Knoxville Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


STILL OF LABOR DAY MOM'. OVER POPE'S ATMar; troopL The people IT Y0USEErFIN so.7 troops. The people aro Pontiff Believes United States is in Position to Make Propositions. I 9 -1 I 1, 11 II WASHINI1TON, Sept. 1LEfforts of rope Benedict to bring about peace in Europe continued an absorbing subJect of discussion today in 4.ff1cia1 and diplomatic circles here.

dispatches from Rome quoting the Pope as expressing the belief that the United States is now in a position to address both grouOs of belligerents in the matter of Peace with the possibility of inducing them to take the pre liminary steps which would lead to negotiations for the cessation of the war. attracted considerable attention here. The belief was expressed by prominent Oatholics usually informed regarding affairs at the vatican that the financial condition of the leading belligerents would compel consideration of peace overtures before the opening of another iwnter campaign. MARTIAL LAW PREVAILS THROUGH PORT AU PRINCE PORT AU PRINCE, Sept. Caperton, in command of the American expeditionary forces today proclaimed martial law at Port Au Prince an din other districts occupied O.

ow DAILY FROM 2:00 TodayLast me. i -I ro 0 0 milk, 4, 4 1 MO Onnom rzz412251 1G AN rs mtrav IT POPULAR VAUDEVILLE and MOTION PICTURES ALL THIS WEEK. FRED HAMILTON Baritone Singer MISS BEATRCE BOOTH Character Singer BILLY AND BERTHA MORRIS Bleckfaoe Comedy Act PRINCE LAVELLO Violinist Supreme Electric Film Co. Presents 'THE PRIMA DONNA." 3 Parts. This is the last week that Mr, and Mrs.

Will Vick will appear at the Grand. DON'T FORGET OUR DAILY MATINEES 3-----SHOWS DAILY-3 TO 10:30 chance to see etrova going to the bulletin boards family to the Bijou. be announced from stage o'clock. the Winning Candidates. kNJi 14.

4 4,,, 4 tomr I IR6 1 gri 1 a n74, I sr 0 i "The Vampire" Pronounced by majority present yesterday as being one of strongest pictures ever seen at Bijou. SEE IT TODAY BY ALL MEANS. All the men folks who are tonight, bring your All available returns will at 9:00 SEM SCHOOLS Program Just Issued Indicates That Gathering Will Be Strong Ode. FIFTH PRESBYTERIAN ommainnanne Will Open With Reports Sept. 21, and Close Afternoon of Sept.

22. Judging from the program or the seventh annual convention of the Knox County Sunday School association, Just completed, the conveneu will be one of the best ever held. The inspiring speakers who will take pars should do much towards enabling delegates to make clearly evident the convention motto, "We're Going Fob The convention will be held Tuesday, Sept 21 and Wednesday, Sept 22 at the Fifth Presbyterial. church, 2150 Linden avenue, Park City. The convention will open Tuesday morning, Sept.

21 at 9 o'clock, Re. Robt. I. Gamon, D. presiding.

Prayer and praise service will first Ye conducted by Rev. I. L. Jones, thw power is prayer being emphasized. A Bible meditation will next be conduct ed by Rev.

George R. Stuart, D. IA Progress of the Knox County Sunday School association will then be showu by the President's message; report of secretary: report of treasurer; report of gold star district presidents. Judge Joseph Carthel, secretary of the Tennessee Sunday School association will make an address on "Methods That Win." Rev. O.

R. Tarvvater will speak on "The Obligation of the Church to the Child." Five minute talks will be given after luncheon, N. B. White presiding, as follows: "Father," R. B.

Wedding; "Mother," Mrs. J. B. Ranasdell; "Sister," Miss Katherine Carson; "Brother," W. M.

Brownlee; and "Baby," Miss Kathleen Kellar. L. T. Mapadden, vice-president, will preside at the afternoon session Tuesday, Sept. 21.

A prayer and Praise service, with the topic, "What Place Has Prayer in Our Lives?" will be led by Rev. M. E. Miller. Rev.

George R. Stuart, D. D. will again have charge of the Bible meditation. Pledges from ddstricts, schools and individuals, will next be received.

S. O. Houston, president of the Tennessee Sunday School association, will then conduct a conference on "The Problems of the Rural Sunday School." An elementary conference will be held Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 21, in the Sunday school room, conducted by Mrs. W.

