Knoxville Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

1 1 THE KNOXVILLE SENTINEL FRENCH PREMI WITH BRITISH ER CONFERS' WAR LORDS; FIREMAN KILLED WHEN OVER THE STATE FORMER CONVICTS ENGINE TURNS TURTLE ENGINE TURNS TURTLE! is conducting a series of revival services, will also tireach on the "Prodigal Son" tit the service tonight. "Repentance ss the text of the sermon Thursday Light. Much interest was manifested Iti the services. Special music was tenilyred by a male quartet. Jones' Ctiapet.

Five conversions resulted from the revival services at the Jones chapel, M. E. hurch, Thursday night. Rev. A.

114 Pedigo, pastor of the Immanuel Baptist church, Vestal, preached on "The Touch ot Faith." Tonight will be' featured by a jubilee service over the work accomplished during the The reViVal hss resulted in thirty-eight con- versions. a series of revival ser vices. ach on the "Prodigal Son" ce tonight. "Repentance' of the sermon Thursday 1 interest was manifested es. Special music was ten- nale quartet.

Jones' Ctiapel. rsions resulted from the re- at the Jones chapel, M. E. rsday night. Rev.

A. ir of the Immanuel Baptist 41, preached on "The Touch l'onight will be' featured by over the work accom- ig the The re- suited in thirty-eight con- I "is, dyred b-a-itlit'le Jonecie anapel. Five conversions resulted from the re- vival services at the Jones chapel, M. E. hurch, Thursday night.

Rev. A. Pedigo, pastor, of the Immanuel Baptist church, Vestal, preached on "The Touch .0, Faith." Tonight will be' featured by ice over the work accom a jubilee sery 'dished during the The re- Vivid hes resulted in thirty-eight con- versions. NUM IIMI11 COURSES END, ARE INAUGURATED four short courses in brought to a close Friday University of Tennessee. Two will open Monday, to Feb.

I'S. and trucking and frdit grow. considered in the two The course in truck and deals with soils and fertill Filth 10c Prints, Returns. Stationery Specials only for a days longer. No.

I only and 35o Correspondence cloth fin envelopes, in each box; 19c Sorority Box Paper, sheets, envelope, 19p and 35o Paper, sheets thin paper, 10 envelopes, 19c Dreaden Paper sheets, envelopes, 9e EnglIsh Paper, sheets, envelopes, 29c Gold Edge Correspondence Cards, cards, envelopes, 25c 2 FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1916. sere for truck and fruits selection of site and management of orchard. The dairy course Includes instruction in butter and cheese making. milk production and manipulation; feeding and care of dairy cattle, and general dairy farming. The short course Is open to all who can read and write.

Instruction Is given by lectures and practice. Those who en-Ica may take all or part of the course. Experiment station farms-and stock are used in teaching. Special transportation rates are offered by railroads. No fees are required; text books are not known.

and no examinations are imposed. NEGRO TEACHERS MEET IN MORRISTOWN APRIL 20-22 Preparations are now being made for the annual meeting of East Tennessee Colored Teachers' association, which will meet zit Morristown April 20, 21 and 22. W. J. Cans ler, of Knoxville.

Is president of the organization. The program Avid include addresses and lectures by leading negro teachers of the state. Practically all of the leading negro teachers of East Tennessee are members. The meeting promises to be the best attended and most interesting one since the organization was'forrned four years ago. Friday and Saturday SPECIALS Good at all Three Kuhlman Stores For Cash.

None Delivered. Limit, Two Specials to a Customer. moo MILAMThe Tonto for Blood. Bone and 59c Skin MOO Dr. Belle Pine Tar Honey.

for coughs and colds MOO Kilmer's Swamp-Root, for kidneys MOO Wyethla Sage Sulphur, the popular hair tonic $1.00 Syrup Hypophosphites Compound, a tonic and builder MOO Elbdr Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, full pint of an excellent to nic and nervine $1.00 Dawson's Spring Water, Concentrated $1.00 Grigsby's Iv-NW-Lox. Relieves habitual constipation MOO Foley 'e Kidney Pills, A convenient and effective remedy 75c NITUOL. a pure white Min eral Oil, for Internal lubrication Elka3r's Syrup White Pine, Tar and Wild Cherry, for coughs, large bottle 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 49c 29c ITCHING SKIN WAKEFUL NIGHTS Not to be EnduredPostam Alloys Eczema's Distress. If ever any remedy may be said to "triumph" over a disease, certainly Fos lam does so in the healing of Eczema. The aggravation attending this is torturous and nerve-racking.

It 'is persistently stubborn, but the healing powers of Posiam soon prevatt over L. subdue it and usually eradicate it thoroughly and permanentlY. Itohiriff slops at once. Daily improvement is seen ae healing progresses. As to soaps you use on your skin.

if these irritate, try Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam, and superior for daily uss. Toilet and Bath. For samples, send 4c stamps to Ewer. gency Laboratories, 32 West 25th New York City. Sold by all All styles of Kodaks Soo tho now Brownie, Get Rid of Coughs and Colds Allan's Cough Balsam 23c 8' 89c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 23c 8' 89c Bell's Pine Tar Honey, 19c 8' 39c Bull's Cough Syrup 23c Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, 23c 8' 89c May's White Pine and Tar, 25c Jayne's Exepetorant, 23c a' 89c Foley's Honey and Tar, 19c 8L 79c King's New DI soovery 39c ez179c Komp's Balsam, 45c Pise's Cough Remedy 23c I 8 I A FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 1916.

zers for truck and fruit, selection of site and management of orchard. The dairy ErcHING sKIN I course includes instruction in butter and cheese making. milk production and manipulation; feeding and care of dairy I cattle, and general dairy farming. The short course is open to all who wAKEFUL NIGHTS can read and write. Instruction is given by lectures and practice.

Those who en- loll may take all or part of the course. Experiment station farms And stock are EnduredPoslam used in teaching. Special transportation rates are offered by railroads. No fees are required; text books are not known. and no examinations are imposed.

All Eczema's Distress. NEGRO TEACHERS MEET IN If ever any remedy may be said to "triumph" over a disease, certainly I MORRISTOWN APRIL 20- 22 Foslam does so in the healing of Ea- zema. The aggravation attending this If 1 I COURSES END is torturous and nerve-racki the annual meeting of East Tennessee ng. Preparations are now being made for Ulm persistently stubborn, but tho heal- ARE INAUGURATED 1 Ins powers Of Posiam soon prevail over Colored Teachers'' association, which will it, subdue it and usually eradicate it meet at Morristown April 20, 21 and 22. thoroughly and permanentlY.

Rolling i four short courses in agri-, W. J. Cansier of Knoxvlle, is presi- slops at once. Daily improvement is brought to a close Friday (lent of the organization. The program seen as healing progresses.

ersity of Tonoes000. Two owill include addresses and lectures by As to soaps you use on your skirt if i will open Monday, to con- leading negro teachers of the state. Prac. these irritate, try Poslam Soft, Feb. 28.

tically all of the leading negro teachers cated with Poslam, and superior for daily nd trucking and frdit grow. of East Tennessee are members. The um Toilet and Rath. moldered in the two remain. meeting promises to be the best attended For samples send 4c stamps to 10Mer.

