. Gaul trying to show she doesn't need the Delta Fleet and Captain Si and Admiral Hack showing that you don't have to sell your soul in order to be affluent and attractive."

Admiral Hack's voice resonated with the introduction of General Stone and the announcement of the Iron Guard essentially taking over as Everest Security forces, and a warped grin crept into his expression. "And there's Admiral Hack starting to pull the rug out from under St. Gaul's feet...he didn't say it in so many words, but the fact that he's installing someone else, with as much or more authority than St. Gaul, to take over station security is tantamount to a declaration that she has either been derelict in her duty, or she has been incompetent in her command. She won't see it that way, of course...she'll likely take offense, because she's now no longer the sole voice of command on the station and she can't pull rank on her security chief...but her ego won't even acknowledge the notion that she has been anything less than exemplary. And I'm pretty sure Admiral Hack isn't done with her yet."

He could hear the commotion as the guards marched the officers from the Mouse out of the building and into the courtyard. "You want to watch?" he asked, jerking his head to indicate the scene unfolding behind them. "I'm pretty sure I know how it ends..."


Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 06:59

  • msg #574


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1149)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1150)

Looking into Roy's eyes as he talked, she nodded when he asked if she wanted to see what was going to happen.

gettign Up and training , The saw Shadow and his soda and sandwich.. Beth Said,'er takign a sandwich and soda to see be get punished?

Shadow nodded with a frown,I know it looks bad, but..they didn't have Pizza...

Beth Just threw her head back and Groaned, the catch up to Captain Si


The Admiral one one side, and general Stone on the other, Stood before the Metaglass Tubes.

The Hatches were open, and the 4 Command folks were brought over, all of them Looking a bit nervous.

Hack Nodded to CE-VA. Here we are at the sentencing of the Command staff, of the Freighter 'The Mouse'. They were found to have had children on board for transport to the Empire, and, used some of them to deter a chase ship who tried to board them... We will listen to Admiral Hack...

greetings APF.... Homeworlds,,and , especially EDT folks... You are all about to learn of a Ruling , that has been adjusted to fit these dark times...

If you engage in pirate activities ..and you are caught, you will be sent to a prison colony to work for the good of the APF and its colonies....Now? should you kill some one, you will be put to death according to the whims of the captain that captured you....

Pointing his finger at the Camera, he said,..Anything evolving the use of kids..well.. you'er dead. unless you surrender to the chase vessel and hope the captain has some measure of mercy

These four were takign a large batch of kids to the Empire, where they would be eaten by Empire types and EDT, and Sol System Command officers ... they also threw some of thsoe kids into space, to ward of the chase ship...

Hack held his hands out helplessly..But the law was amended after we took this folks prisoner.. thier crew,, was questioned and allowed to leave on thier own...but... the officers i promised to have them enjoy some food here before sentencing......

a wave of his hand and the SEC troopers grabbed the 4 people was they tried to struggle, a few punches and they were laid on the metal slab and Belted down witht eh think straps... The officers were shouting Questions, that hack, more or less ignored.

Hack truned back to the Camera, a smile, like one of a father trying to teach his child somethign get taken, especially Stem kids?... very few people worry about it..after all ? they are just Stem kids right?.. dozens die everyday in the stem....buit? the kids who get taken to the Empire are scared,,, often beaten and abused by pirates, until the end up at thier destinations... then.. they go through the most horrid way to die, one can imagine... being eaten alive, but creatures who would never have the Guts to meet APF warriors face to face in battle.... I thought long and ahrd about this.. is the sentencing, that best fits the least..for now...

CE-VA shifted the CAM to watched three being slide into the Metaglass container. The officers were lokign around worried, Even Sefts was shaken.

These tube have Canisters on top that can provide air for...2 days or will take the Big Ugly , 2 days to reach one of the moons of the delta these folks will have to wonder , where they will end up, and if they'll even make it

..but.. we needed to make it a little more intense? Right? So these four can have a bit of the same feelings the kids Have... soooo.... his arm waved to the LabCoat, who pulled the cover off of 4 , nasty looking stem rats.. they were drugged...

This is Doctor Kor Voken. He leads up the Animal warfare divison on Fuji... tell us about the Stem Rats.

The Doctor smiled and Nodded,Yes!..Of Course.... the Rats were selected from some several dozen we captured to test.. they are rugged to sleep.. should hold for another....5-6 hours?... when Stem Rats wake up, they are hungry....

Thank you doctor, please proceed...

One by one the stem rats were put in, the bottom of the canister. they were all close to three feet long and were 'curled' at the bottom , just under the Mouse's officer's feet.

So... as the Big Ugly heads towards the delta's.. our four prisoners, won't know if they'll get eaten, or not!... and..if they are eaten.. it will be a slow thing, much like slices being cut off you at a dinner table... we also have a fail safe, if the Big Ugly is approached by an unknown ship, the pods will jettisoned, much like the kids were..the best part? each Container has a CAM and Mic in... we'll be able to record the whole thing and broadcast it to Earth, and all Empire sectors


Hack shrugged, arms out,They always say that..don't they? Even though, they did much the same to helpless kids.....

The Smile drops away, as The admiral's face grew hard as he stared into the CAM...My advice? if yo are a pirate, you best go and live in the Empire systems..... if you are makign creds taking kids and others and handing them over to the Empire.. your fate will be least...this bad...

Alright General Stone...

Stone had the canisters shut and locked... the 4 people shouted and swore,, struggled against straps that were meant to hold Sanri and demons.. the canisters were taken aboard and Hooked up to 02...

in Minutes the Craft lifted off and headed to the docking arm entrances.

St Gaul looked horrified ,By the gods!..what kind of Monster are you... that's...that's the most cold Blooded thing i have seen in my life...

..Then? Admiral, you'll have to start getting out more...

Shadow waved his half eaten sandwich at Sefts, and turned to go back inside.

Captain Si and a cruel smile on her face, I would have cut thier arm, so the smell of blood filled those canisters...

St Gaul looked like she might pass out.

Roy Spencer

player, 8795 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 07:36

  • msg #575


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1151)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1152)

If Roy was shaken by the punishment, it didn't show. "Eaten alive, en route to the colonies..." He shrugged.

"If any of them were smart, they'd actually keep fighting as hard as possible against the straps for just as long as they could...they'll die faster, from oxygen depletion, because that two-day supply is probably not intended for two days of extreme exertion. If they can keep fighting long enough, strenuously enough, they might be able to burn enough oxygen to keep the rats groggy when the drugs wear off. The ones who give up in resignation don't stand a chance, though." He turned away as the Big Ugly launched, snorting softly at the sight of St. Gaul making her protestations to Hack.

Grabbing a couple of food items, he popped one in his mouth, chewing for a moment. "I hope they at least sterilized the rats...or made sure they were all the same gender. I know I'd be mad as hell if I was overseeing the Delta Colonies and someone sent a breeding pair of Stem Rats. They should be able to kill them in the tubes...but rats are sneaky little bastards. They could get out and get away." He bit a small cheese ball off the serving stick that skewered it and chewed.

"And there, we see how this starts to differ significantly from the ball on Uden...although I don't think anyone's going to invite me and Shadow into a courtyard and try to kill us, so I shouldn't get too disparaging here, I suppose..."


player, 681 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 12:04

  • msg #576


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1153)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1154)

Meari smiled as she watched and listened to the fate of the Mouse crew and she was very happy with the results. If you send kids to be eaten you will be eaten yourself Meari liked that a lot. With them being taken away Meari would head back into the ball and smile, looking around for Vaka to make sure he was having fun maybe talking to female Occui. She then headed over to the drink tables.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2514 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 12:05

  • msg #577


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1155)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1156)

Lizzy and Izzy danced, mostly slow dances, Lizzy was happy. When the crew was being punished her and Izzy stayed dancing.

Henry Christie

player, 3976 posts

Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 12:15

  • msg #578


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1157)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1158)

Henry had to make a sudden dash for the rest room, hand clapped over his mouth.

He made it... just.


Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 14:12

  • msg #579


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1159)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1160)

Shoey came up to Shadow, who still had about a quarter of his sandwich to go,..hey , LC?.... what happens if the Stem Rats don't wake the .. the O2 isn't getting to them, or the drugs kill them?

Shadow shrugs,then? the officers will get to ride out thier whole trip...

Shoey Nodded as the BU entered the entrance to the docking arms...what happens if the Rats don't finish the job?.. I mean, those are big rats?..but they aren't the biggest i've ever seen, what if they just chew off some bits here and there, ...

Two day trip to the Delta's outer most moon?..I'm pretty sure you die..if not, then the Gods of Luck favor them, but.. the worse thing to worry about , is Lady V
trying to save them as a PR stunt for her people?... If that Happens, they get dumped into space..they'll never fine all 4...

Shoey shook his head... shoulda let the Largs eat them.... make sure...

Larry and Shade followed behind, Shade Bleeped a thumbs up...Larry just snorted.


Admiral St Gaul looked at the Admiral and Captain Si.It think i need to...compose myself a bit, I will be back in a little....

The Admiral shakes his head, shouldn't think you will... You will stay with at the Ball for, at least...another Hour, before you leave for anywhere but the Ballroom, restrooms...

General Stone?.. If you would be so kind as to pick one of your Lady Troopers to ...stand watch..over Admiral St Gaul, for the next hour?..You know..Just in case she needs help, coping with the horrific realization, that bad guys need to die badly?

Already Done, Admiral Hack. And, I would Like to take this chance to thank you for allowing the troopers i gave you to join in the ball... Even if a pair of them seems to have fallen down , once or twice?

Hack looked over his shoudler with a grin,well, they are part of us now... no sense on waiting for them to join in the fun, right? As far as thier Miss haps, they might have tripped over Shadow in the surf... really crowded down there this morning...

The General grinned.....well, they all volunteered, I'm sure they all have a reason, outside of 'duty' and such...but...when the shooting starts, they'll be worth thier weight in Creds.

Sometime , before the Night is over, You should seek out SGT MAJ Spencer and Captain Messe.. They can fill you in on some of the actions we had here on the station...

... Messe?..I should have sent her to The Line a year ago, she has caused many problems, she has many pages of demerits for failing to 'cease and desist '..she kept persevering.. I wanted to transfer her the week before The Fleet arrived, but was met with a 'No transfer Order" from the Fleet and the APF!

Yes...that's right....I issued that order in partner ship with the APF... there is going to be a mass transfer, Admiral St Gaul.... The fleet needs pilots, troopers and officers.... and its time to pump some new blood into this station.

St Gaul almost stopped walking as she Looked at General Stone,Is that why you are here?

Partly, Admiral. 100,000 Iron guard were brought our here in transport freighters .... The Everest is getting 94... the Hermes... 6... the rest are going to be parceled out in Unit 'servings', so every Cap ship has some.. the remained will get housed here, on the Everest to help train others, and to be ready to replace any that fall..

Admiral St Gaul had a far away look in her eyes as she Processed the information...

General Stone asked Admiral Hack,Admiral Hack? If I may be so Bold? Would it be possible for me to have a Dance or two with Captain Si?

Si looked over her shoudler amused, The Admiral replied,..You'd have to ask her, I'm her Husband, not her jailor...

General Stone actually colored a bit as he Nodded,Of Course, Admiral, Captain I meant to disrespect I....

Relax General Stone.... let us get to the floor for the next songs....

and the two walked of ahead of The Admiral and most of the others.

Admiral St Gaul snorted,why did he not ask me to dance?

Admiral St Gaul? You have an officer who found in the Martian dust for years, hit the ground on several major campaigns, and is training, what is one of the

Hennings nodded as he came up along side,He's right, St Gaul . I've known Nil for decades, I still try to steal a dance or two when i am able!

walking into th Ball , the music was thumping as Hemsly was playing His List... Brooks was holding up a food tray that he wrote on with a marker that said, ' SLOW SONGS NEXT"
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:08, Wed 11 Nov 2020.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2883 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 03:44

  • msg #580


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1161)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1162)

Nikki was enjoying dancing with Mitch both slow and fast. When they were beginning to get into a set of slow songs she looked at Mitch "Would you mind? I feel a need to sing, and I think I have one just for you. Would you mind?" she really wanted to sing for him and she figured out the song that would best say what she felt. she'd wait to see if it was okay for him, she didn't want him embarrassed.


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 05:19

  • msg #581


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1163)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1164)

Mitch smiled and gave a Shrug,If you can get that scot guy to give you the mic?


Roll sat down again,these Balls are alot of work, Dancing and talking to people, even if they don't want to talk to you!


Messe came over to Shadow,LC Shadow... I have some news for is not good, but it is not entirely bad

Shadow went to stand when she came over, but a Gentle hand pushed him into his seat..she Handed him her COM...ze bad new, Mon Ami? Is, if you could have reached the Stem 20 minutes sooner, you could have got to ze ship in question... it left from the docks were Ze children were saved...

20 minutes.... gods be damned i could have got that piece of lady back

one cannot tell these things, Qui? Who knows how many people they would have had....

Shadow shook his head,

But..we know ze ship is called, The Yellow Dog?..if the flight lanes are in order.. they wish to go to Nivar, then to Anzio...

that doesn't help me... a long frieghter can travel faster them the Fleet, and i don't even know where we are going , as of yet?

Samantha Robertson

player, 631 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 12:00

  • msg #582


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1165)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1166)

Sam smiled at Howe," Those where the Officer's of the Mouse, the ship that was throwing kids out to get away from capture. They deserve whatever they get, and they are the ones that hurt Izzy." Sam smiled and then said," Not sure what tomorrow will bring but I heard we can go the Beach I would like to go, are you going Steve?, we did ladies Spa day today."

Sam smiled she was having fun but what would happen to her friend.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2515 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 12:04

  • msg #583


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1167)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1168)

Lizzy and Izzy had a great time spending the Ball together and dancing. It was so nice to be able to dance with Izzy as just Izzy, no reporter no nothing just her and Izzy dancing and having fun. Unfortunately it wont last, more fights to came, a war to win, and the uncertainty of what Izzy will do next.

Once they where done dancing for a bit, they went to the drink and food tables got a some really good food and sat and ate. Lizzy smiled at everyone as they ate.


player, 550 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 12:05

  • msg #584


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1169)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1170)

Mila picked up on Her Human's turmoil. She trotted over to the entrance to the restrooms, sat down, pointed her nose skyward and let out a little wail.

Henry Christie

player, 3977 posts

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 14:30

  • msg #585


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1171)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1172)

Henry emerged, looking a bit pale, and took a knee to hug Mila.

"I'm all right, girl, don't worry. Best find Val..."


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 15:38

  • msg #586


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1173)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1174)

As the two followed the others into the Ballroom, Dusk said,.. The Rats may survive, they didn't evolve on the Stations, and every station has them... so the6y were brought from other worlds as the stations began?... I Think it would be better..AFTER... the rats have done thier job, to blown the containers out of the Black


Val stood , talking to Stefi, they were both giggling a bit. As Henry came towards them.


Shadow handed back the COM,... well? I am not interrupting Beth's down time to send out a search for that vessel, After the BAll , i'll have her send an alert to Nivar Bura and Anzio... we have someone on Anzio who can help us, for certain are missing the Point? Yes? The flight is clear...but means nothing, if the ship does not follow it?

alright? what point am i missing, Ms Messe...

... Thier cast off is in the direction one would take to go to Nivar...They could. make ze hard turn to Anzio?... But..what is see on the Galaxy Map?... if they veer off the Triangle they will be able to sail past Nivar, towards the Hillite
sector and...

..Lady V's Asteroid nest...

QUI!...but, that is not all the bad places, if they turn hard over and sail between Bura space and Uden space... they can reach The Roussians...who..we know are in league with the Empire, and support the EDT.

Shadow shakes his head,I would rather retrieve that item, but.. I go where the fleet goes... Vampra has a reckoning coming, as well as the Roussians...but...we aren't going to split the Fleet up to chase a body part...

I have sent this information to Roy and Ze Admiral.. at least they both know... I wanted to tell you in person, so you would not be surprised at a later date..

Shadow smiled sadly,I thank you for that. Had all the ops when as they should have been, I would have been there... It is something i have to live with now.

, not despair... mayhaps somethign will come up?, She stands , moving off into the crowd.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2884 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 17:14

  • msg #587


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1175)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1176)

Nikki moved to Helmsley and whispered to hima few moments later she moved on stage as he cued up her music (take a minute to find it. as it began playing (a slow tune) she moe to the mic and began singing all looking at Mitch.

Henry Christie

player, 3978 posts

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 18:37

  • msg #588


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1177)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1178)

Henry came up to Val and Stefi. He still looked rather pale and shaken.

"Um, Val... I need to get out of here for a bit. If you're having fun, stay by all means. I'll be back later. I, um, promised Disna and Puskie that I'd spell them down on the beach so they could attend the ball too, and this, um, seems the right time to go."

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2516 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 20:26

  • msg #589


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1179)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1180)

When Nikki sings Lizzy takes Izzy by the hand and they go dance to the beautiful song. Lizzy is almost in tears, she thinks she could have lost Izzy, and who knows she could be shot down on her next jump off. That is why Lizzy use too live wild and free, becasue one of her favorite lines," It is better to burn out then too fade away." jumped into her head, that is how she use to live her life, now since she met Izzy everything was different. Lizzy cared deeply about Izzy but the song made her think How would she live with out Izzy if something happened, or if she had to leave, or she went home to her mom. All this went through Lizzy's head as she danced with Izzy holding her tight, she had this bad feeling because of Izzy's injury things could change drastically for Izzy. Lizzy kisses Izzy and smiled at her when Nikki finished the song. They then headed over and got another drink.

Samantha Robertson

player, 632 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 20:33

  • msg #590


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1181)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1182)

Sam smiled at Steve when Nikki began to sing, Sam didnt hesitate and sang with her from the dance floor her powerful, beautiful voice mixed perfectly well with Nikki's. When the song was over Sam smiled at Steve and said," Steve would you like to pick out a song for me to sing, any powerful female voice I can usually match, do you want to hear me sing again Lt.?"

Admiral Hack

GM, 9137 posts

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 21:01

  • msg #591


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1183)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1184)

Val gave a worried frown,..of..ofcourse, Henry? I''ll be here...

Stefi gave Henry a worried look.

Mitch listened to the Song he smiled and gave his head a shake, and Nodded to her with a wink when the song was done.


Steve gave her back a rub,.. why don't you surprise me?.. Better to hear a songfrom you, then one picked....for you!

Roy Spencer

player, 8799 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 23:11

  • msg #592


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1185)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1186)

Roy nodded. "Kinda my point...they are descended from the toughest, most aggressive rats that ended up getting shipped out here. They survived and bred where others either starved or got eaten, and then kept surviving in an environment that isn't exactly friendly and welcoming to life. It's hard to get rid of rats...I've seen someone hit one with a board and it barely slowed down...these are exponentially tougher."

He shrugged. "I see the poetic justice in hog-tying them and letting them endure being eaten alive...or the uncertainty of knowing whether or not you'd get eaten alive. Personally, I'd just as soon tie 'em to a board and slowly space them, face-first, so they can feel the gas in their bloodstream separate and give them the bends. Then you KNOW they're dead and you don't have to worry about propagating an invasive species of highly aggressive vermin." He shrugged. It wasn't his decision to make.

"I should go and offer my respects to General Stone. We haven't kept in touch at generally don't get to know your drill instructors that way, especially when they get new orders halfway through boot camp...but his was a name I was glad to hear."


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 00:59

  • msg #593


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1187)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1188)

Dusk, gave a quick nod,..Yes... go take care of the 'ballroom duties'...I must go dance with the Tall Dark Fellow form Earth, it seems he has some form of buisness in mind for Uden, and Lilit told me to 'be nice'. However.. he may have a few less fingers if he grabs me once more!. She gives roy a small hug, moving off towards the Fellow talking With Lilit and Captain Morris.


General Stone was eating , what looked like slices of chicken, over top some mashed 'potatoes' with corn forming a circle around the whole thing.


Shadow was getting into the various forms of food, tryign out sauces and such , Vinnie made his way over and was picking out some items for a plate,So?..Shadow? Whadda ya think about them Mercs?

Shadow took a forkfull of some kind of meat that had some form of beans in a Blueish sauce.1st?.. Its LC.... you haven't earned the right to call me 'Shadow', new york or no new york.. he waved the fork a bit,.. now? those mercs.. i would have loved to see them die like Marris did....but you gonna like the images..right?. Stem Kids are called Stem Rats..and the Mercs were takign them to be eaten, or used as currency, that would have them end up the same way? I think its only fitting, Stem rats should eat them... won't be the same... You saw the Vids..right?... Those kids, and people.. slow painful death... The mercs will be painfull, but it won't last as long as the dinners.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2885 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 01:19

  • msg #594


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1189)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1190)

Haley swallowed her mouthful of what looked like chicken stuffed with some sort of green veggie she thought might have been spinach before speaking "I know some of these people are not real friendly" she said "I wonder what Mr. Hack is gonna do to the people they took away?"


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 01:30

  • msg #595


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1191)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1192)

Roll shrugged,..they were bad people..they tried to take all those kids away to be eated. Maybe he fed them to the Largs? But the largs are havign fun on the ebach, so..maybe not. I know the Admiral don't like bad guys.. so..they'll get killed...


Will was at a table off to the bottom of the stairs that lead to the conference room,,, he was relaxing, Coar, Ellen, three suits and Two dresses where around him at neighboring tables and they asked him questions about the battle, and he tried to answer the best he could.


Vaka was sittign near Shade and orria, he would take to Shade, orria would have to tell him the answers.., Vaka seemed happy enugh, if not a little out-of-place.


Shoey was talkign to the Admiral, they were Both Laughing, as if they were tellign jokes

Melia Kristensen

player, 2682 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 02:03

  • msg #596


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1193)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1194)

Melia watched the command team take the traitorous humans outside. She was interested in seeing their fate, but with reporter following the group outside she shrugged it off. It'd be all over the vids tomorrow anyways.

Orria was enjoying translating for Shade and talking with Vaka. She was having fun.

Melia though wasn't satified with the the crew of the mouse leaving she was still suspicious of the Iron Guard, and well most of the station staff as well. There was still a lot of room for things to go wrong, the soon it did the sooner she could stop worrying. She was torn between finding her way towards Roy, or even Shadow for a chance at getting some idea of what the night held, but by the same token she was nervous about putting too much distance between Shade and Orria with tensions so high.

Sarah McKeon

player, 526 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 02:04

  • msg #597


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1195)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1196)

Sarah moved outside with Rivets to observe the sentencing. LA-TS and her officers, whom were relieved to be... relieved of their babysitting duties also joined glad for the opportunity to see the captain and senior crew off the mouse suffer. She shrugged and looked over at Rivets, "they should have added extra rats to each of the tubes."

Heading back inside she takes another spin around the dance floor as Nikki sings.

Hawkeye Price

player, 508 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 02:04

  • msg #598


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1197)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1198)

Hawkeye found herself with Rolf drifting closer to some suits with fine liquor in their glasses who were buzzing about the crew of the mouse getting sentenced. Apparently their dates had been taken ill and rushed for the bathrooms upon hearing the fate of the crew. "Must be nice up in those ivory towers."

She leaned a little on Rolf as the song came on and she gave him a gentle hip bump, smiling at him.

Roy Spencer

player, 8800 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 03:54

  • msg #599


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1199)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1200)

Roy stepped up to General Stone with a kind of respect that rarely showed in his demeanor, even with Admiral Hack it was only seen on the most formal of occasions. "General Stone, sir, it's an honor to meet you again. Sergeant Major Roy Spencer..." Given his position, it was almost a given that Stone knew who he was, especially since his promotion had been highly irregular and would have stuck in the memory of most senior officers. But that didn't stop Roy from observing the formalities. Even after a quarter-century, the respect commanded by a good drill instructor dictated some of his behaviors in the moment.


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 05:40

  • msg #600


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1201)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1202)

General Stone Gave Roy a stern smile and Offered his hand...,,There was a Spencer...a few years ago..,seemed damned determine to break the fitness course record.... the smile grew wider,..Did he?


Rolf chuckled a bit , the Suit smiled as one would to a confused student.Irvory towers?... We're back here pumping credits into The Fleet. You folks knock down a few
Empire scum, or ETD gangsters, and you get a party.


Rivets gave a shrug,..too many rats would make ti too fast. people...them kids?.. die by the slice....

Roy Spencer

player, 8801 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 05:48

  • msg #601


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1203)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1204)

Roy took the hand and grinned. "Couldn't say if he still has it...twenty-five years is a long time for someone to stay at the top of the board for that. But, yeah...he broke it." He settled into a more easy stance.

"You had quite the career after putting the fear of Sergeant Stone into young leathernecks. I never made it off-planet until Admiral Hack decided he needed a Marine sniper on the Hermes, but I kept hearing reports about your work on Mars." His face grew serious, as he added, "They need you out here. Too many officers are too interested in leading a cushy lifestyle in their dream command...keep forgetting that we're fighting a damned war."


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 08:18

  • msg #602


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1205)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1206)

There is a chuckle as the general waved the Tender for a Beer.. and Nodded to roy to get a drink.

..I got Bounced up the Line when a certain LT and me had a fight on in a bar on Mars,. Now..I'd Like to tell you you i kicked the LT's ass...but i respect him to much for that...Who knew that LT would get me in the OCS and set me on the track to wear all this glitter ... he sips, not all of them are worthless...

I Know Rivets.. I have talked to Hennings and Morris... he points to Shadow, That sombitch... I keep trying to figure out whose side he is one..He brought his god damn pilots down to a Moon we used to survival training , for the Iron Guard... the gods be damned Iron Guard... he came out of it with damaged pilots.., What i didn't know.. his he ran the course the year before..gods damn pilot!...

He shrugs, The Admiral told me to have a chat with you and The french Captain, who doesn't have waste water slossing around her brain pan.... What can tyou tell me about the station..I read some reports , your marines cleaned out some of the parasites?

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:10, Thu 12 Nov 2020.

Samantha Robertson

player, 633 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 11:37

  • msg #603


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1207)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1208)

Sam smiled at Howe and says," Thank you Steve I hope you like." Sam kissed him on the lips and walked up to the vid machine, she talked, smiled and then got a mic and walked out on stage. She smiled and then sang her heart out and looked like she was having a great time.


player, 682 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 11:56

  • msg #604


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1209)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1210)

Meari walked around smiling, no one had asked her to dance yet, again males where too afraid to dance with a taller woman. She saw Vaka sitting with Shade and Orria talking. Meari walked over smiled and said to Shade," Hello cousin I hope things are well." She turns to Vaka and says," I hope you are having fun, I know it is even a little much for me and I am use too these Balls."

Meari then smiles and listens to Sam sing.


player, 552 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 12:36

  • msg #605


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1211)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1212)

Mila saw Her Human speak to his mate then head out of the building and hustled to be by his side. She could sense the turmoil in his mind and wanted to be close by in case he needed her. Doggie comfort could be reassuring...

Walking quickly he headed in the direction of the beach.

-> Beaches.

Isobel Sakura

player, 808 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 13:35

  • msg #606


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1213)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1214)

She would spend the majority of the night dancing with Lizzy, with the pair of them taking the occasional break to grab a drink and quietly talk to one another about whatever took their fancy, with them steering clear of the more important topics of conversation for the time being. When the officers from The Mouse were lead away for their punishment there was a brief look of curiosity in Izzy's eyes as she watched them walking away but she would make no move to follow them. After all if everything went to plan then very soon she wouldn't be in the business of having to witness such things, which judging by the way a rather green looking doctor Henry came running in to use the rest room was a very good thing indeed.

It was after the current song had come to an end and they were collecting a drink from the table that Izzy would softly speak in the quiet, almost shy voice she'd been using ever since she'd returned from the IS, like she was scared to raise her voice above a whisper lest she attract the ire of everyone in the room or cause another wall to suddenly explode in front of her "It's getting a little warm in here...would you like to go and sit outside for a little while?" she asked, wanting to escape the crowded room for a few minutes, also she'd drunk perhaps a little too much wine and hoped that the cool "Night" air would help clear her head a little.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:54, Thu 12 Nov 2020.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2519 posts

Pilot Ensign


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 13:45

  • msg #607


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1215)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1216)

Lizzy smiled at Izzy took her hand and replied,Sure let's go outside for a bit, that sounds nice. Lizzy then led them outside, and she would lead them to a nice place to sit in the cool air under the night sky.

Once outside Lizzy held her close and decided to ask a hard question. Izzy so what happens now, you have surgery then what? Lizzy looks deeply into Izzy's eyes with caring and love in her eyes.


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 14:38

  • msg #608


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1217)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1218)

Howe watching Sam sing, he smiles , he holds up his drink to her. as others watch.


Lizzy and Izzy move to the doors to sit outside a bit, Some of the Pilots who are going in and out, would nod to Lizzy as they passed, but keep going as they returned to thier conversations.


Shade offered his hand to Meari and pointed to the dance Floor... Vaka puts his food plate on the table, and offers his hand to Orria, so all 4 could take the floor.


The Admiral and Captain Si move back out onto the floor to dance once More..St Gual Now has a stern lookign female Iron Guard trooper with in 'grab range', she was already stopped form heading up to the 2nd level by the Trooper, and steered to the 'common' restroom.