L. Trent. C. A. Blackburn, secretary, will preside at the session Thursday night, Sept.

21. The session will open with prayer and praise service on "The Effect of Prayer on Our Lives," led by Rev. J. Luther Franz. Rev.

Thos. A. Ashburn. will make an al dress on "Conserving Our Resources In the Sunday School." Rev. W.

D. Nowlin, D. will speak on "When a Church Really Studies the Bible." Song and benediction will conclude the session's program. S. O.

Houston, state president, will Preside at the session Wednesda7; i morning, Sept. 22. Rev. W. R.

Dawson, D. will conduct prayer and i Praise service. with the topic, "The 'Sunday School and Family Prayers." Bible meditation has been assigned to Rev. Len G. Broughton, D.

D. judge Joseph Carthel will sneak on "Sunday School Problems from a I Teacher's Standpoint." I The closing session, Wednesday atternoon, Sept. 22, will be opened at 2 o'clock with prayer and praise sr-vice on the topic, "What We Should Pray For." led by Rev. Dwight Cameron. A discussion of "The Why nd How of the Graded Lessons" will be conducted by Judge Joseph including talks as follows: Rev.

Robt. I. Gamon. D. 1The import, ance of the Graded Lessons." I SPECIAL MUSIC FOR FIRST CUMBERLAND A special Musical program will be rendered at Cumberland Presbyterian church Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock.

Master Swan Haworth, will sing at this service though he is only 9 years of age, he Possesses a wonderful voice. The program is as follows: Voluntary, Eligie Ernest Christian Soldiers Solo, Love Lifted Me. Obligata Master Swan Haworth Miss Rena Henry. violin. Miss Elizabeth Henry.

piano. Offertory. Andante Schubert Antrim, I Will Feed My Flock Simner Duet, My Faith Looks Up to Thee Lucher Miss Anna Reid, Miss Sadie Butcher. Hymn, Blow Ye the Trumphet. Double Quartet.

Let Mount Zion Herbert Hymn, I Love to Tell. the Story Choir Chorus. All Hail Public cordially invited. Mrs. Sam Smith director.

Miss Laura Mae Ashburn, organist. REV. H. BOOTH SMITH BACK FROM VACATION Rev. Herbert Booth Smith returned In his 'touring car night from Washington, where during hii six weeks' vacation period he has tilled the pulpit of the New York avenue Presbyterian church.

Rev. Mr. Smith will again be in his putt nt the Second Presbyterian church day. He will preach Sunday morning on "Can These Bones Live?" and Sunday night on, "Seventh Day Adventists." Almost 3,000 miles have been tray-led by Mr. Smith In his touring cur since he left Knoxville.

He ham had few punctures. ONOMIE REV. C. W. KELLEY, D.

D. IN HIS PULPIT SUNDAY Rev. Chap. NV, Kelley, D. pastor of the Centenary M.

E. church. South, has returned from his vacation, and will fill his pulpit at both services Sunday, Dr. eKlley visited his old home I place in Virginia. 1 THE NAME STARR On the fall board of a piano player is always indicative Of piano quality, and is an assurance that back of the instrument is the authomtive standing of the largest exclusive manufacturer of pianos in the United States and one of the most reliable, best equipped institutions the world.

THE STARR GUARANTEE Not only means that the piano or player piano when sold to you is right, but is an assurance of satisfaction that remains with each STARR instrument. THE STARR PIANO 517 Market Street Knoxville, Tenn 00000 rs' PON our re- turn from the trp summer tion we are at our best; there is no period better for a photographic portrait than this one. Poise and individuality are evident. We had relief from business and home cares and strenuous shopping, and the result is easily apparentwe are looking our best. Telephone for an early engagement over New Phone 1198.

Ithaffi lrakebilll I' "Photographers In Your Town." Our Friends and Patrons 4 Are requested to get their work, and do trading early Monday morning, as our store WILL CLOSE in the afternoon for Labor Day. B. W. Akers Jeweler and Optician, 1 427 Gay St. In For Frames of Every.

Kind Go To Our Mouldings and Prices will both please you. 317 West Clinch Ave. I For Rent I Train Calls Given Prompt Attention. Joy rides and Weddings a Specialty. Citizens Auto Service We Never Close.