1 "1 The course in truck aria and most interesting one since the or- gency Laboratories, 32 West 25th deals with soils and fertill- ganization was'formed four years ago. New York City. Sold by all 1 1 Filth KUHLMAN ClIAMBLISS CO, All styles 4 OPERATING loped st, of Kodaks Oc Bee the new AuPri nts, tographio Returns. TOROS Brownie, SG. ioner Get Rid of cials Friday and Saturday Coughs and only for a Colds tys longer.

No. I only Alla's Cough and: SPECIALS nBalsam 1 sponidence cloth fin. 93c 8c 89c I envelope, Good at all Three Kuhlman Stores For Cash. None Ayer's Cherry vI. in each Pectoral, box; L9c Delivered.

Limit, Two Specials to a customer. 23c 8' 89c Bells Pins Tar Sorority MOO MILAMThe Tonic for Blood, Bone and Honey, Box Paper, Skin j-9c 19c 39c I weloPea, MOO Dr. Belre Pine Tar Honey. i09c Bull's Cough I. for coughs and colds 23c Syrup 0 and Selo MOO Kilmer's Swamp-Rot, 59c In Correa- for kidneys Chamberlain's 59c inc Paper, Cough moots thin MOO Wyetble Sage Sulphur, 23c 9c per, 10 the popular hair tonic velopes, Elkay's White L9c MOO Syrup Hypophosphites Compound, 59c Pine and Tar, a tonic and builder 25c Dreoden In Paper MOO Saixir Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, Jayne's sheets, full pbat of an excellent to nic and nervine xspetorant, wvelopes, 59c 23c a' 89c De Dawson's Spring Water, 59c Foley's Honey Concentrated I 'd English and Tar, 9c 7 1 im Paper, $L00 Grigsby's 19c 9c sheets, Relieves habitual constipation 5 ivelopes, King's New moo Foley's Kidney Pills, A convenient and effective remedy 59 Disoovery 39c Edge pondence The NITUOL, a pure white Min eral Oil, 49c Balsam, 1 Kemp ards, for internal lubrication 45c cards, I 3r nvelopes, Elka's Syrup 'White Pine, Tar and Wild Chomy, Piso's Cough 29c RernedY ,4 15c for coughs, large bottle 9 (11 1 The' short- course is "open to'a11 wises )Iiintr Uli 111111113 can read and write.

Instruction le given by lectures and practice. Those who en- I tell may take all or part of the course. l'azperiment station farms-and stock are used in teaching. Special "transportation rates aro offered by railroads. No fees NoAtliys.taobEce are required: text books are not known.

and no examinations are imposed. a NEGRO TEACHERS MEET IN i MORRISTOWN APRIL 20-22 zema. he aggra att at iyitoirtiflut'amem hinly; is torturous and nerve-ranking. COURSES END, Preparations are now being made for It IS persistently stubborn, but the heal- ARE INAUGURATED the annual meeting of East Tennessee oon prevail over it. subdue it and usually eradicate it Coloree Teachers-association, which will manentle.

Ratline meet et Morristown April 20, 21 and 22. is prest thoroughly and per four short courses in agra Cansler of Knoxville W. ille, ing powers of Postern is stops at on Daily Improvement is your skirt. if brought to a close Friday dent of the organization. The program seen ate healing oparograseassoetl.

University of Tenneseee. irwo will include addressee lectures adrse and by 1 di ethaetesstie w'i'nitihtapteoalyttrnyi' I will open Monday, to con- leading all ttehechleearsdloafgthaeagstroat teeaPrchaecra Feb. 28. aPlasumperSigrarliormmdall; "I and trucking and frdit grow of heat Tennessee are members. The OFFOor TottomileptlesandnenBad To.

stamps to Emer Wartdru2g5thgtata.St., considered in the two remain. meeting promises to be the best attended The course in truck ana and mtiost ain.ateseetastrmingedofnaeursineca erathae mor- NgeeewcyyaLraabcoraity'tor. I deals withsoils and fertill- gan za i IS0Thd3b2y 1 CO. All styles Filth KUHLMA CHAMBLISS CO OPERATING Developed of Kodaks Ilk a Ale est 10C w- es Se Au- Prints, the new tographio 00 Returns. Brownie, $13.

i Get Rid Of Stafionery and Saturday Coughs and Specials Friday only for a Colds days longer. No.1 only SPECIALS Allan's Cough and 35o Balsam 1 Correspondence 93c 8. 89c i cloth fin- envelopes, Ayer's Cherry in each Good at all Three Kuhlman Stores For Cash. None Pectoral, Delivered. Limit, Two Specials to a customer.

23c 8' 89c 1c box; 9 Bell's Pins Tar to Sorority MOO MILAM--The Tonic for Blood, Bone and 09C Honey, Box Paper, Skin 19c 8' 39c sheets, envelope, io Bull' MOO Dr. Berm Pine Tar Honey, 0 Syrup 9c Cough 19c for coughs and colds 23c 0 $1.00 Kilmer's SwampRoot, 59c Chamberlain's and 35o for kidneys Cough Remedy, Correa- Paper, sheets thin 81.00 Wyethls Sage Sulphur, 59c 23c 8' 89c paper, 10 envelopes, the popular hair tonic Elkey's White 1 MOO Pine and Tar, OO syrup Hypophosphites Compound, PO a tonic and builder 59c 2ac Paper en 31.00 Elbdr Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, Jayne's 59c Exspotorant, sheets, full pint of an excellent tonic and neevine 23c a' 89c envelopes, 9c $1.00 Dawson Spring Water 9c Fole 5y's Honey Concentrated i and Tar, 1 English 19 8. 79c Paper, 3.00 Grigsby's Ilv-Ver-Loz. 59c sheets, Relieves habitual constipation King's New envelopes, tive remedy 59c 29c sl.00 Foley's 'Kidney Pills, A convenient and effec Correspondence '75c NITJOL, a pure white Min era Oil, Disoovery '9c 8'179c Gold Edge Komp's Balsam, 49c 45c Cards, for Internal lubrication cards, envelopes, Piso's Cough to Elka3r's Syrup White Pine, Tar and Wild CheerrY 29c Remedy 2ac for coughs, largo bottle 23c 4.., WHERE THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE BR ING THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS FARM NEU DICKSON Competent Superintentent to TO BE EMPLOYED be in Charge; to Give ExMANCHESTERAnother bridge on the Dixie Bee-Line highway in Coffee county prisoners New Chance. be built during the surniner 4it Noah.

The bring will span Noah's Fork, whizh becomes a dangerous stream (luring the heavy rains. COMPANY IS FORMED MIOMM. $1,000 Capital Stock of Or ganization Perfected at Meeting in Nashville. SPecial To rho KwsviI1. Sortmeol.

Jan. 28.A farm to be used to give employment to convicts upon their release from prison. is to be purchased near Dickson. An option is held on the farm, which will be utilized to give erstwhile prisoners otl the state a new chance in life, and prevent their drifting back into crime through the cold, suspicious attitude which so many bear toward an convict. A competent farm superintendent will be in charge, and it is hoped to MOM the enterprise self-sunporting.

The Howard Lend company was organized at a recent meeting of the Nashville branch of the Southern Howard association. and It is through this 'company that the farm projects will be handled. The capital stook of the organization which was all pledged at the meeting, is The officers of the company axe: President, E. W. Thompson: treasurer, W.