Isobel Sakura

player, 809 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 16:23

  • msg #609


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1219)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1220)

Leaving the ballroom via a side door, the young couple would step into one of the adjoining gardens where they would take a seat on a stone bench beneath a trellis of climbing flowers that as well as filling the cool night's air with their scent would also offer them a small measure of privacy from the other couples currently walking the grounds.

It was as they were sitting together that Lizzy would once again raise the question of her immediate future, leaving Izzy surprised that she'd managed to hold out this long "I'm not sure really...I guess first thing I need to do is speak with the Sergeant Major or Captain Si about transferring to SEC, even if it's just walking corridors or working in the QM stores, then I need to hand in my notice and then...well...I guess I'll just have to see what happens" she quietly explained as she gently held Lizzy's hand within her lap. As much as she understood her girlfriend's desire for her to find something that she truly loved doing, Izzy simply didn't know what that was. With her dreams of being a reporter having soured pretty rapidly she was loathed to rush into something else and risk it happening all over again, though she was pretty sure that being a trooper wouldn't be her calling in life and would at best be a stepping stone to what she really wanted...whatever that was.

It was as she was mulling over the possibilities that she would suddenly let out a delighted giggle "Oh look, my flower!" she cheerfully said before pointing out a young Cherry Blossom tree a short distance away from where they were sitting, it's delicate pink flowers littering the otherwise pristine lawn "Don't worry about me Lizzy, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually" she softly said as she admired the tree and it's flowers before leaning in to give Lizzy a long and lingering kiss.


player, 683 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 17:43

  • msg #610


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1221)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1222)

Meari smiled looked at Shade, took his hand and went out to the dance floor. Meari was very happy when Vaka asked Orria to dance, and all four of them went onto the dance floor together. Meari did her best to make Shade as comfortable as she could as they danced.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6556 posts

field engineer

Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 22:03

  • msg #611


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1223)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1224)

Garrat was going to speak to the captain of the mouse but when he so the contraptions coming in thought better of it. He danced with Teela and they went out to the garden for a cool down. Seeing Lizzy and Izzy there he smiled. The two were so good together, it made him think of how Teela had come into his life and he unconsciously pulled her closer, reveling in her warmth.

Garrat is concerned for Izzy and wanted to speak to her but held back letting her have her time with her woman. He did catch the conversation, and sent a message to Joseph.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2520 posts

Pilot Ensign


Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 22:19

  • msg #612


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1225)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1226)

Lizzy smiled and nodded to the other pilots as her a Izzy headed put to the garden. Lizzy sat with Izzy, thye held hands, after Izzy spoke Lizzy responded," Well that is a start talk to the SM and Captain Si maybe one or both can help you find your true calling my love. You know I will help you as much as I can ."

Lizzy held her close, and after Izzy mentioned the Cherry Blossom tree as her flower, Lizzy would file that information for later. Lizzy replied, " Very beautiful just like you Izzy." After Izzy said she would figure it Lizzy smiled and replied," I know you will my love, if you need anything just ask ok." Lizzy saw Izzy admiring the beautiful flowers, then they had an amazing wonderful heart felt kiss. After what seemed like hours Lizzy stopped the kiss and said, " I love you Izzy, I will stand by you no matter what you want to do from here. I just hope you can stay on the Hermes my love." Lizzy would kiss Izzy deeply crying at the fact that Izzy might have to leave the Hermes.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:09, Fri 13 Nov 2020.


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 00:19

  • msg #613


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1227)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1228)

Vinnie Good the the Stage, and made the 'gimmie' motion, Hemsly shrugged and Gave Him the Mic....

..Right Folks!..we're Gonna Have a New York Song Down here.... This is for Shadow , Flroes and beth and the rest!!..

he slips on a pair of shades.. and began to sing, some of them people clapped , some of the ironguard smiled... some of the Iron Guard joined in.

When his Song was Done, he and a pair of Iron Guard walked down the stage, he flicked Shadow His Shades.

Shade, Shadow and Beth went Up.. Shadow picked out a Vid.. and slipped on Vinnie's sunglasses..

as the Music started.. Shadow, Beth and Shade did the Hah Hah... and slolwy from the crowd, Pilots and SEC folks Joined in in the PUMP IT!

Shadow sang with Shade doing poses and Beth doing the chick's part in the Vid, especially the dance...

Roy Spencer

player, 8803 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 03:07

  • msg #614


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1229)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1230)

Roy gestured for a non-alcoholic drink, and grinned as Stone related part of the tale of how he went from wearing sergeant's stripes to stars, nodding agreement at the assessment that not all officers were useless. He was about to answer about Shadow when Stone continued, and he nodded. "Well, I can tell you plenty about Shadow, but it all boils down to this...he's on our side, and he's determined to win the war, and if anyone from our side gets in his way, they'll get run over or worse. But I would have been dead a month or two into this tour were it not for him." He gave a solemn nod in Shadow's direction.

"As for what's going on around here...I'll put it this way. I'm actually a little surprised St. Gaul didn't get stuffed into a tube, as well. Maybe without a rat in it. But Everest is a sh*t-show. Their comm specialist has been working from her own estate since just after last time the Hermes came through here...because she was getting grafted onto a Creshian breeding pod and churning out God-only-knows-what-kinds of Creshian hybrids and UEs. Dr. Christie led a team into a bio-tech lab under the mountain...and found a bunch of kids in cages...and a few that couldn't be rescued because whatever surgical procedures they'd been put through were unreversible and the kids weren't entirely human anymore. We helped Captain Messe break up an operation that was collecting kids to load onto the freighter whose command crew just got caged up with the rats. And the most St. Gaul has said about any of it is expressing annoyance at how the chaos we've caused is going to impact business on the station. It's like she KNEW all of it was there, and might even have been taking kickbacks from it. Hell, there was an EDT team posing as EverSEC at the football stadium, trying to round up kids...and when I broke it up and brought two of the kids up to her box, she had the audacity...or recommend that I just turn them out and send them on their way. If she's not complicit, she is most certainly not competent." He shook his head.

"Messe was the first one to say anything to anyone from the Hermes about things not being entirely kosher, back when we made our first visit to Everest. Pretty sure she's been a thorn in St. Gaul's side ever since, based on notes on her service record and some of the comments St. Gaul has made about her. Don't know if St. Gaul outright hates her, but there's certainly no love lost between 'em, and I'm sure if Admiral Hack hadn't appointed Messe personally as Security Chief here, St. Gaul would have her monitoring sewage treatment or something..."


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 03:54

  • msg #615


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1231)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1232)

Walk with me SM...., The general gets his deer topped off , waits to see if Roy needs anything,before walking around the inner circle of the dancing floor, Shadow's answer to Vinnie's 'song off'.. and by the cheers and hots from Hemres and Fleet types, with the 'on duty' Iron Guard, being drowned out by the cheers.

Brooks held up a sign that said '2 slow songs next"

.....I was hoping to get on the Hermes Myself.. but there isn't a Need for an SEC Chief, nor another Board member... Takign over here?... well... that will do., Nothing like droppign out of the Black in an assault shuttle or drop ship... But.. it will be Important work... Everest will be important to Uden, Bura and Hyria... The admiral, 'seeding' the fleet with Iron Guard, will have an effect on the CAP ship troops..except...

he grins at Roy,why do i have the feeling they may not have the same effect on The Hermes?


Shadow came off the Stage, Beth Hugging Him and Shade, before getting hauled away by Waggles for a Dance.

Shade went off towards the dessert table again.


Supe and Hodden sat down at a table with a beer... Minnet and Tucker on the floor. Minnet's ' Heavy weapons shoulders" stood out compared to Tucker's wiry body, but no one seemed to care.


Billie Morrisson

player, 726 posts

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 04:05

  • msg #616


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1233)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1234)

Billie sat at a table with Arnie, eating various snacks and sipping a drink. She had longed for a fast paced song with a super heavy beat but she also knew that it would be rather tricky trying to dance in her gown and heels.

Roy Spencer

player, 8804 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 04:16

  • msg #617


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1235)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1236)

Roy chuckled. "They'll be welcome...if they can get past the idea that there's someone out here who's seen more sh*t and walked through more fires than them. The Iron will be welcome...but they're being put in among steel. If they're smart, the Iron Guard on the Hermes will become THE unit everyone in the Corps wants to emulate. If they aren't...well, there's a reason the Iron Age came to a close on Earth when steel became prevalent."

He shrugged, and added, "Frankly, I'd have been happy to see you aboard the Hermes. But there is definitely a greater need. sh*t, sir, the Hermes is about the only place in the whole damned galaxy where your leadership wouldn't immediately improve the situation, and that's just because the people we've got in command there are as lethal a team as you could ever hope to put together and you'd just be redundant. The Board members facilitate anything diplomatic we have to do...and they're solid in a fight...but you'd just be another piece of brass, there, instead of being THE brass, here." He grinned, and added, "I've had a few words with the LT in charge of the unit for the Hermes...he's been warned, they can get squared away, or they can get bowled over, but the Hermes isn't gonna change for them. We've got five years at the point of the spear, leading the charge. You don't mess with that kind of winning formula."


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 04:50

  • msg #618


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1237)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1238)

There was another Chuckle, He stopped for a moment as the 2nd slow song came to an end, and Hemsly Ramped the music for the people and ,more of the pilots and SEC swarmed the Dance floor.

A tired Will was pulled out by Cora and Ellen while a few well dressed Civie ladies joined around him.

Well, You Hero is seeing what it it like to be famous.... No one heard of him before One-eye's were discovered with those damn, portable worlds. he chuckled a bit.

You know? When the Admiral and I fought , those many years ago, it wasn't any differant then most Fleet vs Corps bar fights.....but he was never angry during the fight? I was.. i wanted to teach this pilot a thing or two..... but when he downed me for the last time, two one my men charged in?... Then...I saw him mad, he broke an arm. and a Leg, like he did it every day, I enevr did find out why he didn't do that to me..

he starts to walk again,You learn alot about people you fight beside..or fight?... I knew he was goign to be something... but i would be Lying if i would have said i knew he was goign to create the largest fleet in The Black

stopping at the drink table near where they had walked, the General gets another beer...I don't have to tell you this?.. You have seem as much, if not more of this fighting then I did.....but...some people are flat out too weak..either in body..or in thier mind... those are the ones you need to be carful of, they'll get others killed


Arnie saw Brooks sign go down he stood up,..let's go chickie... this is a dance after all..


Disna , Puskie and Nifty came in ( dressed in beach clothes).. One of the iron Guard tried to take Nifty's sniper rifle, and the kid jerked it back from the Trooper.. his 5' 9" staring up at the 6'4" trooper was a Bit comical.

Roy Spencer

player, 8805 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 05:13

  • msg #619


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1239)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1240)

Roy nodded. "Call's never been interested in getting ahead, or being famous. He, like most of us, is out here to get the job done. I can make an educated guess how he feels, being paraded around like this...because I know how I'd feel."

And then he noticed the two Nivarians, and Nifty, being stopped. "If you'll excuse me, sir...I see trouble brewing over no good reason." He jerked his head in the direction of the brewing confrontation. "I'll be back..."

He headed directly for the situation, speaking up while he was still several feet away. "What seems to be the problem here, Private?" he asked, his eyes on Nifty. He could have asked the guards...but they were doing their job, and they weren't his troops to command, aside from his position as SM of the Corps...and this was not a situation that demanded Corps-level intervention. At least, not yet...


player, 684 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 11:58

  • msg #620


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1241)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1242)

Meari smiled at Shade and thanked him for the dances, she smiled at Vaka dancing with Orria. She was having a good time, the songs and dancing where amazing. Meari had to admit the Hermes knew how too relax and unwind. She would smile at a few of the taller Iron Guard as she headed over to get more food.

Samantha Robertson

player, 634 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 13:29

  • msg #621


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1243)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1244)

Sam smiled as she finished singing and headed off stage towards Steve abd to get a drink, she was nervous but she thought she did a good job. When she got to Steve, she hugged him and said, I think I am getting better in front of crowds, did you like?


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 15:52

  • msg #622


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1245)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1246)

Nifty truned to Roy, he was a bit indignant,..Well, SM..I was doing , sorta over watch from a lifeguard chair, watching the Fringes with my scope, in case any more Gangers or streeters popped up.... Any way..Disna and Puskie were told by Doc Henry they could Come up, and the waved me along... so I came...but.. i wasn't leaving my rifle on the beach, and these guys wanna take it!

Disna spoke up, Doctor Christie said he would come down, when it was later, we felt there would be no problem with us comign in late, dressed as we are... we intend to go back down to the beach since the Largs will be watching of the Transport shuttle and the kids.

I see no reason while the young one cannot have his rifle, should he try to shoot someone, everyone would see him ready it...

The 2 striper who had Stopped Nifty, ( to thier credit, Disna and Puskie were allowed to enter, but they stood with Nifty) said,Look? Kid? This is a FAncy Dress Ball... i can see you guys getting in the door dressed as you are, since there isn't anything Formal..but you can't walk around with that cannon shouldered on you...

The General Followed Roy, staying a good yard or so behind to watch the confrontation.

Jax and Sneak were talking to Shadow and Pointing in Nifty's direction, they were half way across the room, But the crewman where at the main entrance , that was always to remain clear(all 5 doors).


Meanwhile, The Admiral watched the Ballroom clock as it closed in on Midnight. they had 20 minutes.


Howe gave her a soft hug, did well..people enjoyed it, some stopped talking to listen... our After parties and such,, is good practices for some...gods know Shadow needs all the practice he can get, But you and the others Ladies, should leave the Service and go into a Vid Career!


As Meari and the others Sat down, Shade went up with Shadow and Beth to Answer Vinnie and the Iron Guard's 'song off'.

A Sanri who was a bit Thin for a normal Sanri warrior, but still showed the height and muscle as he came over to the Undense maiden

Good evening... I am...SGT Frakas of the Sanri scout troops... I have found, few earth women who wish to dance, and some of those who do, ask...concerning questions?... I have been watching you?.. Would you mind a dance or two?

Vaka was on the floor as the last fast song was ending with Lippen, getting ready to Dance, Thought the little occui seemed a bit lost, he did seem to be 'making his way' through the new experience.


Admiral Hack broke away as two suits were zeroing in on him, Captain Si 'intercepted' as she asked one of them if they would care to dance... which stopped them both in thier tracks.

Hack finally stopped at Sarah and Rivets as they came off the floor , for a drink.Sarah?... I hate to interupt the evening, but... Lets say...12:15.... a Call would be sent to The BU24....from a Burian vessel, warning them of a possible 'unkown frieghter' in the area that may...or may not be..a Phantom Raider? This of course, would
mean they would have to dump any sensitive cargo and return to the station, rather then risk losing the BU and its crew...if they scan wide enough the BU will, indeed
find a Civie Freighter out there, somewhere...perhaps a destroyer or Corvette, might
escort the BU back, before any tragic loss of life?

Rivets grunted a laugh as he handed Hack a scotch.


Dusk was having a bit of a confrontation herself with a Udenese Colonel and a Captain, they both seemed rather put off about somehting.. and Dusk wasn't giving them any foothold for argument.

Lilit watched concerned, her eyes went o Shadow first, but he was in discussion with a younger Trooper and a waitress woman..., she, herself was tied down by an Udense Major , a Calimate Colonel and Captain Morris as they bantered about the last few battles.

Isobel Sakura

player, 810 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 17:18

  • msg #623


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1247)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1248)

"Oh please don't cry!" Izzy quietly exclaimed as she saw tears beginning to form in those beautiful emerald green eyes "...honestly I'll be fine, and I have no intention of going anywhere without you...if the ESN won't have me, I'll get a job waiting tables or working in the school or something" Izzy quietly consoled as she gently wiped the tears from her girlfriend's eyes "...and if no other options are available I would even stay in the press corps for you...after all I'm going to need a job so I can start saving for a ring" she said in a coy voice, her eyes dropping to the bracelet she wore on her wrist "Anyway I think it's time we went back inside so I can dance with my lady before I whisk her away to our suite" she said giggling mischievously as she held her close to her.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2886 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 17:33

  • msg #624


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1249)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1250)

After singing Nikki got down with a bit of help from Helmsly, such a gentleman. moving to Mitch they danced with the song-off with many of the others. She like the song Sam was singing. Her voice just an octave or to above her own. it complimented the song. When she went back to dancing Mitch had her part way in a spin when they bumped, which as crowded as the floor was, was not uncommon. Smiling she apologized as all four stopped a moment listing to Shadow and others sing. Nikki got a bit of an idea. "Would you like to try a duet? I know a great song just for the Iron Guard" she looked at Sam hopefully.

Roy Spencer

player, 8806 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 18:17

  • msg #625


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1251)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1252)

Roy let out a long, slow sigh, before answering. " you see anyone else from the Hermes in here carrying anything larger than a sidearm?" He knew the answer, but he gave Nifty a moment to think about it.

"The Iron Guard is here at ADMIRAL HACK's request. They are providing security with the Admiral's blessing." He spoke in calm, reasoning tones, with an undercurrent that left absolutely no question that he was deadly serious. "Are you prepared to make an argument to the Admiral about why you, alone among ALL the Hermes crew, should be carrying a sniper rifle at a dress ball? About why the troops he approved to provide security for this event aren't good enough to relieve you of your weapon in an environment where you would never need it, because literally everyone else here from the Hermes is armed?"

He considered continuing, but figured this was a good time to let the words percolate in Nifty's mind. Instead, he stood there, silent, with an expression that indicated he was expecting an answer.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2523 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 18:57

  • msg #626


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1253)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1254)

In reply to Isobel Sakura (msg # 623):

Lizzy controlled herself and after Izzy wipes the tears from her eyes Lizzy replied," I hope you can stay on the Hermes, I want you to be happy not just with me but with your job on the Hermes as well." Lizzy smiled at Izzy hoping she was right she wouldnt have to leave the Hermes. When Izzy said she would stay in the Press Corp for her and she needed a job to save for a ring. Lizzy's heart jumped, and her eyes where full of love. As Izzy looked at her bracelet, Lizzy smiled clinked them together gently, and gave Izzy a hug and passionate kiss. After the kiss Izzy said it was time to head back and dance, Lizzy smiled stood up put out her hand to help Izzy up and said," Yes we should head back in who knows what exciting things might happen next. I wonder if Sam will sing again she has a beautiful voice someone should sign her for a Vid deal." Lizzy giggles but she was serious she thought Sam was that good of a singer. Lizzy took Izzy's hand and they headed back into the ball hand and hand.

Samantha Robertson

player, 635 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 19:13

  • msg #627


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1255)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1256)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 622):

Sam smiled at Howe and replied," Oh thank you Steve I am glad you liked it, oh they did I am glad, yes maybe if I can get to a Hermes after party I will sing and practice, I have never took any lessons I just love singing." Sam giggles at the Vid Career comment and replied," Oh Steve I am no where near that good, am I? Well lets head to the dance floor shall we, if you want I can sing more later?"

Sam and Howe headed for the dance floor, they had just started to dance, when Nikki bumped into her. Sam almost fell over being so small, but Howe was holding her as they danced and made sure she didnt fall. Sam waved off the apology, and smiled at Nikki. Then Nikki asked her to do a duet with her, Sam looked at Howe then back to Nikki and said," Sure I would love too, so you thought I was good as well Nikki? I just sing in the shower and Steve has given me the confidence to sing in public." Sam would smile and say hi to Mitch as well.

Sam kisses Howe on the cheek and says," I will be right back, I hope I know the song she wants to sing." Sam followed Nikki to the Vid area to do their duet.

Hawkeye Price

player, 509 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 19:17

  • msg #628


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1257)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1258)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 600):

Hawkeye smirked, "Sure a nice party is ample compensation for the injuries, the horrific sights each fresh kid has to look at. Having to see the faces on each of the kids we pull out of the larder ships, watching best friends and loved ones torn to shreds by pulse rounds and flying discs that you can't see, all to keep the empire off your doorstep so you can live your cushy clean lives. That's totally equivalent while you buy your way out the experience by pumping creds and having a nice party, we appreciate your deep sacrifice having to give up that third vacation home or pleasure yatch or whatever.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2684 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 19:19

  • msg #629


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1259)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1260)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 608):

Orria rushes off to the floor with Vaka excited to dance some more. Then joins Shade at the desert table again.

Melia rolls her eyes at Orria having yet another desert, and nothing of substance. Keeping an eye on things still and sticking close to Zob


player, 685 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 20:09

  • msg #630


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1261)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1262)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 622):

Meari sits down and relaxes for a minute, she then looks around too see what was happening on the dance floor. She sees her cousin Dusk looking like she was in trouble with two men. Meari was about to get up and head that way when a Sanri approached her and asked her to dance. Meari smiled at Frakas and replied," Pleasure meeting you SGT Frakas, I am SGT. Meari Udenese Commando, member of Hermes SEC and Granmod of War Lord Lilit. I would love to have several dances with you, but would you mind if we checked in on my cousin Captain Dusk, she looks like she needs some assistance SGT. Frakas and then we can have our several dances."

Meari smiles at Frakas takes one of his arms and heads for the dance floor by heading for her cousin Dusk, when she is close enough she will say to Dusk," Hello Cousin, do you need any assistance, it looks like there is a problem here." Meari smiles at the Udenese Colonel and Captain, Meari checked them out but for combat capabilities and what weapons she could see. Meari went commando mode for a second as she waited for Dusk'a response.


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 20:13

  • msg #631


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1263)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1264)

Nifty looked at Roy then at the Iron Guard Trooper, she just gives a shoulder shrug.

,,yeah,,,But,,, what happens if they hurt her... or drop her on her scope or something...

...look.. Trooper? I'm here alright, when the part closes down, the Iron Guard get to help finish off any leftovers and have a few drinks.... why don't you let me carry that for you.. it will be on my shoulder, and i'll give it back, personally.

Nifty looks concerned at the rifle.. and he says in a shaking voice,..i was 14 when i first got this... it saved my life, alota times...don't let nothing bad happen to her...

the woman took the rifle and shouldered it....My Name is CPL Cala Nessn.. if you can't find me when you are ready to leave, COM me..

He Nods, I'm Prvt Nifty....

well? I can't COM a nickname i need...

..No? Nifty is my name.. I'm a Stem Kid from Olympus... The SM Met me there lotsa years ago...


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 20:24

  • msg #632


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1265)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1266)

Dusk waves a Hand in distain at the Colonel... The Captain has his arms crossed and is rollign his eyes..or...what looks like someonbe rolign thier eyes if you could see the eyeballs!

..The Colonel things they Need More ground Leadership on the Hermes, he says The Admiral has no right to go into the field...and the Captain Insists that i dance with him, but i have no desire to have his hands grabbing my backside again!

her voice rose a bit.


Shade had just reached the Tables when two young suits, maybe in thier early teens, came by, they both asked Orria if she would like to dance.

one of them, the Blonde just gave Shade a smartassed stare, and turned his back.


The suits looks at Cat, the older one said,I'm sure they get over it right... I mean.. them stem one really cares, this is Just to Drum up creds from the bleedign hearts and...

Rolf's arm shot out, grabbed the man by the throat, he squeezed,,,, look..Laddie..if i were ta want to.. i could ripth yer wind pipe out.. and hand it ta you so's you could try ta put it back in...

reaching for his COM, McCloud took a selfie of the two, with the man''s tongue and eyeballs popping..there ya good... get yerselves away... and... after i send this pics ta the SEC..we'll see if anyone want's to chat with you later..

The older man Coughed and Gagged as the others helped him away to the other side of the room.

Bloody sucmmers they are, and that's me sayin'... bet they shed a bloody tear fer them Mouse folks...


Steve waved her off.....go..have fun!...I'm not going anywhere.


player, 686 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 22:13

  • msg #633


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1267)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1268)

Meari smiles at the Colonel and says," Well sir if you do not think the Admiral should go fight with his troops, he fought exceptionally well by my side, and sir why dont you go over there right now and tell the Admiral he can not go with his troops, either go speak to the Admiral or the subject is closed." Meari smiled at the Colonel, he may have the skill to take Meari down one on one,but Meari knew if either of these two started something she would have back up in seconds.

Meari then looked at the Captain, then back at Dusk and she said to Dusk," Oh he insists on dancing and grabbing your backside." Meari then turns to the Captain and says," Sir if you touch my cousin's backside again without her permission, it would be very very bad to do so. I would get very upset and might cut your hands off Sir, I do have an anger issues when it comes to defending my Family Sir."


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 22:26

  • msg #634


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1269)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1270)

The Colonel Looked at Meari,..I should think a SGT would see the reasoning for The Fleet Admiral staying out of live combat !... what if he should fall!

The Captain Embolden by the Colonel said in a condescending tone,.. She isn't wearing that Dress because its pretty.... She wants the attention.

I wear this dress, because i can!... And I have given you warning... you best move off and find some one who thinks your behavior is flattering.... I find it distateful, and you will be missing a hand next time, you try such a thing!

The Colonel Looked with Amusem*nt at the Sanri,what do you think SGT?

... I am but a SGT... But I follow Oliver Hack, because he is a warrior.... if i wanted to take orders froma desk?..I ahve one in my quarters..... As far as the Captain? I would not want to be him, should he cross the line... there are too many people here who frown on such things... would also have to contend with an angry LC?... that is, if you were still breathing...sir...

The Young captain looked disgusted.. The Colonel looked a mused.


player, 687 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 22:57

  • msg #635


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1271)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1272)

Meari looked respectfully at the Colonel and replied," Sir if he should Fall I would make sure what he was fighting for fought on without him and finished what he started Sir. Also Sir his troops will risk their live to save his, Sgt Call did just that, and if I had seen the blades I would have jumped in front as well. As Sgt Farask said, he is a Warrior in the true sense, heart and soul, he doesnt wake up and part of his day to be a warrior and a Leader. He wakes up a warrior and a Leader that I will follow to the gates of Hel and fight by his side to destroy the Empire Sir." What the Admiral did on the One Eye Jack world really instilled in Meari how much of a true warrior and Leader Admiral Hack was, that is when she realized she would follow him anywhere.

Meari looks at the Captain her eyes turning black, she says to him," I could just go tell LC Shadow now that you touched his daughter's backside without her permission, how do you think that will turn out, but dont worry if you do touch her ass again you will wish for a quick death." She will keep her eyes locked on the Captain.

She then smiles at Frakas and waits for the men's reactions before doing anything, still on guard for combat, her hand is close to her combat knife.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2888 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 22:58

  • msg #636


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1273)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1274)

Again up to the stage Nikki talked to Helmsly and whispered to Sam. After a few moments the music started and Nikki started the song first followed in by Sam.

Hawkeye Price

player, 510 posts

LT (JG) Catrina Price

Combat Surgeon, Med Tech

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 23:05

  • msg #637


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1275)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1276)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 632):

Hawkeye's eyes were cold, It's a funny thing about ponds most of the time if you want to see the scum it's most frequently found floating near the top. Funny how society seems mimic nature. Send it to the Everest SEC officer
or Roy. I'm not in the mood for them to have a good night.
she snipped. I need another drink, something tall cold and boozey

Sarah McKeon

player, 527 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 23:27

  • msg #638


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1277)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1278)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 600):

Sarah smiled back, sure I'm thinking one more each. Want them to suffer long, but want to ensure they're dead by the time they arrive or near dead. Last thing this universe needs is for them to survive.

Following up the latest Dance she finds her way over near the board with Rivets.

When Hack comes over she nods, so you're saying an already scheduled patrol should be departing immediatelyto conduct a sweep of the Burian fleet area as planned. she says with a smile. If you'll excuse me Admiral I'll be checking on that regular patrol and ensure it departs on time. excusing herself she heads directly for Sam.

Sam, I need you to check on something for me. Please check on our scheduled patrol of the Gloved Claw and Chill Grip to meet and escort BU24 and ensure if they've not left already they depart immediately and make all speed to rendezvous with BU24 and complete a short escort to the edge of the Everest system and ensure the vessel and its crew and cargo make it to the edge of Everest space intact and unmolested, she says mentioning both the current burian vessels on standby duty at the moment implying some urgency without giving away the risk incase there was a mole.

Isobel Sakura

player, 811 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 23:40

  • msg #639


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1279)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1280)

She would take Lizzy by the hand and get back to her feet before slowly heading back towards the dance hall, listening as her friend spoke of Sam’s singing and how she thought she should take it up professionally ”well the war has to end one day” she replied, smiling at the thought of her friend being a pop star ”you know I once overheard a rumour that Harry of all people could sing” she said, giving Lizzy a look to see if she knew whether or not this was true.

They would return in time to see Sam and Nikki begin their duet together with Izzy leading Lizzy out onto the dance floor for the promised dance, with Izzy wanting to make the most of their first ball together as well keeping her mind off of the fact that she was heavily scarred and would be taking a trip to a hospital ship in the not too distant future.


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 00:55

  • msg #640


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1281)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1282)

The Young Captain turned , he gave Dusk a look of disgust,..I should have know better then to waste time with a Half breed...

The Captain turned to go, The Colonel said, may have made a grave Mistake... His family is one of the riches on Uden...