BOTH PHONES. olociaismomm "WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE SENTINEL, IT'S SO." -s (4 lp WS 4 I'llIfil 'I, 1 1 1.1 0 IX 1 '''''r Ii 3 1 1 :1 if THE 'I On the fall is a piano quail time that is the aut the largest turer of pik States and liable, best the worh THE ST Not only II, or plarer Pi ig right, biJ satisfaction each STAR THE ST) 517 I uknoxville, Knoxvilio, Tenn 00000 ,.,) ct: For Frames of Every. Kind Co To Wo,) 4 to ietioraitop Our Mouldings and Prices will both please you. 317 West Clinch Ave. FIRSTRev.

Len G. Broughton, D. 13., pastor. 10:30 a. m.

Can Pentecost be Repeated?" 7:30 p. tn. "The Church a. Losing Power." DEADERICK AVENUERev; W. D.

NOWIla, D. pastor. 10:30 a. i. The Christian's Marching Orders." 7:80.

How I Can Help My Church and Make it BELL AVENUE Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 p. by Rev. M. E. Lear, of ISLAND HOMERev.

J. L. Dance, postor. 10:30 a. m.

The Christian Lhallenged." 7:30 p. ni. "The Complete Triumph of the Gospel Through the Churches in This Dispensation." diJKLINGTON Rev. Geo. W.

Edens, pastor. 10:30 a. m. "The Mission of the Holy Spirit." 7:81) p. m.

"The Bread of Life." oUNTAiN CITYRev. Tyree C. Whitehurat, pastor. 10:45 a. m.

"ine Power With God." 7:30 p. in. "Beset." CAVALRYRev. W. N.

Rose, Pastor. Preaching morning and eveniii by the pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL MO FIRSTRev. C. E.

Clark, D. pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. m. by the pastor.

O. R. Tarwater, pastor. 10:30 a. Invitation to the Toiler." 7:80 p.

Leakage of Power." W. F. Ledford, pastor. 10:30 a. E.

A. Bishop, D. president of Murphy college, will preach. 7:45 p. Down Altars." EAST MAIN AVENUE.Rev.

G. S. Bales, pastor. 10:30 a. Battlement Around Home." 7:30 p.

tn. "Guarding the Association." M. E. SOUTH CHURCH STREET Rev. George R.

Stuart D. pastor. 10:30 a. tn. "An Adequate National Defense." 730 13.

Two First Drunks in the World's History and Their Results." CENTENARY Rev. Chas. W. Kelley, pastor. 10:30 m.

and 7:30 p. Preaching by the pastor. WASHINGTON PIKE Rev. C. H.

Williams, pastor. 10:30 "Fear Not, They That Be With LTs, Are More Than They That Be Against Us." 7:30 p. Wide-Awake Christian." VIRGINIA AVENUE Rev. G. K.

Patty, pastor. 10:45 a. Conversion of a Big 7:80 p. Way and God's Way." CLYDE AVENUE Rev. James Harle Lotspeich, pastor.

10:30 a. m. "The General Rules." 7:30 PreacIling by Rev. Geo. F.

Carr. "What Would You Do With Jesus, Villo Is Called Christ?" METHODIST HILL Rev. James Harts Letspeich, pastor. 7:30 p. m.


A. Bishop, D. president of Murphy college, Sevierville, will preach at the Park City M. E. church.

South, Sunday evening at o'clock. REV. L. G. HENDERSON, D.

D. IN HIS PULPIT SUNDAY Rev. Leroy G. Henderson, D. pas.

tor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church has returned from his vacation and will occupy his, pulpit Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Henderson has been visiting in the mountains of North Carolina. He has been away for five weeks.

YOUNG PEOPLE SOCIETIES TO HOLD JOINT MEETING M.MdMMI Local Christian Endeavor and Bap-tint Young People's unions will come together next Tuesday night at the First Baptist churc hto hear a lecture by Miss Lucy Cooper on missionary work. Miss Cooper has made a careful study of missionary work and has taken a special course at a Virginia training school. The lecture will probably be ilustrated. The September business meeting of the local Christian Endeavor union will be held in the auditorium of the First Baptist church just before the lecture, while a business meeting of the Baptist Young People's union will be held in the basem*nt of the edifice. The coming to Knoxville of Karl Lehmann will be discussed al the Christian Endeavor business meeting.

nN.o OAKWOOD SCHOOL WILL BE DEDICATED MONDAY Oakwood school building costing approximittely $40.000, will be dedicated Labor day afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock. The new building is two stories, with basem*nt. Architecture and equipment are most modern. Shower baths have been provided. Those who will take part in the dedicatory are: Rev.