H. Raymond, and secretary, Rev. Eugene T. Clark President John Peyton, of the C. St.

L. railway, is the head of the Nashville branch of the association. Faces As Fair As auvo Ala tall contract for the 1 e-ection of the new polytechnic scipoii A Summer's Day, buildings at Cookeville, was awarded to the Fulcher Brick company of this city by the committee from the state re board of education, the contract price Possibte if Stuart's Calcium being $61,761, that being the lowest bid submitted. There were six other blas Wafers Are Used for a submitted to the committee, ranging aa Ilinnos A cf, i high as $69,077. 1 Are Possibte if Stuart's Calcium Wafers Are Used for a i Short Time After 1 Each Meal.

Many people have been heard to say they used creams and lotions for years without effect, yet after five or six days of Stuart's Calcium Wafers their complexions weer perfectly clear. "I Got Rid ot Blackheads Quickly by Using Stuart's Calcium Wafers." They contain no poisonous drug ot any kind, are perfectly harmless and can taken with absolute freedom, and they work almost like magic. Calcium Sulphide, their principal Ingredient. Is the greatest blood -cies known to sicience. No matter how bad your skin may be, Stuart's Calcium 'Wafers will quickly work wenders with it.

It's goodby to blackheads, pirnples, acne, boils, rash, eczema. And a dirty "filled-up" complexion. Stuarre Calcium NVafers Are sold, by all druggists everywhere. Price 50e a box. Send coupon below for a trial rackage today.

Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart 321 Stuart Marshall, send me at one by return mall, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Na me Street For Chapped, Blotchy, I Red or Wrinkled Skin Do you realize that Just beneath that uoarse, rough or discolored compli xion thtre'm an exquisitely beautiful sini if youthful tint and delicacy? If you roulo only bring this complexion to the Stir face, discarding the old on You cati--- in the easiest. simplest, most natural manner imaginable.

Just get an our-, of ordinary inereolized wax at any drugstore. apply, nightly like fold cream, Pawing it mornings wit ii warm The wrix assists Nature hy gradually talslog off the lingering particles of dead II nd half-dead surface skin, causing 40 Mmeotrifort whatever, Culaneoum defect like chaps; pimples, blotchem, liver spots, moth patches, freckles, of course disappear with the old skim Nothing else will accomplish Finch wonderful results in Pin 011011 a time. Fine linen end even the deeper wrin- kles often -appear at thin season. In nueh tames nothhig in better than face bath made by dissolving 1, oz. powdered max- 1 Mite in Ii pt.

witch hazel. This im remarkably effect 444444444-14 HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils I Opens Mr Passages Right up. 1 Instant rellef--no malting. Your cloged nostrils open right up; the air I tipageit of oyur head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling.

blowing, headache, drynems. No titroglIng for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm froni your druggist now. Apply a litle of this fragrant, crearil in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief conteis instantly.

Its just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or "lusty catarrh. i I i I 1 CLIFTON.t-laturdaY, March 1, is the primary day selected by the republicin executive committee for nominating coun-1 ty oncers in Wayne county. Huhm Phosphate compaity, Of Sit. Pleasant.

has purchased F-S acres ot phosphate lands in the e4hth Listtict tor NN hich they order was ibsued by Judge C. W. Tyler. county Judge of tins county, authorizing the of the county schools to continue teaching tho usual terra 0 eight months. CLARKSVILLE.An arrangement ha been consummated with the Louisville Nashville railroad by which, beginning Sunday, Jan.

31) a regular passenger truni will be put on the mineral' road between Pond switch and Clarksville, WARTRACE.F. O. Wallace, secreta RIMOUnCeS that the meeting of the lddle TennessewEditors' league, ached- i hied for Friday at Portland, has been I postponed until further notice. LEWISBURCLAt a meeting of the LeM iHburg Foundry the follow tug hoard of directors for the ensuing year: S. T.

Hardison. C. C. I Houston. R.

A. S. S. McConnell, E. Murtey, V.

F. Archer and R. IL MEMPIIISinvitations to the governors of Arkansas, lilississippi and Tetuiessec, to et the Memphis Clood conference, leb. Anti IS, were mailed by C. C.

Hanson, chairman of the Business Men's club special committee on arrangements. LAWRENCEBURGWith the approach of the special Ke son of the county court on Feb. 7,, the. good roads bond issue proposition is wto ming up. While there is opposition, it is not as stubborn as it an in the past, and the outlook for the adoption of the bond issue looks LI ight.

COLUMBIARegister Sam Taylor tel being hard put to keep up with his WOriL these days. Big deals are continually coming to his ewe for. registrations. the latest being filed by- W. B.

tireenlaw, IrY. C. Whitthorne and J. L. Hutton, in which they convey to M.

S. Orth, of New York city, two tracts of land In the eighth district for $2.5.000. Newton N. Riddell, author of a number of well known works on heredity. applied psychology and Christianity, and a lecturer who has been engaged in a very successful platform work for sonie twenty-five years, has deen secured for a series of twelve lectures in this city.

Rye granted a pardon to William Burke, of IcMinn county, who has served seven years of a ten-year sentence in the penitentiary charged with murder in the second degree. He was one Of the oldest prisoners in the Tennessee prison and has been in a feeble condition for some time. MOON MAY BE OPPOSED BY WILLIAMS 013 ALLISON 1 Present Congressman's Opponents Casting About for Suitable Candidates, i Stead To The NPlarrillt I CITATTANO0GA, Jan. 23.Now that ljudge Nathan Bachman has officially announced that he will not be a camildke for congress against Judge Moon. the present congressmen's opponents ere 1 casting about for another man to meas-- I tire swords With the veteran campaigner.

i There is considerable bilk about Judge I V. Williams, who ran against Judge 1 Moon years ago, and his friends i think hat if any man is entitled to eitin s.gahist Judge Moon that Judge ct.1111111118 I PliOUld be given the right-of-way. But on the other hand Judge M. M. 1 friends; are maehilig him for the race end it is said the judge haa the he in his bonnet.

end may announce shortly for the democratic nomination. WORLEY MEN CONTROL LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Second Senatorial and Floter. lal Convention at Bull's Gap, May 4, Special Knoxville Sentinel. 1411TSTOL, Jan. :R.A democratic senatorial and floterial Convention for the second district was called yesterday afternoon by the senatorial committee afrer a hot fight between the Cox and Worley members of the committee, the former asking for a postponement in behalf of ex-Gor.

Cox, who is regarded as a probate candidate. The Worley men controlled the committee and called the conNention for May 4, et lin fin Gap. Senator Worley was present and defended the position taken by- his friends on the mmittee. ns to a nomination In Alay. Sutn of the Cox men withdrew from the meeting before the work was finished.