Dusk snarled,..My Granmod is Litlit, the Warlord of the Undenese system!... My Cousin here is a Commando!.. My brother is the Ambassdaor to the ESN from Uden System, and My Father is LC Shadow.... care how many creds he has!

it might have looked better if Dusk was shouting.. but the low growl in her metallic-lke chest seemed to make the Colonel step abck a bit.


Rolf smiled and tapped a few times to send the Pic to Roy, and Capt Messe to 'check into' thier backrounds.


Shadow sat and watched other dancing and talking while he sipped a soda and nibbled on 'pastry stix'...

Will could not get free of the Suits and dresses that would surround him, Cora and Ellen did thier part, sometimes one would take him to 'dance'.. and sneak off to the otherside of the room, but.. a crowd would soon form there as well..

LT Cross came over,not used to this, I bet..someone esle being Mobbed...

Shadow craned his neck backwards, he chuckled a bit when he saw who it was and looked forward once more. I don't envy him... I used to it, i use it as a platform, sometimes. That poor guys he wasn't trained for that..

and you were?

..sorta? I eman.. the academy didn't have Hero 101, but we elarned how to deal with the press, and fans and such... The ESN knew, if we were any kind of successful, piltos would be the 'big thing" has been that way in almost every it right?.. I dunno.. guys on the ground die and do hero stuff...but all anyone sees is an aircraft with a number, and how many kills they have.

..and the press?

yeah? you try to help them out..right?.. I made the mistake a couple times... Introduced a reporter to the #2 person on Bura, and was slapped down for it...seeing what happens since then, i am no longer surprised?... That Half Angel? she busting her Ass trying to do good...we had a few words as well. but she's a trooper and settled right in... about all those Kills..

can't say for the other Fleets...but the delta earn your kills.. I have 157... there were..i think..37 unconfirmed...

so you have 194 ?

Shadow shook his ehad with a grin,..nope... 157. Captain Morris is strict... if there is a one gets the kill..., sometimes, if a pilot dies on thier first sortie, and there is a questionable kill on his CAMs, he'll let the pilot have it, if nothing esle the family can say 'he got one"...once you get your first kill.. that's it.. you

..what about your kills on the ground...

..I get some there..sure...But its hard to keep track of all those bodies...

I wasn't talking about strafing

...neither was I....

Billie Morrisson

player, 727 posts

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 04:38

  • msg #641


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1283)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1284)

Billie laughed heartily. “Do you hear me complaining about dancing with you?” Shaking her head, she followed him out to the dance floor. “If I had the appropriate attire and the music, I’d be asking you to show me some of your moves.” She gave a wink and a coy smirk.

Missy Jagger

player, 416 posts


Master Mechanic

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 05:52

  • msg #642


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1285)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1286)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 640):

Missy walked up next to Dusk, her evening gown a deep saffron to complement her hair.
The director of business from the LG01 uncomfortably at her shoulder. He wasn't sure about this bumping around with the other suits but the Porcines were born to it. "Patience little one, they are just men, and seem to have little understanding of reality when they step into a formal setting."

She flips her hand at the Colonel "It would be gentlemanly of you to get the Lady Dusk a drink right now don't you think?"

He had been handed an excuse to leave on a silver platter, hopefully in the light of Dusks rage he will wisely retreat. If not Missy will glare at him till he does.

If so Missy would look at Dusk, almost a little sternly. "I know you haven't been a woman for long, but men can be quite dense. The first instance a man lays a hand on you, slap it. Slap it quickly, slap it hard, and don't commit your emotions or any words to it. He isn't worthy of them. You want people to hear a loud crack and turn to see that clown making a spectacle of his injured wrist while you demurely walk away leaving the spot light on his folly. It keeps others from doing the same thing. You as a Lady of the fleet, are burdened with setting an example of how you should be treated. Never let them doubt it."


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 07:19

  • msg #643


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1287)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1288)

The Colonel looked at the 'woman','ll forgive me if I do not take 'suggestions' from a....civie.. His Face was , unconcerned, and held no hint of humor.

Dusk neck show 'red' when the shading would shift to the 'cream' color, her eyes were red as she stared at the Colonel.... I mostly snap a figure or two, I was trying to be nice, since we are at a Ball...

Lilit stood watching the outcome of the engagement, as one might study a battle field.


Arnie grinned as they danced to the faster songs, well, we may as well enjoy ourselves, I think this party goes on until 2:00..its almost 12:00 now...

Roy Spencer

player, 8807 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 07:24

  • msg #644


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1289)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1290)

Roy nodded as Nifty and the corporal reached an understanding. "I'm sure Corporal Nessn will take exemplary care of your rifle. The General here knows how important a good rifle is to me...I'm certain everyone under his command has been taught the proper care and feeding." He gave a grin, nodding to Corporal Nessn and waving for Nifty to come on into the ball.

"You've gotta understand, Nifty...if you're going to attend events like this, there are certain sacrifices that you have to make for the sake of decorum. You think I like being trussed up in this thing?" he asked, looking down at his dress jacket. The move was oddly stiff, because the collar on the jacket could gouge painfully against his Adam's Apple if he got careless about how he did it. "Now, feel free to mix and mingle...but be careful how you interact with any of the civvies. We're still sussing out who's actually backing the APF and who's just using the security of an APF station to pad their bank accounts with business benefitting our enemies, and even the ones who like us are still not used to having real warriors around...they've been dealing with St. Gaul for years. They're gonna give you crap about not being dressed for the ball...laugh it off. They might give you crap about some other stuff. The only directive I'm going to give you on that is, don't throw the first punch. I don't care if you finish it, but don't start it. And if you finish it, try to keep the bloodshed minimal...don't want someone dragging their fancy ballgown through a puddle of it..." He rolled his eyes, showing his general opinion of the overly-fancy attire being sported by some present.

His comm pinged at about the same time he heard Dusk's voice angrily cutting through the background noise, and he glanced over to see the Captain surrounded by a small cluster of bodies, mostly other Udenese. He glanced down at the comm message, grimacing at the expression on the face of the man in the picture...but seeing the look on McCloud's face told him the guy was trouble. Still...given what he'd just said to Nifty, he hoped the private hadn't caught a good look at the image, and the grip McCloud had on the man's throat...

"Duty calls, Private, Corporal...General Stone, you might want to follow on this, so you get a clearer idea of just how some of our allies comport themselves..." He gestured, indicating the direction he was going to go, before turning and moving through the crowd toward Dusk, as he watched the exchange grow...well, not really 'heated', but definitely more intense.

"Captain Dusk," he said, with all due formality, as he bowed slightly to her. "I think I've taken care of my formal duties for a few minutes...would you care for another dance?" he asked. He gave a slight nod to the Udenese captain and colonel, but otherwise ignored them for the moment. His eyes flicked for a moment to Missy, recognizing her, and giving her a more formal nod than either of the Udenese officers, before settling on Meari...her posture and her hand on her knife were both noted, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Granted, if someone from the Hermes was to start an actual fight with the two, it would be best if it was could be excused as a matter of Udenese or even familial honor, given her relationship to Dusk. But it would be better if nobody from the Hermes started it. He was just glad Shadow hadn't already homed in on the situation...


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 07:36

  • msg #645


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1291)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1292)

Dusk's voice came through Clenched teeth... The Colonel feels our Admiral is a fool, for going down on ground Missions...... the Young Captain feels it is his right to grab woman's behind , as though it might make us take him to bed...This Female is trying to give me advice..but all I want to do is break off the captain's right arm, and beat the Colonel to death with it..

Lilit still watched, The Colonekl was well aware as he raised his voice.....Is this the way you talk to a Colonel?

..It is the way i talk to stupid people! her voice was getting louder, some of the pilots started to look around for Shade of Shadow.

General Stone said,..i have never had an example such us this. I'm sure you will show us how the Hermes handles it..

Roy Spencer

player, 8808 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 07:51

  • msg #646


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1293)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1294)

Roy looked back at Stone for a moment, with an expression that made it clear he didn't find those words helpful. "Fascinating," he said, looking at the Colonel. That was the easiest target...

"Perhaps the Colonel can detail to us his extensive combat record, upon which he justifies his authority to offer any critique at all of Admiral Hack's leadership style?" He fixed the Colonel with a gaze that was all too clearly questioning whether the Colonel had ever commanded anything more impressive than a clean-up squad policing the battlefield after the fight was over.

Still looking at the Colonel, he added, "As for the captain...if he can't keep his damned hands to himself, by all means, tear his arms off and bludgeon him to death. If his physical stature is as grand as his morals, it should be almost effortless."

Samantha Robertson

player, 636 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 15:30

  • msg #647


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1295)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1296)

In reply to Nicole Rutledge (msg # 636):

Sam smiled and had a great time dancing and singing with Nikki, she really got into it and was having a great time. Once they where done Sam smiles at the crowd and heads off stage with Nikki. She give Nikki a big hug and says," Thank you that was fun, you sing great I have never had any training I just sing."

Sam then would keep smiling and head for Howe, when Sarah came to her. Sam listened and got her work face on. Once Sarah was done Sam smiled and replied," Of course Ma'am that scheduled patrol should be leaving shortly I will just make sure everything is ready for their departure and their rendezvous with BU 24 and it's safe passage." Sam smiles and winks at Sarah, she knew there was no such patrol scheduled and that this BU24 could be the missing ship for the piece of Lady Sam thought, she wasnt sure but she knew it was important.

Sam then stepped away from the crowd and tried to find a quieter place to make all her calls. Sam then got on her special coded comms and then began to send out the orders of the Gloved Claw and Chill Grip to follow BU24, intercept and fully inspect the ship BU24. Sam put an immediate rush on the two ships departure and to use all speed to intercept ship before it leaves Everest space.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2525 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 15:51

  • msg #648


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1297)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1298)

In reply to Isobel Sakura (msg # 639):

Lizzy smiled at Izzy as they walked back into the Ballroom, after Izzy said the war cant last forever, Lizzy replied," No I hope it doesnt, and maybe you will have a vid star as your friend, she is amazing." Then Izzy asked about if Harry could sing, Lizzy smiled and remembered the song she sang with her at Lizzy's birthday party. Lizzy replied," Yes Harry can sing, she has a wonderful voice but she gets really really bad stage fright." Lizzy tried to keep the smile on her face, but thinking of her birthday party that was the day the image of her father was cracked wide open and she finally saw what her Father truly was. Lizzy thinks what would have happened if she didnt change her name would she have found her mother's message, would her father have gotten away with killing her and everyone on the Neutron. Then she just saw her Father being eaten alive by the plasma his screams as his body was slowly eaten away. Lizzy fought back the tears as they walked towards the dance floor.

Seemingly like on cue, Sam and her wingmate Nikki where singing a duet, and they where amazing. Lizzy smiled at Izzy as they began to dance, they would fast dance to Nikki and Sam's song but the next slow song Lizzy would hold Izzy tight. The death of her Father had affected her a lot more than she had realized, it was something she would have to deal with and come to terms with, and she knew she would do it but it has changed Lizzy forever.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2889 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 15:53

  • msg #649


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1299)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1300)

Nikki smiled in agreement when the song was done and headed off stage as well. she was not smiling so much as she could see Dusk, a Colonel and a Captain having a rather intense and unpleasant conversation. Others around her rather avoiding helping, save for Missy and Roy. Nikki walked up listened a moment then spoke "Evening Sirs I am Ensign Rutledge. May I ask what the problem is? I would rather resolve this without a scene seeing as we are at a formal event" she looked at the Colonel. She could not help it, as far as she knew Dusk was a minor being harassed by midlevel brass. She was trying to be diplomatic.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:45, Sat 14 Nov 2020.


player, 688 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 16:02

  • msg #650


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1301)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1302)

Meari watched both men carefully, with her combat senses ready for battle. She watched closely, as Missy spoke and then Roy showed up. Meari could be seen relaxing a little bit when she sees Roy knowing if these two started something he would have her back. She did move her hand a little bit away from her knife when she picked up on Roy's subtle nod no. Meari knew it would be bad to start something, she was not going to do that, she would only defend herself and her cousin.

Meari began to calm down and then looked at Roy with a look of I will follow your lead SM, she did look to see if Roy wanted her to go dance or stay as backup in case these guys tried something against Dusk. She did not speak she just waited for everyone's responses and what would happen next. She did stay close to Frakas.

When Nikki arrived Meari nodded to her but Nikki could tell Meari was ready for a fight if one broke out. Meari was outraged the Captain touched her cousins backside without permission, like he was entitled to do whatever he wished.


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 16:21

  • msg #651


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1303)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1304)

The Colonel gave a chuckle, one that sounded a bit more bass then Dusk's,...SM?... I have never been in the postion, that Your Admiral is in... But , do you not see the folly? If The Ad,iral Falls, you lose your figure ehad.. the APF's figure ehad, he should be on a base some were...or a Planet, handling the fleet from there!

The Captain said in a sour Voice,..May I go? there are other Entitled Ladies who might be ...less adversarial, then Captain SHadow...

Dusk was more then a little put out by all of this, She moved to Roy as she took a look at the stage to see what songs were going to be played.

Stone studied Missy , Nikki and Meari as they voiced thier suggestions., and More thena few people on the outside of the confrontation, kept watchign Shadow m who seemed to be in a Conversation with LT Cross.

Dusk said to Nikki, a bit louder then she should...The Colonel thinks the Admrial is a fool for going on boarding Missions and jump offs.... and the she spits the word,Captain..... Thinks it is fine to grab some one's backside as they dance, with refusing to let the hand wander , a sign of contempt!

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2890 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 16:55

  • msg #652


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1305)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1306)

"Captain, that would be an excellent idea IF you behave like an officer should with some decorum. It does seem that Dusk here has taken offense to your less than gentlemanly actions. It probably would be best if you apologize to her whether you believe it was wrong or not" She knew he probably wouldn't she moved next to him to stand at his side the gestured to Dusk for him to apologize. She had a gentle smile on her face.

Roy Spencer

player, 8809 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 19:29

  • msg #653


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1307)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1308)

Roy offered his arm to Dusk as she stepped next to him. "I'm not sure you'll understand this, so I'll try to keep it simple enough for you. The reason Admiral Hack is the leader of the Fleet and the APF is because he IS the kind of leader who will get down in the trenches with his men. Maybe the Warlord should give you some combat assignments to remind you how much that can mean to your troops."

He turned to Dusk. "That's the difference between officers who earned their troops versus the ones who got the position handed to them. Pretty sure Captain Roaming-Hands there never had twenty people follow him to a new command...too selfish to do anything to inspire that kind of loyalty."

Missy Jagger

player, 417 posts


Master Mechanic

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 20:12

  • msg #654


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1309)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1310)

Missy hears the words of the Captain her smile becomes brittle. Her turns to Dusk "I'm sorry, your right. This one is more than dense, he's down right stupid and has no right to his rank. The fact that as a civilian I might command more skilled people than he will ever be able to handle and I had to earn the position with my skills doesn't even occur to him."

She steps back and lets the higher ups continue the conversation, her gaze catches on Lilith, this can be an opportunity.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:26, Sat 14 Nov 2020.


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 21:20

  • msg #655


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1311)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1312)

As the Battle Lines are drawn, Lilit didn't make a move Until Dusk Moved towards Roy and Nikki suggestion.....

The Colonel stood straighter, The Captain Looked at Lilit with a bit of trepidation . Nodding to Missy, Meari, Nikki and Roy... The warlord asked,Captain Sen... aee you going to apologize to Captain Shadow,?

Warlor4d, I have nothing to apologize for. It is nothing, that most of the other females, did not mind, But for some reason, Dusk feels her ass is too Good...

Lilit's left hand flashed like a Gate opening, Hitting the Young Captain in the Chest and tossing him into meari and The Sanri SGT.

Captain Shadow.... is an officer..She is the Flag Officer of the Udenese Fleet.....You will not speak in such terms about Your Flag Captain...and..My granmod.

The Captain was trying to get up, shocked and stunned by the hit. The Colonel stepped up,..I must protest! Captain Senn is from one of the most affluent Families on Uden! You could see a downturn in Creds from this action

Lilit turns to look at the Colonel,..then....imagine what will happen next....

She opens her COM..I want 4 on duty troopers from the Udenese Flag Ship to escort Captain Senn to the ship to pack his belongings.... he will now be ..ENSIGN...Senn, whit records and pay amended to reflect that... he will be on the next Shuttle to Aqra to over see the laying of Pipelines in the south....

The Colonel looked flabbergasted ...before he could say anything, Lilit took the Colonel's hand,..while Captain Senn awaits the Uden SEC... you and I are going to see Admiral Hack, and You will explain his 'foolishness' to him..

if possible for an Udenese, the Colonel seemed to get 'pale' as he followed the Warlord towards Admiral Hack and The Board.

Dusk looked around at the others, the captain was tryign to get up..only mildly aware of what was going to happen.

...Thank you all.. it is hard sometimes. I am not taken seriously, by some of the new transfers , who have never stood on the Dec durning a battle,..they feel i was 'awarded my rank; because of my Bloodlines.

she turns to Roy,...let us go to the floor... Brooks says two slow songs are coming up... she smiles at the others as they move to the floor.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:26, Sat 14 Nov 2020.


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 21:42

  • msg #656


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1313)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1314)

LT Cross, saw the Body of the LT fly into the Tall Udenese woman. He has hus arms crossed the back of a Chair , that he is sitting on backwards, his chin resting on those arms... one hand points to the shaken gonna do something about that?

Shadow sips from his soda,..naw , if they needed me , some one would have called for me....

Wanda McFie comes over..I was wondering, If the LT wanted to dance?

Cross gave Shadow a smile as he stood and took the Pilot's hand and moved out onto the floor with her.


Shade watched what he could see when he heard the sound of Dusk's voice... but angry wan't the same is 'help' he nibbled on his goodies and kept watch, Nodding as Roy left for the floor .


Will and his guardians danced the slow dances, Cora the First, Ellen the second, soon as those songs were done.. the fans closed in again.


player, 689 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 22:09

  • msg #657


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1315)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1316)

Meari just watched ready for anything, and then her Granmod came over and Meari shook her head they did not want her to get involved for sure. Then Lilit hit the Captain, and he flew towards her and Frakas, she went to catch him and then sidesteps and lets him hit the ground. Meari just smiled when Lilit said what was going to happen to him. Meari also smiled when Lilit took the Colonel to see Admiral Hack.

When Dusk thanked them for being there for her, Meari smiled and said," Of course cousin I will always be there for you." She looks at the Ensign trying to get up, and accidentally steps on his hand as she turns to Frakas and says," Thank you for your support, shall we have our dances." She makes sure the new Ensign will not leave before the Uden SEC show up, she will head to the dance floor following Roy and Dusk.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2892 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 22:52

  • msg #658


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1317)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1318)

"I tried to be diplomatic" She smiled at the Captain a moment then ripped the Captain insignia off of his uniform. "Oh...just so there is no mistake here...." she reached and grabbed him by his genitals "..Start using your brain and not you best friend there." she made sure that the acrylic nails she had gotten earlier in the day were up to the job of making him feel the burn. "Take this as a learning moment" she listened to him whine slightly before releasing him.

Roy Spencer

player, 8810 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 23:18

  • msg #659


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1319)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1320)

Roy grinned and nodded 8n Lillit's direction as she led the Colonel away. "And that is why Uden follows the Warlord. Gave the captain enough leeway to either get out gracefully, or well and truly bury himself, without compromising you at all. While it would be good to have you the Hermes, I'm sure she's an excellent teacher, and giving you a truly worthy example to emulate." If he had any further concern about either the captain or colonel, he hid it.

As they started dancing, he grinned down at her. "Just for the record...I know you could have handled that on your own. I was just hoping to minimize the chaos. I mean, you ARE Shadow's's in your blood to go big when you go off on someone." He chuckled gently as he focused again on the dance.


Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 23:44

  • msg #660


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1321)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1322)

As Nikki ripped the insignia, The Captain Pushed her a good 2 yards into the dance Floor, he snarled at her.( he is udenese!)

Mitch swung a round house and Hit the Udenese staggering him back wards... Two Iron guard stood between Mitch and the 'Captain"

Morris , who had followed Lilit over said,..I think that's enough, don't You.... Troopers, Please escort the Captain to the doors to await the Udenese SEC.... LT Regal?, when we Cast off , you will be restricted to quarters for 24 hours...carry on...


Dusk gave Roy a coy little smile, you think i could be as bad as my father?... I do not know if that is a compliment or not!

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2893 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 00:02

  • msg #661


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1323)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1324)

Getting to her feet and adjusting her clothing "Capt. Morris. It was partially my fault....>" she approached him "Lt. Regal was coming to my defense. Any punishment aimed at him I should bear as well" she'd accept the consequences.


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 00:30

  • msg #662


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1325)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1326)

Captian Morris sipped from a cup of tea as he held the saucer...If that is true, then your punishment, is to see him it not... The Warlord had exacted her punishment, there was no reason to further antagonize the fellow..hmmm?.... Now? should he have been a Hermite...well.. that would be another thing. he placed the cup on the sacucer he held and 'shooed ' them away,

..Carry on..enjoy the rest of the evening...

Roy Spencer

player, 8811 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 00:58

  • msg #663


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1327)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1328)

Roy chuckled. "Well...I don't think you're anywhere near as volatile. But you ARE Udenese, and what you lack in mercurial temper, I'm sure you make up for in raw physical strength." His grin could be heard in his voice.

"And whether being compared to him is a compliment or an insult is all a matter of perspective. Some people would be deeply offended by being compared like that. Others would consider it a matter of pride to even be considered in a similar category." His tone grew a little more serious as he continued, "I meant it as neither compliment nor judgment...just an observation. It's part of you, the same way it's part of Shade. Whether it's a good or bad thing depends entirely on what you do with it."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:27, Mon 16 Nov 2020.


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 05:00

  • msg #664


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1329)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1330)

Dusk smiled a bit, thought there was an intense look in her eye as she saw the 'once' captain being led away to the door

...In the end, I suppose there are very few people i care of what they think . But those
few, I do care alot, of what they think...

she settled into the Dances with Roy, slowly getting ,less, tense.


Mitch and Nikki went out on the floor,well? that went well?.... Did we have to step in for Shadow's kid? I mean,,doesn't she have enough heavy hitters?


Billie and Arnie danced a slow dance as well, before Arnie said,..After this? we should go finish our food, or get somehting fresh.


Lilit stopped by Admirals Hack, Hennings and Roles, With Captain Si, Emmie and Captain Bornberry.

..You will tell the how Foolish he is, That is a direct order...

Hack Turned and faced the Udenese Colonel, a look of Amusem*nt.....yes? Please... Tell me my failings, it could save some lives?

The Colonel took a deep breath and said, I discussed with Captain Shadow, that you were foolish for going on ground ops and boarding missions. You could be killed and the Fleet would lose its head...

There are some chuckles among the board,

Ahhh..Yes... well, You see colonel, I can get a good feel of a battle if i am with the troops..I have people who stay behind on the ship to handle and information we need...or that we send them.. and..we have a chain of command that goes 50 ships deep... we figure, if we lose that many people, it won't matter who is in charge in longer.... Now.... Lets you and me take a Little walk...

The Colonel looks around , Lilit waves him off....why is everyone takign me for walks!..

The walked through the dance floor , stopping at Roy and Dusk when the 2nd slow dance is over Admiral Hack smiled and said,..Roy?.. This is the newly Minted LT Caxx...

..LT!..But I'm...

..about to shut up or you'll be an ensign.... Now... Lt Caxx, is going to Join you SEC when we cast off... he'll stand watches, he'll train, and he'll go on our next jump off with us?.. He is very concerned with my 'foolishness, so... i would feel.. MUCH..better if he was on the ground with me... don't you think, SM?

Dusk Giggled.


Sam got a COMs back...Recieved ... we should catch them with in the hour...

Missy Jagger

player, 419 posts


Master Mechanic

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 05:22

  • msg #665


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1331)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1332)

In reply to Dusk (msg # 655):

At the mention of the two slow songs, missy outs her hand over her mouth "Oh my, that's me. I must go."

She Finds her place at the mike just in time.

Billie Morrisson

player, 730 posts

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 05:27

  • msg #666


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1333)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1334)

"I think...we should grab something fresh," she said softly, lightly draping her arms around his neck. All that mattered in that point in time was her and him and the music. It was nice to just temporarily forget about everything and just enjoy Arnie's company.

Roy Spencer

player, 8814 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 06:53

  • msg #667


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1335)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1336)

Roy's initial reaction was a look of resigned annoyance...which lightened at Dusk's giggle. " Welcome to the Hermes, Lieutenant," he said. "You're have a day or so to round up your gear and get it moved...I don't think everyone will have that much time to prepare. I hope you like tunnel-runs..." A sad*stic corner of Roy's soul was contemplating the generally-optional participation in Shadow's training runs mandatory from their new Udenese officer.

He'd worry about telling him to shut up and listen to the experienced troopers later. "In the meantime, I'd suggest you enjoy the ball as best you can while it will be a while before you get another chance." All said in a casual, conversational tone without stepping away from Dusk at all, or even so much as hesitating on a single step. The lack of any formal gesture of acknowledgment was deliberate...he did consider dancing with the Udenese Flag Captain to be far more important than giving any encouraging words to a new transfer...especially a disciplinary case.

He chuckled under his breath, and, on their next turn around the dancefloor, his eyes sought out Stone. As they passed the General, he said, loud enough for Stone to hear, "That's one way we deal with those cases, General. Find me when the Captain is done dancing with me and I can tell you a few more stories." He laughed quietly as they continued dancing.

Missy Jagger

player, 420 posts


Master Mechanic

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 07:58

  • msg #668


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1337)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1338)

With the precision out of the way, Missy opens up her next song with some emotion

Isobel Sakura

player, 812 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 12:22

  • msg #669


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1339)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1340)

Upon Lizzy confirming the rumour that Harry could indeed sing, Izzy would offer her girlfriend a look of shock as she learned why the woman didn't sing more often "wait a minute, Harry? Brash, in you face, pick a fight with anyone Harry get's stage fright!?" she exclaimed, clearly struggling to accept that Harry of all people didn't like being the centre of attention "Well...I'm kind of glad that I never tried following that up" she said as she watched her friend singing with Nikki, quietly liking the idea of her becoming a pop star once the war was over.

They would have another slow dance together, at the end of which some kind of altercation broke out between Dusk and a pair of Udenese officers she didn't recognise. With the disagreement sucking in more and more people like some kind of black hole Izzy would give a disappointed shake of her head thinking that it was typical that even here a fight was threatening to break out with her surprised that Shadow hadn't gone wading in like a bull in a china shop yet "It's getting late, Do you want to head back? I could do with getting some sleep tonight" she softly asked Lizzy knowing that she would probably like to have one last dance and say goodnight to her friends before they went.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2527 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 13:39

  • msg #670


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1341)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1342)

Lizzy giggled at Izzy's response to Harry's stage fright,and she replied," Yes that rough and tough Harry has really bad stage fright, she froze when I brought her up to sing at my birthday party. She did try though, yeah I did it once it wasnt a pretty site after." Lizzy smiled at watched and listened to Sam and Nikki sing then Sam talked to Sarah and then she ran off getting her Comms out. Lizzy points out Sam leaving to Izzy and remarks," Something might be up looks like Sam is doing Official Burian stuff over there."

Lizzy and Izzy slow danced, then another altercation broke out,Lizzy was wondering when the next one would start it was getting to quite for a Hermes invited ball. Lizzy saw Roy, Meari and Nikki involved. Lizzy paid it no attention they would settle it out hopefully with minimal bloodshed. When Izzy said it was getting late, she was right and Izzy was recovering. Lizzy smiled and replied," Yes Izzy it is late, you need your rest one last dance, and then I just need to say goodbye to a few people and we can head to our condo ok." Lizzy help Izzy tight as they danced their last dance of a wonderful first Ball together. Lizzy was surprised she expected more from this Ball other then the Mouse Officers it was pretty normal for a regular Ball.

Samantha Robertson

player, 637 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 13:46

  • msg #671


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1343)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1344)

Sam finished everything then got a comm back that the ships would intercept within the hour. Sam acknowledged the message and then headed over towards Sarah quickly. Once she found her and she was free to talk, Sam said," Commodore Ma'am the Patrol is on it's way and will rendezvous with BU24 within the hour."

Isobel Sakura

player, 813 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 16:49

  • msg #672


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1345)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1346)

"Wow...That's...that's actually kind of surprising, I would have thought that being on stage would have been her thing" Izzy softly spoke as they went out onto the dance floor one last time with Izzy more than happy for Lizzy to lead, with her gently nuzzling her girlfriend's neck as she held her. It had been a wonderful night, mainly because she'd been able to spend it entirely in Lizzy's company and that everyone else had just left her alone. It had also given her a short respite from from her troubles allowing her the time to come up with a viable plan of action...all she had to do now was get through her trip to a medtech ship and then put it into action with her hoping that once she'd done that that everything else would slowly fall into place.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2528 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 17:02

  • msg #673


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1347)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1348)

Lizzy giggled and replied," Oh it was not, I had a great time on stage though, I think I sang ok, I just went up and had fun." They then went onto the dance floor for their last slow dance for their first ball together. Lizzy had a great time and being able to spend all of it with Izzy was amazing. They danced close Lizzy liked Izzy nuzzling her neck. They would dance until the song was over, Lizzy then kissed Izzy passionately, after the amazing kiss she said to Izzy," Thank you for a great evening and we will get through everything together. Now lets say good bye to a few people ok?" Lizzy would then scan the Ballroom for Harry, Nikki, Sam, Melia, and Captain Si to see where they where she wanted to say good night to all of them.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2894 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 17:16

  • msg #674


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1349)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1350)

She moved to Mitches side. "Those two are assholes. And yes to your question. Save for Missy, Meari, and Roy it didn't look like anyone was standing up on her side. showing unity and good faith is always a plus." she smiled "It showed those two how far we are all willing to go for each other"


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 19:25

  • msg #675


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1351)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1352)

Frakas looked to the table s as the slow songs were over,..would you like a drink?... I am not very accustomed to the faster dances some races have.