W. D. Hutton, Rev. L. S.

Reynolds, Rev. E. R. Branen, Mayor R. H.

Underwood, J. D. Hoskins, D. Albright, T. J.

Hoskins, L. T. McSpadden, Supt. J. R.

Lowry, Dr. J. Q. A. West, Thom.

Parsons, Prfincipal James Russell, Rev. H. A. Carlton. A quartet will sing.

PRAYER SERVICES TO PREPARE FOR REVIVAL Beginning Sunday night, prayer services will be held at the Washington Pike M. church, South, every night the comirg week, preparatory to the revival that will be inaugurated at that church Sunday, Sept. 12. The serviced will be conducted by hey. S.

A. McGee, pastor (if the M. E. church, South, at LOIINVille. Tenn.

The prayer services will he conducted by Rev. C. paslor. "GOETHALS DAY" WILL RE OBSERVED AT 'FRISCO FAIR SAN FRANCISCO. Sept.

honor of Geonte W. Goothals, who was In charge of the eonstraction of the Panama Clintil the Panarna-Paeltio has Med next Tuesday as Goethals day. "WHEN 110t1 SEE IT IN THE SENTINEL, irs so." FIRSTRev. W. TallaterrO Thompson, pastor.

10:30 a. rn. "The Obedient Heart the Organ of gpirtual Knowledge." 7:30 m. 'Daniels Purpose." FOURTHRev. Joseph P.

Calhoun. D. pastor. 10:30 a. m.

Preaching by Rev. R. W. MeGranahan, D. will preach.

No night service. FIFTH AVENUERev. Leroy D. pastor. 10:30 a.

m. "A Royal Resolve." There will be no evening. service. KIRKWOODRev. H.

J. Wilson, pastor. 10:45 a. m. Rev.

D. P. Baker will preach in the absence of the pastor. CHICKAMAUGA AVENUERay. H.

Kerr Taylor, pastor. 10:30 a. m. "A Duty for Every Follower of Christ." 3 p. m.Special service to be conducted.

No evening service. FORT SANDERSRev. Rohl Gamon, pastor. 10:30 a. Sign of the Prophet Jonah." 7:30 p.

Nourishment." CHRISTIAN FIFTH AVENUERev. J. Lein KeeVII 10:30 a. of the Church Today." 7:45 p. of Signals by the Wat of Life." ANDERSON AVENUERev, J.

Ross Miller. minister. Preaching by Rev. J. 0.

Bass. of Johnson City. 10:30 a. 7:80 p.m."Love." EPISCOPAL St. JOHNSRev.

Walter C. Whittaker, D. D. 10:30 in the Kingdom of God." CHURCH OF THE EPHIPANY Rev. Dwight Cameron.

rector. 10:10 a. Faith Measured by Graditude?" 7:30 p. Thrift of the Christian." ENv3LISH LUTHERAN. ST.

JOHN'S Rev. J. Luther Franz, pastor. 10:30 a. rn.Sertnon by pastor.

No evening service. Cumberland Presbyterian 0WMWO 11MOMMI FIRST Rev. T. Ashburn, D. D.

pastor. Preaching morning and evening by the Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRS; CHURCH OF CHRIST 11 a. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF HOLY GHOST Father F. Hayes, pastor.

7:30 a. m. First mass. 10:30 a. mass.

4:00 p. In.Vespers. TABERNACLE PEOPLE'S Rev. W. E.

Parry, pastor, 10:45 a. 7 p. m.Preaching by Rev. P.S Pate, subject, "Our Golden Automobile." PLAN IS COMPLETED TO. SEND GOLD TO ATLANTA Sum of $5,000,000 Will be Expended to Aid In Movement of Crops.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4Formal orders designating the federal reserve banks of Richmond, Atlanta and Dallas as government depositaries were signed today at the treasury department and preparation made for dispatching from United States sub-treasuries $15,000,000 in gold to be used In aiding cotton producers. Each bank is to receive $5,000,000, and the shipments probably will start tonight on their Journey. Treasury offidlalg. declined as a precautionarl measure 0101 what sub-treasury will furnish the gold.