EIGHT REPUBLICANS ASK NOMINATION IN BLOUNT Two Out for Sheriff, One for Tax Assessor, Five for Trustee, Primary Feb, 19, Soerial Ti The Sentinel. my VIL1F, Jan, Two candid ites sepaing the nifininat bon shcrart for tax ioeitiasor live h.r trustee, in the republican prinim which will be held in jibanit county reql. IA. In panaalatem tor tbo Three JUDGE DANA HARMON WILL NOT RUN FOR CONGRESS Pr dal TO The SPMfitid. rrasTor, Jan.

in PHstol this week. Judge IkaLs Harmon. eireuit judge of the first judicial Or-. cult of Tennessee, took occasion t(t rut an end to the reports nat he isur enter the race for congress against Congressman Sam R. lie stated that While he had been solicited to ruin.

that he had 11Pr1tiPd to finish his term ns judge. He has three years remaining. lie said that, he nt present had no itit1eaI aspirations. KINGSTONIANS GET GOOD PRICE FOR 1915 CORN CROP I he )1. Rome Robert Ewing sold their 1915 crop irti to the Harriman Ntilling eompativ the first of the week, the amount being about ten thousand bushels.

They real- ized 7 vents per bushel, which Is eonsidered rnther good for this sertmon, MONEY TO LOAN ON Repl Es We I S. R. RAMBO, 703 Princo St. TIDE FIRJAND Premier Aristide Briand of France, who was in London recently to attend a war council of the allies regarding the Balkan situation. It is thourht that Premier Briand, and Premier Asquith formulated plans to be pursued in dealing with Greece.

QUARTERLY CONFERENCE OF SEVIERVILLE CHAR M. E. Church, South, Gathering Opens Saturday Morning and Closes Sunday. Spnial T. The Knoxville Sentinel.

SEVIERVILLE, Jan. 28.The quarterly conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, for the Sevierville charge will open Saturday morning to continue through Sunday. It will include an "efficiency conference." The conference will begin Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock with a devotional service. Miss Mabel Hicks and Miss Housley will first speak on "The Yotmg People's Organization," with special reference to the church's need for trained workers. Twenty-five minutes later an open conference will take place.

Under the head of lay activities, Frank Murphy has been assigned to discuss "Organization:" K. Rawlings, "Method:" Perry Kelley. "Results:" concluded with an open conference. Rev. P.

L. Cobb. presiding elder of the Knoxville district, will preach a sermon at 11:15 a. m. With devotion! a service tit 1:80 o'clock Saturday afternoon, the conference reconvenes.

Under the main topic of the Sunday school, Sam W. McMahan will discuss "organization:" Airs. Dixie Bower "Attendance:" Mrs. Dr. Goodman, "Teacher:" Roy Huffaker, "Music:" Rev.

P. L. "Missionary Program:" ending with reports from schools. The general theme of the Missionary society will nex.t be considered, with a talk by Mrs. K.

Rawlings on "Woman's Work as an Educational Force in the Church:" Mrs, H. B. Walker on "The Junior Missionary, Society:" and a resume by Mrs. P. L.

Cobb. Visiting speakers include 1 E. S. Lotspeich, William Cobb, Cath: erine Cobb. Sunday's program consists of Sunday school at 9 a.

and a sermon Rev. 1 P. L. Cobb at 10:30 a. m.

The "Range Eternal" will out last any range made. It is non-breakable and has a non-runtahle lining of amalgamated copper and steel. Nothing like it on the market. Be sure you see it at. BAIRD-CATES Co.

WOMAN SMOTHERS WHEN DELUGED BY SAWDUST wwwi I TACOMA, Jan. 28A moumItain of water-soaked sawdust released frmn its position at the top of a hill about east of Fairfax, crashed down the embanktnent, tore 'strong two-story home of J. H. Skiles to pieces and instantly killed Mrs. Skiles, who was alone In her home.

Her husband is principal of the Fairfax school and had left borne with his tivo sons some time before the slide. The sawdust wan Years in accumulating, being the "dump" of an old, abandoned mill. gr GETS $20,415 JUDGMENT 1'). FROM SLAYER OF HUSBAND SOUTH Jan. 2S.One of the largest Judgments ever rendered In a St.

Joseph county court was given Mrs. John G. Snyder in the cireult court against Thoinas L. Jetton. Mrs.

Snyder obtained $20,4111.16 damages in a castt pendlifg since Jetton killed John Snyder several years ago. He watt sentenced and later partioned. In 1909 Mrs. Snyder brought suit against Jetton for damages and obtained Judgment for )1ov-in was unable to satisfy the claim at that time. Since then his father left him It farm of 260 acres, at approximdtely $35,000.

Interest has been accruing at the rate of ahout SLOW) annually, RENOUNCES FORTUNE IN FAVOR OF HIS MOTHER SAN 111ANCISCO, Jan. Frank Jones, 2.2 years old. renounced an inS15.000 in favor Of his mothor Airs. Mary El. Jones, Jones' father died Ivo months ago, IPI1Vi1I7.

in estate ValtIN1 Rt $30Ann, all "I Hi Is bequeathed to the widow, Vor Nome reason Jones did not msnthin his son in the will. Therefore the will is and the 140n Is entitled to Of the estate. "I nal young. have good health and lito well able to support myself," Jones told Jildgo Graham. "I wish to reflotita iii my rights of inheritance in favor of my mother." W.

L. Baker Dead and Engineer Cook Hurt, C. O. Train Hits Rock Near iretial To 7he KNOrriae St Pitinoti. ERWIN.

Jan. 28.C.. O. train I No. 24 struck a rock near KOnft, N.

1 and the engine turned turtle: Fireman W. L. Baker EIS killed and En-, I gineer George Cook was seriously WI jured. MONEY TO LOAN ON Real Estate S. R.

RAMBO. 703 Prince St. BRIDEGROOM OF 74 YEARS TAKES WILD TAXI RIDE SHELBYVILLE, Jan. 26After he had come here from Gwynneville to get a marriage license, John Brown, 74 a veteran of the Civil war, found that he could not get back home by rail because the storm had stopped traffic on the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Traction line. In order that there might he no postponement of the wedding to Mrs.

Jane Bogue, 60, he paid a taxi driver a big fare to take him to Gwynneville. The trip WaS a rouet one and the car had to be taken through fields at several places because the lightways 114z1 been blocked bya tangle of telephone wires, poles and trees. The wedding took place on time, however. THREE RIVERS MEAL Is a satisfying, progressive step-- Not backward. MUSKRATS PUT ON SALE AS DELICACY IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Jan.

28 Muskrats are being offered for sale at the wharf market in unusually large numbers and are selling at very low prices. Watermen describe muskrats as a great delicacy, the nosh being sweeter and better than that of young chicken. The fact that it is called rat has prejudiced many persons against it, when, in fact, the little animal is of the beaver family and one of the cleanest animals known. A muskrat will go into a field and Pull a stalk of celery or other vegetable and before it la eaten it is carried to running water and thoroughly scrubbed. The little aninial does the same with wild celery and other aqua-tie roots it pulls from the bottom of the river.

Buy Your Coal from the Chaska Fuel Co MONEY TO LOAN ON Real Estate S. R. RAMIS 703 Prince St. CONVERSIONS NUMEROUS' REVIVAL SUCCESSFUL "Th. Prodigal Son" will be the subject of the sermon tonight by Rev.

Bascom Waters. at the Centenary Methodist Episcopal church, South. Efforts are being made to make this service the most successful of the series. The meeting has been in progress for four weeks and will come to a close Sunday night. A large congregation was present at the service Thursday night, when the evangelist preached an Interesting serMOTI on "Is there a literal hell?" The apeaker read from the Bible showing that there is a hell, and that persons refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior will be east into this awful dungeon, where they will be In eternal torment.