Mitch just gives a shrug as he takes Nikki on the floor, when the 2nd Slow dance ended, he, also asks if she wants to stay on the Floor or not.


Billie and Arnie sit down for a drink and some snack food.


Admiral Hack, waved General Stone, Nodded to Admiral St Gual to Follow. General Fonte Followed as well.

Admiral Hennings, Admiral Roles, Captain Si, General Bale And Captain Morris stood a few steps down from them.. Whistling into the Mic for attention , he looks up at the Clock, pointing with his right hand as the last 10 seconds tick off, and the Gong sounds out 'midnight'.

Midnight!.... There are many stoires from our childhood, even for the other races , then Humans has folk tales of Midnight ending magical times, or sending Evil running... he looked down as his boots as he walked a bit, then looked out over the masses.

Today... The Magic has ended her in Everest, and the Evil will be cleaned out...

poeple started to Murmur , St Gaul looks at Hack and to General Fontes.

Admiral St Gaul is being relieved of Duty.. Her transfer to Aqra , will be one of Many Everest troops, going there as well...

there was more talk on the floor now, some of panic.

Aqra is in no danger of falling out of our hands.. that is important , for water, food and certain drugs and medicines that help keep the fleet and our Stations we survived very well without it for years..but now that we have it, and thus, secured E-1 and E-2... the APF is in no danger, of having stations and colonies starving and such... looking over the crowd,

..the fighting in the southern Hemisphere of Aqra, is fierce, The Fishfolk have whole civilizations under the continents and harrass our colonists at every turn. They pay for it, of course... and it Appears Worts are extremely suited to fighting them...Nivar has many such units on the planet...

General Guy Stone will take over the Command of Everest, he and his Ironguard will form up, most of Everest SEC... They will begin to train more people to be ready to fight... The Iron Guard is also be sprinkled throughout the Fleet to add some fresh fighting spirit to the cause.

There is a deep rooted Evil on this on the foundation of greed and Envy..and it ends now....Captain Messe will Head up Everest's SEC Under General Stone.... and with her help... Every member of the Everest military will recieve a COM, at 1:00 AM station time....the COMs will stay 'Stay"... or it will say 'go'...if GO... coms up on your screen, you will follow the link to see where you are going... at least half of you will go to Aqra.. you can either fight like ESN/APF people, or let the fish folk take you down....There is also some who will go to the delta's.... and some who will be transferred to The Pit.. some will find thier way to Cap ships... and gods help you if you are a pilot coming to The Hermes!

there are chuckles from Hermes folks.

..Now... Lets finish this Ball!.... because of the transfers, both in coming and out going..The Fleet will be hear until 12:00 Mindnight today.. Its a free day for Fleet folk, unless you are transferring, if you are transferring ..get your kit together and report on miss cast off, You will be considered a deserted with a shoot to kill order added to that notation....

If that sounds harsh... it is meant to be... Etna, Fuji and Matterhorn have lost people in battles..Everest has been a quiet zone ..its ti,e it enters the war, and supports the Unden sector as well as the Hyrians.. with the Vampic lurkign out there waiting to attack...Those people who are being transported to war zones...welcome to the war...

He Nods to Hemsly and tosses him the Mic, the crowd breaks up as Hemsly says,RIGHT!..That's a bit of good news fer them folks on Everest who suffered all them times we weren't here... now..lets get some part music going.

he puts on one the Hermes favs..

Shadow heard the Hemsly and He Gets up.. Mara swoops in from one side, Brivet from another and follow him to the floor

Shade sees this and Nods to orria , But Orria is also being aske d By two Him 'kids"

Dusk Grabs Roy's sleeve to keep him on the the Floor as The Hermes folks started to shout..

Nifty found himself with Chatty Smith dancing to the music

Val looked lost as people moved to the floor.

St Gaul was crushed... she turned to go to her quarters, tears runnign down her cheeks as two Ironguard troops 'escorted ' her to her quarters to gather her things

General Fontes sat in a chair, lookign up at the high ceiling of the ESN HQ, as he waited for 1:00

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2895 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 21:41

  • msg #676


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1353)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1354)

"I would love to dance. But I think Haley and Roll could use some sleep time. We could put them to bed then go and enjoy some quiet time on the rooftop." alone if no one else thought of it "How about it?"

Isobel Sakura

player, 814 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 21:59

  • msg #677


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1355)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1356)

As the song came to an end Izzy would return Lizzy’s passion filled kiss, burying her hand within her gorgeous red hair as she does so. With her lips finally breaking contact with Lizzy’s a breathless, and more than a little love struck Izzy would mutely nod her head in agreement to her request that they go and bid goodnight to some of Lizzy’s friends.

They had barely taken a few steps towards the first person when they witnessed what could be described as a coup as it was announced that St Gaul and large proportion of her officers were being sent to Aqra, with General Stone before given command of the station ” Well...that explains a few things” Izzy quietly said once again glad that she was not required to report on the event.


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 22:52

  • msg #678


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1357)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1358)

people danced, there seemed to be some new energy, now, Everest crewmen were looking at the clock.

Shadow and the Two Ladies who snagged were on the floor dancing to the fast Dance, Shadow was getting better, but he still had a way to go to be 'good'.


Mitch smiles as he looked over the Kids Scarlet was talkign to them as Gregor had come over to sit under the Table, she was talkign to the kids showing them some 'pasta-like' things and they were trying it.

your call?.. I'm not a parent, you know more about kids then i do...but when i was a kid, staying up was a big thing.


Arnie seemed to be relaxed as he sipped from a drink shaking his head,This isn't bad, but they need more training.


Val was sitting watching the party, Stefi came over to sit with her, sharing a drink.


Will was laughing as he danced with Cora and Ellen..Suits were standing off at the table now, as they tried to assess what had just happened.


player, 690 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 22:58

  • msg #679


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1359)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1360)

Meari was dancing with Frakas when the Admiral came over with the former Colonel and talked with Roy. She heard what was happening to him and smiled, she was going to go say something but Roy kept dancing so she did. When the dances where over Frakas asked if she wanted to drink and he wasnt accustomed to fast dances of other races. Meari smiled and replied," Yes lets get a drink Frakas, yes I am getting use to the fast dances of the humans they are interesting." Then Midnight struck and St. Gual was removed from command of Everest and General Stone was chosen as the new commander. She saw him watching her during the altercation with Dusk.

Meari went to the drink table with Frakas and says," Have you tried any of the human alcohols yet, most are weak, plus I like more heavy metals in my drinks." She tried humor but wasnt sure if it would work like she intended.


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 23:13

  • msg #680


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1361)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1362)

Frakas gave a shrug, we do not have many of the drinks... some Human troopers have bought me a beer, but i do not like the other drinks too much... I do like the thing called Milk Shakes?.. I hear Ambassador Shade invented it?


Dusk was a bit more at ease as she stood by Roy as hemsly's song Played, then...more or less.. herded Roy to the Drinks table.


Out in the courtyard. the Apefolk , Sanri and Occui , felt more at home in the open and danced to the Musics made but the outdoor Band. They did hear of the PA system, what was a change in leadership, as St Gaul's regime seemed to fall short.


player, 691 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 23:40

  • msg #681


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1363)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1364)

Meari smiled and said," Yes I have tried human beer by the pitcher, and yes i do like milk shakes. Well my cousin Ambassador Shade I know loves them and introduced me too them, they should have a milk shake machine here. " Meari was on a mission she looked at the drink tenders and asked," Hello do you have milk shakes?" Meari wondered if all human ships and stations had milkshake machines.


Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 23:50

  • msg #682


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1365)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1366)

The fellow pointed to the Dessert area,..yes Ma'am... down with the treats and such, there are ice cream machines and they will make you a Shake..

he pointed near the table where Shade and orria Had a 'stake out".. at This Moment, Orria was on the floor with one of the teens , dancing, Shade was drinking a shake.


player, 692 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 00:11

  • msg #683


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1367)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1368)

Meari smiles and thanks the fellow, she then sees Shade staked out there drinking a milkshake. Meari smiled and said to Frakas," Follow me Frakas, I should have figured my Cousin would have one already." Meari smiled at Frakas and headed for the ice cream machine.

Once there she walked past Shade and said," Hello Ambassador I hope you havent drunk all the milkshakes they have." Meari nodded at her cousin chuckling. Meari then asked the attendant what milkshake flavors they had.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:14, Mon 16 Nov 2020.


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 00:18

  • msg #684


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1369)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1370)

Shade was sipping his shake and bleeped a few times Pointing to the guy making Shakes.

The fellow looked , behind him were many empties in the trash.

Frakas smiled at seem to like the shakes.. I heard they were good.?

Shade bleeped again, Giving Frakas a thumbs up.

Billie Morrisson

player, 731 posts

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 00:42

  • msg #685


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1371)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1372)

"Mr. Bartender is not impressed with the bartending?" she smirked as she sipped her own drink before taking another bite from some chicken strip looking thing. It was a good thing she wasn't a picky eater.


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 00:44

  • msg #686


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1373)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1374)

Arnie just shook his head,..not so much.. they are using top shelf earth stuff, but they seem to not know how to use the Alein stuff.... even the stuff humans learned to make , by adapting fruits and plants on the worlds we colonized...


Roy Spencer

player, 8817 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 00:51

  • msg #687


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1375)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1376)

Roy's manner grew even more relaxed after the announcements were made. It was official, General Stone was in command of Everest, and he and Captain Messe would make a potent team to clean up operations here. St. Gaul had either lacked the insight to realize what was coming, or the foresight to prepare for it, apparently, but the announcement had, thus far, not resulted in any sort of uprising or hostile activity. It would remain to be seen how many Everest transfers actually toughed it out and accepted their new assignments, and how many would try to cut and run in the window of time they'd been given...but that was someone else's problem to worry about.

So, he was not exactly resistant to Dusk steering him over to the drinks table. He selected something non-alcoholic and raised his glass. "To a new era on Everest," he said, that being the most appropriate toast he could think of in the moment.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2530 posts

Pilot Ensign


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 04:19

  • msg #688


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1377)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1378)

In reply to Isobel Sakura (msg # 677):

Lizzy smiles at Izzy after the kiss, and then the big news came. Lizzy was expecting something and so far no violence that was a good thing. Then Izzy said that explained a lot of things, Lizzy smiled and said," Yes it does we found some bad things going on and I guess she knew about it, and let it all slide. So know she is gone, good anyone who would let children be used like that should get worse done to them." Lizzy then smiled and said," Well we saved a lot of them, now lets go say good bye to a few people then head to a room ok Izzy."

Lizzy would see Nikki and Mitch dancing she would head over there holding Izzy's hand, once she was close she would say," Hi Nikki, I just wanted to say good night, was thinking of a beach day tomorrow." She smiled and gave Nikki a friendly hug.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:21, Mon 16 Nov 2020.


player, 693 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 04:24

  • msg #689


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1379)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1380)

Meari shook her head at Shade and said," You might turn into a milkshake cousin." Meari then moved to the counter and asked," Hello what flavor shakes can you make, Sgt Frakas and I would like to order one."


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 04:45

  • msg #690


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1381)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1382)

The dessert guy looked at Meari,we have Vanilla and chocolate..we have 'almost' strawberry..and we have the Blue Burian berry. I was Born On Everest, so i'm not sure what to equal the flavor of the Burian Berry too.


Dusk smiled as she had a mixed drink, of something Alien and Human, she winced as she drank it, and put it down, asking for a wonder Father does not drink.. that taste like somethign we clean our weapons with!

Once she had a Soda, she says,...and? to a secured sector!


People were movign about, Fleet folks seemingly have more fun then the Everest folks who watched the clock waiting for 1:00am , to see if they would still be here.

Shadow was Talkign to CE-VA along with Flores, Some ESN Marine LT and a pair of suits with concerned looks .

...but... if the officers whom we worked with get shipped out, what happens to all our contracts?

..I am not General Bale? But i would assume they are null and whch case, you'll have to bid on new contracts with General Stone and the Cred-Masters he'll have in charge. Just a Tip?.. don't try to bribe The Iron Guard....
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:46, Mon 16 Nov 2020.

Roy Spencer

player, 8818 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 07:38

  • msg #691


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1383)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1384)

Roy grinned. "Yeah, most of that stuff kinda makes me want to gag." He raised his glass a little higher to her toast, and took another drink.

"But even the stuff I do like, I only drink in very limited quantities. Wine is very hit or miss for me...sangria is okay with the right food. I only drink vodka for very special toasts...and it's probably actually the one that I find least offensive, but if I drank it regularly, I'd be a disaster of messed up body chemistry and nerves."

He swirled his glass. "Lucky for me, with so many planets to choose from, there's plenty of exotic juices to drink for special occasions, without risking getting drunk." He took another sip of his drink, and added, "And a good bartender can make some pretty incredible mocktails with them...combinations of flavors that you'd never be able to get from a single world."


player, 694 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 11:17

  • msg #692


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1385)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1386)

Meari smiled and replied," I will try the Blue Burian Berry please." She turns ato Frakas and asks," Which one are you going to try?"


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 16:27

  • msg #693


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1387)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1388)

Frakas pointed to Shade,..I will have the white colored one...

Shade held up his cup and gave a thumbs up.


It is very odd, the way drinks affect Us.. verians can drink almost anyhting, because of thier insides... Undenese can be affected much like humans, , Calimates are more like humans then Udenese. Dusk said.

I like certain Tastes , but i do not like the affects.


It was closing in on 1:00.. Everest crewmen decided to sit and watch thier COMs.

Roy Spencer

player, 8819 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 16:44

  • msg #694


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1389)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1390)

Roy grinned. "Most humans don't like the effects, either...or, rather, they like the effect of one or two drinks, but they don't stop there and they don't like the effect of too many drinks...a lot of them lack the wisdom to stop at that 'perfect point'. It's hard to find someone who drinks enough to relax without drinking so much they start getting stupid, or sad, or crazy. It's also dangerous, drinking to it too often, and you forget how to relax without the drink." He shrugged.

"That's why some of us don't drink alcohol at all, or very carefully regulate how much we drink. It's especially important in a combat zone...getting drunk becomes a liability when you can be called on at literally any second to go into action. Not everyone sees it that way...but I don't trust myself to be an effective leader if I'm drunk...and I definitely don't trust my marksmanship."

He grinned, finishing off his drink. "So don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty or inferior for not drinking. You're a flag officer, and in command of one of the most lethal ships in the Fleet. You never know when you need all your senses to be sharp and ready...why would you want to take the edge off?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:44, Tue 17 Nov 2020.


player, 695 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 17:07

  • msg #695


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1391)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1392)

Meari waited for her milkshake and when they where done, she took hers and handed Frakas his vanilla one. She smiled at Shade and said, Ambassador do you mind if we sit with you and enjoy our milkshakes? Also Meari saw the one Shade was drinking was almost gone she ordered another one for him and placed it down in front of him as she sat down motioning for Frakes to join her if he wished. Meari says, It looked like you where running low, here you go. Meari nodded and then watched and listened closely to Shade using the tricks Orrin had taught her to understand Shade better.

Meari then asked Frakas,Sgt Frakas may I ask what you do with the Sanri Scouts, what are your specialities? Meari was new at small talk so she started there.


Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 20:38

  • msg #696


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1393)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1394)

Dusk nods with a small smile,I do not lke to drink. I have found a one or two , while havign Dinner with Granmod. That tastes acceptable, but i would rather have a softdrink, or coffee, or a Shake!

..I like having 'the edge' makes me more aggressive, yet? It keeps my mind awake... In the Battle of the Field, I made no hesitation in taking the ship to help the Hermes.... None of my crew Baulked? If i have less of an edge. perhaps i do not make that
choice..or...make it too slow?


Shade Thanked Meari with a Bleep and a whirl. He sat there lookign around as Meari Asked Frakas.

Sanri scouts are taught to handle demo...sniper and surveillance... I am good at the Demo... i am fair at the other two.


The Chimes Hit 1:00... and silence fell over the Ballroom... for a go minute, nothing seemed to happen.. then COM lights and Beeps flooded the area

Shouts of Dismay..anger and fright, Mingle with gasps of relief and laughs of nerves...

General Stone took the mic, and walked up the stairs, lookign over the ballroom and the people who we were grousing. crying and bitching.

Fleet folk, didn't seem to give one damn.

...all over this station,every member of the Everest Crew, from techs to officers are lokign at the COMs.. seeing thier future before them. Let me tell you this...right now. Those who are getting transferred, are going for one of two reasons... the good reason, is your skills are needed to where you are gog. The other reason is, you have some question of your actions on Everest and you will be tested in the field, to see what your colors , truly are..take a look at your careers, thus far...and privately ask yourself..'why'...

Those of you who stay?... do not think you have dodged a Pulse round. I want this station to bear the pride i see in the eyes of Fuji crewmen... you cannot, be proud, of what i have seen on this station..Gangers and Streeters will be hunted down like dogs, and those working with them, will think the Mouse's Command staff, were everyone go about you business.. at 3:00 we will expect everyone to elave.. Ejoy your day off tomorrow, transfers, don't miss your answered with death.

He walked down and Handed Hemsly the MiC...

People took to the floor again,

Val sat By herself as Stefi was asked to Dance by Captain Morris, Shadow came passed and stooped,where is doc?

..he left for the ebach... i...think, it was because of the Mouse Command team?.. I do not know for sure...

Shadow Nodded as he looked around,Well?.. I am sorta forgotten Will is attractons attention..there are al kinds of Iron Guard getting into the act. Beth is dancing with some officer..Flores, found a stray marine somewhere... seems i don't have anyone to danc e with?... you care to ease my pride a bit, and Pretend you are having fun?

Val Gave him a sidelong smile, well..I did get all dressed up?... I don't think that's the real reason you asked, but i will help, recover your pride...

she took his hand and went out on the floor for the next slow dance.

Garrat Wolfrim

player, 6561 posts

field engineer

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 21:44

  • msg #697


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1395)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1396)

Garrat, with his arm around Teela would join his toast, as I have no doubt would Teela "TO A NEW ERA!"

More quietly to Spencer, "Mark my words, thid isn't the end of that woman's troubles. we will probably have to put out Gauls lights soon enough."

Missy Jagger

player, 421 posts


Master Mechanic

Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 21:58

  • msg #698


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1397)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1398)

Missy took the mic to help the party rekindle,


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 02:09

  • msg #699


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1399)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1400)

after the Song, Shadow walked Val Over to the Table again,..I'm going to take a trip aroudn the room, make sure i don't have any drunk Pilots?... if you're still here?.. Maybe we can have another Dance? are Kind, LC..but it isn't neccessary , I'll be fine, Henry.... just..well..gets sidetracked easy...

well? enjoy what's left of the night... as he walked towards the steps, he saw Sheoy and Gave a Signal.. Shoey nodded his head, and moved toward Val.

Hey, Ms Val? I saw you dance with the LC... would you mind dancing with a SGT?

Val looked at him,..did the LC ask you to dance with me?

..No Ma'am! he never said a word to me...

..Ok Then?... I do like to dance.... she took Shoey's hand and went out on to the floor

Steel and GiGi wer sitting at a Table as Shadow walked By...well? I see you didn't do anything stupid... keep up the good work, Tomorrow, you and Gigi and some Hermes SEC, and gather some things of hers, and we'll see where she is going.

Gigi looked up,..i see what you are saying, but people could have been there already..

Then it was good you didn't go..what ever they take or damage? isn't worth getting killed for..right?

I guess..


Red Water and Raven were leaving for the Condo, for a nice walk in the night .

Shadow looked out over the crowd, it was thinning now, less Everest as people when home to pack thier bags.

Roy Spencer

player, 8821 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 02:57

  • msg #700


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1401)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1402)

Roy nodded. "Lives are on the line, for us...I've had a lot of people tell me I needed to find ways to relax...but if my relaxing results in someone I'm responsible for dying, it would eat me alive from the inside out. I'll relax when the war is done." He nodded to Dusk, as he affirmed what she'd said.

At Garrat's commentary, he shrugged. "Not our problem anymore. If she can't cut the mustard on Aqra, her commander there will deal with it. I'm guessing she's going to get a lot of combat-duty assignments, though..."


player, 696 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 03:55

  • msg #701


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1403)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1404)

Meari smiled at Shade, and nodded to him she understood. Meari listened to Frakas and responded, " Demo that is one skill I never really learned as a Commando, mostly hand to hand combat, Mixed Martial Arts, dual swords, knives, throwing knives, I am good with a Bow, and a decent shot. They also taught me how to fight Verians in hand to hand combat." Meari smiled at Frakas not boasting or anything just stating the facts and her skills.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2687 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 03:56

  • msg #702


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1405)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1406)

In reply to Meari (msg # 630):

Orria, looked at Shade. Wanting to be sure he was going to be okay. Seeing Shade's look she tries to politely decline the two young suits and heads for Shade, but gets pulled onto the dance floor anyways. Once the song ends she pulls away and heads back to Shade.

With the announcement of the change of command on Everest Melia notices a lot of the pent up energy in the room rushes out. As if a door was opened on a compressed airlock. Still with the risk of a go/stay message there was a high chance of increased... poor reactions.

Sarah McKeon

player, 528 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 03:56

  • msg #703


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1407)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1408)

In reply to Meari (msg # 630):

Sarah nods, "Thank you Sam, if anything changes please keep me updated." She says as she listens in and observes the Everest personnel all waiting for the proverbial pink slip.


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:00

  • msg #704


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1409)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1410)

Shadow is talking to frans and Eckles and they grab his arms and Pull him to the Stage, he looks mildly annoyed, but goes alone with them.

Frans says into the Mic..Our LC is Going to Call it a night... so we're making
sing one More song before he goes...

Eckles smiles and Pulls Him up on the stage .

..Right... so? I don't know what to sing, .... hemsly shows him the name and Number of a Song.Ok... well? I like this one for our enmies to, to hear?... so i guess its a good 'walk off ' song..

The Music starts he nods to the Hermes folks he sees,..of course.. this song fits almost every Hermite here, and those we have lost along the way, so don't be afraid to join in...

Captain Si inclined her her and a proud smile as Shadow began to sing, and slowly , a few other pilots and SEC joined.

Admiral Hack grinned as he talked to General Stone , Stone was pointing at Shadow and Hack chuckled.

when the Song was Over, he gave Frans and Eckles ha, ..Flores and her Marine found him and said something, Shadow nodded by gave the Marine a punch in the shoulder and pointed a finger, in the man's face... the Marine just Nodded rapidly , while Flores rolled her eyes but smiled as they headed out the door.

Beth, had a Pilot who had a 'max' from the Athena and she introduced them, and they went off as well... Shadow walked on the doors by himself.
Nifty was eating and looking around , CPL Nessen approached him. we are officially to stand down and enjoy the last hour of the Ball...would you care to dance?

Nifty had half a hotdog in his mouth, he looked around , like he thought it was a joke.

a Voice behind him said,Go Man.. Me a Sneak will watch your rifle...

Nifty swallowed his food ( almost choking) but wiped his mouth and Hands , he was a good foot shorter then the iron Guard CPL, but , he didn't seem to give one damn.
Ellen and Cora Got Will up on the stage after a few songs....alright!..we had a Pilot..Not lets have a Trooper!

Will looked around sorta embarrasses CE-VA was there to Film...ok?..I mean..if the LC can do it..right? poeple laughed.

he started to sing, some folks joined in clapping with Ellen and Cora helping sing.


..So...SHGT MAJ Spencer... one last dance? where do you go from here? she smiled


Frakas nods both at her words and at the Marvelous 'shakething'.well?... those are all good things. But being able to blow things up is important behind enemy lines, you can cause , much confusion...

Shade Gave Orria a Bleep hello when she came back, the 3 suits were standing close..but not too close.

Shade bleeped and whirled a few times to her , nodding to the Lads.


well?..seems like this party is windin' down, and not so much as one punch?... we must be losin' our touch! Rivets said to Sarah


Howe some folks leaving for the walk back to the Condo.well? you want to stay for the end..or you wanna go somewhere? or do you have plans>


Mitch also took note of the folks filing out of the building Guess its time to grab the kids..huh?


Arnie was talking to a Tender.. and showed him how to make an Astra Snowstorm.. and Had Billie taste it to confirm if it was 'up to snuff".

the tender was writing things down on a napkin as he tried to put the drink together to get the look and texture.

Roy Spencer

player, 8822 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:18

  • msg #705


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1411)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1412)

Roy nodded. "One more dance for luck on the road," he said with a grin. As they walked back out to the dance floor, he turned back. "As for where I go from here...wherever the Hermes goes. The Admiral hasn't announced that yet, and we had two or three pretty solid options when we were coming into station, so I won't even hazard a guess."

As they pulled closer together, he said, in a quieter tone, "Unless you meant immediately after the which case, I go back to the condo...and then see if there was anyone that didn't get a visit last night that we feel should be visited tonight. If we hit anyone else, it could go one of two ways...either they bugged out after last night, and we find absolutely nothing, or they decided they're safe because we didn't hit them last night, and so they've settled back in." The words were a low murmur in her the casual observer, it could have been a rather intimate discussion taking place as they danced.

"Or we may decide we made enough of a mess last night and we don't want to rain on the Iron Guard's fun as they settle into their new assignment. I don't know...I'll talk it over with the LC when I get to the condo."


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:31

  • msg #706


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1413)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1414)

Dusk smiled,Unless Granmod calls for something, we will be returning to the Condo as well, we have rooms in the Admiral's building..perhaps? You could walk me there..

There was one of the Younger Verian Captains watching Roy and Dusk.


The Admiral had sought out Captain Si, waving off suits and dresses, It was thier last dance, he wasn't going to be bothered.


Larry layed by the food bins, out of the way, his head on his front claws as he watched the goings on


Brooks and Hemsly sang the last song of the night..

folks clapped and shouted along.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:39, Tue 17 Nov 2020.

Roy Spencer

player, 8823 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:42

  • msg #707


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1415)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1416)

Roy grinned gently at the suggestion/request. He noticed the Verian watching, although nothing but his eyes betrayed it in any way. It would, perhaps, be a good learning opportunity for the Verians...depending on whether they had any interest in learning anything.

"It would be my honor...although I really should go pay my respects to Captain Messe before I leave. Her life is about to get extremely busy, and as part of her chain of command, I should wish her luck. Assuming she hasn't already left to go set up operations to rope in deserters tring to rush off-station as quickly as possible..." Were he in her position, he'd have set those wheels in motion the moment Admiral Hack made the initial announcement...but while he had faith in her as an officer, he didn't know how much she thought in advance on such matters. She obviously had some shortcomings as an officer, or she would have found ways to get her duty done on Everest going around St. Gaul...or at least, making some clearer reports about the extremity of the situation.


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:50

  • msg #708


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1417)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1418)

Dusk gave a Nod, brushing some hair from her face,Take care of what you need, I will go to the drink table at the door... she gave him a pat om the arm, movign off towards the table.. the verian moved shortly after.


Will , Cora and Ellen left, along witht hem were Simms and MAria


Roy Spencer

player, 8824 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 05:58

  • msg #709


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1419)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1420)

Roy looked for the brass...especially Admiral Hack and General Stone, figuring Messe would be somewhere in the proximity of one or the other of them. As an escort, he knew he'd been somewhat ingracious, spending most of the evening with Dusk...but Dusk wasn't down his chain of command, so dancing with her hadn't felt somehow improper to him. Had he spent the evening dancing with Messe, he was certain he would have been talking shop the entire time...which, now, with the question of whether a follow-up to Delta Night was needed looming, might have been a good thing. But he'd found Dusk's company to be more relaxing.

Samantha Robertson

player, 638 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 11:33

  • msg #710


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1421)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1422)

Sam nodded at Sarah and replied," Of course ma'am I will keep you informed of their progress." Sam smiled and moved around and looked for Howe. Steve found her , she replied," One last dance then we can head to your condo Lt?" Sam pulled him onto the dance floor with the others and they danced the last dance together.


player, 697 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 11:37

  • msg #711


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1423)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1424)

Meari smiles back as she enjoys her shake, then she says," Yes blowing things up can come in handy Frakas.
Meari was a little nervous, she stood smiled at Shade and asked Frakas," Would you like to dance to the last dance Ftrakas I have had a great time this evening."


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 15:07

  • msg #712


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1425)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1426)

people from the beach were now entering the Hall, as others who had been at the Ball, left for the Condo or..maybe even the beach.