TROPICAL STORM DRAWS NEAR MEXIC GULF COAST WASHINGTON, Sept. 4The weather bureau announced today that the center of the tropical storm was approaching the gulf coast near the mouth of the Apalachicola river. The storm was expected to pass inland this afternoon and diminish in intensity. Reports from Cedar Keys, which was struck by the storm say water Is up to the main street and wind is blowing a gale. Little damHge to shipping Is expected, sufficient warning having been given to vessels in the storm's path to make all necessary preparations to withstand its force.

FORTY BEAUTIES SPONSOR MISSISSIPPI IN FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. pretty girl, representing as many counties of Mississippi, were among those who were to participate today in the celebration of "Mississippi day" at the Panama-Pacific exposition. John Dicks Howe, president of the local Mississippi society, was chairman of the day. Governor, Brewer was represented by E. Blakeslee, Mississippi commissioner of agriculture.

ma-mm 0 SHAM BATTLE MONDAY AT CHILHOWEE PARK 'A sham hottli tale place between tha state oahtla LAhor day suet. noon at Chilla.wee park. Capt. George A. Blair WM ti( al diorite.

E. A. Azalea' aim P. I. N.

rlc will be COMMIbISIOn ofticers preseto. Instructions for the Ahem battle given local at their weekk hfl Friciay night. held at the Armory, smith Gay treet. The Koposed was postponech PERRY GAMBLE NAMED ON CARTER HIGH FACULTY otd.von Perry Gamble am Instructor cl manual tra hong nd mathematics at Carter's ilish twilool by the Knot county high school bnAril In seslon Saturday at the county court bootie my. uamwe nucceeds Prof, w.

M. Vs who re- turns to gain principal of taw Wadley County school. He is a graduate of the in ersity of Tennettnee. Mayor Issues Proclamation. Exercises Will be Opened With Big Parade.

Industrial and business activities i will suspend Monday for observance! of Labor day. An attractive celebration has been arranged by the sCentral Labor union, including a parade to lcave the county court house at 9:30 osclock; address by George L. Bern, at 3:30 o'clock; contests during the afternoon; and dancing at night, as previously announced in The Sentinel. Mayor S. G.

lielskell issued a labor day proclamation Friday afternoon. Giant Submarine Is Reported Seen On Norway Coast This Is Regarded as Confirming Report of Germany's Expansions. BERLIN, Sept. to Say dispatch from Christiana states that a German submarine of a new type, far larger than any previous vessels of this character has been observed off the southwestern coast of Norway. This is regarded in Berlin as confirming reports that Germany is about to place in commission super-submarines far excelling the best of her submersibles hitherto.

SUBURBAN ANTISALOON LEAGUE AT SHANNONDALE The Anti-Saloon league of Fountain I City and community will hold a meeting tic Shannondale church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. J. C. Whitehurst, ot Fountain City, will deliver the address of the day.

Officers will be elected. 1 WILL COLLECT INCOME TAXES AT JELLICO For the purpose of collectin g. income taxes, E. N. Haston, income tax collector and Division Deputy Collector J.

A. Higgins, will leave Monday for Jet-Leo. Adjoining towns will also be visited and the revenue officials will probably be out of the city for three days. C. C.

MENZLER POSTPONES VISIT TO A LATER DATE C. C. Menzier, who had been invited to address W. L. Trent'! Sunday schcol class Sunday morning.

has postponed his isit until a later date. Sunday school classes ot other churches invited to hear Mr. Mens ler will be notified later by Air. Trent as to the time of Mr. Menzlees coming.

Alumni Boatride, Itiany valuable prizes will be given may oil the annual boat evcursion of the Alumni asbocistion of Central High tabool, which will be held Monday, Labor day. The steamer T. L. Brown has been chartered for the occasion. The boat will leaNe the Central street wharf la 2 o'clock Monday aftern000n and will return about 10 o'clock.

An orchestra has been employed to furnish the special niusic. Lancing will he enjoyed. All members who intend to make the trip vre requested to make arrangementb with IL Al. Shaw, treasurer of the association, Immediately. KNOXVILLE MARKETS Corrected by W.