The meeting resulted in three conversions and fourteen penitents. The afternoon prayer services in the homes of the members of the Ladies' Missionary society are proving very suc- cessful, and much interest is being manifested in them. Features of the revival services are the singing of Mr. the gospel singer from Middle Tennessee and the sweet music rendered by the members of the orchestra. composed of Messrs.

Bonds, Lee and Clarence Mashburn, and Wagner. The erchestra renders music accompanied by the congregational singing. Fountain city Baptist. Rev. Tyree C.

WhItehurst, pastor of the Fountain City Baptist church, who HOW TO BE SLIM If yo0 are too fat Rati want to reduce your weight 15 or 20 pounds, don't starve end weaken your system. or think you must always be laughed at on account of your fat. but go to any good druggist, and got I box of Oil of Korein capsules, take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week and note what a pleasant and, reliable Method this Is for removing superfluous fat from any part of the body. It costs little.

In absolutely harmeSS 11(1 I Rai sure a week's trial should eonvince anyone that it is imnecessary tO be burdened with even a single pound of unsightly fat. Kuhlman's Drug Stores can supply 1 I Ambition Pills For Nervous People Ambition Pills are a dependable ally in the tight against Nervous Prostration, Sleeplessness and various affections of the NerVOIN sYsicm Lack of confidence, trembling, kidney (Jr liver complaints, means inefficiency and eventually failure. If you wish to re-covet, your former vigor and energy, try Wendell's Ambition Pills. If you are dissatisfied. Kuhlman's Drug Stores are authorized by the maker to refund the purcluo4e price on the first box purchased.

It is worth while to feel ambitious --to have the energy that makes you go to work eagerly, a Ild AO feel the glow of health and strength. Ambition Pills will assist you in Vercoming General Debility, lTental DelWasihn and 'Unstrung Nerves, caused by over-Indulgence in Alcohol, Tobacco or overwork of any kind. Fifty cents at Kuhlman's Drug Stores and dealers elsewhere. Mall orders filled, tffiarges prepaid, by the Wendell Mar-meal Company, Syracuse, N. Y.

Two SHORT OTHERS Two of the agriculture were at the other courses continue through Dairying ifig will be remain-trig courses. fruit growing "60.6"""."..,,o,"Woft.oft."60,0,0.1,,,oNos."0,"pko I 1 0 il Any 'Developed Best Quick Good few Store 25o Cards ish, 24 24 cards 35o Linen 24 24 250 Foreign Correspondence 30 250 Linen 24 24 50c Old Vellum 24 24 50o 24 24 50o Marquisette Silk Finish Paper, 24 sheets, 24 envelopes, 29c 750 Linen Lawn, Hemstitched, 24 sheets, 24 envelopes, 59c Stork Cards, with envelopes to match, blue or pink border, 29c Rexford Fabric Box Paper, Mission style, GET RID OF COUGHS AND Gowan's Croup and Cold Ramat 19c Vick't Croup Salvd, 23c 8E ric Vapoline," applied locally, 19c To llo Water Splits, 2 for 25c. Quarts, no. Nature's laxative water italitas A tonic, highly recommended, distilled from a remedial mineral. NUJOL so generally used.

A natural eral oil, for constipation. Mail Orders Filled promptly, by return train if possible 50c Listogen, an antiseptic With Peroxide, for internal and external use 2-Quart Grade Hot Wate Bottle, No. 22 White Rubber, fully guaranteed 50c Platte Chlorides, the ideal disinfectant and 29c deodorizer 75c Cresol-Antiseptic Fluid, a very strong disinfectant 49c full pint Full Pint Bottle Sanitary Flu a powerful disinfectant, better than Carbolic Acid fii)c Coffee-Cauchoia, full pound, ground or pulverized, In sealed tins 75c Pure Extract of Vanilla, U. S. T.

Hungsrford Smith's Best Half Pint 20c worth Octagon Soap, 4 5c cakes 3. Hungerford 49c 15c 15c 10c 10c 200 worth Soap. 4 Bo cakes g. 15c worth Parlor Matches, 3 bc boxes 3 dozen Blest Nutmegs, Rich flavor, full of oil COUPON WORTH 15o Present this coupon with 10c to either Kuhlman Store and receive a full 25c Jar Stone's Croup and Pneumonia Salve, a valuable remedy for coughs, cold and neuralgia. L.

23c 49c 49c 23c 29c OM COUPON WORTH 15c Present this coupon with 10c and receive a 25c box of three cakes Graham's Cureskin Soap, 13, medicated soap for toilet, bath and nursery. Save Kuhlman's Cash Register Tickets So popular have proved Ur Offers to redeem our Cash Register Tickets as part payment of valuable premiums, offered at car load lot prices on the single item, hat we will now add MANY OTHER PREMIUMS. Catalogue will seen be ready for distribution. Scores of people eve already secured the Dinner Sets, Toledo Scooters and Rockers. yrtrot Quickly Gives Strength (r.

The first bottle benefits or your money refunded, A wine-like, powerful cod liver and Iron tonio-reoonstructor. Pinex, 39c Shoop'o Cough Remedy 1 45c 23c 145c RsxatI Cherry Bark Cough Syrua, 25c 4 45c Flex' II Cold Tablets 19c Laxative Phoapho Quinine 15c Week's Cold Tablets, 23c Pinex Cold Tablets, 19c Pape's Cold 19c Hill's Cascara Quinine, 19c Dr. Cunningham's Cold Capsules, 23c Palmolive Offer 39c The 50o Palmolive Vanishing Cream and 30o worth Palmolive Soap, 390 390 390 Emetine Tooth Paste Cut to Prevents and corrects Pyorrhoea Listerine 19c No better, safer or more pleasant antiseptic. Tan lac THE TONIC. Just keeps on selling.

it t. 1 I I I March V. is the I primary day selected by the republican TO BE EMPLOYED 11' executive coinmittee for nominating cuun- 1 ty officers in Wayne county. i 4 I I k. lialMINEIIIIMMO CI Itulan Phosphate I l'huerLel''''''''''''' L.

Baker Dead and Engineer they -'eli ele- ''e-t -i Cook Hurt O. Train 0 order was issued 9 i by Judge C. W. Tyler, county Judge of ilita county, authorizing the teacheiti of 1 the county schools to continue teaching Hits Rock Near Competent Superintentent to lurk whieh tho usual term or eight months. 1 TWO SHORT be in to Give Ex- MANCHESTER-Another bridge on the Smite To 7he Knoxville StPitinod.

OTHERS Dixie highway in Coffee county ERWIN, Jan. Ce O. train prisoners New Chance. will be built during the Lit, NOalt. The briuge will pilaw Noale, ea.a, 4 I No.

24 struck a rock near Kona N. Two of the i a dangerous stream durin the 3 .1 I and the engine turned turtle: -ea-- eeee eerte' ee Fire. culture were Kt the heavy rains. 3. I man W.

L. Baker Was killed and lene COMPANY IS FORMED ,..,.,..:,..4,.,,.:.,,: in- other courses arrangement ha gineer George Cook was seriousl jured. tissue through been consummated with th ouisville er. Dairying big will be i 4 Nashville railroad by which, heginning $1,000 Capital Stock of Or- Sunday. Jan.