The guards relaxed a bit, since no one was coming in with long arms., The Iron Guard set up rotations to sit and eat and drink, while other stood guard, then they would switch.

Nifty and Cala grabbed his rifle and left for the Condo, after she reported in with her Captain.


frakas finished his shake, but suddenly was worried as he grabbed his head,..this is causing head to hurt!

Shade chuckled his metallic chuckle, he bleeped and whirled moving his hands in such a way to show a slow sipping of the shake.

frakas titled his head as the pain was slowly goign away... Then stood to dance with Meari


Sam and Howe Danced, the Last Dance before Howe said, we're Grab a drink to sip on the way back to the Condo


Captain Messe was talking with an Iron Guard Captain who just sent Cala on her way. They Both turned to Roy as they saw his approach.

Roy Spencer

player, 8825 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 15:37

  • msg #713


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1427)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1428)

Roy grinned as he approached. "Congratulations on your new commanding officer," he offered initially, adding, "You were discussed for the job, but apparently Admiral Hack had already put this in motion. General Stone earned his rank the old-fashioned way...he was my DI for half of my boot camp, so he's used to working hard. It'll be good to see what you can get done with some support from your commander."


player, 698 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 15:50

  • msg #714


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1429)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1430)

Meari giggled at Frakas's brain freeze from drinking a shake too fast.meari had the same problem the first time she tried one. Meari smiles and says, You need to drink it slowly as Shade says, the humans call it brain freeze. come lets dance it off Sgt. Meari takes Frakas's hand and heads for the dance floor for the next song.

Samantha Robertson

player, 639 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Fleet N2

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 15:52

  • msg #715


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1431)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1432)

Sam smiled got a drink after the dance and followed Steve to the Hotel.

----->>>> to Everest.


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 16:36

  • msg #716


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1433)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1434)

Messe and the Captain smile at Roy spoke. Messe waved a hand to the Captain. SM Spencer, thees is Captain Ben Wulp of the Iron Guard... He and I will be working together to intergrade Iron Guard with the Everest SEC who have been picked to stay...

The Captain extended his arm, in the classic 'Galactic warrior' greeting...Nice to meet you , SM... needless to say we have heard about you. Captain Messe spoke alot about you...

Captain Messe blushed a bit.

I suppose, at this place in time, I can tell your the 'extra' Iron guard that was 'left over' for being sent the Delta Fleet ships, are now watchign the docking arms.. there have been a few arrests.. and a few shooting... we expect more before Midnight tomorrow. The Admiral and The General decided to extent the fleet's stay to make sure everyone got to where they are going, some of the BUs that are sat in the Everest Hangers are being used to send the Everest troops to places like Aqra, Astra,The Deltas, The Pit, and even on The Line... a few are goign to Etna on regular transports ... , but for some reason none are going to Matterhorn?


frakas finished the Dance, and gave Meari a bit of a bow,,,I thank you for making the last part of my evening, most pleasant.

Roy Spencer

player, 8826 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 17:56

  • msg #717


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1435)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1436)

Roy grunted slightly at the news. "Matterhorn is a special case, but most likely, I would say that they really can't afford any troops with dubious loyalties right now. We left a contingent of Ape-Folk troops there when we stopped...they'd been heavily infested with Creshians and the Ape-Folk are REALLY good at dealing with them in an efficient manner. But I wouldn't consider it a good place to Swift out disloyal troops...the stakes are too high, and there are too many ways a few bad apples could send the whole situation down the chute." He shrugged.

"Wish I knew more, but Admiral Hack plays his cards close to the vest...I'm not privy to sitreps from the various APF assets, until such time as he updates me...which is usually when he's updating everyone else before we attack." He grinned and shrugged, resignedly. He might be Sergeant Major of the Corps, but those things were still officer territory, and he was good with that.

"Glad you got people to the docks. There's no knowing how many have contacts throughout the Stem and are jumping ship that way...but there's only so much we can do at this point."

He turned to Messe. "I'm afraid I haven't been the best exemplar of an escort tonight...but I felt like Captain Dusk needed some assistance. She may be the Warlord's grandchild, but there are still many among her people who only see her as an illegitimate half-breed Human and think they can exploit her position as a result." It wasn't the complete truth about why he'd spent so much time with her...but it was truth, and a more graceful let-down for Captain Messe's ego.

"I'm going to escort her back to the hotel...but I wanted to wish you success with what is, effectively, a new command, since you're going to be enjoying what I'm guessing will be unprecedented support from your CO. If there's anything you need the Corps to do...if it's beyond General Stone, that is...let me know and we'll get it going."

Isobel Sakura

player, 815 posts

Ensign Combat Cam

Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 19:29

  • msg #718


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1437)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1438)

”That or she was simply too incompetent to notice” Izzy suggested with a shrug, not that that was much of a defence in the former admirals favour. Either way she and her cronies were in for a rude awakening when they finally reached the front lines after spending so much time within their cushy little station, with the troopers and pilots destined to join the Hermes not faring much better ” Well she’s probably getting off lightly all things considered, though perhaps this will give her the opportunity to become a proper officer” she said as Lizzy steered her away from the dance floor and over to where Nikki and Mitch were.

With a shy little smile on her face, Izzy would quietly watch as Lizzy bid Nikki goodnight, with her not wanting to intrude, after all as nice as Nikki and the other ladies had treated her at the spa she was still very aware of the fact that they were all Lizzy’s friends and not hers.


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 20:46

  • msg #719


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1439)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1440)

Messe gave Roy a nod,..Yes, it is best you look out for her, I believe the Warlaod may have been testing her officers..or ..maybe Captain Shadow. at any rate, helpign her is very good of you, I do not see why her Father did not step in!... He has even left the building.


Mitch, Nodded to the ladies and went to get another drink as they said thier goodnights.



player, 699 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 22:12

  • msg #720


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1441)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1442)

Meari smiled and bowed back and said," Now I wished you would have asked me to dance earlier. I was thinking of going down to the beach in the morning, they have a section for fleet people and for the Stem kids we rescued. If you want to come by the beach we could spend some time together if you would like that Frakas. It has been a pleasure to meet you and dance with you, and I hope we meet again very soon." Meari gave him a hug like she had seen human females do to males when they leave and gave him a kiss on the cheek, she had seen human females do that as well, but she had no clue if Frakas understood what they meant he wasnt human. Meari just went with it and hoped she did it right, this trying to relationship thing was very hard she would rather fight a regiment of Verians instead.


Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 22:38

  • msg #721


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1443)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1444)

Frakas loked a bit embarrassed,..I did not know who to ask or not ask.. but i saw you had not be dancing much, nor talking with the 'notables', so i took my chance.

he returned the hug awkwardly,i will come down to the beach...My ship has recall at 8:00PM Station time, tomorrow.


player, 700 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 00:22

  • msg #722


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1445)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1446)

Meari smiled and realized the hug was a bad thing so she went with what she knew he would understand, she gave him a warriors arm grasp and replied," Well I am very glad you took the chance Frakas. Yes i had a an awkward dance with my friend Vaka, and of course I danced with my Cousin Shade, but other than that not much. I am glad we got to dance, and I hope we can dance together again soon." Meari then releases the warriors grasp and smiles.

After he said he would come down to the beach Meari was very excited, but she tried to hide her excitement. She then said," That would be wonderful I will see you in the morning on the Hermes Beach, use my name to get you in if they ask." Meari was smiling she couldnt control herself, she then waited for his responses.


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:03

  • msg #723


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1447)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1448)

frakas nodded and waved his two right arms,..yes.. see you there, on the beach, now..I must fine my way to our hotel...


Stefi and Val walked to the Condos....Lippen and Waggastaff behind them, trying to act like they weren't keeping in eye on them until they reached the Hotel.

Melia Kristensen

player, 2689 posts

Combat Corpsman

Petty Officer 1st Class

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:48

  • msg #724


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1449)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1450)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 704):

Orria clicked and whistled back, likely a comment about the suits grabbing Shade's hand giving him a tug towards the dance floor for the last dances.

Melia smiled at Zob, her wariness never less, but her body language more relaxed as the perceived threat level had dropped. Taking his hand she also pulls him out on the dance floor.

Once the dancing was done, Melia ensured Orria and Shade were accounted for, and safely back to the condos. It was getting late.

----Melia, Orria, (perhaps even Shade and Zob) to Everest/Condos--->
This message was last edited by the player at 01:51, Wed 18 Nov 2020.

Sarah McKeon

player, 529 posts

Burian Fleet Commodore

Flag Ship: Cold Stone

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 01:48

  • msg #725


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1451)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1452)

In reply to ballroom (msg # 704):

Sarah clicked off her comm screen after sending a quick message to her commanders and command team to warn them of any shenanigans tonight and through the leave. There were bound to be some sore losers and defectors with the news that had been sent out and the last thing she wanted was to deal with Burian personnel getting wrapped up in it.

Sarah chuckled, "yeah, we'll the tension was certainly so thick you couldn't cut it with an angel steel knife. One more for the road?" Taking the opportunity for one additional dance before departing the ball.


player, 701 posts

Undenese Commando SGT.

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 02:08

  • msg #726


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1453)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1454)

Meari waved back to Frakas and says," Good luck, see you tomorrow." Meari then headed towards her condo with the rest of the Hermites.

---->>>>>>to Everest

Billie Morrisson

player, 733 posts

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 02:21

  • msg #727


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1455)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1456)

Billie chuckled at Arnie's comment, calling the bartenders rookies. She shook her head. "I would offer you to go and school them but...I am rather enjoying my time with you." With a sweet smile, Billie leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Ready to go whenever you want..."

Roy Spencer

player, 8828 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 02:50

  • msg #728


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1457)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1458)

Roy grinned. "At a guess, I'd say he didn't step in for much the same reason the Warlord didn't step in until after it was apparent that Dusk had handled the situation...she may be young, but she's not a child. Neither Shadow nor Lillit can be there all the time...Dusk has to handle her own problems. The only reason I got involved was because I figured there would be enough trouble tonight without bloodshed over a self-indulgent groping incident. Turns out, the party was calmer than I'd expected. It's nice to go to one of these things and not have someone trying to kill Shadow...or me, or the middle of it." He chuckled idly, but the glint in his eye gave an indication of how those past events had turned out for the ones trying to make the trouble.

"But, if you'll excuse me...I neglected one Captain all night, I shouldn't make it two." He gave a low chuckle as he bowed and turned, making his way back to Dusk.


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 02:59

  • msg #729


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1459)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1460)

Arnie nodded,..Hard to tell... Everest folks... maybe they have a learning disablity....we have people who teach that right out of them!

he waves to the door,..lets go... we can relax in the sun tomorrow...


The CAptains smiled at Roy as he left. Dusk was havign a very ....stern talk with the verians captain ...

Roy Spencer

player, 8830 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 03:12

  • msg #730


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1461)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1462)

Roy figured this might be a good time to scare up reinforcements. "Larry! C'mon...we're walking Dusk back to the condos..." Without waiting to see if the larg responded, he continued over to Dusk...noticing the apparent tone of the conversation and opting to appear oblivious to it.

"Are you ready, Captain Shadow?" he asked, very politely. He spared the Verian enough of a glance for there to be no doubt that he was aware of the other captain's presence...but didn't regard it as worthy of commenting on. Instead, he focused on Dusk with the formality of an assigned bodyguard. He could guess what the stern words the two had been exchanging were about.

Billie Morrisson

player, 734 posts

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 03:14

  • msg #731


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1463)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1464)

She giggled and stood up. "Yes...we can...well...I should stop and get a swimsuit first..." she chuckled, sliding her hand onto the inside of his bicep when he finally stood.

>>>>>>>>>>To Everest


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 03:17

  • msg #732


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1465)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1466)

The Verian Looked at Roy, there was some distain on his face, which shed a bit as he saw Larry prowling towards them. his head flat, and eyes up...

Captain Grasses was just leaving, With escort... and thus, he can pay his creds for losing the Bet on trying to get me to go to his hotel..

Roy Spencer

player, 8831 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 04:28

  • msg #733


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1467)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1468)

Roy nodded, with a too-pleasant smile. "Such odd traditions the Verians have. So many officers betting on whether or not the captain of their flag-ship will accompany them home for the night..." He looked at the Verian captain.

"Perhaps you can explain to me the origins of this tradition of treating your ranking officers as trophies...?"


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 04:37

  • msg #734


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1469)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1470)

Captain Grasses looked at Roy,..she is only part of us... Some verians fawn over her, others dislike her, others, ..well.. think it would be interesting to be with a Halfbreed..

perhaps, you would like to come back to the Condo?.. I will introduce you to my brother and my can discuss these feelings of interest with them?...Perhaps, I will mention it to them, even should you choose not to come, We have free time tomorrow, I am certain they will want to look up Gunnery Captain grasses..

The Captain looked a bit unnerved.. the low burble of a Larg so close he could feel the vibrations in his uniform.

Roy Spencer

player, 8832 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 04:48

  • msg #735


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1471)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1472)

Roy blinked, being deliberately obtuse. "So...the way you treat a superior officer depends on their origin and whether or not they're sexually desirable?" he asked. "Does this practice hold true for all officers? I mean, do you have lieutenants trying to take you to bed? Is that how your military orders its promotions? I don't understand...I'm just a simple human, we still practice the archaic ways of respecting our superior officers. Well, most of us do. The ones who don't wind up inspecting hull rivets. If they're lucky, they're even given a space suit to wear while they do it." His tone was light and almost sincere...but there was no mistaking the look in his eyes that said, essentially, You dumbass...

"We try to keep our military protocols up to date. I should, perhaps, take this up with the Admiral...or, perhaps, with the whole APF board." He looked thoughtful for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Of course, if we're going to borrow protocols from other worlds, they should really have a stronger track record of military success than Vera..."


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 04:55

  • msg #736


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1473)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1474)

..You are dismissed, Captain Grasses.... As The Flag Captain, I should bring this up to Warlord Lilit...perhaps she might de4cide to relieve me of duty, since people do not what to follow a half breed... I think I will talk to my father about it..he can help decide ..he is good at deciding things.. quickly..he never seems to need much thought..

Larry rams his head into Grasses's legs , knockings him into some chairs...

..Larry.... he too, makes quick decisons .. SM? If you please?

she holds out her arm.

grasses is staring into the eyes of a very..non-happy..larg.

Roy Spencer

player, 8834 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 05:07

  • msg #737


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1475)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1476)

Roy took Dusk's arm...still the very portrait of perfect etiquette...and started toward the door with her. As they stepped away, he said, carefully loud enough for Captain Grasses to hear, "If you'll forgive an old groundpounder for sounding his opinion, Captain...I wouldn't worry too much about someone like that not respecting your position. I mean, you have to compare the military records of the people who support and respect you to the records of the ones who think you're some kind of object of conquest. Clearly, the people who are actually used to winning in combat see great value in your ability as a command officer. The ones trying to game for your virtue? Well, from what I've seen, the only thing they're used to winning are sleazy bets."

He paused, turning back as they neared the open doors. "Larry! If you're going to eat him, at least take him outside so the staff don't have to clean up the mess. If not, stop playing with him and come on, we're leaving." He sneaked a sly grin to Dusk as he turned back to the doorway and led the way out.

Henry Christie

player, 3983 posts

Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 14:51

  • msg #738


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1477)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1478)

<= Beach

Henry wandered in and looked for Val.


Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 16:11

  • msg #739


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1479)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1480)

Hemsly and Brooks were sitting by a table drinking and nibbling on some things with a couple women from Everest.

Hemsly waved to Henry,if yer lookin' for her lab partner?.. Stefi walked her back to the Hotel?.. couple folks from SEC trailed behind them, so 's they'd be safe..

Henry Christie

player, 3984 posts

Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 09:50

  • msg #740


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1481)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1482)

"Thanks, Helmsly. I'd better catch up with her. I have some explaining to do."

Henry called Mila and headed back to the condos.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 2897 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:00

  • msg #741


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1483)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1484)

{slight flex}
She listened to Lizzy as she came by "Any chance to swim I am in for. and I actually bought a swim suit for me and Haley has one too" She smiled. "I am thinking a couple hours shopping would be nice too."

A bit later -
Nikki could see Haley and Roll, both out like lights, Gregor under the table. She smiled as Mitch gathered last drinks and chatted good nights, she managed to snag a couple containers of food as the wait staff also came got some goodies. Then headed to the place their coats and wraps were she wrapped up Haley and shouldered her as she asked Mitch to gather Roll. "Comm'on Gregor. Time to get these too to bed. And little Largs need sleep too" she grabbed the last of their things and the food trays. They headed for the stairs and back to the condos

===> Condo

{end the flex}
This message was last edited by the player at 22:12, Thu 19 Nov 2020.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 2534 posts

Pilot Ensign


Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:44

  • msg #742


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1485)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1486)


Lizzy smiled at Nikki and replied," Great see you at the beach when we wake up and would love to have fun with Haley on the beach that sounds great. Oh Nikki I am always up for shopping I am looking for green earrings that match my eyes." She then left with Izzy on her arm as they headed for the Condos.

---->>> To Everest


Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 23:51

  • msg #743


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1487)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1488)

(( for Lizzy and Izzy wedding on Blue Moon after paradise invasion ))


Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 23:40

  • msg #744


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1489)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1490)

(( last day of short leave, 6:00AM ))

the flowers were being set up. chairs set in the courtyard. The Band stand Covered By flora awning.KE-NA was like a drill SGT with a sexy voice. making sure things were places '''just so...


Fri 13 Oct 2023
at 19:44

  • msg #745


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1491)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1492)

(( 8:00 AM ))

Foster and His wife were there. They used Nikki's babysitter to watch their kids as the wedding cake was set up. Uno had crafted it,mshe did not sleep during the Night, Foster was by her size , along with the cooks and chefs, cleaning mixing and baking.

Uno made 3 of every part of the cake, taking the best of each batch to build the cake. dozens of happy Angel children were given free 'scraps of cake with liberal helpings of icing. rather then have them tossed out.

There was a silk-like shield over the Cake, so the 'unveiling ' would surprise the two wives. With that, Foster and Uno went to the hotel to get changed and get the kids ready.


Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 18:45

  • msg #746


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1493)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1494)

(( 9:00))

Hover cars began to show up with some People. The Captain, The Admiral and Bale were there. Hennings , Rivets and Morris were on the way


player, 2258 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 21:05

  • msg #747


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1495)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1496)

----->>>>> From Blue Moon Condo

Meari and Frakas arrived, Meari looked for whoever looked like they were on charge," Hello I am Meari the Usher I am expecting a delivery from the Hermes."


Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 21:26

  • msg #748


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1497)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1498)

an Angel in the livery of the High Chair met Meari..The re is a chest from the hermes in the back room of the chapel, where the bride will dress.


player, 2259 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 21:34

  • msg #749


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1499)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1500)

Meari nodded at the Angel and said," Thank you very much, could someone show me where the chapel is?" Meari turned to Frakas, " After my duties are done I will join you, seeing a human wedding will be interesting."

Meari then adds," Could someone show my date Frakas where he can wait?"

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4697 posts

Pilot Ensign


Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 01:18

  • msg #750


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1501)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1502)

-------->>>>>>>> From Blue Moon Condo

Lizzy and Izzy got a special ride to the site, when then landed Lizzy kissed Izzy and said, " See you at the alter my love, Sam will be down soon."

Lizzy then walked toward where she was supposed to go and she said," I am Lizzy the bride?'


Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 01:25

  • msg #751


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1503)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1504)

Farkas was let outside to where the chairs were. The band was practicing a bit. Mitch was there dressed casually, and had a drink. He smiled at Frakas

we're Just decorations today my friend.

Frakas looked around as he acquired a drink.yes..this is quite differant.


Nikki was in the chapel room fussing Ove r Lizzy's dress and such. Nikki was all excited with the flowers things.

Can was dressed rather well, and he would sit in a chair outside the courtyard , But the shuttle Izzy was using for her dressing area.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4698 posts

Pilot Ensign


Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 01:52

  • msg #752


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1505)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1506)

Lizzy walked in and said," Nikki your here, ok so lets get me into this dress then, isnt it gorgeous, Captain Si gave it to me."


player, 2260 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 04:44

  • msg #753


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1507)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1508)

Meari came in and smiled and said," Wow that dress is beautiful, I have decided to wear my Udenese Ceremonial Armor in honor of your wedding Lizzy, I believe that crate over there is it." Meari smiled at Lizzy," This will be my first human wedding, I am excited to see what it entails."

Meari then checked the crate to make sure it was hers; she opened it and began the process of donning her Udenese Ceremonial Armor.

Upon completion of donning the special armor Meari came around the corner and showed off her armor.

View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1509)

Henry Christie

player, 4780 posts

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 09:28

  • msg #754


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1510)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1511)

The Christies turned up and Henry asked where Can needed to be, as he'd been asked to serve as ring-bearer.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1935 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 11:55

  • msg #755


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1512)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1513)

”Oh ok, I’ll see you there then…I think I’m getting ready in a shuttle” Izzy had replied to Sam before leaving for the venue, hoping to meet her friend there.

——> Condo

Izzy would nervously fidget in the back of the car, as her heart hammered away in her chest and her stomach churned with anxiety leaving her terrified that she would lose her breakfast. With the car pulling to a stop outside the venue Izzy would step out of the car and offer Lizzy a nervous smile as she replied ”sh-sure…I’ll see you th-there” she stammered before following someone around the back where the shuttle was waiting with her kind of hoping that there would be some kind of screen or soft furnishings to make it a little more comfortable.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1631 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 12:37

  • msg #756


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1514)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1515)

------->>>>>>> From Blue Moon Condo

Sam and Zob landed, Sam said to Zob," I need to go help Izzy, I will see you after ok Zob, then dancing." Sam gave Zob a deeply passionate kiss and then headed for Izzy and the shuttle.

Sam walked in and said," Ok lets get you ready for your wedding Izzy, how are you doing."

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1057 posts


Pilot Flight B

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 14:59

  • msg #757


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1516)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1517)

From Blue Moon Condo:

Madison arrived in her Angel Silk dress. Not only was it the only nice dress she owned, but Lizzy asked her to wear it. She wasn't sure where to go when she got there but after asking she was directed to the chapel room.

"Hi Lizzy. I'm here. Tell me what I can do to help."


player, 4939 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 15:35

  • msg #758


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1518)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1519)

----> From Condo

Zob came dressed in his usual formal attire he tended to wear for all events balls etc as they exited the transport Sam had to head off to help Izzy he returned the kiss and before he headed inside he made sure the DT5 was secured in its holster under his suit jacket, once satisfied with the results he made his way inside to where Meari,Mitch,Frakas were standing about, "Morning everyone"

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4699 posts

Pilot Ensign


Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 16:50

  • msg #759


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1520)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1521)

Lizzy was amazed by Meari's armor and said," Wow that looks awesome thank you Meari."

At that time Madison comes in and Lizzy smiled," Thank you for coming Madison, I think Nikki needs some help with getting me in my dress."

Tarja Vanska

player, 649 posts


Armoured Infantry

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 18:53

  • msg #760


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1522)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1523)

——> Condo

Catching a lift with some other people headed towards the venue where the wedding was due to take place Tarja would get out of the car and take a moment to admire the chapel which wouldn’t look too out of place back home in Finland before cautiously approaching Frakas, a human male who she was relieved to see in casual attire and a sharp dressed demon ”Hi…um…mind if I stand with you guys?” she asked in accented English, with Frakas being the only person currently here that she recognised.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1936 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 19:07

  • msg #761


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1524)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1525)

”Sam I think I’m going to be sick” Izzy replied, quickly getting up from the crash seat she’d been in and giving her friend a hug, relieved that she was here. Someone had clearly made some effort to make the rear compartment of the shuttle a little more comfortable by adding some cushions and a vase of flowers, a changing screen, a makeup table, and a full length mirror as well as stringing some decent lighting so they could see what they were doing. Izzy in comparison looked like she was about to have a breakdown ”I know I sh-shouldn’t be panicking I…I’ve been into combat and witnessed horrific things and not even batted an eye but the idea of standing up in front of everyone and getting married terrifies me!”


Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 19:32

  • msg #762


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1526)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1527)

Mara came in a bit after Maddy, she had her Angel Silk dress from the Ball, her hair was fixed ( by Eckles to look like it was flowing backwards and gave her earrings a chance to show.)

Mara smiled at Maddy,You look as great as you did at the Ball!

Captain Si came In smiling.I told Oliver he had to wait outside until you were ready, they way he'll get to see you before walking out. General Bale is talking with NA-LE..She is hear to witness the wedding as well..

Stefi . Major TA-LI. Rivets and Captain Morring are already seated, along with Admiral Hennings, and Emmie. Admiral Roles is by the outside bar waiting for the LC.

Mara nodded..Beth and the Girls will be here..Shade was rounding Up Maria and Maygin and the 'Young Guns" LC she was cleaning up, he'll be here soon.


frakas waved to the other two...This is Mitch, he is the torpedo Bomber...he is ..i thing..Mating with Nikki, who is Lizzy's wing man.. Mitched head dropped as he shook his head and chuckeld..yea..well.. I am Nikki's Boyfriend... he ofter the hand.

This is Zob, he is heavy weapons and SEC, He Joined the hermes before me, ..he is friends to both of the mating people..

Mitch looked around...will you stop with the 'mating' thing. You'll make the Hermes sound like a singles cruise!

Frakas looked confused,but we have been on more then one Cruise..yes...?

Never Mind..just...just don't talk about Mating..


a moment later Shadow entered from the doors would lead out of the courtyard at the end.. He saw Roles who had waved him over..

He shook hands with his friend.. Beth Popped Up as Shadow claimed a soft drink, Roles and beth hand a wine.why didn't you let me stop them! she whispered harshly.

too late? they were already talking..they went through your system should
be good..right?

her eyes narrowed.good for us...not good for 'mom'.. we should have tight beamed that from the Hermes.. or any other Cap ship would could have went to.. if it was caught....

Shadow frowned they were already talking, this is their gods be damned wedding day, you want to freak them out more?..what is done.. when we go back
send a tight beam to Hannah and see what they can do for them..right now? let it ride, let them enjoy this. 9 hells,, Angel and Empire Kill squads are hunting people every day, this wont be any different.. We'll take care of it when we go home.


player, 4940 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 19:46

  • msg #763


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1528)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1529)

Zob who opted to have a cup of coffee while he stood around gave a polite wave to Tarja as she entered, "Welcome if you are looking for something to drink to pass the time there is a table right over there" he offered to her as he took another sip of coffee that was when the others introduced him, "So much 'mating' going on these days" Zob did his best not to chuckle but it was a rather amusing situation.

Tarja Vanska

player, 650 posts


Armoured Infantry

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 21:00

  • msg #764


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1530)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1531)

As Frakas made the introductions Tarja would give Mitch a slightly confused look before he clarified that he was Nikki’s boyfriend with Frakas continuing to use the term “mating” as he introduced Zob pointing out that he was a friend of the brides ”Is ok, I understand…English is difficult, yes?” Tarja said to Frakas, fully sympathising with him ”…and yes, coffee sounds good I had…bad night” she said to Zob with a sigh that said there had been no mating for her last night.

After retrieving a cup of coffee she would return to stand with the others, taking a cautious sip from her cup before speaking ”so…does this happen often? I must have missed memo else I would have packed something a little more…um…formal” she said, looking a little embarrassed as she indicated the blouse and jeans she was currently wearing.


player, 4941 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 21:19

  • msg #765


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1532)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1533)

Zob shook his head, "Honestly no, this event is a really rare exception" he then noticed she was being a bit self conscious about her attire, "It's quite alright there is no strict dress code, I'm dressed like this because I'm one of the ushers for the wedding"

Jason graves

player, 77 posts

Shy and awkward

Scar over right eye

Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 21:46

  • msg #766


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1534)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1535)

Finally Jason finds the venue after two wrong turns

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4703 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 02:52

  • msg #767


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1536)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1537)

Lizzy had everyone close to her around her helping her get ready and get the dress that Captain Si gave her on. " Thank you so much Ladies, I am pretty nervous but I didnt want to show it in front of everyone."

They finally finish with the dress, Lizzy stands up and turns for Captain Si, and the others. " Ok what do you think?"

Samantha Robertson

player, 1632 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 02:56

  • msg #768


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1538)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1539)

In reply to Isobel Sakura (msg # 761):

Sam smiled gave Izzy a big hug and then replied," I think that is normal, you will be fine dont worry things will go fine and you will be married."

Sam started getting everything taken care of and helped Izzy get dressed. "Ok lets get you dressed and ready, oh and yes I am very sore this morning but it was amazing."


Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 04:26

  • msg #769


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1540)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1541)

Captain Si Nodded with a smile..Looks very Nice Lizzy.. .. Let me walk out there.. they'll cue Haley then the Gilrs can come ..First we have to get Izzy out

she Gave Lizzy a hug and whispered in her ear...I bet your Mom is proud The she walked out to get things ready to start,


player, 1182 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 09:48

  • msg #770


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1542)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1543)

Mila sat watching the guests mingle. Can was beside her, playing with her ears - something she liked. Her Human was nearby chatting to His mate.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1937 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 11:58

  • msg #771


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1544)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1545)

After hugging Sam perhaps a little too tightly, Izzy would absentmindedly nod her head with her looking just a little dazed ”Yes…I…I should get dressed” she said with that same dazed look on her face before taking Sam’s hand and pulling her behind the changing screen. It was then with a little assistance from Sam that she would start stripping out of her clothes and into her wedding dress which was hanging up on the screen ”Yeah…I’m kind of surprised you can walk hearing the noises you were making when we passed your door” Izzy said in a low voice before giggling ”just between us I’m kind of relieved I’m not the one walking down the aisle Lizzy was…um…very enthusiastic…last night” Izzy replied with a blush as she changed ”so…you and Zob huh? Is this something serious or just you getting laid? Um…how do I look?” she said before stepping back so Sam could see her in her dress.