W. Scarborough Co. (Selling PricesWholesale.) FRUITS AND VEGETABLESOnlons. Pe per bushel; potatoes, blIc per buithel; lemons, $3.50 per box; bananas, to 92.50 per box; oranges, 84.50 per box; canteloupes, 92.00 per crate; watermel. ons, $3.00 per crate.

Alberta peaches, 81,00 per crate: cabbage, 60c per 100 lbs.l tomatoes, b0c per new apples, bOe to $1.21) per cucumbers, 25 to 75c per home grown onions, 40c to 500 per new crop sweet potatoes, 60 to 20c per new Irish potatoes, 35 to 75c; per green Deana, 60 to 81.00 per bu roastingears, corn. 6' to 15c per dos. Evaporated peaehos, 6 to 7c per lb, according to grade Beans, October peens, 612 to 7e per white navy beann, COO per bu. Pure Apple Vinegar. 20c gallon.

Corrected by W. M. Latham. (Buying prices. wholesale.) POULTRY.

AIDS AND BUTTER. Legs. itic per hens, 10e per pound; butter, lfic per triers, lic per ducks, 9e per lb. Corrected by Petere.Bradiey MI II Co-(Selling prices, Wholesale.) GRAINFlour, 96,25 to 99.55; wheat, 91.15 to $IMI; corn, 83c to 86c; bran unit shortf, 91.62 to 91.67; meal, 95c. Corrected by J.

A. Bowman. (Retail Price.) FISHTennesbee river fish. 10 to 15c per mullet, 10e per black base, 12 and I5c per lb; dressed eat, 121,4, to 15n per speckled trout. I5o per perch and sheephead, 10 to 12kto per 'butter fish, 1c per assorted fish ter shipment, 8 to 10c per lb; pompano, nt per lb; red snapper, Inc per Corrected By D.

R. Mayo. (Selling PricesWholesale.) REEDRed clover. 89 to 910 per l. Alfalfa clover, $1000 to 311.00 Per bu.1 aleyke clover, $900 to per crimson clover, 95.50 to 86.00 per timothy, $325 to $3.76 per bu; red top, 25,2 to Zoo per Kentucky blue cfrase, iI50 per orchard grass, 92.1 per Mi.

corrected by East Tennessee Packing Co. (M'bolesale Selling Prices.) LIVE STorKSteers 6 to lc per bulls. 41,1. to Vic per pound; spring lambs, 7 to 74ie per pound; fat cows, 8 to per VIUnd; 1111: DRESSED :4 MA TLa rd. Ten neaaeo.

lV2 Ie per Tenneettee, II ti4oulto llce 111ireieebhiinseoeemeges6' I CI a ler per PCI nilottil.1:;ko ti Tennessee ummon cow 3 4A: ter lb. Probate Court. Booker, guardian of Li final settlement anti slu*t o11(1 her k)i ictsinen wore discharged, Tito lost will Hod temlarnont of W. A. itolen W.

to Drobate, and Rosh 11. Ito i.f1 executrix, bond being waived. A. T. rto.ciaiut qualified az road over neer or the jith district guardiart of Elmer pen, mad, mini settlement and he and hie bondsmen vero dischargad.

A I imismore, agent of the Ado 11)64 paid into court $51.20. "WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE SENTINEL IT'S SO." Election Returns Tonight With Moving Pictures of LAST SHOW STARTS AT 9:15 MARGUERITE LAIltftf In the supreme triumph of her for this star careerthe play specially written "HELENE of the NORTH" Closing Chapters of AU t11 FridaySaturday (Today) "The Disappearing Helmets." MondayTuesday (Labor Day) "Tbe Triumph of Elaine" PATHE NEWS-- COMING Triple Holiday Bill Sam Bernard in 'Poor Schmaltz' "TRIUMPH OF ELAINE" MONDAY EEEll Last Chapter of this Greatest of All Serials. LOCAL NEWSFire Dept; In Action, Winning Candidates in Primary. PATHE NEWSGalveston Flood, Big Gun Target Practice, Baby Parade at Asbury Park, Review of Atlantic Fleet, etc. The QUALITY SHOW One Hour and a Half for Ten Cents.

First Show Starts Immediately After the Parade 0.1) 1 Where Everybody Goes..

Knoxville Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.