3o, a regular passenger trent MONEY TO LOAN ON Real Estate ing courses. l' ganization Perfected at win be put on the niinerat roue between 'nd a itch and Clarksville 1 S. R. RAMBO. 703 Prince St.

fruit growing O. Wallace, seereta- BRIDEGROOM 0E74 YEARS 1 i ty, announces that the meeting of the Meeting in Tennessee league, ached- ,,,41115 )tt TAKES WILD TAXI RIDE I bled for Friday at Portland, has been ilw postponed until further notice. SHELBYVILLE, Jan. 26-After Any Special To The KFIO.rtille Sertnnel. he had come here from Gwynneville to 1 a meeting of the Jan.

farm, WI Lewieburg Founery eompany the follow a le get a marriage license, John BrOWn. 74 i be used to give employment to con- 1 illg hoard of directors sszs S'N'ted, for ,0 a veteran of the Civil war, found that the ensuing year: S. T. Hardison. C.

le a he could not get back home hy rail be-: de upon their release from Houston. R. A. eleCord. S.

S. McConnell. vide es cause the storm had stopped traffic on! i'' is to be purchased 'near Dickson. An 1 money, w. 1'.

Archer and it. B. the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Traci- 1 1.owd. Best option is held will dlielSTIDE ivelAND tion line. In order that there might '11 be utiliz the farm, which ed to give erstwhile prisoners to the govern- he no postponement of the wedding to Quic an era of Arkansas, Islissiesippi and Teenes- Premier Aristide Briand of Mrs.

Jane Bogue. 60, he paid a taxi of the state a new chance in life, bee, to cpeak et the Mensehis elood Weals France, who was in London re- I driver a big fare to take him to iGwynneville. prevent their drifting back into crime I conference. Felt. I1' and IS, were mailed cently to attend a war council of hY C.

tion Bust- through the cold, suspicious attitude lian chairman of the the allies regarding the Balkan The trip was a rouah one and the 1 rese Mons club special committee on ar- of the special aSsOn of the cotinty court in dealing with Greece. which so many bear toward an ex- rangements. situation. It is thotneht that Pre- ear had to be taken through fields at mier Briand, and Premier As- several plaees because the lightways convict. A competent farm superin- LAWRENCEBURG-With the approach quith formulated plans to be pur- heel been blocked bya tangle of tele.

tendent will be in charge, and it is phone wires, poles and trees. The wed- ei sued hoped to 'make the enterprise self-sup. en Feb. 7. Ilia good roads bona Wale ding took Place on time, however.

Good proposition is systemising up. While there eteete-re porting. is oppatation, It is not es stubborn as it few The Howard Land company was or- vas in the past, and the outloolt foe QuARTERL THREE RIVERS MEAL Store the adoption oi the bond iseue looks ganized at a recent meeting of the taight. 25o 'Nashville branch of the Southern How- Is a. satisfying.

progressive step-- COLUMBIA-Register la ard association. and I Sam is through this bei hard put to keep trp withTaylor his WO riL 8 'company that the farm projects will theng se days. Big deals aye cont inually sEviERE cHAR Not backward. Cars, I ish, 24 he handled. The capital stock of the corning to his foreregistrations, the MUSKRATS PUT ON SALE AS 24 cards organization Whit, which was all pledged at latest.

being thorne L. Huttonin tiled by W. B. Greenlaw, and DELICACY IN WASHINGT the meeting, Is 31,000. which they convey to M.

s. Orth, of New ON The officers of the company are: York city, two tracts of land In the President. E. W. Thompson: treasurer, eighth district for $25.000.

M. E. Church, South, Gather- WASHINGTON, Jan. 38- Muskrats 35c H. Raymond, and secretary.

Rev. are being offered for sale at the wharf Linen -Eugene T. Clark President John Newton N. Riddell, Sentinel. prejudiced many persons agains market in unusually large numbers 24 liowe Peyton, of the C.

L. outhor of a number of well known works inn Opens Saturday Morn- 'and are selling 1 i a very ow prices. me a- 24 rellway is the head of the Nashville It hereditY' applied psychology anti Christianity, and a lecturer who has been termen describe muskrats as a great branch of the association. engaged in a very successful platform ing and Closes Sunday. delicacy, the flesh being sweeter and work for sonie years, has better than that of young chicken.

asseeee secured for a series of twelve lee- The fact that it is galled a rat has 25o tur in this l'aces As Fair A es city. 7s The novil Kxle NASHVILLE-The contract for the SEVIERVILLE, Jan. guar- it, Foreign when, ill fact, the little animal is of pondence terly conference of the Methodist Epis- the beaver family and one of the 30 Al Summer's Da buildings at Cookeville, I eeection of the new polytechnic acheel 1 to the Fulcher Brick comwpaasnyawofartaheile copal church, South, for the Sevierville ch ill morn ng cleanest animals known. i A muskrat will go into a field and arge open a ur ay to a stalk of other city by the committee from the state ll I board of education, the contact ontinue through Sunday. It will in- Pu ce lery or vegeta- ract price; Are Possi bte if Stuart's Calcium, being $61,761, that being the lowest bid dude an "efficiency conference." ble and before it is eaten it is carried submitted.

There were six other to running water and thoroughly Saturday The conference will begin Saturd Linen Wafers Are Used for a I submitted to the committee, ranging as The little aninlal does the morning at 9:80 o'clock with a dove- Short Time After hi as $69,077 donee service, Miss Mabel Hicks and same with wild celery and other aqua- tle roots it pulls from the bottom of 24 Miss Housley will first speak on "The Each Meal. Rye granted a ii Yotmg People's Organization" with the riven 24 pardon to William Burke, of elcMin special reference to the need Many people have hd th een ear to say ey used creams and lotions for county, who has served seven years of a ten-year sentence in the penitentiaty for trained workers. Twenty-five years without effect, i yet after five or charged with murder te second minutes later an open conference will 50c Old six days of Stuart's Calcium Wafers i Buy. their complexions weer perfectly clear. gree.

He wise one of the oldest prisoners take place. Under the head of lay Vellum its the Tenneesee prison and has 41 24 been activities, Frank Murphy has been as- e. in a feeble condition for some time. Your Coal from the 24 Al ith an opencon- Chaska Fuel Co a MOON MAY, BE OPPOSED to discuss "Organization, I Rawlings, "Method:" Perry Kelley. "Results:" concluded I Rev, P.

L. Cobb, presiding elder of ference. BY WILLIAMS OR ALLISON 50o I the Knoxville distiice will preach a MONEY TO LOAN ON Real Estate ''1 Present Congressman's at 11:15 a. m. With devotion- S.

R. RAMBO. 703 Prince St. 24 1 al service- at' 1:80 o'clock Saturday 24 ponents Casting About for the conference reconvenes. i ITnder the main topic of the Sunday CONVERSIONS NUMEROUS' Suitable Candidates i sehool, Sam W.

McMahan will discuss I "Organization:" Airs. Dixie Bower s'l REVIVAL SUCCESSFUL 50o Marquisette 50c Listogen, an antiseptic with Peroxide, for internal 23c Pima tead To The NPIOSTillt Attendance Mr s. Dr Goodman Silk Finish Paper, and external use -r- 39c CHATTANDoGA, Jan. that "Teacher:" Roy Huffaker, "Music:" "The Prodigal Son" will be the sub- 24 sheets, Judge Nathan Bachman has officially an- Rev. P.