The strapless dress was of a simple, yet elegant cut that had clearly been tailored to her diminutive size so that it showed off her figure, and came with a pair of long white gloves.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4704 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 13:49

  • msg #772


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1546)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1547)

Lizzy hugged Captain Si and replied," Thank you, I know she is watching over me." Lizzy was about to lose her control but she gathered herself and said," Ladies, thank you all for being here for me, Madison thank you we had fun on Bura, Brivet you are a great pilot and helped me so much when I first got here, Mara we are tied together from the past where your dad got killed for saving my life. Then my wing mate Nikki, thank you ladies, now are we ready for a wedding." Lizzy was all over the place but she was getting her emotions under control and having her close friends with her helped.


player, 2261 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 13:51

  • msg #773


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1548)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1549)

Meari let the ladies have fun and she left the chapel and joined Frakas, Zob and the others," Hello everyone how are we doing out here we about ready?"

Samantha Robertson

player, 1633 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 15:05

  • msg #774


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1550)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1551)

Sam smiled and helped her best friend get into her wedding dress. " Yes you should, hey it will be ok, just focus you know Lizzy loves you, dont be so nervous. Go out and have fun."

" Yes, well speaking of fun, oh wow he is big and stretched me soooo much Izzy, it felt amazing though, he was caring, and slow until I was ready then wow Izzy just wow. Never had that many org*sms in one night. Hey you would have been fine, and I think it might be getting serious we will see how it f=goes but I do like him a lot and omg Izzy he is so big and thick wow." Sam giggled and tried to relax Izzy some as Izzy was finally ready for her wedding.

" There you go girl, you look amazing, now we wait till they call us up there." Sam smiled as certain parts tingled as she thought about Zob but most of the tingling was in her heart.

Tarja Vanska

player, 651 posts


Armoured Infantry

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 17:27

  • msg #775


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1552)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1553)

”Oh…is good to know” Tarja replied, relaxing a little now she knew there was no dress code ”Is strange to think it was only a few days ago I was carrying bride…um…Lizzy, out from behind enemy lines” she said before taking another mouthful of coffee finding it strange that such a happy event could be taking place amidst a galaxy wide war.

It was a few moments later that Meari would arrive, wearing some kind of ceremonial armour, as Tarja couldn’t envisage any military unit requiring that much purple, and ask how they were ”hmm coffee is helping” Tarja replied, still not feeling one hundred percent after last night but was slowly getting there.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1938 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Tue 17 Oct 2023
at 17:47

  • msg #776


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1554)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1555)

Although she wasn’t into men herself, Izzy could appreciate why Sam had enjoyed herself so much last night with her giggling like a schoolgirl at her friends descriptions as she’d pulled on her dress ”oh I think I have an idea how you feel, Lizzy has bought herself a strap-on and…well…put this way if I hadn’t been biting my pillow I think I would have woken everyone up!” she quietly replied with a blush and a giggle as she and Sam gossiped about their sex lives with Sam revealing that she thought it might be a little more serious than a one night stand ”Hey that’s great, I’m so happy for you! Just…you know…don’t rush in too quickly, ok” she said following Sam out from behind the screen to get her hair and makeup done, feeling more relaxed than she had been.


Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 04:01

  • msg #777


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1556)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1557)

People were gathering a lot of Pilots , a few SEC

KE-NA came out and stood by Shadow and the people around him. the brass for the Most part were sitting up front on either side of the aisle.

The Captain was walking out toward s the platform where they would stand. General Bale was in his dress uniform as. NA-LE was there in her ceremonial Uniform. But she looked like she was fighting a sadness.

KE-NA said into a head set.... Captain Si will Cue the Band who will play a light number for Ensign Sakura and her party to come out... I will then signal the band to play the Bride's entrance song.. get ready , for the Cues..

Sam and Izzy got the word for when they would have to enter.


Nikki told Lizzy when the would enter.. He Haley first.. bridesmaids.. Nikki then the Admiral and Lizzy

Roy Spencer

player, 11062 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 04:01

  • msg #778


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1558)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1559)

Roy and Dusk arrived together, sharing the same car. Roy had gotten his dress uniform sent down when the wedding had been announced, and he wore it with the same seriousness as he did any other formal event where he wore it...every ribbon precisely placed, medals polished and in proper array...he'd even had them send down the ceremonial saber, although he looked like he might be reconsidering wearing it, when he saw the seating.

"Wow...I, ummm...I'm not sure what I was expecting, really, but this is a lot more than what I had envisioned. Guess I'm too accustomed to impromptu battlefield unions...been a while since I attended a legitimate formal wedding ceremony..." he confided to Dusk, as he looked around. Spotting Zob, he stepped forward to the Demon.

"Sharp duds there, Zob," he observed with a grin.

"Which side is Izzy's and which one is Lizzy's? I'm guessing Lizzy will have a bunch of the pilots on her side, but Izzy's part of Security and has been part of Infantry, off and on...she's one of mine, I want to make sure I sit in her area."

Samantha Robertson

player, 1634 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 04:28

  • msg #779


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1560)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1561)

Sam smiled at Izzy, " Oh Izzy Zob is very big, he stretched me out sooooo good damn. Umm sorry Izzy." They continued to have girl sex talk and then Izzy thought it was cool it might be serious with Zob. " Yes he is kind, warm, gentle, and then can rip 20 men in half with his bare hands. I dont think I will need a bodyguard anywhere anymore, I think he likes guarding my body." Sam giggled then got serious and replied," Oh I know Izzy I will just follow my heart and this one seems so amazing and feels real Izzy. Sorry hard to explain."

Izzy was all set and ready to go Sam got up and said," Ok you are all set to go." Luckily a few moments later they came and said it was almos time to take their spots.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4705 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 04:44

  • msg #780


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1562)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1563)

Lizzy did any final last second checks and she waited to be able to go wait with Admiral Hack as he was going to walk Lizzy down the aisle. She was ready to go. She went to Haley who looked amazing and said" You look beautiful now lets go have fun ok Haley."

it begins

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 05:18

  • msg #781


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1564)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1565)

The Cue was Given and a 'march of sorts was played .. KE-NA Looked at the doors...

beth eye's got wide..she doesn't have enough Groomsman..or whatever...

KE-NA showed panic for the first Time.

Shadow shook his Head. Doesen';t Look like...

She Puncjhed the Arm..DO SOMETHING.....she whispered Harshly.. KE-NA..Looked at Shadow...

oh... gods be dammned... he took a pepppaper Off KE-NAI ned this..what is it..

The Menu?.. i don;t need it.. what are. Shadow Moved quickly.. he acted embarrassed...

He purposely handed his drink To Dana...Hold that... he waved the Paper ...Sorry..Um.. yeah..I had this ...list....

Spoke quietly to Roy...I forgot.. that I had the list.. You...Shade..and me are groomsman..I.. Yeah.. My fault folks.. he grinned like some one who dumped pasta sacuce on a white shirt.

Shade Bleeped as he Got up...Yes , Shade you are right,,,, lets Go,,

Magin laughed at whatever it was Shade said,..people chuckled lightheartedly.. Captain Morris looked hard at Shadow.. Captain Si had on perfect eyebrow arched..

Out side the Door. Shadow.. needed groomsman.. I had a list.. um..we're here.. I'll go out first for since Maddy is first there.. and .. Shade will match Up with Brivet..and Roy with Mara,,, Sam will be for Nikki.. he handed the list to Roy as the Music started again. Can went out first to stand, Just off to the side of General Bale. Shadow Sighed.. as he tried to walk out in step, and turned to the left to be furthest down the Line...

Shade whiled and bleeped..,,he tried to do what Shadow did,, and stood next to Him. leaving Roy, to come out..then Sam..then Izzy.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:23, Wed 18 Oct 2023.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1635 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 05:29

  • msg #782


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1566)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1567)

Sam came out first with Izzy behind her, she took her spot, she smiled at the LC and mouthed " Thank you, you owe you one." Sam stood there by Izzy's side as they waited.

Roy Spencer

player, 11064 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 05:33

  • msg #783


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1568)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1569)

"Oh, for hell's sake..." Roy muttered as he stood up at Shadow's beckoning, looking apologetically down to Dusk. "Duty calls..." he explained simply, with a slight shrug, before he walked off after the LC.

As Shadow laid out the plan, Roy eyed Shadow and Shade. "I'm smellin' a whole lotta improvise on this," he said aloud, then commented, "I know you're not particularly fond of Sakura...but couldn't you have at least put on a dress shirt and tie for O'Connor's sake? You ARE her CO..." He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever...they're starting and there's no time to dress you up. But you know that showing up dressed a groomsman is about as bad as not having a groomsman in the first place, right? With as fancy as they've made everything else? You sure you want to put that kind of energy into this event?"

Kray Shadow

GM, 2940 posts

fighter jock

Lt Commander

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 05:48

  • msg #784


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1570)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1571)

Shadow shruggedI almost didn't came at all..right.. I did my share for the wedding..heck..i gave Lizzy and extra hour during a jump off and that's when she got asked... besides. I'm not the only guy in off duty stuff.... And... I'm LC Shadow.. I'm supposed to be socially inept!

he looked at his weapons belt and calf high boots..the where shined.I'll just say i offered to be part of the SEC for tonight...there Goes Can... the littlest guy here and he has his crap together... Shadow truned and followed him out

Roy Spencer

player, 11065 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 06:10

  • msg #785


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1572)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1573)

Roy bit his tongue as he followed the others out. As much as he found the under-dressed appearances to be in dubious taste, complaining about them at this point obviously wasn't going to accomplish much, except maybe make him appear that he was participating under active protest, and he really wasn't...while he hadn't expected to be part of the wedding party, nor, indeed, necessarily attend the wedding at all, when the invitation had been broadcast to the entire crew, he felt obligated to attend, at least, as a show of support and respect for one of his troopers. And if he was going to attend out of respect, he was going to go the full nine yards on it.

He pasted a pleasantly neutral expression on his face to mask the fallout scenarios he could see himself having to deal with, and decided to give his ceremonial best at standing there and looking impressive and supportive, while directing focus to the event at hand. He had plenty of experience with that.

He'd deal with the fallout, if any, later...

Isobel Sakura

player, 1939 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 16:51

  • msg #786


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1574)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1575)

Holding her eyelids apart with one hand Izzy would carefully put in the contact lens and then for the first time since the explosion her eyes were the same colour and she was able to see clearly without glasses. She would have just enough time to admire her reflection, an Angel stylist having done her hair and makeup, before she and Sam received the message that they were needed.

Getting to her feet Izzy would offer Sam a nervous but happy smile before making her way to where she needed to be. It was then that things started to go off piste, with Shadow of all people whispering something about groomsmen through the door to her and Sam eliciting a look of horror from Izzy as she mouthed to Sam ”what the hell is he talking about!?” however it was too late to ask any questions or do anything about it as the door was opened and the music started to play giving Izzy no choice but to smile and follow Can, who holding the stone box with their rings inside, into the chapel and stand beside the altar with Sam with a nervous smile on her face.

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1058 posts


Pilot Flight B

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 17:10

  • msg #787


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1576)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1577)

Madison wasn't sure what to do at first but how hard could it be to get a beautiful woman into a beautiful wedding dress. Getting it on her body was just the first part though. The rest was adjusting the train and tugging and pinching everything into place. It was already tailored so well, but there was no amount of technology that beat multiple women looking and fixing until the bride was picture perfect.

Once Lizzy was ready, Madison stood with the other bridesmaids. She wasn't yet sure which groomsman she would be paired with as they marched down the aisle, but she knew her order, so she stood by.

the entrance.

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 19:28

  • msg #788


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1578)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1579)

The Music started for the ladies to come out.. KE-NA was at the door Point es at Haley would be first spreading flower petals then stand By General Bale as Can Did.Maddy first.. she would stand furthest away from Captain Si..then Brevet, Then Mara.. Sam would come out and be next to Captain Si.

Once they were out 'hear comes the Bride' would be played. and the Admiral would come out with Lizzy.. Handing her Off to Izzy , then take a seat at the front with Captain Morris.

They lined up..all eyes on the chapel door with The Hermes reporter Filming it all.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4708 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 19:43

  • msg #789


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1580)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1581)

Lizzy took her place and waited, she was nervous, then she got to see Admiral Hack, Lizzy smiled at him and said,Thank you so much for doing this Sir, and how do I look?Lizzy was nervous but shexwas all smiles.

Tarja Vanska

player, 652 posts


Armoured Infantry

Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 20:56

  • msg #790


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1582)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1583)

Tarja would have enough time to finish her coffee before being ushered into the courtyard in order to take a seat in preparation for the ceremony. Having only met the happy couple the previous day Tarja would sit where she was directed to with her looking up to watch as the short dark haired girl; Izzy entered the courtyard with an equally short blond girl to the sound of music where they would wait by the altar for the other bride to arrive.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:31, Thu 19 Oct 2023.


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 00:03

  • msg #791


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1584)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1585)

The Admiral, did not want to mess up her dress or make up.. he just smiled, Patted her hand that was on his arm..Foster.. henry.. Zob and Now you.... They might change the name of our ship to 'The Love Boat'.. You look wonderful..

The Music played.. Haley went out with the flowers and took her place.. Maddy would be next and take the first spot nearest the door..and the others all had their marks.. Nikki would be next to last.. as they then waited for Lizzy to make her entrance.

Deep down inside , Shadow felt a bit foolish.. , he had his uniform the bedroom, he should have just put the dress whites on...but? he had no idea he would be where he was,, so he just mentally shrugged it off..they hand enough partners on this side, for the ladies on the other side. In the end, he has done dumber things for less important things.. so..yeah.. he was ok with that.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4709 posts

Pilot Ensign


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 02:59

  • msg #792


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1586)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1587)

Lizzy smiled at Admiral Hack and then said," I guess that is our cue to go, shall we sir." Lizzy smiled and Admiral Hack could tell him giving Lizzy away meant a lot to her. They got into position and the music started and Lizzy came out of the Chapel door with Admiral Hack.

She walked down the aisle looking at how awesome Izzy looked and everyone else, she saw the LC, Shade, and the SM as Groomsmen to match her three extra. Lizzy was excited to see the LC i the party that made her happy and she was all smiles as she slowly walked to where they were going to have the service.

The Admiral then handed Lizzy off to Izzy in front of Captain Si and Lizzy was ready to get this special day going.


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 03:18

  • msg #793


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1588)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1589)

Hack went to his seat, he looked over at Shadow and the 'groomsman'. his head inclined a bit. Shadow gave a subtle shrug and stood in a parade ground rest.

Captain Si said aloud, in the het set KE-NA had given her. the speakers on the walls allowing the people in the seats to hear everything.

friends, shipmates and those who are curious of a Human wedding/ It is My pleasure...and Honor to officiate this Jining. For those who have the mind of legality.. I came using my station as Captain of the ESN 351 Hermes, to Join this couple in marriage... Provost General Bale will record the have proper papers signed, And High Chair . NA-LE will have this joining on record in the Blue Moon hall of records.

she reached putting a hand on each woman's shoulder , still addressing the Crowd..we have ceremonies for achievements in battle, we have send offs for those we lose..but ever so often, we are given the chance to chare in a couple's love

A woman in Vestments of some Angel deity, walked out. and poured two silver cups of wine, handing one to each woman . a small stool- like table held the open Bottle and would give them a place to put the Cup.

The couple will Now speak their words of Bonding...when both have finished, they will drink from their partners cup... Izzy, as the 'asker' you will speak first...

Isobel Sakura

player, 1940 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 17:12

  • msg #794


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1590)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1591)

Standing beside Sam at the altar, Izzy couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as the crowd of people looked up at her wearing her wedding dress, with an anxious smile on her face as she tried her best not to fidget, with only the thought of Lizzy stopping her from fleeing back into the shuttle to hide.

With the band beginning to play the bridal march, Izzy would turn to watch as the side gate was opened and Haley; looking adorable in her dress would enter the courtyard followed by Admiral Hack in his uniform with Lizzy on his arm. At the sight of Lizzy in her wedding dress Izzy’s eyes would go wide with amazement. Highly attractive under normal circ*mstances Lizzy was truly beautiful in her wedding dress and looking every bit like a fairytale princess causing Izzy’s heart to skip a beat as she watched her walk down the aisle towards her ”you’re beautiful” Izzy whispered to her when she came to stand beside her, offering a look of adoration.

The courtyard would then go quiet as Captain Si spoke and the ceremony began, with a jolt of panic shooting through Izzy when it was revealed that she was to say her bonding vows first, with her wishing she’d thought to write something down having assumed it would have been a traditional ceremony. After taking a moment to steady her breathing Izzy would look into Lizzy’s eyes as she began to speak, hoping that she would find the words to express how she felt about her ”Elizabeth, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen…you are brave and strong willed, and won’t let anything get in the way of you getting what you desire, you are simply amazing and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you…So I, Isobel Taki Sakura ask you to be my lawfully wedded wife, for me to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death us do part” she said before flicking her eyes over to Captain Si to see if there was any more she needed to do before looking back at Lizzy so she could say her vows.


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 17:27

  • msg #795


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1592)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1593)

As Izzy spoke her words, Captain Si gave her a slight bow of her head an as her eyes closed of a moment. They she Turned to Lizzy

Ensign O'Connor. If You accept the offer from Ensign Sakura. please acknowledge. If you affirm the question, you will then Say your words of Bonding.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4712 posts

Pilot Ensign


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 21:21

  • msg #796


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1594)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1595)

Lizzy stood and listened to Izzy as she spoke, Lizzy was tearing upwith tears of joy.

Then Lizzy responded, Yes I accept your offer Isobel. Lizzy then smiled and added,I love you with all my soul Izzy, you are amazing, funny, you can cook, and you have a strong spirit. I Elizabeth Angie O'Conner ask you Isobel Sakura to be my lawful wedded wife through good and bad till death do us part.

Lizzy smiled and held her glass.


Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 21:29

  • msg #797


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1596)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1597)

The Captain smiles and raised both hands...You will now , drink from each other's cups. symbolizing the life of one, pouring into the body of the other.
she waits and until the drink from the cups, Lizzy holdign her Cup as Izzy drank, The Izzy holding her Cup as Lizzy drank.

Nil , nods to the small table for them to place their Cups as she motioned for Can to come forward with the Stone box. With anothe r Nod, Can held up the box Box.. NA-LE whispered something to him.

I...bear the symbols of your Joining...his eyes darted nervously , NLE smiled

Ensign Sakura, You will take EN O'Conner's symbol and place it on her finger.........Then. Ensign O'Conner will place your ring apon Your finger..

she stepped back while the Hermes reporters still circled around , getting Vids and Pics.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4713 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 02:58

  • msg #798


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1598)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1599)

Lizzy holds Izzy's cup as she drinks hers, and Izzy holds hers as Lizzy drinks Izzy's cup.

Lizzy then placed to cup on the table, she smiled at Can when he brought the stone box with the rings. Lizzy smiled at Can and then waited for Izzy to go first.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1941 posts


Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura

Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 11:51

  • msg #799


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1600)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1601)

”Yes…I…I accept” Izzy quietly replied, blushing as Lizzy spoke her vows to her with her likewise beginning to get choked up and emotional. Next she would take one of the intricately decorated cups and hold it out towards Lizzy so she could drink from it before Lizzy in turn held out her cup with the taste of the sweet, fruity wine filling her mouth as she drank from it, with both cups then being set down upon the table by the bottle.

It was then time for young Can to step forward with the rings with him doing a very good job of speaking the words considering there hadn’t been any form of rehearsal beforehand. Izzy would smile and mouth the words ”thank you” to Can before taking Lizzy’s ring from out the velvet lining of the box ”With this ring, I pledge myself and my everlasting love to you” Izzy would say as she gently took Lizzy’s hand in her own and carefully placed the ring on the ring finger of Lizzy’s right hand, with her looking up into her beautiful green eyes as she does so before waiting for Lizzy to place her ring upon her finger.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4714 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 12:50

  • msg #800


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1602)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1603)

Lizzy smiled as Izzy put the ring on her finger, then Lizzy picked up Izzy's ring from the stone box. Lizzy then said," With this ring, I will love you forever." Lizzy then placed the ring on Izzy's finger and then looked at Captain Si.


Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 13:15

  • msg #801


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1604)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1605)

Pl;ease , Turn and face the witnesses...

The Priestess removed the table and drink...

Wityh the Power Of My station, as Captain of the delta Fleet Flag she, ESN 351 Hermes...and the legal witnesses of the Provost general, and The High Chair of The Blue Moon... You are Now a Bonded Couple.. everyone please , welocme the couple of O'Conner-Sakura!

People clapped and stood, CMs flashed and the Hermes reporter caught everything... The wedding march started.. Shadow Looked to Maddy to start them off and meet him in the main ailse for their walk be folowed By the party and lastly the new couple.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1942 posts


Izzy O Conner

Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 17:35

  • msg #802


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1606)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1607)

Izzy would watch as Lizzy carefully slipped the ring over her gloved finger before they turned to face the witnesses, at which point Captain Si would declare them married, with Izzy then taking Lizzy’s head in her hands and tenderly kissing her wife amidst the flashing of cameras before offering her arm for Lizzy to take so they could join the bridal procession.

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1062 posts


Pilot Flight B

Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 21:12

  • msg #803


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1608)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1609)

In reply to ceremony (msg # 801):

It was such a beautiful ceremony and Lizzy and Izzy looked so amazing. When it was over, Madison waited for her cue, then walked down to the aisle where she met Kray. Taking his arm, they led the exit procession to the reception area.


Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 21:24

  • msg #804


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1610)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1611)

Shadow and Maddy went down the Main aisle and out the Gate, stepping off to thier left...

Shade and Brevet were next, the ...slightly Taller Pilot didn't seem to mind and they stepped of to their Right.

Roy and Mara were next they stepped off to the left

Nikki and Sam would go out , stepping off to the right

Haley and Can went next.. Haley using up her Flower peddlae to the gate, they went passed everyone.

Then, The captain would whisper...congratulations..take your first steps as a bonded couple...

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4715 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 02:54

  • msg #805


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1612)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1613)

Lizzy had kisses Izzy deeply, and then they began to leave. " Thank you Captain Si, that was amazing." Lizzy took Izzy's hand, " Ok wife lets head out for pictures." Lizzy and Izzy walked out, Lizzy was all smiles, but she had tears of joy and happiness in her eyes.

Once outside and the ceremony was done, Lizzy said," Thank you everyone." She then ran up to the LC and gave him a big hug," Thank you for getting the groomsman for us. Thank you Shade, and SM thank you." Lizzy gave Shade a big hug, and smiled at the SM. Lizzy then waited for the pocture people to get them going.


Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 07:09

  • msg #806


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1614)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1615)

There was the Angel Reporter who was using her shoulder Cam for Most of the service, and a camera .

Two Angels ran around with Cameras getting shots of the Bride and Bride .. Nikki and Sam with them. They more or less dragged the groomsmen to the pics , The bridesmaid

about 20 Minutes of that. KE-NA Approached and Gathered the Group together.I am so sorry about the Groomsmen. We do not have such things. We asked Captain Si and Admiral Hack about Weddings, but there were so many kinds! Its a wonder humans ever get bonded!

Girl with Colorful hairTold LC Shadow..and he gather Groomsmen...

It was Beth. I would have tried to get Three women, but all I could thingk of was Frans and Eckles..none of them would have felt right doig it as they were dressed in nice civis or Off duty like myself..which..I apologize to you both for.. he nods his head to them.I Knew the SM would step up and Shade would not say no.. and they were both SEC.. and.. i sorta am that gave Izzy a good showing for SEC...But? beth notcied and got us up there,

KE-NA looked flustered when it was recounted.I am so glad it worked out. as it is, this wedding is a mix of Angel and is the very first wedding of its kind, that i know about.

No we go into the Chapel to eat..people are already seated with thier food.. all of you have a platter wwith vairpous you may eat right away? After that you may go to Buffet and help your.. when Food is done, the unveiling of the cake and then the Brides will cut thier slices.. Then the staff will cut cake and bring the slices out to the courtyard for people to enjoy while the dancing is done..yes?self to More

so? if no questions, let us move in to eat? If questions.. as Now.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1943 posts


Izzy O Conner

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 16:15

  • msg #807


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1616)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1617)

Izzy would giggle at being called wife with Lizzy taking her arm and walking with her ”ok Mrs O’Conner, let’s go get our picture taken” she said, smiling from ear to ear as they walked across the courtyard with Izzy then asking with a giggle ”Also when were you going to mention that your middle name was Angie?”

The photos would take some time as the photographers had her and Lizzy in several poses together before having them photographed with the bridesmaids and groomsmen, both together and apart including a rather awkward photo of Izzy standing between Shadow and Roy, though Izzy was in too good of a mood to complain.

Afterwards they would all gather together and Izzy would learn about the entire groomsmen situation with it not having entered her mind that it was a problem. Had they more time to prepare then she may have realised and set about finding people to fill the roles. But as it was they hadn’t, and it was a small miracle that there hadn’t been more hiccups ”That’s ok LC, it was all kind of last minute” she replied to his apology over his attire, with her reluctantly admitting that he had done a nice thing for them by stepping up.

KE-NA would then outline the rest of the plan, with going inside to eat and cut the cake, along with the opportunity for any speeches, before returning to the courtyard for dancing and music until they were required to go home ”I don’t have any questions…shall we go inside for something to eat Mrs O’Conner? Oh wait! What about the bouquet? Should we do that before or after we eat?”
This message was last edited by the player at 16:25, Sat 21 Oct 2023.

Tarja Vanska

player, 653 posts


Armoured Infantry

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 16:24

  • msg #808


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1618)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1619)

Tarja for her part had quietly sat and watched the ceremony as the two women were married, though it was unlike any wedding she had ever seen with her wondering if their hosts were unfamiliar with Human customs or whether the brides had simply wanted to do things differently.

Once the ceremony was over Tarja would collect herself in drink whilst the photo’s were being taken, with her drifting over to stand beside Meari ”They seem very happy together don’t they?” she said nodding her head towards the happy couple ”…also only you could make combat armour look glamorous!” she then added with a laugh as she lightly tapped the breastplate with her knuckles.


Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 16:39

  • msg #809


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1620)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1621)

KE-NA looked at another list she had and shook head,No? It says here... Eat.. Cut cake with Photos... then go out to court yard for dancing and such... as the Party winds Dow, there will be the throwing of the Flowers.... um.. no garter thing, since both are brides.

Then last dance and party continues


player, 1183 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 17:22

  • msg #810


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1622)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1623)

Mila trotted up to Lizzy wagging her tail, then thrust her nose into one of Lizzy's hands and licked.


Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 21:59

  • msg #811


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1624)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1625)

The group was herded back to the chapel door ,where the party enters two by two, with the Brides entering last they were all steered to the head table where big plates of food and drinks,

Again those at the head table could get more food , or different food if they wished.

Dusk sat at the Table with Maygin and Maria. The Board were sitting at a table, among

KE-NA whispered something to Sam... and handed her a Mic...May I have your attention... The Best Woman will now make her Speech!

The LC Looked over Shade to Roy...Glad i don't have to make speeches..I'm too darn bashful...

Shadow looked back and forth between the two men...

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4716 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 22:38

  • msg #812


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1626)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1627)

Lizzy was all smiles and she responded," Ummm you never asked, lets have fun my love."

Lizzy smiled at the LC again and said," You were dressed fine, it is the thought that counts in my eyes." Lizzy was about to lose it, her emotions were out of control.

Once the pictures of everyone where done, KE-NA told them what was next, there was a question about the bouquet, but they were solved quickly. " Yes lets head inside my love."

That is when Mila came up to her, Lizzy bent down and rubbed under Mila's chin and behind her ear. " Thank you Mila." Lizzy then followed everyone where it was time for Sam to give her speach.


player, 2262 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 22:42

  • msg #813


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1628)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1629)

In reply to Tarja Vanska (msg # 808):

Meari smiled and replied," Yes they do, Lizzy is a fighter, Izzy is still trying to find her way but Lizzy is a good influence on her for sure.

After Tarja's next comment Meari blushed and replied," Thank you Tarja, this armor s sacred to our people I only wear it on very special occasions and this in one of them."
Meari giggled when she tapped her armor.


player, 448 posts

Corp ESN Med Tech

Save as many as you can

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 22:44

  • msg #814


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1630)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1631)

MA-CE and Vaka watched the ceremony, NA-CE picked out the Angel parts of the service easily and she really enjoyed the human parts as well. When the wedding party left for pictures they headed in for food," What did you think Vaka, they really seem to love each other, and Lizzy looked amazing in that dress."