L. "Missionary Pro. ject of the sermon tonight by Rev. Bas- 24 envelopes, Quart i will gram" ending with reports from p' nounced that he will not be a candidate arame. corn Waters.

at the Centenary Methodist 29c 2-quart Grade Hot Water fully guaranteed Bottle, No. 22 White Rubber, 49 Shoos Cough for congress against Judge Moon. the Episcopal church, South. Efforts are be- Remedy schools The general theme of the ing made to make this service the most present congressmen's opponents ore 1 casting about for another man to omen missionary society will next succensful of the series. The meeting 75c Linen Lawn, 50c Platt's Chlorides, theideal disinfectant and 29c 23c 8' 45c Got Rid ot Blackheads Quickty by i tire swords With the veteran campaigner.

be considered, with a tale by Mrs. K. has been in progress for four weeks and will come to a close Sunday night. Hemstitched, deodorizer Ramat! i Using Stuart's Calcium Waterer I There is considerable bilk about Judge Ravi'lings on "Woman's Work as an Educational Forre in the Church:" Mrs, A large congregation was present at 24 sheets, They ontain no poisonous drug oi i V. Williams, who ran against Judr Cherry Bark and his trien' II.

B. Walker on "The Junior Mission- 24 envelopes, 75c Cresol -Antiseptic Fluid a very strong disInfectant. 49c the service Thursday night, when the any kindc, are perfectly harmless and can I yearn ago, Cough Syrue, i think plat if any man is entitled to rein evangelist preached an Interesting ser- 59c fall pint 2c 4c I 4, taken with absolute freedom. anti a tnan on "I there literal Th they work almost like magic. Calcium 1 egainst Judge Moon that Judge Williams arY, Society;" evan a and a resume by Mrs.

5 5d be given the right-of-wav. But P. L. Cobb. Visiting speakers include apeaer oesta th Bibl 1 6 Sulphide, their principal Ingredient.

I la ar hell. thaet sperwsoinige Full Flu.M a powerful disinfectant. 23c -8 elioul nti the other hand Judge M. tellson's E. S.

Lotspeich, William Cobb, Cath- that therreea Stork Cards Pit Bottle Sanitar the greatest bleod-cle a nsev krICAVII 0 better than Carbolic Acid Tablet Resell Cold rereits are (smelting him for the race i erne Cobb. refusing to accept Jesus Ceri hi i st as ter with envelopes science. fsi end it said the Judge as personal savior wl be east into this No matter how had your skin may be, i id the be in Sunday's program consists; of Sunday to match, blue his bonnet. arsi tnay announce shortly useful dngeon. they will be In or pink border, 50c Coffee-Cauchoia, full pound, ground or pulverized, 29c 19c- Stuart's Calcium Wafers will quickie school at 9 a.

na. and a sermon 1 for the democratic nomirtation. er eternal were torment. The meeting resulted 4 work wenders with it, It's goodby to P. L.

Cobb at 10:30 a. m. 99c Laxative ezem in sealed tins blackheads, pirnplee, acne, boils, rash, in three conversions and fourteen peni- ca, enet a dirty "filled-up" complex- WORLEY MEN CONTROL tents. The afternoon prayer services In ion. Stuarre Calcium Wafers ere solii the homes of the members of the Ladies' ,19 Phosp Rexford Fabric 750 Pure Extract of Vanilla, tr.

S. je Hungerford Smith's Quinine ry society are proving very sue- Best Half Pint by all druggists everywhere. Price 50e LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE The "Range Eternal" much interest is being man- Box Paper, 1 eackage today. 5c a box. Send coupon below for a trial treated in them.

Features of the re- Mission style, olfitdecture. Missi 20c Worth Octagon Soap, i5c -Second Senatorial and Floter- will out lest any range made. It is loc 4 5c cakes .1. Week's Cold Tablets, Free Trial Coupon I non-breakable and has a non-ruetable Tennessee and the sweet music ren- a on lining of amalgamated copper and Cvention at Bll dered by the members of the orchestra. 0 worth Ivory Soap 20.

to F. A. Stuart Stuart steel. Nothing like it on the market. composed of Messrs.

Bonds, Lee and GET RID OF toe 23c 4 5o cakes g. Gap, Be ure you see it at Clarence Mashburn, and Wagner. The '4 LI, Marshall, Send me at once i by return mail, a free trial package erchestra renders music accompanied by COUGHS AND Pines Cold of Stuart's Calcium BAIRD-CATES CO. the congregational singing. 15c worth Parlor Matches, loe Tablets, Special Knoxville Sentinel.

Fountain City Baptist. 3 5c boxes i BRISTOL. Jail. Zee democratic son- Rev. Tyree C.

WhItehurst, pastor of Gowan's Croup 19c Name ntorial nod floterial 'eteivention for the 1 second district was called yesterday aft- WOMAN SMOTHERS WHEN the Fountain City Baptist church, who 1 and Cold 3 dozen Best Nutmegs, 10c Papo's Cold I ernoon by the 'senatorial committee afrer 1 Remedy, Rich flavor, full of oil Comp Street I a hot fight between the Cox and Worley DELUGED BY SAWDUST 19c I menibers of the committee, the former I 19c (telling for a poistponement in behalf of ex- Gov. Cox. who is regarded as a prob- TACOMA, Jan. 28-A moun- Vick't Croup COUPON WORTH 15o COUPON WORTH 15c Hill's Cascara ale candidate. The Worley DIVII con- tam of water-soaked sawdust released Salve, Quinine, 1 trolled the committee and called the con- from its positio at the top of a hill 9 4i Present this coupon with 10c Present this coupon with 10e 19 for May 4, at Belle flap.

Sea- about mile east of Fairfax, HOW TO BE SLIM 1 3c )c to either uhlman Store an ree tor Sena wee present and defended the and receive a 25c box of three I For Chapped, Blotchy, I position taken by- his friends on the crashed do the 'em bankent, tore strong two-story home of J. H. Sidles 1 Vapoline," ceiVe a full 26c Jar Stone's (rout'. Dr. Cunningham's rinkled Sktn 1 mmis Cu or ns to a nomination In eley.

If yoe are too fat 11-11(1 want to re- i applied locally, and Pneumonia Salve, a valuable cakes Graham's Cureskin Soap, Cold Capsules, Se of the Cox men vrithdrew from the to Pieces and instantly killed Mrs. duce your weight 15 or 20 pounds, meeting before the work was finished. Skiles, who was alone in her home. den sterve end weaken your ss- n'y 19c itie and nurse remedy for coughs, cold and neu- a medicated soap for toilet, bath I 23c ralgry. Her husband is principal of the Fair- tem.

or think you must always be I to you realize that Just beneath that laughed at on account of your fat. EIGHT REPUBLICANS ASK fax school and had left home with hie uoarse, rough or discolored cornett eior, but go to any good druggist, and got tie rtes tin exquisitely heittiliftil tiKki fir tWa SOna some time liel'ore the slide. box of Oil of Korein capsules. take 1Tllo a outhful tint and delicacy? If rou en ld NOMINATION IN tm BLOUNT The sawdust was years in aceul- ne after each and one before 1 only bring this complexion to the ul' toting, being the "dump" of an retiring at night. i 9 Save Kuhlman Cash Rei almolive ster face, discarding the old n- one: You car, abandoned mill.

Weigh yourself once a week and 4 in the easiest. simplest. most natural Two Out, for Sheriff, One for note what a pleasant and. reliable Water Tckets Offer 39c, manner imaginalle Just get a ouce method this Is for removing super- of ordinary inereolized wax at any drug- Tax Assessor, Five for (M (limos fat from any part of, the body. tore.

app ly, nightly like fold crea. GETS $20 415 JUDGMENT it costs little. Is absolutely harm- I Spl 2 for 25c It The 50o Pam- pving IL mornings with warm water. Trustee, Primary Fel), 19, I sin sure a week's trial 1 The WaX assists Nature by gradually tee- FROM SLAYER OF HUSBAND should eonvince anyone that it is Quarts, 25c. olive Vanishing ing off the lingering particles of dead to he burdened with even Naturets laxative Cream and 30o and half-dead surfnee skin, causing ao Speriol TO The Sollinot.

a poittni of unsightly fat. SOUTH Jen. K-11)111aan'S Drug Stores can supply So popular have proved ur offers to redeem our Cash Register worth Palmolive tbecointort whatever, Cutaneous e' utanos de- min VILLE Ian, Two water Soap, all for 390 retie like chaps, 'melees, blotehes, liver ere seeking the limninat ion fo sheriff, of the largest Judgments OVer rendered i Tickets as part payment of valuable premiums, offered at car load spots, moth patches, freckles, of eourse no for tax assessor and live tor trustee In a SL es' disappear with the old skid. Nothing in the republican pH inai which will be Joseph county court tvas given i 1 li will else will accomplish such wonderful re- held in Blount county rob. It, to eons- Mrs.

John G. Snyder in the cireuit I i suite in so short a time. 'Late candidates for tee hre calves, italitas ot pr ces on the single item, hat "we now add MANY OTHER Emetme Fine hues and even the deeper wrin- court against Thoman L. Jetton. Mrs.

seaseeeeeese PREMIUMS. Catalogue will seen be ready for die' Men et often appear at that season, In suet. I obtained $20,4111.16 damages in A tonic, highly ibution Scores of people ave already secured the Dinner Sets, oo th aste nothing is better than a face bath JUDGE DANA HARMON WILL 1 a came pending mince Den'. kill- recommended tr made by dissolving I oZ. powdered itaX- ed John Snyder severni yearm ago.

He eine in ti pt. witch hazel. This It, re- 6 a distilled from Toledo Scooters and Rockers. Cut to marka bly effect Iva- (Ad vt.) NOT RUN FOR CONGRESS! wilts sntenced estsd inter part-limed, Prevents and 1 DI 1909 Mrs. Snyder lirought suit a remedial corrects 1 i Jetton for damages and oh- mineral.

le Pedal TO The (Ile Ses(inct agnnst ti Pyorrhoea 3 I allied Judgment for eetton was 444.444.44444.444.14444444 Jan. While In Pr es- 1 lipalee to satisfy the claim at that! ir! For Nervous People II gives Streng Listerine .0 tcii this week. Judge I Harmon. i Since then his father left hint HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 Orient judge of the first joilicbil etre; a farm tif 260 acros, valued at ap- 1 Ambition rills are a dependable ally tri-' not HIC Kl (lth cATARRH OR A COLD cult nf Tennessee, took ercattion to proxmeitely $35,000. Interest hem been 1 in the tight against Nervous Prostra NUJOL put an end to the reports that! he isset aceniing a the rate of aliit non, Sleeplessness and various affec- enter the rare for against I annually, Hong of the Nervous system.

Lack of SO generally used. 0. 19c Says Cream Applied In Nostrils Cong R. remean Sam Sells. Ile staled i onfidece trebling, kidney' or liver I A natural min'.

The first bottle benefits ou or your money refunded, A wine- Opens Mr Passages Right Up. that While tic. had becie solicited to 1 complaints, ttletina inefficiency ra oil and I '1 or con No better, safer run. that be finish had derided to fi Ills RENOUNCES FORTUNE IN eventually failure. If you wish to re- like, powerful cod liver and iron tonio-reoonstructor.

or more pleasant tt-ros as judge. as Ile thrtiP ea cove. your for mr eigo and energy, f. sti pation. antiseptic 14 remaining.

Ile stilt that, he a FAVOR OF HIS MOTHER pees I try Wendell's Ambition Pills. If you rot had no pelitical Instant rellef--no melting. Your aspirations. are dissatisfied. Kuhlman's Drug Stores KUHLM AN ClIAMBLISS CO 0 cloged nostrils open right up; the air 1 SAN FRANVISCO, Jan.

2S-- Frank are authorized le' the maker to re- 1 tsragest of oyur head clear and ars eeps, ye old, renounced an in- fund th pu rchieee price on the first ki 5 can breathe freely. No more haw ng you, I KINGSTONIANS GET GOOD 0,,,., in favor of till box uti al rders i OPERATING 1 an ac snuffling. blowing, headache, dryness. PRICE FOR 1915 CORN CROP Jones fathr In" Mary E. Jones, while to feel ambitio I No Istrugling for breath at night; your .5 died tevo months PIM --to beve the energy that makes you go tit $30 Ann till to work eag erly a id feel the glow I NG EIR PREC Filled promptly, 'Y cold or catarrh dittappeare IPIVIwr estate illlerl 'll.

Get a small bottle of ayes ereat ea Ihe b. ot vhi THE TONIC. 4l, Is bequeathed to the widow, of hi and strength 411 c. eTt ee, 1,1 fqt alm from your druggist now. Apply le reG-- Nt nosA end sm, reason Jones dia not men Am bilien Pills will assist you in Robert sold their 1915 crop of iiii a title of thie fragrant, antiseptic hP eal.

tel by return train if Just keeps on 1 )rn His Harriman Milling! cempativ lion his son in the in. ThPrttOra the I vercoming General Debilite Men creare in our nostrils. It en- 1 rr 11 the first of OM UV le anemia hong en' le ti. and the son is entitled to DelWasitin and Unstrung Nerves, etrates through every air pessage of about ten tholisand bushels. They real- of the estate.

etilisell by over-Indulgence in Alcohol, the head, Soothes the or ized 7ii, vents per bilmhel, which la eon- "I mu young. have good health and Telmer or overwork of any kind. Fit- WHERE THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE BR I TH ossible selling. swollen mucoun membrane and rellefl reicreri rather good for this season. am well ehle to support mymelf," Jones ty rents at Kulilm SRIPTIONS an's Drug Stores and 0- 41 comet; in 4rtantly.

aild Judge Graham. "I wilsh to re- tlealerts elsewhey e. Mall orders filled, 4 I Its just fine. Don't stee sturred-up MONEY To LOAN ON Real Estate my rights of inheritance in fa- charges prepaid, by the Wendell Mar- with a cold or nasty catarrh. 8.

R. RAMBO, 703 Prince St. vol. of My mother." mace! Conipany, Syracuse, IT. Y.

4 i 1 r-- I 1.

Knoxville Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 5500

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.