Samantha Robertson

player, 1636 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 22:55

  • msg #815


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1632)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1633)

Sam stood right by Izzy's side during the service and she almost cried twice. She saw Zob, and Meari in her amazing armor wow. Once the service was over they headed out Sam walked with Nikki and then there was pictures. Sam was having a blast and she pulled Zob and Meari out for pictures since they were also part of the wedding party by Lizzy's list.

Once the pictures where all done KE-NA again directed them. They then headed into the chapel to sit and eat. As they were being seated KE-NA came up to Sam, told her it was her time to speak, and handed her a Mic.

Sam smiled then stood up," Oh I get to go first for the speeches then, Izzy and I have been best friends since we met. Izzy has a strong heart and spirit and I know how much she loves and cares for Lizzy. Izzy you will always be my best friend no matter what and I wish you a Lizzy a long and happy marriage. To Izzy and Lizzy." Sam raised her glass of Angel wine and made the toast.


Sun 22 Oct 2023
at 00:01

  • msg #816


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1634)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1635)

People Raised their Glasses and the tapping of the glasses after the drinks were done.. Most of the Humans knew what the tapping of the glasses were for.. Aliens and Non-Earth Humans hadn't a clue.

Shade Looked at Shadow...Go ahead , Buddy.. I never liked this part, but other folks seem to..Shadow refrained from Tapping. Dut Shade did. tap.

Henry Christie

player, 4781 posts

Sun 22 Oct 2023
at 08:39

  • msg #817


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1636)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1637)

Can came running up to his parents. Henry swept him up in the air.

"You did well, Can! Anyone would think you had practiced or even done that before!"

He set his boy down and took his hand. Val took the other and they headed in to eat.

Mila had wandered off but with food around, Henry was sure she'd turn up before long.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4717 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 22 Oct 2023
at 14:26

  • msg #818


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1638)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1639)

Lizzy had been to enough weddings to know what the clicking of the glasses meant, Lizzy smiled then kissed Izzy and went back to eating.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1945 posts


Izzy O Conner

Sun 22 Oct 2023
at 21:16

  • msg #819


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1640)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1641)

”Hmm I guess I didn’t…then again I didn’t tell you my middle either” Izzy replied with a smile as she walked with Lizzy ”…Also you look beautiful in that dress” she then added with a blush, with the way her hair had been styled and the makeup she was wearing making her look truly phenomenal, causing Izzy to once again wonder how she had got a girl like her let alone marry her!

Following KE-NA into the chapel, they would be seated at the top table along with Sam, Nikki, Admiral Hack and Captain Si, and presented with a plate of food that was to die for and a glass of wine. It was as Izzy was enjoying her meal that Sam would stand and give her speech and raise a glass in toast to them followed by people clinking their glasses. Having never been to a wedding before Izzy was somewhat confused by this though it would appear Lizzy knew what it meant as she pulled her in for a kiss causing a surprised squeak from Izzy in response.

Tarja Vanska

player, 654 posts


Armoured Infantry

Sun 22 Oct 2023
at 21:45

  • msg #820


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1642)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1643)

”Well it looks good on you” Tarja replied, noticing the blush on her friend’s face ”though I seem to recall seeing trooper with Izzy’s proportions storming saucer” she then added having since added two and two together and realising that the petite Asian girl was the tiny omnicomm operator she’d seen during the Paradise campaign.

With everyone heading inside so they could get something to eat, Tarja would turn to Meari and ask ”you mind if I join you and Frakas…I not knowing many people here” as they started heading inside.


player, 2263 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 01:53

  • msg #821


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1644)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1645)

Meari smiled and replied," Well thank you very much Tarja." Tarja was right, " Yes Izzy was an Omicron operator on the saucer. She held her own."

Then everyone went in to eat and hear speeches. Meari smiled at Tarja and said, " Of course you can join us, lets get some food you can sit with us."

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4418 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 06:35

  • msg #822


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1646)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1647)

"Yer gonna be gorgeous, and so is Izzy. Just remember .... Love each other. You have family and friends around for support. And if you get nervous and bolt.... we will shoot you in the butt" Nikki sounded serious. "something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue." she went about checking to make sure of 4 lucky charms

Tarja Vanska

player, 655 posts


Armoured Infantry

Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 11:53

  • msg #823


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1648)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1649)

There was a look of relief on Tarja’s face when Meari said she could join her and Frakas, with her following her friend into the chapel and taking a seat ”I still find it hard to believe she’s a trooper…the girl is tiny!” Tarja quietly said as they walked.

Sitting at the table with Meari and Frakas, Tarja would enjoy the food as she listened to the equally tiny best woman; Sam making her speech followed a large portion of the guests then clinking their wine glasses, which confused Tarja right up until Lizzy kissed her new wife, with Tarja chuckling as she watched Izzy’s cheeks turn bright red in response having seemingly been caught unaware.

”I hope you had better night than I did Meari, it would appear I got stood up…which reminds me, I need to talk to SM about getting new recruits” Tarja would say to Meari before taking a sip of her wine.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1946 posts


Izzy O Conner

Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 21:06

  • msg #824


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1650)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1651)

After the kiss was broken off Izzy’s cheek would turn bright pink ”Oh so that’s what the clinking is for…” she quietly said, feeling just a little embarrassed by her naïveté with then quickly taking a sip of her wine to try and hide the fact.

With her cheek still a rather bright shade of pink, the scarring on the other cheek hiding any flush that may have been present, Izzy would lean over to speak with Sam ”Thank you Sam that was lovely…I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you” she said, giving her friends hand a gently squeeze.


Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 02:04

  • msg #825


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1652)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1653)

As always, there would be those who over did the Glass tapping. after the 8th time. The LC slammed his fork on the table, which caused some folks to look over.. He shook his head...and folks Looked to the Admiral, Hack also shook his head.

The rest of the meal went well with people talking laughing the cam person getting pics.


as servers began to clear dishes and such, people gathered at the far end of the Chapel. For the Cutting of the Cake

Foster stood with his wife,Uno Watched, she was nervous, and almost in tears, in cast it didn't look good enough. One of the chefs stood behind her and patted her back.

with Lizzy and Izzy in front of the table, KE-NA handed them each a cord to put.the lights when out and the wall light up , like little stars.. KE-NA told them to pull their cords.

The canvas fell straight down.. and a 6 foot long..3 foot tall,,3 foot wide 'Hermes' ( comeplete with a hanger dec with tiny candy Fighters.) the stern of the Cake Light up throwing off , harmless sparts.... In the 'VIP Pad' where two female figures, both in wedding dresses, one hag its hair painted red.

KE-NA lead the Brides around the Bow of the Cake to a tined Platfom for them to be seen behind it.

KE-NA says softly to them,From what i am told. do not cut where the figuares are.. that is 'cake topper" we will seal it for you to take back with you... They say , on your anniversary, you eat it for good luck. she adds Make Your Cuts at Midships, and you are to feed each other a bite of Cake.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1947 posts


Izzy O Conner

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 12:02

  • msg #826


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1654)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1655)

Izzy would be pulled in and kissed several more times during the course of the meal which made it rather difficult to enjoy her food, with her quietly relieved when Shadow banged his fork down as she had been beginning to feel uncomfortable by the entire thing because as much as she enjoyed kissing Lizzy she wasn’t used to doing on command with her also beginning to suspect that some of the crew were starting to enjoy watching them kiss a little too much.

The rest of the meal went by with Izzy enjoying the food immensely, with her sharing the odd morsel with Lizzy between sips of delicious golden coloured, Angel wine.

Once everyone had finished eating, at least for the time being, and the servers were clearing away the plates. KE-NA would usher them over to where the cloth covered cake was. Taking hold of one of the golden cords, Izzy would look to Lizzy and say ”On three? One…two…three”

The cloth cover would drop, revealing an exquisitely detailed Hermes cake, complete with fighters made from royal icing and antennae made of spun sugar. Spotting the figures standing on the V.I.P pad Izzy would giggle and point them out to Lizzy before turning round to where a nervous looking Uno was standing ”oh my god! This looks amazing! I can’t believe you managed to make this in such a short amount of time, thank you so much!” she said before following KE-NA and Lizzy round the cake to make the first cut.

Holding the large knife with Lizzy, they would pose for a couple of pictures before making the cut where KE-NA directed them to.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1637 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 13:08

  • msg #827


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1656)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1657)

Izzy thanked her, Sam smiled and replied," No problem I try to be a good friend, you look amazing, everything is so beautiful." Sam smiled and ate her meal as well.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4718 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 13:13

  • msg #828


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1658)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1659)

Lizzy smiled when Izzy figured out what the glass tapping meant. The tapping continued and it was very hard to eat. Then finally the LC put an end to it, Lizzy smiled and nodded to the LC in thanks. After they ate KE-NA would get them up and head to the covered cake.

Lizzy took a rope and at Izzy's count they pulled the ropes and they could see the amazing Hermes cake. Lizzy would find Uno with her eyes, smile and said," Wow this is amazing thank you so much, wow I love it."

Izzy and Lizzy then took the knife and they cut the Hermes cake at midships. Lizzy then cut a small piece of cake, she then lifted it up to Izzy's mouth and fed her the piece of cake.


player, 2264 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 15:30

  • msg #829


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1660)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1661)

In reply to Tarja Vanska (msg # 823):

Meari giggled," Well yes she is, but she has been on the front lines as a reporter, then she went into comms, and now she is back on the ground with an Omicron. She is tough she might have finally found as Lizzy said her calling."

Meari looked at her friend and CO, and replied," I am sorry, yes Frakas and I had a great evening, I am sorry you where alone, where did Rip go?"

Tarja Vanska

player, 656 posts


Armoured Infantry

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 18:32

  • msg #830


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1662)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1663)

Tarja would sigh in disappointment at the mention of Rip, with Meari asking where he was ”I have no idea…after game I saw him talking on his comms unit and then he just…disappeared” Tarja explained, with it clear that she was baffled by his sudden disappearance and feeling just a little hurt by it as she had kind of liked him and felt that there had been the potential for something more between them ”…I’m not even sure he came back to the condo…so not only did I spend night alone, we’re one short again” she continued with a shake of her head, with them seemingly losing new recruits as quickly as they found them.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1948 posts


Izzy O Conner

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 18:57

  • msg #831


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1664)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1665)

Holding the knife together, the pair of them would cut the cake amidship like they’d been directed to do by KE-NA, with Lizzy then cutting off a small piece with her fork which she would then feed to Izzy. With the cake tasting as good as it looked, Izzy would then likewise cut a piece of the cake which she would carefully feed to Lizzy with a smile.

Jason graves

player, 78 posts

Shy and awkward

Scar over right eye

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 20:18

  • msg #832


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1666)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1667)

Jason watched the proceedings waiting for a good time to go and congratulate the couple


Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 20:22

  • msg #833


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1668)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1669)

KE-NA waits until the ladies are done with their cutting, and then the Kitchen folks be gin to cut cakes into 2 inch wide, 3 inch high , 4 inch Long slices, they have containers for those who whish to take their Cakes back to the ship,... The announce there will be some left.

The VIP pad with the 2 fingers was cut with a circular machine that pulled out a 'plug' of 10 inched around and 1 foot deet( not counting the figures)..That was Put Into a special container for Lizzy and Izzy to take back to the Hermes

Uno was as happy as a Clam as she was Hugged by Foster.

Shadow grabbed one of the Kitchen folks and asked that left overs and Scraps be sent down to the Largs as well a food for Roll, Disna and Puskie..and cake.

KE-NA announced.It is now.. the throwing of the flower bundle!.. it is for this bonding, that there are two bundles So.. we will have all the women who are not Bonded , to go out and Catch a Bundle.. Lizzy will toss hers first... and Izzy will toss her second ....

The two brides would go to the platform with thier backs turned.. First Lizzy....then Izzy.


player, 4943 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Tue 24 Oct 2023
at 22:26

  • msg #834


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1670)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1671)

After having some food and drink he stood around quietly just letting the couple have their day, when the flowers were to be tossed he let out a small chuckle and waited to see who was gonna catch them.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4719 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 01:24

  • msg #835


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1672)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1673)

Lizzy smiled when Izzy fed her, and then KE-NA announced the tossing of the bouquets. Lizzy got up and went first, her back facing the ladies she tossed the bouquet out into the group of ladies.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1638 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 01:25

  • msg #836


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1674)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1675)

Sam got up and was in the group of ladies going after Lizzy's bouquet.


player, 2265 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 01:26

  • msg #837


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1676)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1677)

Meari joined the ladies as well as she got ready to go after Lizzy's bouquet.


player, 449 posts

Corp ESN Med Tech

Save as many as you can

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 01:28

  • msg #838


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1678)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1679)

NA-CE smiled at Vaka and also joined the ladies, NA-CE didnt know the tradition too well, but she went after to catch Lizzy's bouquet when she threw it.

Roy Spencer

player, 11070 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 05:25

  • msg #839


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1680)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1681)

Roy observed the events unfolding, an unexpected participant in the whole thing, but glad to see it happening and even more happy to see it all going smoothly. He caught Shadow's eye and gave an approving nod when the LC made an apology for his informal attire, a slight grin on his face. The whole miscommunication over missing groomsmen was explained, and he was ready to let it go as the situation had already been dealt with and nobody seemed to mind the end result.

The toasts and dinner went smoothly enough...the tapping on the glasses started to annoy him, as the couple kept getting interrupted in their meal, and he shut down the enthusiasm on a few of the transgressors with a disapproving scowl...but Shadow's more overt reaction brought it to an end, and they got a chance to enjoy their meal in some degree of peace (as peaceful as it could be with a few dozen pairs of eyes watching...)

The cake was revealed, and he looked over at Foster and his wife, another smile of surprise and approval on his face as he acknowledged their work. The bouquets were thrown, he watched in amusem*nt as there was more than a bit of jostling and jockeying to catch them, the fact that there were two bouquets only seeming to add to the competitive spirit, and stood back with some degree of relief that he was not expected to be part of the festivities there. It had been, all in all, a good day, and there was still a bit of it left before it was time to return to the ship.


Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 06:07

  • msg #840


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1682)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1683)

Shadow came with the containers with Cake..that could be used to eat the cake in, or simply taken with them. Shadow handed, Can and Haley ( after Haley returned from the flower wars)..he had one for Roy, and Dusk..he had one for himself and Maddy..

but he took a knee , out of the line of fire, and Gave Mila one.. He patted her head.I Got You a Vanilla slice. I think i remember something of Doggies are supposed to have chocolate?

He stood watching others get cake,, as soon that the Victors ,raised their prizes. the ladies were moved to the fringe, as Lizzy and Izzy would have their first Dance as a Bonded Couple.

Shadow took a bit of his that can some chocolate and some Vanilla I like sweet stuff... but i'm always leery about Cake.. if it s dry..or it is just icing covered bread. By Uno makes some good stuff. She Pics up extra creds baking in the Mess hall, rolls and such. I think we she get a bakery opened up on the concourse.. Bet she would make a killing.

Roy Spencer

player, 11071 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 06:26

  • msg #841


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1684)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1685)

Roy nodded at Shadow's explanation to Mila. "Chocolate's bad for canines...I don't remember the specifics, and this would probably be a small enough amount that it wouldn't have much impact. But best to avoid that particular risk in the first place. Besides, there's nothing wrong with vanilla..."

He had to nod agreement with Shadow's suggestion that a bakery...or, maybe more accurately, a patisserie, since bakers tended to focus a lot on bread and rolls and occasionally got around to cakes and pastries...might be a good idea. Of course, someone who could put together a cake that tasted this incredible could probably come up with bread that would have people lining up to buy a few loaves at a time...

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4420 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 07:38

  • msg #842


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1686)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1687)

Nikki somehow was on the floor with several other ladies for the bouquet tosses. she put Haley in a spot not to get stepped on. Lizzy with her back turned tossed hers. It must have been that sync of being each others wing that made it seem fortuitous. Nikki seemed to catch it rather easily. she blushed, making her skin look tan. she held it up for a moment. she moved to Mitch and sat on his lap as Haley waited with the other ladies for Izzys bouquet. not successful she consoled herself with cake Shadow brought over to her and Can. all was good. Nikki kissed Mitch. she had decided to pass on the speech but brought her guitar to sing a love song for Lizzy and Izzy.


player, 1186 posts

intelligent, loyal

likes to snoop around.

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 09:52

  • msg #843


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1688)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1689)

Mila was ectastic with her treat, wagging her tail in thanks before sitting down and licking daintily at it, savouring it.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1949 posts


Izzy O Conner

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 11:58

  • msg #844


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1690)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1691)

After enjoying a slice of the truly amazing wedding cake they would be pulled away in order to throw the bouquets with Izzy finding much to her delight that she also had a bouquet to throw. Standing next to Lizzy with a smile she would watch as she threw the bouquet over her shoulder and wait a minute or two for the chaos to die down behind them before throwing her own bouquet and starting it off again.

With the victors moving away with their spoils an area would be cleared, the lights dimmed and the band would begin to play a slow song for their first dance ”Mrs O’Conner, would you do me the honour of dancing with me?” Izzy would softly ask, extending her hand out towards her.

Once they were out on the dance floor Izzy would hold Lizzy close as they danced together, with Izzy taking the lead. She would try her best to ignore the eyes upon them and simply enjoy the moment as they moved to the music.


player, 2266 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 14:02

  • msg #845


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1692)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1693)

Nikki got Lizzy's, then they relined up and Meari got ready. Izzy tossed it and Meari moved quickly and then grabbed the flowers out of the air. She smiled and was very excited, then Meari saw a sad Haley walk away. Meari went up to Haley," I do not know human bonding ceremonies, but you are the flower girl shouldn't you get the flowers." Meari handed the flowers to Haley and gave her a big hug.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4720 posts

Pilot Ensign


Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 14:32

  • msg #846


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1694)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1695)

Lizzy smiled at Izzy and replied," I would love too." Lizzy got up and they headed for the dance area and they began their first dance together.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1639 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 14:33

  • msg #847


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1696)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1697)

After the Flower wars where done Sam walked over to Zob and said," Would you like to dance Zob?"

Tarja Vanska

player, 657 posts


Armoured Infantry

Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 18:56

  • msg #848


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1698)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1699)

She would sit and talk with Meari for a little bit before the Angel woman who seemed to be in charge of keeping the wedding on schedule called for all of the single ladies to come out so they could catch the bouquets. Getting to her feet, Tarja would join the group of women and stand beside Meari, though in hindsight that was perhaps a bad idea as the tall Udenese woman was able to out jump her and snatch the bouquet out of the air, much to Tarja’s disappointment.

It was as the ladies were drifting towards the edges so as to allow the brides space to have their first dance that she would witness Meari attempting to give the bouquet to the young girl ”you are not familiar with tradition friend Meari?” Tarja would say with a chuckle as she put her arm about her friends shoulders ”…it’s the catching that is important, because lady that catches bouquet is fated to get married next” she explained, before smiling and waving at Frakas who was still seated, wondering if he knew what catching the bouquet meant.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4421 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 22:11

  • msg #849


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1700)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1701)

Haley smiled and gave Meari a big hug in return for the flowers. "Thank you Meari. You caught it so you get the blessing for it. I just like flowers." she smiled at Meari "On Earth at the wedding the ladies who catch the bookay are supposed to be the next to marry. least in olden times, it's different now. the guys have their customs too in a wedding" she was doing her best to explain the bouquet toss. "The honeymoon s'posed to take a month and the groom was to kidnap the bride. all bridesmaids were to confuse evil spirits from harming the bride. she wears a veil to prevent the 'evil eye' and cursing the bride. there's a lot of customs for a human wedding"


player, 4944 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 06:47

  • msg #850


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1702)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1703)

In reply to Samantha Robertson (msg # 847):

Zob smiled and extended his hand to her, "It would be my pleasure" he would then step out to the dance floor with her.


Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 14:24

  • msg #851


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1704)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1705)

After Izzy and Lizzy's Dance People made their way out onto the courtyard, The Admiral Asked Lizzy to Dance, and Captain Si asked Izzy, with the understanding , they would switch partners for the next dance.

Shadow waited for Maddy to finish her cake and would see if she wanted to dance. crew were moving freely between the 'line' of Pilot or Crew., But they were always like that, be it the Ball or the rec dec

Magin was dancing with Shade.. Maria was Dancing with Shoey, it was clear , by they Lady's looks they would switch partners.

Vaka asked NA-CE to Dance.

Frakas did likewise with Meari

Will and Cora were Dancing, , he was well aware of him GMH standing that, the Admiral, would have wanted him there , and he dressed the part.

Andruss and Ble where dancing, there were smiles and small laughs as they talked

Dusk Looked at Roy to see if they were going out.

KE-NA looked annoyed as she stepped over to the LC...If I May... This party were the bridal dance ? I do not see Izzy breaking trough the group, much less Carring Lizzy out the gate to the shuttle.

Shadow chuckled...well? Just eliminate it.. do the Dance..right? and when the pair is ready to go, have the ANSEC, for a corridor sorts. for them to Run out the gate together, and the Shuttle will take them to The Hermes

KE-NA Brightened ,I will tel them and get the ANSEC ready

a supply shuttle was in the air headed towards the LAke with food for Disna , Puskie and Roll( and cake!) as well was leavings and scraps for the Largs.

Henry Christie

player, 4782 posts

Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 15:59

  • msg #852


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1706)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1707)

Henry asked Val if she would like to dance, suspecting that she would.


Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 16:23

  • msg #853


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1708)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1709)

Val Took Henry's hand with a smile, and all ,but dragged him...

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1063 posts


Pilot Flight B

Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 16:24

  • msg #854


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1710)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1711)

In reply to event (msg # 851):

Madison took a break from her cake to like up for the throwing of the bouquets. There were a lot of ladies lined up to catch, though she doubted most of them knew what catching it was supposed to mean. Madison knew and though she was not superstitious, she was not wishing the flowers would come her way. Her current relationship with Kray was amazing, but she absolutely did not want to be married. The anxiety she felt about it seemed silly, but it was all forgotten when she cheered for Nikki and Meari's spectacular catches.

Done with the bouquet toss, she went back to her cake and Kray. "I always wondered about how soon after catching the bouquet the wedding was supposed to come. Maybe Nikki and Meari will have a double wedding coming up."

When Kray asked if she wanted to dance, Madison set her plate aside and took his hand. "Of course." She let him lead her to his choice of spots on the dance floor.

Kray Shadow

GM, 2941 posts

fighter jock

Lt Commander

Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 22:19

  • msg #855


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1712)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1713)

One the courtyard stones with a live band playing and the dark sky with Billions of stars ( though some of those stars were fleet cap shups ).

Last few Hours on the want to go anywhere when the brides leave?

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1064 posts


Pilot Flight B

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 01:44

  • msg #856


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1714)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1715)

"I don't know." Madison shook her head as she danced. "I've never been here before. I literally have no idea of what's here to see. I mean, I got to see an apartment building, a military base, a mansion, the palace, and the condo and beach. Now this. It's been quite the shore leave. Is there anything else you want me to see?"

Kray Shadow

GM, 2942 posts

fighter jock

Lt Commander

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 02:40

  • msg #857


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1716)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1717)

Shadow gave a smiling shrug, If this was Bura, I could take you to see 'my Village'.. they Honored me because they saw us killing demons and EDT/EVOLs.... but here? I'm just a regular ..I dunno?..we need to pack up as well. There are SEC
there Now getting the weapons and armor out of there.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1640 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 02:58

  • msg #858


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1718)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1719)

Sam smiled and went with Zob onto the dance floor with him all smiles. " Now we have all night to dance, that was a beautiful service and Izzy looks great and Lizzy looks amazing."


player, 2267 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 03:01

  • msg #859


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1720)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1721)

In reply to Tarja Vanska (msg # 848):

Meari smiled and replied," Oh so that is the custom is it, you should have told me that before." Meari smiled then replied to Halley," You are welcome for the flowers and thank you for that explanation Halley.

Then Frakas asked her to dance and of course Meari said yes and went onto the dance floor with him.


player, 450 posts

Corp ESN Med Tech

Save as many as you can

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 03:48

  • msg #860


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1722)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1723)

NA-CE smiled and Vaka and they went onto the dance floor, and on a slow song NA-CE held Vaka close.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4721 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 03:51

  • msg #861


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1724)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1725)

Izzy and Lizzy finished their first dance and then Hack asked her to dance, it was tradition, he was acting as the father of the bride so they dance first. Lizzy hoped Izzy wouldn't loose her mind dancing with her crush. Lizzy giggled and then said," Thank you Sir, this is amazing I have a feeling you were involved in getting KE-NA here to do this. Thank you." Lizzy hugged Admiral Hack and they went into the dance floor.

Admiral Hack

GM, 12199 posts

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 04:06

  • msg #862


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1726)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1727)

Hack Chuckled and accepted the hug.You give me too much Credit.. Nil and some others did the heavy lifting. Nil sent The LC to Talk with NE-NA at the Ball, then some of the Earthers threw in their 2 cents...Rutledge, had some say in it as well. The rest was Modified Angel customs. I think it worked out rather well.

Roy Spencer

player, 11072 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 04:15

  • msg #863


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1728)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1729)

Roy grinned at Dusk when she gave him the questioning look, setting down what was left of his cake and extending a hand to her, before leading her out to the dance floor. "I'll take this over wedding cake any day," he murmured in her ear, with a soft chuckle, as they started dancing.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4722 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 04:27

  • msg #864


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1730)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1731)

Lizzy smiled as they danced and then replied," Oh it was amazing and beautiful, also thank you for walking me down the aisle that meant a lot to me."


Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 04:35

  • msg #865


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1732)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1733)

The first of the 'parents dances was done"

Captain Si swi5tched to Lizzy and The Admiral switched to Izzy

Shadow, Stayed with Maddy. Most of the crew and sorted out....Nikki and Mitch were dancing, he seemed to be holding her Closer... Haley was dancing with Can

Dusk made no move to leave the sto9nes of the courtyard for the boundary tables/

Vaka seemed very at ease with Dancing with NE-CE. but? in his head, he was lucky that an angel would dance with him.

Frakas..Tonight , we go to our Steel home in The Black. It is good to go home, but ...somewhat upsetting to leave solid ground behind.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4723 posts

Pilot Ensign


Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 15:25

  • msg #866


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1734)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1735)

Lizzy smiled at Admiral Hack, and then went and danced with Captain Si. Lizzy couldn't help it she gave Captain a big hug and said," Thank you so much, that was amazing I am so happy." Lizzy then released Captain Si and they danced together.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1950 posts


Izzy O Conner

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 17:19

  • msg #867


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1736)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1737)

Slight Flex
When the music stopped Izzy would take Lizzy’s hand and gently kiss her fingers as their first dance together came to an end. It was then that the rest of the guests were permitted to dance, with Lizzy dancing with Admiral Hack and she with Captain Si who were taking on the role of the bride’s parents. Needless to say Izzy was more than a little excited to be dancing with Captain Si with it taking an extreme effort of will not to turn into a blushing, giggling mess ”Captain Si…hmm…Nil?….do you perchance know Captain Traci Capshaw?” Izzy would quietly ask as much to have something to say to her than out of curiosity, with the use of the Captain’s first name sounding strange, but her rank sounding out of place considering that they were dancing together ”…it’s just that Lizzy and I were talking the other night and it turns out that Captain Capshaw is kind of a hero of Lizzy’s and I was wondering if you knew her and whether she was nice and if you could introduce Lizzy to her sometime?” she continued, with her natural falling into the role of the lead, with her hand feeling very nice on Captain Si’s waist. Not as nice as Lizzy’s but still, there was a reason as to why she’d had a crush on her.

Once her dance with Captain Si had come to an end, she and Lizzy would switch partners, with their being an awkward moment as both Izzy and Admiral Hack tried to lead causing Izzy to blush and stammer ”Sorry…force of habit” before allowing the Admiral to take control.

Tarja Vanska

player, 658 posts


Armoured Infantry

Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 17:58

  • msg #868


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1738)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1739)

With Meari and Frakas disappearing to dance together once the brides had finished their first dance together, Tarja would help herself to another glass of wine and take a seat off to one side and quietly watch the dancing couples.


Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 19:46

  • msg #869


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1740)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1741)

Captain Si siled, , it grew a bit wider as she heard her first name, and felt Izzy's hand on her waist, but. The Captain was used to such things, from men and women.

Traci? Yes of course, She trained Under me and Oliver., she took out a sloop with her damaged fighter, by flying it into the thrusters as she PODed out.. she had a very severe arm would, they replaced her left arm with a Prothesis of Angel steel. She is Now Captain Of The Ares I play racquet Ball with her when we get to Carrier stations. we do not have a decent set up for good racquet ball, on cap ships...Med Tech ships have great ones. I will talk with her, see what I can do...

KE-NA stuck her head in when Hack was with Izzy, and Si was with Lizzy...I had some good advice i got from one of the Huamns who helped with this?... Because there is 2 brides. And Izzy challenged... we are Goign to have aa different sort of Bridal dance..., Both women will be in the center, and will dance with those who come along we'll have 2 lines.. one each will line up for each Bride, then switch to the other Bride
s line..when the Brides are ready to Move off..ANSEC will form a corridor to the Shuttle Izzy used to change and , and Fly them to the Hermes.. we have arrangements to get their thigs from the Condo, and here, as well as the Cake topper.


She Got the 'Groomsmen' and Bridesmaids to getter... the men would hold trays of Burian Brandy, Angel whiskey or American whisky..The Bridesmaids Cake wrapped to take home, there is a Pot was placed where Sam and Nikki would sand for 'creds as 'gifts to the couple'..Mikki would make sure every one got two 'swings" before Moving on, as would Same..

before that was set up, the bridal party got to dance with each of the brides.


Roy would Go before the other three ( after Sam and Nikki )

Shade went After Roy... He Blee[ed and whirled. his eyes ere Green m hus touch , gental , despite not having fully human skin

when it came time for the LC to Dance with Lizzy... Well Lizzy..camwe a long way from your Birthday party to here?.. maybe i shouldn't have let you have the 'downtime" when your machine needed 'repaired ' you are!


Roy would then dance with Izzy...

Shade would dance with Izzy and whilr a bit. Shadow , as he waited his turn, said..He said you both look really bice!

Shadow danced with With Izzy, he chuckled softly.Nothign i can say wound come off anyb better then a wartning or condensending... so let me agree with Shade that you Both look good, and Congradulations

when the party was done ( including Haley and Can)

The men took thier stations, bar tenders ready with more bottle s to fill which ever trays.

trays stacked like cordwood of wrapped cake, with Kitchen people cutting thr cake expertly to make certain tit would all be cut.. there were bins that would be sent back to the Hermes as well. For those who could not attend.

Morris , Rivets , Roles and Bale all told thier dances.. the 'gift can' was filling up

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4422 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 04:10

  • msg #870


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1742)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1743)

Nikki let the party flow naturally. As the topper piece for their anniversary was cut and taken to be frozen she let person wrapping it carefully she would take it since the brides were going on honeymoon. she would put in her fridge to give them on their return. she had a dab of frosting on her finger then slyly looked about. smiling as she snuck up. cornering Mitch she nose booped him with the frosting. smiling she let him wipe a bit and he returned the boop. she kissed what was left on his nose away. "talk about a sweet kiss"


player, 4945 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 06:42

  • msg #871


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1744)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1745)

In reply to Samantha Robertson (msg # 858):

Zob nodded in agreement, "Indeed it was, they will make a good couple for certain" was all he said in regards to it as there really wasn't much else that needed to be said, "Speaking of which i could use your assistance when we get back to the ship, I'm looking to purchase real estate back on Bura a large mansion home that we cleared out back on one of our previous ops, could you perhaps use your pull to secure me that home for purchase?" he asked her as they danced.

Roy Spencer

player, 11073 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 06:44

  • msg #872


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1746)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1747)

Roy's dance (with both) was a little stiff, and very much by-the-textbook as far as style, and it was apparent that his ease of manner when dancing with Dusk was very much a case of the partner and not any of his own doing. But, while it was formal, it was done with competence...he might not be proficient at dancing, but his training in general had him comfortable with moving his body.

As he danced with Lizzy, he floundered, mentally, for a moment for something to say, trying to find some way to not come off as stiff and formal as his dance technique. He finally settled on something...

"Thank you for giving Izzy a nudge. There was a while there where I thought for sure we would be sending her off to finish her tour of duty doing administrative work on a carrier station or sitting a post on one of the Delta colony worlds, but you seem to have helped her find some of her fire again." He paused for a moment, then added, with a chuckle, "Just try to leave her with enough energy to actually take her turn on the duty roster, okay? Starship hulls aren't exactly soundproof..." His tone made it apparent that, while he might not know specifics of how they spent their time together, he'd heard enough--either on his own observation or from reports of SEC personnel on duty--to have a pretty good idea of the intensity of their amorous appetites...but there was no judgment in the words. If anything, it was something of a gentle teasing.

But rather than dwell on that, he continued, "It was a lovely wedding, with two lovely brides. Congratulations to you both..."

He had an easier time finding words with Izzy, being more familiar with her. "I'm still expecting you to get those drone ideas written up," he said, following it up with, "I understand you've found something else to focus your time on, but it was your idea in the first place, and I hope you'll see it through with the same kind of energy you've devoted to this relationship." It could almost have been a fatherly encouragement...but there was an odd inflection to his voice as he mentioned 'energy' that could, were one so inclined, be taken at more than face value.

"But for now, if I may throw a little advice in the mix...enjoy the honeymoon. There's time to focus on the war later...take a little time to enjoy just being alive. It's been a beautiful day, with two beautiful people committing their lives to each other. Give it its proper due...plenty of time for responsibilities later. Congratulations..."

Isobel Sakura

player, 1951 posts


Izzy O Conner

Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 16:37

  • msg #873


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1748)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1749)

Izzy would smile as Captain Si confirmed that she did indeed know Traci Capshaw and regularly met up with her to play racquetball, and was more than happy to have a chat with her and see about arranging some kind of meeting ”Thank you Nil, it would mean the world to Liz if she could meet her” Izzy said before proceeding to enjoy the rest of her dance with the glamorous Captain Si.

End of slight flex

After dancing with Admiral Hack it would be the the turn of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, with Izzy dancing with both Nikki and Sam, with whom she spent most of the time giggling with, before dancing with the first of the groomsmen; Roy.

The dance with Roy was a little stiff and formal, though that was perhaps to be expected under the circ*mstances. She would listen as he spoke to her in fatherly tones, prompting her to resume her work on the drone project and not get too distracted by a certain redhead ”I will, I promise…I’m close to being able to begin work on producing a working prototype” Izzy quietly promised before Roy went on to advise her to enjoy her honeymoon ”I will, and thank you for stepping up as groomsman, I know you were kind of Shanghaied into doing it…also if this war has taught me it’s that you need to grab what joy you can because you never know what’s around the corner” she said with her eyes flickering over to where Dusk was standing in way of a subtle hint.

Her dance with Shade was enjoyable with him not seemingly having inherited his father’s two left feet or temperament, with her also finding it rather novel to have a dance partner that was a similar to her, which was no doubt a new experience for him too.

Her dance with Shadow however would prove to be rather…awkward…with neither of them particularly wanting to dance with the other but not to do so would be too obvious a snub especially with the whole world watching. With Shadow saying that both her and Lizzy looked good in their dresses Izzy muster up a smile as she replied ”Thank you, and you being here means the world to Liz”
This message was last edited by the player at 18:30, Sat 28 Oct 2023.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1641 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 20:36

  • msg #874


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1750)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1751)

In reply to Zobaich (msg # 871):

Sam smiled and replied," Of course I will take a look at the information when I get back on the ship, I think I can help arrange something Zob, so you want to retire on Bura then?"


player, 4946 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 21:47

  • msg #875


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1752)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1753)

In reply to Samantha Robertson (msg # 874):

Zob would continue to dance as he spoke, "It seems like a good place to live and also a place I can invest in for business opportunities" he said explaining his reasoning making it sound more like a grand retirement plan, "Though it will be really weird if after a few years I turn green I'll be Bura's jolly green giant" he chuckled.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Sun 29 Oct 2023.


Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 22:11

  • msg #876


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1754)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1755)

The Bridal dance began....

the Lines Moved with the ladies holding the Trays for cakes. and The Men holding Trays with shots.

Shade Bleeped as he looked at Roy and!..remeber what happened to you when you drank that beer on Etnam after the fight?

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4724 posts

Pilot Ensign


Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 01:46

  • msg #877


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1756)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1757)

Lizzy had an emotional but amazing dance with her Godmother Nil-Si. She got her emotions under control and continued the dances.

Lizzy smiled at Roy and replied," I have been trying, I got her to try the drone thing again but she did pretty good as an Omicron operator and she said she enjoyed it. Thank you very much SM." Lizzy was a very good dancer, so she enhanced how well the SM looked.

Lizzy always enjoyed dancing with Shade, and he was always a gentleman.

Lizzy did all the dances when she got to the LC the ran up to him and basically jumped into his arms and gave him a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. " Thank you, Sir, for stepping up you don't know how much that means to Izzy and me, thank you for everything Sir."

Lizzy then took her place for the final dance for Izzy and Lizzy before they run out to head back to the Hermes.

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4423 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 06:04

  • msg #878


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1758)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1759)

Smiling and tearing a bit Nikki quietly waved at Lizzy and Izzy as they prepared to make a run for it. When she caught their eyes she blew the couple an air kiss.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1642 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 18:11

  • msg #879


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1760)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1761)

Sam smiled, and replied," Yes it is, now that they are free of the Empire Bura is growing there will be many business opportunities for sure." Sam danced close with Zob, then after his comment Sam giggled, and added," Well that would be interesting, but I know I will turn green after some time there I hope that is ok." Sam giggled but she was serious she would turn green once she settles back on Bura when the war was over.


player, 4947 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 19:53

  • msg #880


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1762)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1763)

Zob was reminded of a children's vid disc that was on the shelf back home involving two green people and a swamp, "If its anything like Orria's child holo vid that had two green people in a swamp and some strange 4 legged creature that spoke, i think it will be just fine" Zob said with a smile.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1952 posts


Izzy O Conner

Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 20:26

  • msg #881


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1764)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1765)

Another slight Flex

Where her dance with Sam been all giggles and whispered gossip concerning their respective sex lives, not to mention the fact that they were probably the “littlest couple” there, Izzy’s dance with Nikki, though enjoyable was a little more…formal. Although she liked Nikki, Nikki had always been more Lizzy and Harry’s friend than hers so they had never really spent much time together alone. As such it would take Izzy a little while before she was able to speak to the Southern girl ”I…um…I’ve kind of been meaning to…um…thank you for watching Lizzy’s back out there and bringing her back home, I know she’s your wing lady and it’s your job but…thank you” Izzy said as they danced together.

After her dance with the LC it was time for the brides dance with her once again finding herself within Lizzy’s arms as they danced to the music.

Samantha Robertson

player, 1643 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 20:49

  • msg #882


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1766)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1767)

Samm giggled and replied," I dont know that children's vid, I didnt have much of a childhood and after U was rescued, I watched vids on computers, electronics and repairing it. I am glad you will be fine, I will check into this property, if memory serves it was seized by the government I will see what I can do. Now we have to do the final dances, shall we , this has been amazing, thank you."


Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 21:03

  • msg #883


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1768)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1769)

This is the end Dance..

Hely and Can 'guard the can' for creds.. people like up to dance then join the circle..( ANSEC will open the circle when the brides are ready to escape)

again.. the Men have shots..the Ladies hold cakes for those who complete the dance.

RP out dances.. brides escape and we will move on

Tarja Vanska

player, 659 posts


Armoured Infantry

Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 21:37

  • msg #884


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1770)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1771)

Tarja would have a couple of dances. The first was with Conrad, with him once again asking if she was alright as they’d danced with Tarja lying through her teeth and saying that she was fine. She thought it was kind of sweet of him to care, but she wasn’t comfortable with the idea of unburdening herself on him, or at least not yet anyway and certainly not here.

The next was with a pilot officer who had initially appeared to be charming only for her to realise after a few minutes that he was only trying to get into her pants. Fortunately Tarja was sober enough to forget how to speak English, with the guy leaving to try his luck elsewhere after his charm was met with baffled looks and broken English…well…more broken than normal anyway.

And then she had a dance with Penny, which was surprisingly enjoyable despite the decidedly drunk redhead repeatedly enquiring after Inga’s availability and preferences, with Tarja quietly informing her, much to Penny’s obvious delight, that Inga was indeed single, but with the warning that she would require gentle handling if she were to be successful in her pursuit.

With Penny disappearing to find herself another drink or possibly Inga, Tarja would take a seat and watch as the brides began their final dance before their escape, with Tarja looking to see if she could spot Meari, NA-CE or even Karl to keep her company.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1953 posts


Izzy O Conner

Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 18:13

  • msg #885


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1772)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1773)

The dance would begin like the first, with Izzy leading Lizzy in a slow dance at the centre of the dance floor, with Izzy holding her new wife close as they moved to the music. Then at KE-NA’s signal the music would change and a circle of dancers would form around them as the tempo of music increased. It was then that people would begin to try and “steal” the bride with them darting out of the circle to playfully try and grab either her or Lizzy, with Izzy for her part giggling or giving a surprised squeak as they moved away from the would be thief, all the while dancing to, or at least attempting to dance to the music.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4725 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 03:11

  • msg #886


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1774)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1775)

Lizzy smiled and danced with Izzy, then they tried to get her or Izzy. Lizzy would use her dancing skill, to keep dancing and keep moving from the guests trying to steal one of the brides. Lizzy didnt know how long this would last but she was having fun and was all smiles.


Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 12:10

  • msg #887


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1776)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1777)

The ring was growing bigger. There were Many Pilots there after Shadow Contacted Frans and Fran and Flores recruited wedding guests. it was too hard...The SEC hand a good showing, Will and Cora, and Ellen with Mann.

The three guys holding the Trays where running low, the servers would tactfully add another 10 shots or shot when it got to close.NA-LE paid her creds and took a shot of the Burian brandy, she would collect her cake after the dance,

So? the Mighty LC Shadow , reduced to a servant... her eyes glistened a bit, she may have had a few more drinks before arriving at the line.

Yeah? Well, I'm just a Guest now, like veryone else, except our station here is to add to the enjoyment of the revelers . Nothing downggrading about it... You have
an LC, and Ambassador and the SN of the Fleet..pretty good company to be in,

People where 'la lal laing' along with the , ever, repating music as the two Brides were swung around by the 'next' dancer.

Isobel Sakura

player, 1954 posts


Izzy O Conner

Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 13:00

  • msg #888


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1778)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1779)

They would dance and twirl around to the music as the circle of people got bigger and more boisterous as the drink began to flow, with them continuing to dart into the circle to either dance with or “steal” one of them, with the dark haired AI trooper at one point picking Izzy up off of her feet and twirling her round before gently setting her back down in front of Lizzy, with her then rejoining the circle.

This would go on for some time, with several of their friends and crew members entering the circle to enjoy the merriment, before Izzy started to flag, with even her boundless energy beginning to fade with Izzy leaning in close to whisper into Lizzy’s ear ”Shall we make our escape?”

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4726 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 14:25

  • msg #889


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1780)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1781)

Lizzy was having a blast and had a great time. This was amazing, and it seemed to bring a lot of people together as well. Everyone was having fun when Izzy came to Lizzy. Lizzy smiled and replied," Sounds good to me, ok I will signal Nikki." Lizzy hugs Izzy close then gives Nikki the signal they will be escaping now.


Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 17:38

  • msg #890


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1782)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1783)

The ANSEC moved in as Nikki waved to KE-NA and she spoke on her head set...

a line of armored troopers broke the ( now 3-deep )rings of dancers) the Brides access to the side gate.

some of the More....well lubricated Crew, started to push and shove the ANSEC...

Isobel Sakura

player, 1955 posts


Izzy O Conner

Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 18:58

  • msg #891


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1784)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1785)

Once Lizzy had given the signal to Nikki, who in turn would pass it along to KE-NA, a squad of armoured ANSEC troopers would enter the courtyard and break through the circles of dancers forming a corridor for them to run through. Flashing Lizzy a smile Izzy would take her hand and run through the corridor of troopers, blowing a kiss to the guests as she and Lizzy ran to the waiting shuttle.

Lizzy O'conner

player, 4727 posts

Pilot Ensign


Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 20:49

  • msg #892


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1786)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1787)

Lizzy smiled, grabbed Izzy's hand and they ran through the broken ring by Ansec and they headed for the shuttle. Lizzy almost asked to fly it but she went onto the back with Izzy.

winding down

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 01:49

  • msg #893


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1788)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1789)

Tucker, had maybe a few dozen too many drinks. he was trying to Punch the ANSEC trooper in the chest..The poor trooper just looked at the shorter Human and used pleading eyes for some one to stop him..

Shadow sighed.. He tapped Roy and Pointed to Tucker..who, despite being thinner and shorter, was build like Iron from Humping ammo belts and Boxes all over the Galaxy

meanwhile, Shadow was stepping in to stop an ANSEC trooper from sending Steele to med Tech , as the drunken Pilot was shoving him for stopping him from entering the dead... rings of dancer.

Comon, Steele..Time for all Good Little hermites to grab their gear and Form up, at the Hotel.. recall in an hour or so,,

Shade was dancing with Maria and Magin as the Musi changed and the ansec troopers checked outside the gate, before locking it up

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4424 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 04:16

  • msg #894


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1790)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1791)

moving slightly aside and gave the signal. she stopped dancing as she cheered Lizzy and Izzy out the door. she was tearing up, when she promised herself not too. she was just about to wipe a tear away when Mitch grabbed her and kissed her wet cheek and hugged her. she just relaxed in his arms and swayed to soft music, her head on his chest.

Jason graves

player, 79 posts

Shy and awkward

Scar over right eye

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 05:05

  • msg #895


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1792)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1793)

Jason watched the brides run to the shuttle and then took his leave to get ready for the recall
>>> to the hotel

winding down

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 05:13

  • msg #896


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1794)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1795)

Captain Si and The Admiral stopped by Mitch and Nikki after the dance was over.Ensign? we are leaving to make sure we get all the Non-hermes types out of our condo, Recall will be sounded in about 15 minutes.. Cast off is 2 hours later..You are tasked with the cake topper..

The Admiral smiled at Both of them with a nod. The Admiral carried the 'cred Bucket' from the Money dance.

Can and Haley where dancing, and people where getting their cake and leaving.

Shadow got Steele with Howe and Cindy Luv to get him back to the Condo.. He sat down and shook his head.

Roy Spencer

player, 11075 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 06:05

  • msg #897


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1796)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1797)

Roy grimaced as he spied what Tucker was up to, and gave Shadow a resigned nod as he moved to intercede. That intercession took the form of Roy grabbing Tucker's arm as it co*cked back for another punch, while at the same time the SM kicked the back of Tucker's knee with just enough force to drop the trooper off balance. Roy's grip on his arm kept Tucker from collapsing to the floor.

"No friendly fire here, trooper, unless you want to end up scrubbing the tunnels with a toothbrush for the next month. He's just doing his part, the brides are gone, the wedding's over. Let it go..."


Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 06:13

  • msg #898


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1798)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1799)

Tucker Looked at him with Glassy eyes..Minute was asleep in a Chair, while Supe and Holden leaned on each other and Dozed.

Shoey came over to Roy and the wobbling Tucker.Someone had a bet on how many Burian Brandy glasses they could drink.. looks like tucker won..

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4426 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 07:29

  • msg #899


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1800)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1801)

"Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am. Is there anything else you need from us to bring back?" she asked them. She suddenly realized Mitch's arms were still about her.

Tarja Vanska

player, 660 posts


Armoured Infantry

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 13:04

  • msg #900


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1802)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1803)

Tarja would enjoy herself, with her paying in a couple of creds in order to drink a couple of shots of the top shelf alcohol on offer with her probably drinking a couple more than she should as she joined the ring of dancers. With her at one point breaking into the central ring and running over to Izzy and lifting the tiny woman off of her feet and spinning her around with her dress flaring out a little before placing her down in front of Lizzy with a smile as she’d said in a slightly slurred voice ”Congratulations Little Bird, I wishing you both the best!”.

When the troopers came in to allow the brides to escape Tarja would have enough presence of mind not to tangle with them, with her instead ambling over to Meari and putting an arm about her shoulders ”One more for the road friend Meari? Then we need to get on shuttle home” she said as the brides disappeared and the party started to wind down.


Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 13:07

  • msg #901


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1804)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1805)

Captain Sio just smiled,Just yourselves, In a Timely fashion. we do not want to leave anyone behind...

The Admiral grabbed Her Hand , pulling the Captain along so others could carry on , with , what was left of the dwindling evening.


player, 2268 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 14:19

  • msg #902


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1806)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1807)

Meari had been dancing in the ring but when Ansec came she did the same and backed off and watched the beautiful brides run off towards their shuttle. Meari smiled at Frakas and then Tarja came up to her.

Meari smiled at Tarja, Meari could tell Tarja had enjoyed the alcohol, Meari drank as well but because of her large size and Udenese metabolism made it harder for Meari to get real drunk. " Yes Tarja one for the road, then we go back home and get ready for the next battle."

Meari went to the bar with Tarja and ordered a drink for Tarja, Frakas and herself.

Tarja Vanska

player, 661 posts


Armoured Infantry

Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 18:49

  • msg #903


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1808)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1809)

”Kylla…one more drink then home…tomorrow we are warriors again” she agreed before following Meari over to get a drink with her raising the glass of green, Burian brandy ”To the brides, may they have good fortune!…and to the most dangerous unit in the fleet, the Armoured Infantry!” she said in way of a toast before taking a drink, watching as the SM took one of the more over-exuberant troopers to task.


Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 21:46

  • msg #904


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1810)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1811)

Peole moved about, Most of them heading to the main gate to load up shuttles for the Condo.

KE-NA walked over the ShadowThat was a very strange ceremony. but it did seem nice and fun...

There was a Chuckle.well? I had to dig through My memories of New York. We had a coupe Weddings in San Diego. which? wasn't the smartest thing. I don't think they ever saw each other again as they were shipped out. But..You did real good. The best thing is? Most people didn't know how Most weddings go, there are so many variations , who could tell.

KA-NA do you say..'fudged a wedding!"

I just gave you did the fudging... doesn't matter, every one had fun, the brides were happy, what more could you ask for.

Beth and Rolls came Over..beth was a bit lit.I supposed , Little Miss weddign Agel wants to settle up?

KE-NA smiled. and handed Beth her Vidboard....This is from The Admiral and captain Si..... taping away like she was doing a fake COM text.

The she Looked At Shadow who looked away... This is from one of our friends, Commander Bond?... he is covering the rest

wait! Yiu made a Mistake!..this is too much...

The excess goes to the wedding planner.

That is ....very generous..I must go, see if i might find him... she took off....

send 5000 creds to Uno for the cake. I know she baked it as a present.. just tell her this is half , the other half was the gift.

I will do that..what if she complains...

Tell her Commander Bond is not the type to take back his payments.. Its hers...

she Giggles and Roles Punched Shadow's arm as the pair headed to the gate.

Roy Spencer

player, 11078 posts

Marine SgtMaj

Security Chief

Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 05:14

  • msg #905


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1812)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1813)

Roy looked at Tucker and shook his head slightly. "I guess...if you call that winning..." He gave Shoemaker a look, and added, "Make sure he gets home okay...if Supe's in any condition to do it, make it his project. Tucker's hauled around enough weight for Supe, time for the gunner to return the favor..."

He fought down the urge to say more. They might be in friendly territory, but they were still at war, and if they'd learned anything in the past six or so years, it was that there was no such thing as a totally safe place. Being that drunk would seriously compromise the combat effectiveness of the man if anything went wrong.

And things so often found a way to go wrong.

He gave Shoemaker a nod, wheels in his mind turning as he contemplated an object lesson for the security and infantry emergency muster to the tunnels, about four or five hours after cast-off...those who had overindulged would be in agony, those who'd kept the presence of mind to be a little more moderate in their celebrations would just find it unpleasant. But a live-fire exercise would remind them all that they were at war...and that meant combat could burst on them at any time...

Nicole Rutledge

player, 4427 posts

Ensign; Pilot


Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 06:32

  • msg #906


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1814)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1815)

finishing the last slow dance Nikki and Mitch gathered Haley, the cake topper for the brides, the bouquet, an unopened bottle of brandy and whiskey, Can (if Doc and Val were not there), Roll and anything or one who needed an escort home. the money can if needed. in 15 minutes Mitch and her would have everything handled.

===> back to Hermes


Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 02:42

  • msg #907


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1816)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1817)

Shadow hunted down Maddy, and they headed to the get in line for the shuttles...time to get back to the Condo and get ready to go home. The war has been patiently waiting for us... did you have fun?

one shuttle carried those who just came down for the day.. the other shuttles where taking people to the Condo.


player, 2269 posts

Udenese SGT AI Squad

Calm, Cold and Deadly

Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 03:53

  • msg #908


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1818)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1819)

Meari smiled at Tarja she raised her glass to Tarja's basically toast, and then drank it down. " Well we better head back to the Condo and get our stuff. That was a very interesting ceremony very loving and it was a lot of fun."

Madison Rae Perry

player, 1065 posts


Pilot Flight B

Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 05:58

  • msg #909


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1820)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1821)

In reply to end (msg # 907):

Madison wasn't sure when Shadow had slipped away. One second he was there and the next he wasn't. It wasn't unusual. In every gathering she had been with with him, there was always a steady stream of important people demanding his attention. In the meantime, she had been drinking and dancing with whoever came by, and occasionally talking with a female Angel SEC officer named KA-CE. It was just small talk, easily interrupted when Shadow found her again.

"Ready when you are, boss." Waving good bye to her chat partners, she went with Shadow to pack up.

Henry Christie

player, 4783 posts

Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 11:54

  • msg #910


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1822)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1823)

Val seemed to be enjoying the dancing and kept Henry busy on the dance floor.

Eventually the bridal party was ready to go, and Henry could see them asking Can something, after which he pointed at his parents on the dance floor.

"I think Can's after something," Henry said, steering Val in that direction. Turned out they'd offered Can a lift up to the Hermes.

"Do you want to dance some more or shall we take Can home? It's getting late," he asked his beloved wife.

His beloved dog was, as far as he could tell, asleep under a table, contented after been fed probably far too many snacks by the wedding guests.


Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 12:09

  • msg #911


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1824)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1825)

Val smiled,Yes, we should go. We will gather our things, I supose we need to be there for when the Largs , Boris and Cookie come back aboard...

she giggles a bit, If Mila keeps eating like she has, they may think she ...IS...a fur larg!


getting into the shuttle Shadow gave Maddy a seat, while he held on to the Jump bars of the shuttle. A few of the other troopers who were not totally drunk, held on to the bars allowing more people to sit.

>>>>>>>>>>> Condo

Tarja Vanska

player, 662 posts


Armoured Infantry

Fri 3 Nov 2023
at 12:40

  • msg #912


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1826)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1827)

Tarja would sigh as Meari pointed out that they needed to head back to the condo and get packed and ready to leave. Personally she would have liked to stay awhile and have another drink or two but Meari was right. The Hermes was calling them all home, and they needed to answer ”is probably for the best, I have some…urges…to deal with…and more drink is liable to result in bad decisions” she replied, pausing long enough to drain the contents of her glass before giving Meari a friendly clap on the shoulder ”Ok, let’s go”

——> Condo


player, 4949 posts

In our lord and savior

Larry we trust!

Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 01:26

  • msg #913


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1828)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1829)

After the events of the wedding and the great time spent with Sam then call for recall sounded, "Well its back to the ship and to business as usual" there was a bit of a frown on his face but as he looked at Sam once more that frown faded and was replaced with a soft smile, "Lets go home"

If she wished to join him he would make a quick stop at the condo to grab any left over stuff then catch a ride back up to the Hermes.

——> Condo then Hangar Dec

Samantha Robertson

player, 1644 posts

Lt. Comms Officer

Burian Ambassador

Sat 4 Nov 2023
at 04:49

  • msg #914


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1830)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1831)

Sam smiled and replied," Yes it is time to head back, but I think some things have changed for the better." Sam smiled at Zob, she took his hand and headed for the Condi to get her stuff.

------>>>>>>> To Condo then Hanger Dec
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Sat 04 Nov 2023.


Fri 9 Aug 2024
at 03:30

  • msg #915


View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1832)View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (1833)

Aircraft at FUJI PG....

'The Storm" was smaller, about the size of the Skeeter.. it sported 3 Heavy pulse on the nose.. one on each on the Nose, was a 37 MM , 3 barreled gatling cannon.. the co*ckpit was...just...above the top Heavy Pulse gun.. lower skids..shorter wing span..a shorter Tail fin

' The Torch..' was slightly longer then the skeeters at midpoint on each wing was a pair of heavy Pulse... on either side of the Nose , was a pai8r of duel barreled Gatlin cannons.. all three skids were about the same height. having the aircraft level , when it was on the ground

'Skeeter MK III"

Based on the Mosquito I design; the MkIII has enhancements to its
Armour Protection (.60×MkI weight)
Improved Armament Capability (1.75×MkI)
Smoother belt housing and firing) for its front mounted 37mm HEAP round gatling cannon fitted inside the nose mount
Four improved Power Cell Output banks for its two wing and two nose mounted Pulse cannon two (1.75×MkI effectiveness for .65×MkI displacement)
Flight Control (1.65×MkI effectiveness)
Targeting systems enhancements(1.5×MkI capability).

Overall the MK III is agile as heck, having speeds comparable to the MKI. The MKIII's moveability has better turn and dive performance. Climbs a bit slower. In space the MKIII capability are higher than those of a MKI across the board.


Not Far away,,,

"The Fang MK I"

two seater Torpedo craft..Torpedo's are 3 feet shorter then standard... two can be loaded in the craft in tubes on either side of the Pilot and Trigger man.

..Trigger man can also fire a Heavy Pulse mounted on the Nose...The Pilot fires Heavy Pulse mounted on either wing.. The aircraft is designed to look like a fighter..

The shorter torpedoes are powered by , fast burn Power cells, the war heads have a higher yield

  • (showing entire thread)
  • [top]

View RPoL: Beyond 2012 - EVENTS #2 by Admiral Hack (group 0) (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.